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  <!-- Created with AOLpress/2.0 -->
  <!-- AP: Created on: 16-Sep-2001 -->
  <!-- AP: Last modified: 5-Feb-2002 -->
  <TITLE>Older changes to PfaEdit</TITLE>
<A HREF="index.html#change-log">Current changes</A>
    2 Jan 2002
	Copy From has been made global and sticky (each font used to have a seperate
	value and it got lost on exit. Now there is one global value and it is saved
	in the prefs file).
	Copy From now allows you to control whether a character's name should be
	copied along with the glyph data (only in font view).
	View-&gt;Fill should now show the current setting.
	If there were background images in a glyph then changing the Show/Hide rulers
	made the display wrong
	In the Outline view, the character's popup box would appear if the mouse
	were over the menubar. Werner thought that inappropriate.
	If import bitmaps needed to expand the number of characters in a font (to
	provide slots for all the bitmaps) it would fail to do so properly. Resulting
	in a crash.
	Hmm. There appears to be a race condition inside the XServer on my machine
	and if I map a window but destroy it before I read the MapNotify (or possibly
	Expose) event on the queue, then the server will calmly crash. This can happen
	if a progress indicator is ended just after we decide to display it. I've
	tried to work around it, but there may still be holes.
	Added an "About..." menu entry to display the splash screen again
	Gleep! type1 cid font generation had a couple of problems
	Print Sample is now available for cid fonts.
	View-AntiAlias didn't work (characters were always displayed as antialiased)
	Menus made more responsive to key presses.
	The Zoom In and Out commands are now centered around the selection (if there
	is one, if not they continue to use center of the window)
	Changed the order of entries in the Point Info dlg so that Prev is above
	The Escape key can be used to deselect
	New copyright notices.
	TextFields had numerous display problems. Should have fewer now.
	The 15 Dec image crash fix was not complete, turns out there were two memory
	problems (well, two so far)
	Some dialogs could show up half off the right edge of the screen. Should
	not do so now.
	Added a few more language samples for printing.
	Bidi display didn't work when there were lots of combining letters around
	Bidi printing didn't work when there was more than one line of right to left
	Typing control characters to the fontview will no longer move to that character.
	    Typing [Return] opens selected characters
	    Typing [Tab] moves to next character with something in it.
	Depressing the right mouse button invokes a popup menu in the fontview now.
	Trying to move a control point with the mouse while simultaniously moving
	the point itself with the arrow keys used to cause a crash
	Selecting a bdf font which was in a bad format as a background caused a crash.
	The german ui file should be in better german
	pfaedit would not notice that an iso10646 bdf file was unicode
	Support for conversion to and from some 2 byte encodings (LocalCharset preference
	sfd files store the font's encoding as a string rather than a number now
	so if we add more standard encodings things won't get screwed up as they
	were when we added johab.
	<FONT COLOR="Red"><STRONG>TrueType hints were terrible</STRONG></FONT>. I
	fixed one huge bug. There are still problems with diagonals and the results
	are not as nice as Fontographer's, but they are better.
	Some more greek fixes.
	Metrics window did not handle the transition from a left -&gt; right view
	to a right-&gt;left one properly (mostly this means if you had a blank metrics
	view and you put a hebrew/arabic character into it then that character was
	displayed left to right).
	The transform dialog in the fontview now has a checkbox which allows you
	to control whether you want the background transformed in sync with the
	Fixed another bug with cid fonts, this one when attempting to create such
	a font in the absence of cidmap files
	Fixed a bug when outputting otf cid files (bug appeared when I added vertical
	When loading a cid font PfaEdit could get caught up in an semi-infinite loop
	asking for cidmap files. Should be fixed now.
	Finally got rid of the annoying warning about tempnam() when linking.
	Scrollbars didn't always update in big textfields
	Missed the hot key for unlink reference in the font view.
	Fixed crash when clearing empty character cells
	More greek accent fixes
	changed character popups slightly.
	Added another problem to find problems. Will now check for flipped references
	(=&gt;counter-clockwise paths most of the time)
	Interesting. The EuroFont uses the endchar opcode in way that both the type1
	and type2 docs claim to be illegal (it is not the last thing in the subroutine,
	it is followed by a return). Since EuroFont is from adobe, I presume the
	docs are wrong, so I ignore this error now. (The Adobe people insist that
	the docs are right, just misleading. That the endchar is the last thing in
	the subr because nothing after it gets executed. Hmm, I continue to be misled)
	PfaEdit will be better able to figure out where hints should be active when
	it reads in a postscript font.
	Autohint will no longer find some erroneous hints.
	Autohint will now find the serifs in Nimbus Roman
	Copying a background image caused a crash at some indeterminate future time
	Made the Help browser configurable
	Changed greek accent processing so that it uses more of the greek accents.
	For reasons known best to themselves, unicode tends to map greek varia to
	grave, oxia to accute, etc.
	More work to make sure the screen fonts are readable
	tabbing into a text field selects all of it.
	autotrace 2.8 has changed its argument conventions. new versions of pfaedit
	will no longer work with autotrace2.7.
	If a menu doesn't fit in its window there is now a way to get at the menu
	items which are offscreen
	Cleaned up the panose (fontinfo) window
	Added names to the private use area of unicode for greek small caps (starting
	at 0xf500)
	Fixed a couple of autohint problems
	Manual hint addition might refuse to add a hint if it didn't like it. It
	should now realize that the user is in charge...
	Oops Edward Lee points out that I was missing some colons in my eps file
	Hot key added for Unlink Reference
	Werner found two more bugs when reading in cid keyed fonts without a
	corresponding cidmap file.
	Fixed a crash if there were no .cidmap files and PfaEdit was not installed
	in a directory named bin.
	Cleaned up the distribution a bit per Werner's requests
	Added a ScreenWidthCentimeters resource
	PfaEdit will no longer ask the X (Font) Server to scale bitmap fonts. It
	will only used unscaled bitmaps or outline fonts.
	Fixed a crash when adding (manually) a minimum distance hint to the width.
	Fixed a bug in the configure script which caused it to fail on solaris
	Added proper names for Hangul Syllables
	The Greek fixup wasn't working as it should (sometimes would generate two
	characters named "Delta" in pfb files). Should be fixed. Should also be
	controlable by Preference item (ie. you can turn it off if you want to)
	The metrics view did not display changes
	The metrics view's cursor sometimes got stuck in the wrong shape
	Merge Kern Info dlg crashed if you cancelled it.
	The encoding tables in the cmap are supposed to be ordered by platform and
	mine were not.
	PfaEdit would crash when writing out very large copyright notices
	    I lifted the 2000 character restriction on copyright strings.
	If there were more than 2 lines of tabs in a TabSet then clicking on a tab
	would often cause the wrong pane to appear.
	Cleaned up Font Info a bit so it looks better with the Russian translations.
	Fixed a memory leak when generating a truetype font with an encoding other
	than unicode.
	Fixed a crash when generating a truetype font which referenced characters
	with encodings bigger than 65535.
	Added a patch from Ulrich, PfaEdit now reads class based kerning from the
	GPOS table.
	Figured out the format of mac .dfont files
	The mac Command (Apple, Cloverleaf) modifier key is now treated as if it
	were the Control key (So users may exit PfaEdit with Command-Q as they expect).
	Another bug reading in flex hints from OTF. Fixed by Ulrich Klauer.
	PfaEdit had problems with drawing images when there was an endian mismatch
	between the X server and the machine running pfaedit.
	Build Accented Character failed to update bitmaps in CID keyed fonts
	Build Accented Character will generate rotated characters when appropriate
	for CID keyed fonts
	    If a character's name is "vertcid_&lt;cid&gt;" where &lt;cid&gt; should be
	    replaced by a number, then that character will be replaced by a rotated version
	    of &lt;cid&gt;
	    If a character's name is "vertuni&lt;uni&gt;" where &lt;uni&gt; should be
	    replaced by a 4 hex-digit number, then that character will be replaced by
	    a rotated version of the unicode character &lt;uni&gt;.
	When saving a font with rotated characters PfaEdit will now generate a vrt2
	feature in the GSUB table (this lets the font's users find out about the
	rotated glyphs.
	Before this PfaEdit would only read entries in the 'name' table which were
	in unicode (or macroman). PfaEdit is a bit more general now and will read
	the other encodings it knows about.
	Oops. Another screw up reading in open type.
	If the character at encoding 0 was not .notdef then PfaEdit would omit it
	when generating a postscript/opentype font.
	Adobe has upgraded their cid version for traditional chinese, so I generated
	a new cidmap to reflect that. I've also cleaned up most of the others.
	Initial version of vertical metric support.
	    (only in true/open type fonts)
	    Added ability to set the vertical advance of each character
	    Added ability to set the vertical origin (as an offset from the origin in
	    the design coordinate system (which happens to be the origin for horizontal
	    Added ability to set the line gap (er, column gap?)
	    What else do I need?
	Oops. Urich Klauer found a bug in my parsing of ttf/otf tables (introduced
	by the linegap change on 8 Nov) and sent a patch.
	PfaEdit was erroneously complaining that all ttf composit glyphs were too
	big (when reading them in, introduced 15 Nov).
	PfaEdit stored StdHW and StdVW in the wrong format when reading opentype
	fonts and any .pfa/b fonts generated from that db caused ghostview problems.
	Fixed a potential crash from popups in the fontview.
	Fixed three crashes in remove overlap (there are more problems)
	Added support for reading/writing mixed 8/16 bit encodings. (used in some
	CJK fonts)
	Added support for big5, johab (johab is untested, big5 minimally)
	Improved treatment of ttf encodings we don't understand.
	Added a command to move to the next defined character (useful in CJK encodings
	with great holes in the middle. Unicode too I suppose)
	Added a resource (<A HREF="xres.html">pfaedit.FontView.FontFamily</A>) to
	control the font for the character labels that appear above every user defined
	PfaEdit now supports multi-line copyright notices (must be less that 2000
	ascii characters though).
	Changed the configure script to deal with Mac OS/X properly (I hope)
	PfaEdit had a bug when loading some ttc files which caused it to crash.
	PfaEdit wasn't prepared for the erroneous truetype found in wcl-02.ttf, this
	caused a crash. PfaEdit should do better now.
	PfaEdit's scrollbars didn't work very well. Should be much improved now.
	PfaEdit used to generate an entire antialiased bitmap font to display in
	the fontview window. Now it only generates the images when it needs them.
	This speeds up the loading of large fonts and reduces their memory requirements.
	Some nearly horizontal (but non-linear) splines could not be selected.
	Changed the point info dlg so that users could set points back to have default
	control points.
	There was a pathway whereby points could be marked as having default control
	points even when they didn't. That one is plugged.
	The chinese font, kaui contains some interesting bugs which we've had to
	work around:
	    Glyph 257 contains a contour consisting of one off-curve point.
	    The encoding cmap refers to non-existant glyphs
	    The fpgm attempts to move points around (it isn't allowed to do that according
	    to the docs)
	Added support for macintosh resource fonts (by reading them from and writing
	them to macbinary wrapped files)
	Fixed a bug in metricsview where pasting with more than one character caused
	a crash.
	PfaEdit will now save ligature information in the GSUB table when creating
	an opentype font.
	When double clicking on a previously unused character, PfaEdit would not
	set the default ligature properly.
	PfaEdit would crash if you merged a font containing ligature information
	into another one (or diagonal stems or minimum distances).
	When opening some bdf files, pfaedit would display nothing until you resized
	the window.
	Added the ability to set the TTF linegap fields. There are two of them (one
	in OS/2 and one in hhea). I don't understand the distinction between them,
	so I set both to the same value.
	When merging fonts, characters which did not fit in the current encoding
	would be placed immediately after the last character with something in it.
	The intent was that they should go to an unused slot outside of the encoding
	rather than within. This has been fixed.
	I've added a preference item allowing you to configure the seperation between
	the base character and the accent in the Build Accented Character command.
	I've also changed it so that if the character is close to the x-height or
	the cap height, the accent is positioned as if the character were at the
	x-height (or cap height), this means the accents will be at a consistent
	level rather than slightly ragged.
	I moved the Make First command to the Point menu.
	Added a command to copy the splines in the foreground layer into the background
	PfaEdit would not notice certain disk errors when generating truetype fonts.
	It should do better now.
	PfaEdit could crash when generating postscript from a unicode font that did
	not contain all the greek letters.
	Fixed a display bug in the metrics view.
	PfaEdit should not be able to read in an opentype GPOS table and extract
	kerning information from it.
	PfaEdit will now put kerning info into the GPOS table when saving an opentype
	font. TrueType fonts will still put kerning info into the kern table.
	Added a command to remove width MDs &amp; changed ttf generation to check
	if there were any width MDs before setting the "metrics depend on pointsize"
	flag in the head table.
	Improved (I hope) placement of palettes under default gnome.
	There was a bug in my otf read in of 'hflex1' instructions which warped some
	otf fonts badly.
	Change type1 encoding vectors so that they start with a for loop setting
	everything to notdef. older versions of dvipdfm assume it's there
	Added two new concepts to hinting which only apply to truetype:
	    You can specify that a certain point should be rounded to the grid in x or
	    (note: points on hints don't need this, they'll always be rounded)
	    You can specify that the x or y distance between two points should never
	    vanish (this is called Minimum Distance)<BR>
	    (note: each hint implies one of these going from one side of the hint to
	    the other, also there is an implied one of these between any two non-overlapping
	    You can also specify that the distance between a point and the width should
	    never vanish. This means that there will always be at least one pixel between
	    that point and the advance width of the character.
	I removed the serif checker from the ttf instruction generator and moved
	it to the autohinter (with some changes of course) and it now generates minimum
	I added a minimum distance between the last stem of a character and the width.
	I added a user interface to display and control these
	I realized I was misinterpretting the ttf docs (again) and that IUP worked
	better than I thought, and so I removed my own interpolation code (thank
	you freetype! it is so good to see what the instructions do.)
	Cleaned up some rather technical issues in the truetype instruction generation
	occasioned by non-overlapping and non-intersecting hints.
	PfaEdit will now read (but not produce) '.gsf' files. These are yet another
	postscript format, like a pfa but without the eexec encoding. Ghostscript
	uses them (others may, I think Wadalab did...).
	Oops. In encodings containing characters with no defined postscript unicode
	names, then the name generated for an unused character was wrong.
	Oops. PfaEdit thought all user defined encodings were two byte encodings
	and produced a warning message for them when generating type1 fonts.
	Added a force encoding flag to the Font Info dlg. This is for those cases
	where PfaEdit reads in a font but can't figure out what the proper encoding
	is, then doing a force encoding will simply rename all the characters to
	match what they should be in the chosen encoding.
	Oops, neither afm nor bdf files were correctly normalized for fonts whose
	em size wasn't 1000.
	Improved bdf "CHARSET_COLLECTIONS" output.
	Added a command to make two lines parallel
	PfaEdit could crash when autohinting a diagonal hint.
	PfaEdit generated awful instructions (hints) for truetype characters. I've
	fixed some of the more egregious problems (I hope).<BR>
	In particular:
	    Diagonal hints were completely broken
	    Overlapping hints didn't work either
	    Normal hints with more than one point on them sometimes had the second (third,
	    fourth...) point moved by the wrong amount.
	    Points that weren't on any hints were often not interpolated properly.
	    The serif code picked up on things which weren't serifs and tried to hint
	    them as though they were.
	I've written a <A HREF="TtfMod/index.html">tool</A> which will allow you
	to look at what the instructions are and what they do.
	TTF spline approximation (cubic-&gt;quadratic) should be twice as fast.
	Clearing/Cutting a character with references from the font view corrupted
	PfaEdit's internal state. If this were followed by a reduction in the number
	of characters in the font (Element-&gt;Font Info-&gt;Encoding) a crash could
	Clearing/Cutting a character with dependents from the font view now gives
	the user the option of instanciating the character in all its dependents.
	Hmm. Apple has some very strange things to say about how offsets and scaling
	factors overlap in compound ttf glyphs. It is not well enough described (at
	least when it applies to rotations) for me to implement it. Microsoft doesn't
	do this. Great. OpenType gives a pair of bits to control this behavior (bit
	11 set do it apple's way, bit 12 set do it MS way, neither set flip a coin
	and guess, both set die in horrible agony). But still no description of exactly
	what Apple does. So I've changed my ttf output routine always to set bit
	12 in the composit flags. And the read in does something if it gets the apple
	bit. Probably not the right thing though.
	Fixed a potential problem clipping splines in the outline character display.
	Added a warning when attempting to save a font with a two byte encoding into
	a format that only supports one byte encodings (ie. unicode to pfb)
	PfaEdit crashed when loading a bare bdf with more than 256 characters
	PfaEdit used out of date versions of config.guess and config.sub. These should
	be updated now.
	Added support for saving bitmaps into ttf files. I don't know that I've got
	it right. Windows Me ignores the bitmaps I put in. Windows may ignore all
	bitmaps, or I may have done something wrong... There are so few files to
	test bitmaps on though...
	Some older systems have problems taking the cubed root of 0. This can pop
	up in the Cubic Solution code now (when doing simplify for example). There
	should be a work-around in place now.
	On monospaced fonts PfaEdit generated a .notdef character whose width was
	the em-square rather than the size of the rest of the font.
	makefile wouldn't build ui files if "." wasn't in PATH environment variable.
	Should be fixed.
	Holding down the Shift key when invoking Element-&gt;AutoTrace will cause
	it to prompt for command line arguments to the autotrace program (you have
	to figure these arguments out yourself).
	Improved importing background bitmap fonts (scaling factor set more accurately,
	pk characters whose bitmap width was a factor of 8 had problems).
	Import width from background bitmap fonts if the outline character is empty.
	Merge Fonts was disabled except under bizarre circumstances, should be fixed.
	Makefiles should create the *.ui files now.
	Mac encoding table should include the Euro character now (I was using an
	old version which had the currency symbol instead).
	<A HREF="Problems-MacOSX.html">Mac OS/X port </A>done (or at least a semi-working
	version has been produced)
	Localization didn't work if there was no preference file. 
	Can now read metafont pk files as bitmap fonts (Warning: No encoding on these
	files, you've got to guess at the encoding before loading them).
	Can now read kerning information from TeX .tfm files (Again, there's no encoding
	in these guys, I just assume the font's encoding matches the tfm)
	Can now read bitmap fonts out of a truetype EBDT (or bdat) table
	Can import a bitmap and put it into the background of a font.
	PfaEdit would sometimes get character widths wrong when reading a ttc file.
	Major rewrite of Remove Overlap.
	Fixed potential crash in autohint
	I now find the intersection of a (cubic) spline and a line by the cubic
	algorithem rather than by iteration.
	Fixed more remove overlap/merge/simplify problems related to having many
	points at the same location.
	Fixed a bug in Point Info.
	Fixed a couple more memory problems (caused by the chunk allocation), one
	in remove overlap, one in autotrace
	I'm told that yesterday's executable upload didn't work. Hope today's does
	Fixed a crash when joining two paths
	More tweaking of search path for ui files.
	more configuration fixes
	Fixed many simplify bugs
	otf output would crash if given an open path. Fixed
	Font View Paste has changed slightly. If the copy buffer contains more than
	one character, and the selection is exactly one character, then the selection
	will be changed so that it will exactly fit the copy buffer.
	Also Font View Copy will copy the hints of the character.
	Fixed a bug with reading CID keyed Type1 fonts
	cleaned up some compilation problems on older systems (I hope)
	Inserted Olaf's bug fix in gresource.c
	Cleaned up behavior on zero-length splines
	Ug. yesterday's install changes weren't complete. I forgot to remove the
	old files from /usr/local/bin so pfaedit used out of data translation tables
	and things looked confused for non-English users. Also libgunicode had an
	old version of some header files so there were compilation problems if this
	was tar x'ed last (the other packages had the correct headers).
	Also I posted a bad libgdraw source.
	And got the dates wrong.
	Added a tiny bit of German to the ui (hope it's right)
    4-Sept-2001 (but posted as 5-Sept-2001)
	Menubar should be redrawn properly after a resize now.
	File chooser should be smarter about retaining filenames after changing
	Various fixes to support URW's odd habit of abbreviating everything to 4
	characters (ie. recognize "obli" for "oblique", and "medi" for "medium")
	Fixed a crash bug in postscript generation when character 0 was deemed worth
	Tweaked XHeight calculation to look for greek/cyrillic "x"
	Changed install process to put user-interface files into /usr/share/pfaedit
	instead of into the bin directory.
	Small fixes to (my implementation of) Adobe Standard Encoding.
	Small tweaks to get things to compile on solaris again.
	If you dragged on a new spline, and then translated one or both of its end-points
	the spline reverted to its default configuration
	TTF files encoded in Wansung/SJIS will be read into a font encoded with either
	KSC5601 or JIS208.
	Fixed some bugs in otf output:
	    hintmasks were being output incorrectly, omitting bytes of data. This could
	    cause horrendous errors. If PfaEdit read in one of these fonts it would often
	    report "stack underflow".
	    Another hintmask problem caused characters to be offset from where they should
	    Placing a hintmask between multiple [rhv]lineto s caused us to skip a line
	    cleaned up generation of subroutines (used to be extraneous rmovetos)
	    If the user gave bad input to certain Private values (BlueValues for instance),
	    PfaEdit could go into an infinite loop.
	Non-CID otf fonts did not get their encodings read
	Improved parsing of hints in a type1 font with hint substitution
	Fixed a crash bug in Inserting a font (or a blank font) into a CID font
	Generate font dialog would sometimes default to producing a CID keyed font
	when it was not appropriate.
	I got the ulCodePageRange bits wrong of the CJK codepages (which meant that
	windows thought the wrong characters were in the font)
	I generated a bad cmap (ttf encoding) table for CID keyed otf fonts.
	If a TTF/OTF font is encoded with KSC5601 or JIS208 then I will give it a
	Wansung / SJIS encoding in the cmap (if a unicode encoding is desired then
	reencode as unicode).
	Found format for afm files of CID fonts. Can now produce such for CID font
	Improved reference handling in type1s. If a reference doesn't fit into a
	"seac" then try to use subroutines. Subroutines are possible if:
	    None of the references in the character use hint substitution (or flex
	    &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; - or -
	    Only one of the references uses hint substitution and it isn't translated
	    (not moved)
	Improved reference handling in type2s (opentype). Allow a reference to a
	character with hint substitutions to go into a subroutine if none of the
	other referenced characters use any hints at all, and the character with
	hint substitutions is not translated.
	Get Info was broken inside outline characters
	Made an attempt to speed up handling of larger fonts. Only noticeable difference
	I've seen is that it speeds up freeing the font.
	Added a dialog to show what characters refer to the current character
	Made a feeble attempt to sort out the confusion engendered by adobe's naming
	conventions for greek letters.
	    if a font contains either the of the characters U+00B5 or U+03BC then when
	    saving the font PfaEdit ensures that characters with the names: "mu", "uni00B5"
	    and "uni03BC" are all present. Similarly for Delta, uni0394 uni2206 and Omega,
	    uni03A9 uni2126
	Added support for command line arguments which begin with "--".
	Added -usage and -help arguments
	Added -recover={none,auto,clean} to give you control over the autorecovery
	    -recover=none means that the current run will not perform auto recovery but
	    will leave things so that the next run will do so. (Note: If you change a
	    font that will be recovered later, the results are indeterminate).
	    -recover=auto default behavior
	    -recover=clean cleans out the autorecovery directory
	extension guessing would do the wrong thing if we actually wanted to open
	a font with no extension.
	Some minor fixes to gchardlg.c
	Try to upgrade the CJK translation tables to Unicode 3
	Improve processing of ttc files (I can actually read one no)
	chooser icon for cid-keyed fonts
	KSC5601-1987 was still wrong.
	Fixed a crash in FontInfo on CID fonts.
	Eek. FontInfo-&gt;Panose,TTF Values never got stored into the font.
	Also added access to Version, and UniqueID
	Was given a TTf font with no fontname. This caused a crash. PfaEdit now assigns
	a fontname if the font doesn't provide one.
	Added support (well ability to read) for SJIS, Big5 and Wansung TTF encodings
	(platform=3, specific=2,3,5)
	After playing with large asian fonts I am now making (minimal) attempts to
	conserve memory and have changed all my doubles to floats (it's configurable
	of course, but default is float).
	Fixed a number of bugs in open type output
	Was using out of date Korean-&gt;Unicode conversion. Should be fixed now.
	Initial support for <A HREF="cidmenu.html">CID keyed fonts</A>.
	Added a constrain points command to align a collection of points, or to space
	points evenly on a line.
	Fixed a rare crash from closing the outline (or bitmap) view
	Added a new problem to find problems
	Fixed some small bugs in find problems
	Oops. TrueType names came out in the wrong endianness.
	Although the family name accepted spaces, it then silently removed them.
	No longer. (I hope)
	PfaEdit is now more careful when you attempt to clear a character from the
	font view which has dependents (at least one of which is not being cleared
	itself). It will warn you and allow you not to clear that character.
	PfaEdit is also more careful when you attempt to paste a reference to a character
	that does not exist in the current font. Before it silently ignored it. Now
	it will warn you and give you the option of pasting the outlines of the original
	character being refered to (if it can find that character).
	Fixed an uninitialized variable in print that could cause things to go into
	an infinite loop.
	Fixed a rounding error problem in ttf generation that could cause an infinite
	Small bitmap fonts will be magnified in the font view
	Expand Stroke didn't work on counter-clockwise triangles (presumably other
	shapes, but I didn't check). It also would randomly leave paths counter-clockwise
	when they should have been clockwise.
	Often when joining two paths (or closing one path) the point would jump when
	you released the mouse. I finally figured out why.
	wrote a unicode printf which is now used by most of the error routines. Should
	be no visible difference to users.
	cleaned up the truetype names aspect of the font info dlg.
	Added a Translate Styles button to the above aspect if the string is Style
	and the language is American English. (Sorry about the linguistic chauvanism)
	Allowed spaces in the Postscript family name again
	Fixed a bug where the "lpr" radio button would sometimes be disabled.
	Various other small improvements to "Print".
	The "Clockwise" detector failed on some paths. I've rewritten it, it should
	work better now.
	The clockwise detector in find problems also needed to be rewritten.
	Added a Find Problems detector for almost horizontal/vertical control points.
	Some improvements to metafont (well, a few characters look better anyway,
	I hope it's an improvement). It still doesn't work of course.
	Using almost any stringized error routine would munch memory. Many inexplicable
	errors resulted. I hope it is now fixed and that PfaEdit is stable again.
	Valek's improvements to Find Problems
	Valek's russian version of "A quick brown fox..."
	use textarea gadget for Font's copyright notice.
	PfaEdit did not do a very good job of guessing at where hints should be active
	when they were supplied by the user. Should do better now.
	More tuneups for autohint.
	Added a command to the outline view to allow you to set the "First Point"
	of each spline set. This is important for Interpolate font.
	Fixed a bug in Font Reencoding having to do with references.
	Added direction detection to Find Problems (to make sure outer paths are
	Cleared selections between explainations on Find Problems
	Gave some indication of how near horizontal/vertical lines are wrong in find
	Fixed a crash in MetaFont
	Added a progress indicator to MetaFont
	Added some more to the print sample text (bulgarian, macedonian, welsh, czech,
	lithuanian, polish, slovene)
	Stringized some more files
	PfaEdit should now be able to read truetype collection files and do something
	reasonable --<BR>
	At least in theory. I don't have any truetype collection files to test on.
	Oh dear. The rasterizer was looking at vertical hints when it should have
	looked at horizontal ones, looking at no hints when it should have looked
	at vertical ones. The result was that vertical edges weren't found.
	PfaEdit had problems reading in lone bdf fonts with strange encodings.
	Cleaned up print behavior slightly on systems without ghostview
	Find Problems would not always stop immediately after pressing the stop button.
	more files stringized
	Eek! Memory problem in metrics view (writing beyond what was allocated).
	Fixed now.
	There is scrollbar in the metricsview again. This time it actually does
	Did significant improvement to arabic ligature creation (at least it's done
	right to left now and the proper forms will be picked).
	Improved the character icons of Anti-Aliased fonts.
	Oops. FontInfo would mistakenly complain about modifiers like "-Bold". Fixed.
	There's the start of a <A HREF="MetaFont.html">command to change the weight
	of a font</A>. It doesn't work very well yet. It probably never will work
	perfectly, but I hope it may eventually be useful.
	Fixed a crash when referring to a character whose encoding was bigger than
	Rewrote the <A HREF="fontinfo.html">Font Info</A> dlg.
	    Made the dialog controlled by tabs instead of trying to show everything at
	    Merged the private info dlg into it
	    Provided access to some ttf settings which were previously hidden
	    Provided access to the ttf name table (which allows you to give the font
	    and its styles different names on different languages. So CaslonItalic could
	    be CaslonItalique in French and CaslonKursive in German.
	Fixed another crash from putting strings in resources.
	Added a snap-to feature on horizontal/vertical lines in the grid (guide)
	Missing a few files in the distribution of the 28th.
	Oops. Now all empty characters are nameless, not just controls.
	Many improvements to <A HREF="problems.html">find problems</A>.
	Added some new shortcuts to the menus.
	When generating truetype (or opentype) fonts, PfaEdit failed to set the
	ulCodePageRange for encodings other than latin1/latin2. Should do a better
	job now.
	Fixed a crash introduced by decompress.
	Fixed a crash when trying to merge two paths (by moving them with the mouse)
	when the stationary "path" consisted of exactly one point.
	Sometimes control characters would be named "uni0001" (etc.) rather than
	".notdef". Appropriate, but inconsistant. They should now always be called
	".notdef" (unless explicitly renamed).
	Change configure script to work on solaris
	Make giofile.c compile on solaris
	Fix crash in autohint
	Decompress compressed font files automagically before loading them
	Update russian version.
	Copy Width did not work from the font view
	made the info display in the outline view more legible if the locale used
	"," as decimal point.
	One more attempt to get palettes right. They would disappear if you went
	to a non-outline view window and then returned to that same window.
	Some useful information will now be displayed in the outline view as you
	add points to a path.
	And during rectangle, elipse, polygon and star generation.
	Build Composit Char will now create the characters 0x2000-0x2015 (spaces
	and rules) if you ask it to.
	Fixed several bugs caused by the resource string changed.
	    This one showed up in font info when removing characters.
	    And this on adding an encoding (to font info).
	    Any simple request for a string got two OK buttons (ie. no Cancel)
	Added some more strings.
	Cleaned up the hint translation code to work with the new (ie. hint subtitution,
	Improved UI for metrics view as per Valik's suggestions
	    Before it would wait until you depressed the mouse before changing the cursor,
	    now it changes the cursor as you move.
	    Better cursors (seperate cursors for kerning, setting rbearing (== width),
	    setting lbearing)
	    Selected character is drawn in a different color.
	Implement ghost/edge hints. (Oops)
	Initial version of russian menus
	Recently AutoHint would remove control points from splines which traced out
	a line (ie. if the control points were on the line segment between the two
	end points). AutoHint shouldn't muck with things like that. And anyway it
	got it wrong in several cases.
	The simplify command will now remove colinear control points from a spline.
	And if you hold down the shift key when invoking the menu the simplify command
	will only do this (and will change its name to cleanup).
	Oops. PfaEdit looked in the current directory, not the executable's directory
	for the ui files. Should be looking in the executable's dir.
	Oops. The "font has changed" dialog caused a crash.
	The simplify command will remove control points if the spline traces out
	a line.
	Cleaned up diagonal hints
	Made a change to menus which might fix Valek's menu crash. Or might not.
	Added some more strings to the ui files (yesterday files can't be used any
	Cleaned up some problems with the metrics view.
	Added a minimal help menu
	If the Hint menu was invoked when there were not exactly two points selected,
	then pfaedit would crash. Fixed
	Created a superstructure to allow localization of the UI. Created a small
	(incomplete, probably wrong in many places) french ui.
	Palettes would vanish when the first outline character view was closed. That
	should be fixed.
	Palettes should (I hope) do a better job of tracking windows.
	Fixed another clipping problem
	Added support for diagonal stems (for truetype instructioning. Not supported
	by postscript hints)
	    AutoHint finds them
	    There's a Clear DStem command, and an Add DStem
	    Review Hints does not display them (they can't be described the same way
	    as H and V stems).
	Changed the background color to be dark green so it will stand out against
	a filled character
	Previously if Pfaedit were given a corrupted font with no font name it would
	crash. That should be fixed.
	Added ability to create a pfm file (for ATM under windows)
	Extended Font Info to allow you to set the FullName (the human readable font
	name) from FontInfo
	Two bugs with hint substitution code:
	    It would occasionally generate one subr containing overlapping hints
	    It would create a Subrs array much bigger than needed. For some reason xfs
	    had caniptions over the blank (but unused) entries
	Cleaned up Exit, close and fontinfo commands to avoid possible race conditions.
	Added a command to look for common problems
	Fixed a crash caused by removing character slots from a font (using Number
	of Characters in Font Info)
	Fixed a crash caused by reading in a ttf file where the kerning info specified
	a non-existant glyph
	Fixed a crash caused by reading in a pf* file where the encoding was specified
	in a slightly different format from the one we expect
	Palettes should be controllable again.
	Menu shortcuts should be available from palettes
	That was a stupid idea (yesterday's). I've backed it out. Instead I've done
	what Val asked for -- all windows share common palettes.
	Made a preference item so that palettes could live within the outline view.
	It's sort of a temporary hack until I get palettes working (if ever) so it
	isn't really well integrated with things...
	Fixed a crash bug which occurred when doing Transformations with the origin
	set to Center of Selection (default) in a character with an unclosed path.
	Fixed a similar crash when generating postscript.
	And another when updating control points.
	Added much to printing, should be done for now.
	Valrk Filippov suggested that things should be constrainable to angles other
	than horizontal, vertical and 45. In particular constraining to the ItalicAngle
	of an Italic/Oblique font is very useful. So we do that now. Thanks Val!
    7 May 2001
	Fixed more locale problems (I hope)
	Info line should show the location of a point moved with the arrows.
	Added Next/Prev Point commands
	Added a Print to file command that displays the entire font, or fills a page
	with the current character. More options to follow.
	Fixed a bug in seac output
	Fixed an introduced crash bug in hint output
	Fixed a crash bug caused by increasing the number of characters allowed in
	the font with FontInfo.
    6 May 2001
	Redid <A HREF="hinting.html">hinting</A> to support hint substitution and
	counter hinting in Postscript (&amp; opentype)
	    Hints now have an extent in both dimensions, indicating over what parts of
	    a character they should be active.
	    Dotted lines are used to show the extent of a hint in the primary dimension
	    I draw horizontal hints and vertical hints in different colors now, otherwise
	    it was too confusing guessing which was which.
	    If a hint conflicts with another its dotted lines are shown in cyan (rather
	    than light blue/green)
	    When the Review hints dlg is active the current hint is shown in dark blue/green.
	    The Review hints dlg shows whether a hint overlaps (conflicts with) another.
	    Auto Hinting will generate a list of all horizontal and vertical stems, and
	    then use some heuristics to remove some of the more annoying and less useful
	    stems from the Hint list. If you don't want this automatic pruning then holding
	    the Shift key down when you invoke AutoHint from the menu will leave you
	    with the full stem list.
	    Minor changes to truetype output to deal with the new hint list.
	    Major changes to PostScript output to deal with counters and hint substitution
	    <FONT COLOR="Red"><STRONG>No longer saves Type1 charstrings when loading
	    a type1 font</STRONG></FONT>
	The icon for outline character windows was <EM>still</EM> wrong for anti-alias
	fonts if there were no bitmap fonts installed. Sigh.
	Added a Correct Direction command to the font view.
	Fixed many bugs with Correct Direction
	Improved accent placement when we have serifs (I hope), don't want to center
	on top serif of "i" for example.
	Slight improvements when pasting bitmaps.
	Oops. 0x2d should be "hyphen" in the Adobe Standard Encoding rather than
	"minus" as I had it.
    3 May 2001
	Opps. Generating postscript could crash if there were many blank characters.
	<FONT COLOR="Red"><STRONG>This is the last version which will allow you to
	make small modifications to fonts while retaining the original hint
    28 Apr 2001
	Transform from the font view will (for some transformations and if
	<A HREF="editmenu.html#From">Copy From</A> is set to All Fonts) transform
	the bitmap associated bitmap characters as well as the outline characters.
	Cleaned up Build Accented character so that it behaves consistantly between
	font/outline views, works with Copy From. The two different aspects of the
	command (Accented vs. Composite) are now controlled by whether the Shift
	key is down when the menu is invoked.
	Some more locale tweaking for reading in/writing out postscript.
	The Preference encoding for new fonts didn't work if set to a user defined
	encoding. Should be fixed now.
    27 Apr 2001
	Tangent points should display a little better now.
	If a font is a 94x94 CJK font then the LanguageGroup field of the Private
	dictionary will be set to 1.
	Fixed a recently introduced crash bug that happens on non-unicode fonts with
	accented characters.
	If a character contained a reference and that character could not be converted
	into a seac then there would be no hints for the reference. That should be
	fixed now.
	Accented bitmaps should be positioned better now.
	Added a couple of progress indicators to font level operations (transform,
	paste, etc.)
	Expand stroke didn't work from the font view.
    23 Apr 2001
	Fixed a clipping problem
	Redid a change from yesterday. It should now work for the stuff that used
	to work (as well as for what I fixed yesterday)
	(moved to
	<A href=""><IMG SRC=";type=1"
	    WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="31" BORDER="0" ALT="SourceForge Logo"></A>)
    22 Apr 2001
	Added code to allow users to select more than one bitmap font at a time to
	be imported into an sfd.
	Cleaned up opening a bdf file.
	Fixed various crash bugs dealing with missing bitmap characters where there
	were outline characters.
	Fixed various problems with building greek accented characters (Unicode 3's
	decompositions are no longer helpful)
	Added some support for
	<A HREF="">Adobe's
	documented corporate use</A> characters (Small Caps, Old Style numbers...)
	Cleaned up the outline character's icon (got broken when I added anti-aliasing)
	em space character kept vanishing. Fixed that.
	Fixed many other small bugs.
    20 Apr 2001
	Addition improvements to the handling of format0 (1byte) encodings
	Put a Symbol encoding into the FontInfo encoding list.
	Oops. Ligature's had their semi-colons in the wrong place in afm files.
    19 Apr 2001
	Yesterday's builds were transfered as ASCII not BINARY and are totally useless.
	Added a macintosh encoding to ttf output
	Slight improvement to ttf output (I hope)
    18 Apr 2001
	Crash when reading a ttf font fixed (introduced by ligature code).
	Crash when generating almost any postscript Type1 font (recently introduced)
	Added code to read ligature information from the TTF/OTF GSUB table.
	List buttons near the bottom of the screen would popup their list in
	inappropriate places.
	Fixed two bugs in cubic-&gt;quadratic spline conversion.
	Added support for TrueType Symbol encodings
    17 Apr 2001
	Menus would go into an infinite loop if you: depressed the mouse on the menu
	bar (and pulled down a menu) and then moved the mouse so that it was above
	the menubar when the menu was below it. Should be fixed.
    12 Apr 2001
	Added a submenu of recent files and a pull down list in the open dlg.
	Added stuff to put ligature info into an afm file (But not the GSUB table
	of ttf/otf)
    10 Apr 2001
	Fixed a crash bug when making an encoding from a font with a non-unicode
	character in it.
	Reencoding a font got confused if the new encoding contained more than one
	instance of the same glyph (common example is to have both 0x20 and 0xA0
	point to space) or if it contained a non-unicode character. This should be
	fixed now.
	Fixed a couple of problems with reading otf files
	Added ability to save an Open Type font
	Added a "Round to Int" command
	.sfd files contain decimal points. This means they are locale specific. Changed
	the input routines so that it would accept either "." or "," as a decimal
    2 Apr 2001
	PfaEdit provides some support for XUIDs
	PfaEdit now has a button in the font info dialog which may be able to guess
	the italic angle for the font.
	AutoWidth/Kern didn't work well when the font was missing "A"
	AutoWidth/Kern didn't work well when the font was italic/oblique
	Build Accented Character didn't work too well when the font was italic/oblique
	Previously opening a Type1 font failed to read /OtherSubrs correctly
	Oops. In the Open Font Dialog, typing a wildcard changed the default button
	to [New] rather than [Filter]. And pressing on [Filter] caused a crash.
	Added ability to open an Open Type font (Postscript Type2 in a TrueType wrapper)
    29 Mar 2001
	It is now possible to edit bdf fonts directly (without first creating a dummy
	postscript font to contain them)
	Fixed crash bug under kde
    28 Mar 2001
	Made it possible to for the user to new encodings
	(added TeX base encoding)
	slight improvements to the palette code
    26 Mar 2001
	Fixed a clipping problem in the Metricsview
	Fixed various other display problems in Metrics
	Fixed various display problems in the fontview
	Added "Remove All Kern Pairs" menu item
	Fixed Auto Kern yet again
	Added a preference item to control the foundry name for generated bdf fonts.
    25 Mar 2001
	Oops. Fixed a typo in auto-kerning code. It should work now...
	From the outline view, exporting to a bmp file allows you to save an anti-aliased
	character as well as a bitmap.
	The Generate Fonts command allows you to save anti-aliased greymap fonts.
	The format they are saved in was invented by me an hour ago so it's totally
	useless (it's exactly the same as bdf except there's one extra header
	"BITSPERPIXEL" which may be 1, 2, 4 or 8 (1 would be the same as bdf), and
	the number of pixels packed into a byte is 8/BITSPERPIXEL (so 8, 4, 2 or
	1 respectively).
	If you selected "No Outline font" in the Generate fonts dialog, it would
	generate a postscript font anyway. This has been fixed.
    24 Mar 2001
	AutoKerning now lets you specify the number of kerning pairs the font may
	I'm told that ttf fonts can only have 2048 kerning pairs, so if a font has
	more, the ttf generator will only save the 2048 ones with the biggest (absolute)
	kerning offset.
	Fixed a bug in autowidth (would make some characters far too wide).
	Fixed a bug in autokern which caused it to kern things too closely together.
	This also reduced the number of kern pairs generated.
	Fixed a crash when loading a truetype font (if a glyph's start point and
	end point were both off-curve points then the point between them was interpolated
	PfaEdit should now work with XFree 4.0.* before it would crash after putting
	up the splash screen.
    21 Mar 2001
	Fixed yet another remove overlap bug.
    12 Mar 2001
	a number of small improvements
	fixed a crash bug (occurred when holding down the alt key, using the pointer
	tool, and no reference was selected)
    9 Mar 2001
	Fixed a small bug in the hinting of glyph 0 (the unknown character)
	Added "rulers" to the character outline view
	Expanded the abilities of the postscript importer
	Fixed yet another clipping bug.
	Fixed a problem displaying tangent points when the control point was less
	than 1 unit away
	Provides an interface to the autotrace program to autotrace background images
	Fixed a crash when drawing large images.
	Fixed a problem with detecting clockwise paths.
	Fixed a bug with reading in Type3 fonts
    5 Mar 2001
	Minimal truetype instructing (hinting) is now in place.
	    <TD><P ALIGN=Center>
	      <IMG SRC="HI.nohints.png" WIDTH="44" HEIGHT="28"><BR>
	      no hints</TD>
	    <TD><P ALIGN=Center>
	      <IMG SRC="HI.hints.png" WIDTH="44" HEIGHT="28"><BR>
	This includes applying instructions to all points that lie on the Hints generated
	for Postscript, a certain amount of extra effort to detect serifs, and
	application of the PostScript BlueValues to the TrueType cvt.
	AutoHint has been improved for some characters again.
    4 Mar 2001
	When Get Info is applied to a single selected reference character the dialog
	now has a button which will bring up a window displaying the character refered
	The Font View now displays info on the current character
	Selecting by dragging out a rectangle in the character outline view would
	sometimes miss points. I think that's fixed.
	Doing a multi-character copy in the fontview would remove non-existant characters
	from the copy set. They are no longer removed.
	Build Accented character would always use a dotlessi when building an character
	based on an "i". This behavior is only correct if the accent added is above
	the letter. Adding an ogonek for example should retain the dot. This is now
	fixed. (In theory the same problem could occur for j, but I don't think there
	are any cases where it does).
	When generating a type1 font PfaEdit will detect whether Flex hints can be
	used and use them if appropriate.
	There was a bug in the routine that read in flex hints. It would leave behind
	6 extra points not on any path in most characters with a flex hint. These
	points were not harmful, but they should not have been there.
	I found some cases where autohint picked the wrong hints. I cleaned them
	up. I hope I haven't broken others...
	Fixed another clipping problem.
	(Various experiments with instructing truetype have yielded no display
    25 Feb 2001
	PfaEdit no longer crashes on high-end systems where the default visual has
	a smaller depth than the maximum the screen supports.
	PfaEdit no longer crashes on systems with no bitmap unicode fonts installed.
	When PfaEdit reads in a Type1 font it will preserve the original character
	strings (the type1 strings that define the glyph shape) and will write them
	out again when you save the font. If you modify a character (even something
	innocuous like setting the width) the string for that character will be lost.
	This means that any characters you do not modify will retain flex hints and
	hint substitution. (the Subrs and OtherSubrs arrays are also preserved).
	There is now a way to edit the entries in the Private dictionary (well most
	of them. No way to edit the Subrs entry). The program will guess at good
	values for some entries (like StdHW or BlueValues). If there is no BlueValues
	entry present when a type1 font is generated then the program will guess
	at good values (and will also guess at values for OtherBlues), otherwise
	it will use the one supplied. Similarly for StdHW and StdVW (if StdHW is
	absent then the program will guess at SnapStemH too, similarly for SnapStemV).
	If UniqueID is present in the Private dictionary then that value will be
	used in the font dictionary, if no UniqueID is present then the program will
	generate a random number in the allowed range. 
	Removed a number of warnings from the code
	Made arrow keys functional in the fontview
	Changed type0 unicode generation so that if the font does not contain
	U+2700-U+27FF the printer's own ZapfDingbats (if present) will be mapped
	Added Adobe Standard to the Font Info Encoding list.
    20 Feb 2001
	Fixed some problems in saving both Type1s and TrueType fonts.
	Added clipping code to the outline character view. (Before at magnifications
	around 100 or so we'd run into overflow problems)
	Added progress widget to font generation (and font database saving)
    13 Feb 2001
	Fixed some problems with the configure script (handles libraries now)
	Added a progress widget to show how things are going on long operations (currenly
	only font opens)
	Fixed numerous small annoyances
	Fixed a crash I introduced into build accented characters.
	Fixed a couple of bugs in truetype generation
    11 Feb 2001
	Added a configure script
	Rearranged (simplified) the directory structure
	Improved the build accented character function
	(similar improvements to display of unicode text (in text fields, etc.) with
	composing characters)
	BiDi text was previously confused by composed characters and would put them
	on the wrong letter. Fixed.
    9 Feb 2001
	Tweaked some include files so pfaedit might compile under Irix
	Added anti-aliasing code to the font view.
	Fixed bugs where server has 24bit depth but 32bit pixel size
	Added a resource which turn palettes off (so they stop trying to steal focus
	and stop trying to track the main window)
    7 Feb 2001
	Some improvement in processing of postscript names in true type fonts (will
	make truetype output marginally smaller in most cases)
	Fixed a bug with popup menus.
	Holding down the meta key allows you to drag (rather than resize) references
	which fill the bounding box.
	Improved saving of both postscript and truetype fonts when there are composite
	characters referring to other composits.
	Fixed bug in file chooser where typing into the listbox (to select a file)
	made it think (sometimes) that it had a directory.
	Fixed bug in Goto Char code where it would refuse to go to a character's
	location (sometimes) if the character had not been created yet.
	Improved drawing of palettes on indexed displays
	Improved accent processing in build accented characters
    26 Jan 2001
	Fixed a bug that kept the file chooser (the open file dlg, etc.) from browsing
	the root directory.
	Realized that libgif is just a symbolic link to libungif. Made the readgif
	routine use either one
	A typo in writepng caused it to require libpng at link time, this has been
	fixed, it should now only need libpng if someone actually loads a png file.
    21 Jan 2001
	Added a preference dlg. Not much in it as yet.
	fixed a number of bugs
	    Timers sometimes failed to go off -&gt; splash screen might not vanish, popups
	    might not pop, autosave might not happen...
	    Vertical lines might cause divide by 0 errors on some systems when reading
	    in a font
	    Some fonts were thought not to have characters they actually had.
	    94x94 fonts were encoded as 92x94 (losing 188 characters)
	    Fixed problems with kuten decoding
	    Fixed various crashes involving selecting and deselecting non-existant characters
    9 Jan 2001
	Added Tom Harvey's man page to the distribution (Thanks Tom!)
	Fixed a bug where radio buttons, etc. sometimes got left highlit
	Added an interpreter for (some) postscript type 3 fonts
	made libgdraw and friends into one shared library
    6 Jan 2001
	More distribution bug fixes
	Fixed bugs in Overlap &amp; AutoWidth
	Added new command to Metrics menu (Thirds in Width)
    4 Jan 2001
	Fixed a distribution bug
	Fixed some problems with build accented character
    2 Jan 2001
	Many small improvements and bug fixes.
	More remove overlap corrections
    21 Dec 2000
	I think I'm reading xfig splines properly now. The conversion to postscript
	still leaves something to be desired, but it's as good as I'm likely to make
    20 Dec 2000
	Generate Fonts can produce TrueType
    17 Dec 2000
	TrueType reader now gets (horizontal) kerning info
	Added code that automagically preserves changes if the program should crash
	(but does not save on the source file unless you ask it to).
	Added a Revert File command.
    16 Dec 2000
	PfaEdit will now read in a TrueType font
	    (it doesn't read hints from the font)
	    (it doesn't read bitmaps from the font)
    14 Dec 2000
	Got PfaEdit to build on a netbsd alpha box
	Added Auto Width &amp; Auto Kern commands
	If you do a translation which is of the entire outline character and is only
	in the x-direction, then all the character's hints will be translated too,
	and if the character is a letter then in any characters which depend on this
	one, the other things in the character will also be translated.
    12 Dec 2000
	Added a skew command to the bitmap view
	Added Interpolate Fonts
    11 Dec 2000
	fixed more remove overlap bugs (don't know of any left)
	Added Merge Font command
    10 Dec 2000
	fixed many small bugs with constrained movements
	fixed many autohinting bugs
	Fixed some remove overlap bugs
	Added backup files when saving sfd files
    5 Dec 2000
	Added a command that automagically builds an accented (or general composit)
	character. (<A HREF="elementmenu.html#Accented">see below</A>)
	Added support for various CJK encodings (JIS 208, JIS 212, old KSC 5601,
	GB 2302, all 94x94)
	Implemented a fairly poor importer/exporter of xfig files. (I don't know
	how to convert XSplines to Bezier Splines reasonably).
	Implemented a metrics window, added support for kerning (kern info only lives
	in the afm file, not in the font itself)
	Metrics window will also display text from bitmap fonts (but you mayn't change
	a bitmap's metrics)
	Reexamined palette code with transient windows. It seems to work on kde now.
	Fixed blinking cursor on 8&amp;16 bit-depth displays
    1 Dec 2000
	Generate &amp; save bitmaps
	Bitmap editor (added a couple of tools like flipping and corner turning,
	circle drawing, etc. that aren't in fontographer)
	fontview can display a bitmap, if it does then double clicking on a char
	will display the bitmap
	Changing the width of a character (in outline view) will automatically change
	the width of all bitmaps of that character. Also if the character is a letter
	and there are accented characters which refer to it and the accented characters
	have the same with that the letter used to have, then the accented characters
	(and their bitmaps) will also have their width updated.
	Can import and export bitmap images into bitmap window
	Can import a bdf file
	Can copy and paste in the fontview (bitmaps can be affected as well as outlines)
    28 Nov 2000
	Improved star tool
	Added various metrics menu items
	Added a simplify command
	fixed bugs in the merge command
	Made font view functional, can apply to many outline characters at once
	    expand stroke
	    remove overlap
	    metrics items above
	    Char Info
    19 Nov 2000
	Added Caligraphic expand stroke
	Added Get Info
	Added Correct Path Direction
	Added Remove Overlap (probably very buggy)
	Enhanced support for Unicode, added type0 font output.
	Added type3 output (not compressed type 3, can't open a type3 or type0)
	Sped up background image drawing.
	Implemented drag-resize of images and referenced characters
	Added Rectangle, Elipse, Polygon and Star tools.
    14 Nov 2000
	Added expand stroke
	Paths stored in .sfd files are now closed (bug fix)
    13 Nov 2000
	Added the equivalent of a .fog file (Spline Font Database, sfd files)
	Implemented transform tools
	continued fixing palettes
    11 Nov 2000
	Imports and exports simple eps files for characters
	Transform allows you to pick origin
	Bunch of menu items for manual hinting added. (I hope I'm done with hints
	now... at least till I look at truetype)
	Clockwise now agrees with Fontographer (and everyone else)
	Added "pen" , and a knife tools
	(Added many other tools pictures, but they aren't implemented yet)
	Fixed many palette problems. (including kde's not doing menu shortcuts)
	Put in menu items to show/hide palettes
    9 Nov 2000
	It can now calculate hints, font wide stem hints and character specific hints.
	Transform should do rotations right now.
	Metamorphosis file format bug should be fixed