

distrib > Mandriva > 8.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > efc75c1dcfa45d4b2a545c38cda30759 > files > 86


  <!-- Created with AOLpress/2.0 -->
  <!-- AP: Created on: 11-Dec-2000 -->
  <!-- AP: Last modified: 14-Jan-2002 -->
  <TITLE>The Edit Menu</TITLE>
<H1 ALIGN=Center>
  The Edit Menu
In the Metrics View this menu is greyed out. The commands are only available
in text fields.
    <A HREF="#Undo">Undo</A>
    <A HREF="#Redo">Redo</A>
    <A HREF="#Cut">Cut</A>
    <A HREF="#Copy">Copy</A>
    <A HREF="#Reference">Copy Reference</A>
    <A HREF="#Width">Copy Width</A>
    <A HREF="#Paste">Paste</A>
    <A HREF="#Clear">Clear</A>
    <A HREF="#Background">Clear Background</A>
    <A HREF="#Merge">Merge</A>
    <A HREF="#CopyFg">Copy Fg To Bg</A>
    <A HREF="#All">Select All</A>
    <A HREF="#Unlink">Unlink Reference</A>
    <A HREF="#From">Copy From</A>
	<A HREF="#Fonts">All Fonts</A>
	<A HREF="#Displayed">Displayed Font</A>
	<A HREF="#CharName">Char Name</A>
    <A HREF="#Remove-Undoes">Remove Undoes</A>
    <A NAME="Undo">Undo</A>
    This command is not available in the font view.
    In the outline view and the bitmap view this will undo the last command.
    Up to twelve commands may be undone (after that they get thrown away)
    <A NAME="Redo">Redo</A>
    This command is not available in the font view.
    In the outline view and the bitmap view this will redo the last command undone.
    Up to twelve commands may be redone (after that they get thrown away)
    <A NAME="Cut">Cut</A>
    In the font view this command puts the foreground of all selected characters
    into the clipboard and then deletes them. Depending on the setting of
    <A HREF="#From">Copy From</A> it will either refer all characters (bitmap
    and outline) corresponding to this entry, or just the character being displayed.
    In the Outline View this will copy any selected points, References, or Images
    into the clipboard and then delete them. If a point is removed from a path
    then the path will be broken at there, see the <A HREF="#Merge">Merge</A>
    command for information on how to leave the path whole but without the point.
    (if there is no selection nothing happens)
    In the Bitmap View this will copy the selection into the clipboard and then
    delete it. If there is no selection nothing happens.
    <A NAME="Copy">Copy</A>
    In the font view this command puts the foreground and hints of all selected
    characters into the clipboard. Depending on the setting of <A HREF="#From">Copy
    From</A> it will either copy all glyphs (bitmap and outline) corresponding
    to this entry, or just the glyph being displayed. Normally it will not copy
    a character's name, but if <A HREF="#CharName">Copy From-&gt;Char Name</A>
    is set then it will copy the name as well.
    In the Outline View this will copy any selected points, References, or Images
    into the clipboard. If there is no selection everything in the current layer
    will go into the clipboard.
    In the Bitmap View this will copy the selection into the clipboard, if there
    is no selection everything is copied.
    Copy <A NAME="Reference">Reference</A>
    In the font view this command puts a reference to all selected characters
    into the clipboard.
    In the Outline View this will copy a reference to the current character into
    the clipboard (only available in foreground mode).
    This command is not available in the Bitmap View.
    Copy <A NAME="Width">Width</A>
    In the Font View this command copies the widths of all selected characters
    and stores them in the clipboard.
    In the Outline View this command copies the width of the current character
    and stores it in the clipboard.
    This command is not available in the Bitmap View.
    <A NAME="Paste">Paste</A>
    In the Font View this command will paste whatever is in the clipboard into
    the foregrounds of all selected characters (exception: if the clipboard contains
    an image it will not go into the foreground). If there are more selected
    characters than there is information in the clipboard then the clipboard
    will be repeated until all selected characters have had something pasted
    in them (that is if characters A and B were selected when the copy happened
    and now characters C, D and E are selected, the C will get A, D will get
    B and E will also get A). If exactly one character is selected but the clipboard
    contains more that one character, the the selection will be extended so that
    enough characters are selected that something may be pasted in each. <BR>
    If the clipboard contains outline information then that information will
    go into the character outline regardless of the setting of Copy From. If
    the clipboard contains a bitmap and the display is set to outline then the
    bitmap is pasted into the bitmap font it was copied from (ie. the one with
    the same pixel size), if the clipboard contains a bitmap and the display
    is set to a bitmap then the bitmap will be pasted into the currently displayed
    font. If the clipboard contains a bitmap of a size which does not exist in
    our database, then you will be asked if you want to create a bitmap font
    to put the bitmap into.
    In the Outline View this command will paste whatever is in the clipboard
    to the current editing layer.
    In the Bitmap View this command will flatten any floating selection and paste
    the contents of the clipboard into a new floating selection.
    <A NAME="Clear">Clear</A>
    Similar to <A HREF="#Cut">Cut</A> except it does not copy anything to the
    Clear <A NAME="Background">Background</A>
    Only in the font view. This command clears the backgrounds of all selected
    <A NAME="Merge">Merge</A>
    This command is only available in the Outline View. If a point on a path
    is selected, the the merge command will remove that point from the path and
    join the two points around the removed one with a new spline which approximates
    the curve between the two before. This command comes in two forms, in the
    default case the two surrounding points will retain their slopes (unless
    both are corner points), while in the other case (Elide)
    <A NAME="Elide">Elide</A>
    This is a varient of the Merge command, obtained by holding down the shift
    key when bringing down the menu (or by Ctl-Alt-M). Allows the slopes of points
    to change.
    <A NAME="CopyFg">Copy Fg To Bg</A>
    This command is only available in the Outline and Font Views. It cleans out
    all the splines in the background layer and replaces them with a copy of
    all the splines in the foreground layer. Note: Any background images remain.
    No references are copied.
    Select <A NAME="All">All</A>
    Should be self explanatory.
    <A NAME="Unlink">Unlink</A> Reference
    Only available in the Outline View and only when in the foreground layer.
    This will remove a referenced character and replace it with the splines and
    points that make it up.
    Copy <A NAME="From">From</A>
    Only available in the Font View.
	All <A NAME="Fonts">Fonts</A>
	If this is set then Copy (and Cut and Clear) will copy from the outline font
	and from all the bitmap fonts
	<A NAME="Displayed">Displayed</A> Font
	If this is set then Copy will only copy from the font currently being displayed.
	<A NAME="CharName">Char Name</A>
	Normally Copy does not copy the metadata (name, unicode encoding, ligature
	info) associated with a character, but if this is checked then it will.
    This also controls the behavior of the
    <A HREF="elementmenu.html#Transform">Transform</A> and
    <A HREF="elementmenu.html#Accented">Build Accented</A> character commands.
    <A NAME="Remove-Undoes">Remove Undoes</A>
    Not available in the Metrics View. This allows you to free up some of the
    memory PfaEdit is currently squandering on keeping track of Undoes (and Redoes).
    Obviously this command cannot be undone.
	In the Outline Character view this will free up all undoes/redoes in the
	current edit mode
	In the Bitmap Character view this will free up all bitmap undoes/redoes
	In the Font View this will free up all undoes/redoes in all selected characters,
	outline and bitmap, background and foreground.
  Other menus
    <A HREF="filemenu.html">File</A>
    <A HREF="editmenu.html">Edit</A>
    <A HREF="pointmenu.html">Point</A>
    <A HREF="elementmenu.html">Element</A>
    <A HREF="hintsmenu.html">Hints</A>
    <A HREF="viewmenu.html">View</A>
    <A HREF="metricsmenu.html">Metrics</A>
    <A HREF="cidmenu.html">CID</A>
    <A HREF="windowmenu.html">Window</A>
    <A HREF="helpmenu.html">Help</A>
    <A HREF="HotKeys.html">Hot Keys</A>
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