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  <!-- Created with AOLpress/2.0 -->
  <!-- AP: Created on: 21-Jan-2001 -->
  <!-- AP: Last modified: 15-Jan-2002 -->
  <TITLE>X Resources</TITLE>
<H1 ALIGN=Center>
  X Resources
Every X application has an inordinate number of resources that you can tweak.
This one is no exception. However I don't follow standard conventions, so
it's all different. Sorry (a little anyway).
To use an X resource add a series of lines to your .Xdefaults file and then
run "$ xrdb ~/.Xdefaults". For example:
  <PRE>Gdraw.ScreenWidthInches: 14.7
Gdraw.GGadget.Popup.Font: 10pt helvetica
Gdraw.Background: white
pfaedit.FontView.FontFamily: Helvetica, GillSans
If a resource begins with "<CODE>Gdraw.</CODE>" or "<CODE>pfaedit.</CODE>"
then the program will look at it.
    A list of font family names to be used in the font view to display an example
    character over each user character.
    A double. (centimeters)<BR>
    X usually does not know the physical width of a screen (it knows the logical,
    pixel width). Gdraw's internals are based on points rather than pixels, and
    it will sometimes pick a font that is too small or too large if it relies
    on X's idea of how wide the screen is.
    A double. (inches)<BR>
    Same as the above, except measured in inches.
    An integer (pixels)<BR>
    When X creates a virtual screen it may not be possible for Gdraw to find
    the actual number of pixels on the screen. This again will throw off point
    An integer (pixels)<BR>
    When X creates a virtual screen it may not be possible for Gdraw to find
    the actual number of pixels on the screen. This is not used in point
    An integer (0 or 1)<BR>
    You can use this to turn off dithering of images on an 8bit screen.
    An integer (milliseconds)<BR>
    The maximum amount of time allowed between two clicks for them to be considered
    a double (triple, etc.) click.
    An integer (pixels)<BR>
    The maximum number of pixels the mouse is allowed to move between two clicks
    and have them still be considered a double click.
    A boolean<BR>
    On a windows keyboard use the modifier key with the flag on it to simulate
    mouse button 2 (middle button). If this key is depressed when a mouse button
    is pressed or released then pretend it was button 2 that was pressed or release.
    A boolean<BR>
    On Mac OS X the user will probably expect to use the Command (apple, cloverleaf)
    key to control the menu (rather than the Control key). If this is set then
    the command key will be mapped to the control key internally.
    An integer (pixels)<BR>
    The maximum number of pixels the mouse is allowed to move between two clicks
    and have them still be considered a double click.
    <CODE>Gdraw.<A NAME="Keyboard">Keyboard</A></CODE>
    ibm | mac | sun | ppc | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3<BR>
    Allows you to specify the type of keyboard. Currently this is only relevent
    when generating menus. The modifier keys are in different locations on different
    keyboards (under different operating systems) and if PfaEdit knows what keyboard
    you are using it can make the hot-keys have better labels.
	ibm | 0<BR>
	Uses the Control and Alt keys
	mac | 1<BR>
	Uses the Command and Option keys (Mac OS/X, Mac keyboard)
	ppc | 3<BR>
	Uses the Control and Command keys (Suse ppc linux, Mac keyboard)
	sun | 2<BR>
	Uses the Control and Meta keys
    An integer (seconds)<BR>
    Gdraw will wait this many seconds after making a request for a selection
    (ie. when doing a Paste). If it gets no responce after that period it reports
    a failure.
    A <A HREF="#color">color</A><BR>
    Gdraw will use this as the default background color for the windows.
    A <A HREF="#color">color</A><BR>
    Gdraw will use this as the default foreground color for dialogs.
    A <A HREF="#color">color</A><BR>
    Specifies the foreground color of popup (tooltip) messages.
    A <A HREF="#color">color</A><BR>
    Specifies the background color of popup messages.
    An integer (milliseconds).<BR>
    Specifies the amount of time the cursor must remain motionless before a popup
    message pops up.
    An integer (milliseconds).<BR>
    Specifies the length of time the message will display.
    A <A HREF="#font">font</A><BR>
    Specifies the font to use in a popup message.
    Every ggadget in enclosed in a box. The following information may be supplied
    for any box:
	one of "none", "box", "raised", "lowered", "engraved", "embossed", "double"<BR>
	For a description of these see the css manual.
	one of "rect", "roundrect", "elipse", "diamond"<BR>
	Describes the basic shape of the box. (some ggadgets must be in rectangles).
	An integer (points)<BR>
	Specifies the width of the box's border in points (NOT pixels)
	An integer (points)<BR>
	Specifies the padding between the interior of the box and the border
	An integer (points)<BR>
	Specifies the radius of a roundrect. Ignored for everything else.
	A boolean (true, on or 1, false, off or 0)<BR>
	Specifies whether a black line should be drawn inside the border.
	A boolean (true, on or 1, false, off or 0)<BR>
	Specifies whether a black line should be drawn outside the border.
	A boolean (true, on or 1, false, off or 0)<BR>
	Specifies whether a yellow line should be drawn inside the border when the
	gadget is active (not all gadgets support this).
	A boolean (true, on or 1, false, off or 0)<BR>
	Changes the color of the background while a button is depressed.
	A <A HREF="#color">color</A><BR>
	The color of the brightest edge of the border (usually the left edge)
	A <A HREF="#color">color</A><BR>
	The color of the next to brightest edge of the border (usually the top edge)
	A <A HREF="#color">color</A><BR>
	The color of the darkest edge of the border (usually the right edge)
	A <A HREF="#color">color</A><BR>
	The color of the next to next to darkest edge of the border. (usually the
	bottom edge)
	A <A HREF="#color">color</A><BR>
	The color of a normal background (not disabled, not depressed)
	A <A HREF="#color">color</A><BR>
	The color of a normal foreground (not disabled)
	A <A HREF="#color">color</A><BR>
	The color of a disabled background .
	A <A HREF="#color">color</A><BR>
	The color of a normal foreground.
	A <A HREF="#color">color</A><BR>
	The color of an ActiveInner border.
	A <A HREF="#color">color</A><BR>
	The color of a depressed background.
	A <A HREF="#font">font</A><BR>
	Specifies the default font for a ggadget.
    As above.<BR>
    Specifies the box for this particular type of ggadget.
    An integer (points)<BR>
    Specifies the scrollbar width in points (for horizontal scrollbars it specifies
    the height)
    A boolean<BR>
    On many window managers the palette code doesn't work (they steal focus from
    menus, they don't track the main window properly, ...). Use this resource
    to turn off the broken bits. The results are non-optimal, but they should
    be functional. (this is now irrelevant to pfaedit)
    <A NAME="color">Colors</A>
    Colors may be specified as:
	where r, g, and b are doubles between 0% and 100%
	r g b<BR>
	where r, g, and b are integers between 0 and 255
	where r, g, and b are hex digits between 0 and 15 (0xf)
	where rr, gg, bb are hex numbers between 0x00 and 0xff
	where rrrr, gggg, bbbb are hex numbers between 0x0000 and 0xffff
	or one of the color names accepted on the net (red, green, blue, cyan, magenta,
	yellow, white, black, maroon, olive, navy, purple, lime, aqua, teal, fuchsia,
    <A NAME="font">Fonts</A>
    A font may be specified as:<BR>
    &lt;boldness&gt; &lt;italicness&gt; &lt;pointsize&gt;
    (I know the order looks a bit weird but that's what is used by css).
	&lt;boldness&gt; can be:
	    nothing -- the font is not bold
	    bold -- the font is bold
	    a number -- (between 0 and 999), a numeric value that gives some idea of
	    how bold the font should be. 200 would be a light font, 400 an normal font,
	    700 a bold font and 999 and ultra-black font.
	&lt;italicness&gt; can be:
	    nothing -- the font is not italic
	    italic -- the font is italic
	    oblique -- the font is oblique (italic)
	&lt;pointsize&gt; can be:
	    nothing -- a default point size is chosen
	    a number followed by "pt" -- specifies the point size.
	bold 14pt helvetica<BR>
	Helvetica Bold at 14 points
	italic 10pt times<BR>
	Times italic at 10 points
  <A NAME="Keyboards">Keyboards and Mice.</A>
PfaEdit assumes that your keyboard has a control key and some equivalent
of a meta key. PfaEdit works best with a three button mouse. 
Almost all keyboards now-a-days will have the needed modifier keys, but which
key is used for what will depend on the keyboard and the OS (for instance
XDarwin and suse linux use quite different mappings for the modifier keys
on the mac keyboard). Usually this is only relevant for menus (and mnemonics).
PfaEdit tries to guess the keyboard from the environment in which it was
compiled. But with X this may not always be appropriate. So the
"<A HREF="xres.html#Keyboard">Gdraw.Keyboard</A>" resource above may be used
to change this. (Currently this setting only control the labels that appear
in menus for the hotkeys).
Mice are more problematic. On PCs we usually have two button mice and on
mac single button mice. Many linuxes that run on a PC will give you an option
of simulating the middle button of the mouse by depressing the left and right
buttons simultaneously. PfaEdit will also allow you to simulate it by holding
down the super key (usually this is the one with the picture of a windows
flag on it) while depressing either mouse button.
On the mac I don't see any good way of simulating a three button mouse...
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