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  <!-- Created with AOLpress/2.0 -->
  <!-- AP: Created on: 11-Dec-2000 -->
  <!-- AP: Last modified: 15-Dec-2001 -->
  <TITLE>The Metric Menu</TITLE>
<H1 ALIGN=Center>
  The Metrics Menu
This menu is not present in the Bitmap View, and the Metrics View only contains
"Center in Width" and "Thirds in Width".
    <A HREF="#Center">Center in Width</A>
    <A HREF="#Thirds">Thirds in Width</A>
    <A HREF="#Width">Set Width...</A>
    <A HREF="#LBearing">Set LBearing...</A>
    <A HREF="#RBearing">Set RBearing...</A>
    <A HREF="#Auto">Auto Width...</A>
    <A HREF="#Kern">Auto Kern...</A>
    <A HREF="#Remove">Remove All Kern Pairs</A>
    <A HREF="#vertical">Set Vertical Advance</A>
    <A NAME="Center">Center</A> in Width
    In the Outline and Metrics Views this centers the current character (makes
    its lbearing be the same as its rbearing) within the current width.
    In the Font View the same thing is done for all selected characters.
    <A NAME="Thirds">Thirds</A> in Width
    This is very like Center in Width above... except that I happen to prefer
    having a bit more white space after my characters than before them. So this
    command makes the rbearing twice the lbearing (instead of making them be
    the same).
    Set <A NAME="Width">Width</A>...
    <IMG SRC="setwidth.png" WIDTH="290" HEIGHT="186"><BR>
    The Set Width command allows you to change the width of the current character
    (in the outline view) or all selected characters (in the font view). You
    may either set the width to an absolute value, change the width by adding
    a constant value to it, or multiply it by a scale factor.
    Set <A NAME="LBearing">LBearing</A>...
    The Set LBearing command is similar to the Set Width command above, the dialog
    is pretty much the same except that it applies to the left side bearing rather
    than to the width.
    Set <A NAME="RBearing">RBearing</A>...
    The Set RBearing command is similar to the Set Width command above, the dialog
    is pretty much the same except that it applies to the right side bearing
    rather than to the width.
    <A NAME="Auto">Auto</A> Width...
    This command is only available in the font view.<BR>
    <IMG SRC="autowidth.png" WIDTH="276" HEIGHT="316"><BR>
    The Auto Width command will attempt to guess reasonable widths (more accurately
    reasonable left and right side bearings) for your font. The command looks
    at all possible combinations of indicated characters (if you request more
    than 300 characters it will only look at the first 300 to avoid running out
    of memory (300*300 takes up a fair amount of room). You must specify two
    different sets, one for the character on the left (which will have its right
    side bearing adjusted) and one for the character on the right (which will
    have its left side bearing adjusted. I know that sounds backwards but think
    about it a little), of course these two sets may be the same. You may apply
    the command to all characters in the font (if there are few than 300 of course),
    to all the selected characters, the the characters A-Z, a-z and 0-9 or to
    a list of characters you specify yourself (characters may be specified either
    by themselves or by a range, so "ace-g" means the characters a, c, e, f and
    g (if you put commas and spaces in the list they will be treated as characters.
    If you want to specify a hyphen, put it first or last, so "-a-z" means hyphen
    and all letters a-z)). <A HREF="metricsview.html#Entering">For information
    on entering non-ASCII characters see that section in the metrics view</A>,
    ranges are based on Unicode code points.
    Last of all the Spacing text box allows you to say how close you want the
    characters to be. If you look at a sanserif capital I, and you autowidth
    it with itself (and nothing else) the sum of the left and right side bearings
    should be equal to the spacing. If you have serifs and curved letters things
    are more complex, but that is roughly what's going on. The number here is
    chosen to be a reasonable spacing for a sanserif font. You may need to adjust
    it to suit your own preferences.
    Auto <A NAME="Kern">Kern</A>...
    This command is only available from the font view. <BR>
    <IMG SRC="autokern.png" WIDTH="276" HEIGHT="395"><BR>
    The Auto Kern dialog looks almost exactly like the Auto Width dialog above.
    For each character pair, it will set the sum of <BR>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;right bearing of
    left character&gt; + &lt;left bearing of right character&gt; + &lt;kern&gt;
    = &lt;spacing&gt; + &lt;character shape fudge factor&gt;<BR>
    The "fudge factor" is determined by dividing the character into a series
    of zones (it figures out where the serifs are and each serif has its own
    zone (descender, baseline, x-height, ascender, cap-height), then the gaps
    between the serifs are also zones). It looks for the closest approach of
    the two characters within each zone and performs a complicated average to
    figure out the fudge. If that fudge would lead to a &lt;kern&gt; which causes
    any zone to be too close then it is adjusted up. The exact method is subject
    to change as bugs are found.<BR>
    If the absolute value of a &lt;kern&gt; is less than the threshold then no
    kerning information will be produced for that pair of characters. If the
    algorithm (and any previously existing kern pairs) lead to more pairs than
    specified by "Total Kerns" then a new threshold value will be determined
    and any pairs whose &lt;kern&gt; is less (in absolute value) than this new
    threshold will be removed.<BR>
    Remember kerning is not part of PostScript&reg;, whatever word processor
    you use needs to read the kerning information from the afm file.
    <A NAME="Remove">Remove</A> All Kern Pairs
    In the font view removes all kern pairs in the font.<BR>
    In the outline character view removes all kern pairs where the current character
    is the left hand character.<BR>
    Not present in the Metrics or Bitmap views.
    Set <A NAME="vertical">Vertical</A> Advance...
    If vertical metrics are enabled for the font this will be active in the font
    and outline character view.<BR>
    It behaves exactly like Set Width... except it works on the vertical advance
    rather than the horizontal advance (width).
  Other menus
    <A HREF="filemenu.html">File</A>
    <A HREF="editmenu.html">Edit</A>
    <A HREF="pointmenu.html">Point</A>
    <A HREF="elementmenu.html">Element</A>
    <A HREF="hintsmenu.html">Hints</A>
    <A HREF="viewmenu.html">View</A>
    <A HREF="metricsmenu.html">Metrics</A>
    <A HREF="cidmenu.html">CID</A>
    <A HREF="windowmenu.html">Window</A>
    <A HREF="helpmenu.html">Help</A>
    <A HREF="HotKeys.html">Hot Keys</A>
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