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<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>QDockArea Class Reference</h1>

<p>The QDockArea class manages and lays out QDockWindows.
<a href="#details">More...</a>
<p><tt>#include &lt;<a href="qdockarea-h.html">qdockarea.h</a>&gt;</tt>
<p>Inherits <a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a>.
<p><a href="qdockarea-members.html">List of all member functions.</a>
<h2>Public Members</h2>
<li><div class=fn>enum <a href="#HandlePosition-enum"><b>HandlePosition</b></a> { Normal, Reverse }</div></li>
<li><div class=fn><a href="#QDockArea"><b>QDockArea</b></a> ( Orientation&nbsp;o, HandlePosition&nbsp;h = Normal, QWidget&nbsp;*&nbsp;parent = 0, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0 )</div></li>
<li><div class=fn><a href="#~QDockArea"><b>~QDockArea</b></a> ()</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>void <a href="#moveDockWindow-2"><b>moveDockWindow</b></a> ( QDockWindow&nbsp;*&nbsp;w, const&nbsp;QPoint&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;p, const&nbsp;QRect&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;r, bool&nbsp;swap )</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>void <a href="#removeDockWindow"><b>removeDockWindow</b></a> ( QDockWindow&nbsp;*&nbsp;w, bool&nbsp;makeFloating, bool&nbsp;swap, bool&nbsp;fixNewLines = TRUE )</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>void <a href="#moveDockWindow"><b>moveDockWindow</b></a> ( QDockWindow&nbsp;*&nbsp;w, int&nbsp;index = -1 )</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>bool <a href="#hasDockWindow"><b>hasDockWindow</b></a> ( QDockWindow&nbsp;*&nbsp;w, int&nbsp;*&nbsp;index = 0 )</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>Orientation <a href="#orientation"><b>orientation</b></a> () const</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>HandlePosition <a href="#handlePosition"><b>handlePosition</b></a> () const</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>bool <a href="#isEmpty"><b>isEmpty</b></a> () const</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>int <a href="#count"><b>count</b></a> () const</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>QPtrList&lt;QDockWindow&gt; <a href="#dockWindowList"><b>dockWindowList</b></a> () const</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>bool <a href="#isDockWindowAccepted"><b>isDockWindowAccepted</b></a> ( QDockWindow&nbsp;*&nbsp;dw )</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>void <a href="#setAcceptDockWindow"><b>setAcceptDockWindow</b></a> ( QDockWindow&nbsp;*&nbsp;dw, bool&nbsp;accept )</div></li>
<h2>Public Slots</h2>
<li><div class=fn>void <a href="#lineUp"><b>lineUp</b></a> ( bool&nbsp;keepNewLines )</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>int <a href="#count-prop"><b>count</b></a>&nbsp;- the number of dock windows in the dock area &nbsp;<em>(read only)</em></div></li>
<li><div class=fn>bool <a href="#empty-prop"><b>empty</b></a>&nbsp;- whether the dock area is empty &nbsp;<em>(read only)</em></div></li>
<li><div class=fn>HandlePosition <a href="#handlePosition-prop"><b>handlePosition</b></a>&nbsp;- where the dock window splitter handle is placed in the dock area &nbsp;<em>(read only)</em></div></li>
<li><div class=fn>Orientation <a href="#orientation-prop"><b>orientation</b></a>&nbsp;- the dock area's orientation &nbsp;<em>(read only)</em></div></li>
<h2>Related Functions</h2>
<li><div class=fn>QTextStream &amp; <a href="#operator-lt-lt"><b>operator&lt;&lt;</b></a> ( QTextStream&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;ts, const&nbsp;QDockArea&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;dockArea )</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>QTextStream &amp; <a href="#operator-gt-gt"><b>operator&gt;&gt;</b></a> ( QTextStream&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;ts, QDockArea&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;dockArea )</div></li>
<hr><a name="details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
<p> The QDockArea class manages and lays out QDockWindows.
<p> A QDockArea is a container which manages a list of QDockWindows which
it lays out within its area. In cooperation with the QDockWindows it
is responsible for the docking and undocking of QDockWindows and
moving them inside the dock area. QDockAreas also handle the wrapping
of QDockWindows to fill the available space as compactly as possible.
QDockAreas can contain QToolBars since <a href="qtoolbar.html">QToolBar</a> is a <a href="qdockwindow.html">QDockWindow</a>
<p> <a href="qmainwindow.html">QMainWindow</a> contains four QDockAreas which you can use for your
QToolBars and QDockWindows, so in most situations you do not need to
use the QDockArea class directly. Although QMainWindow contains support for
its own dock areas but isn't convenient for adding new QDockAreas. If you
need to create your own dock areas we suggest that you create a subclass of
<a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a> and add your QDockAreas to your subclass.
<p> <center><img src="qmainwindow-qdockareas.png" alt="QMainWindow's QDockAreas"></center> 
<p> <a name="lines"></a>
<em>Lines</em>. QDockArea uses the concept of lines. A line
is a horizontal region which may contain dock windows side-by-side. A dock
area may have room for more than one line. When dock windows are docked into
a dock area they are usually added at the right hand side of the top-most
line that has room (unless manually placed by the user). When users move
dock windows they may leave empty lines or gaps in non-empty lines. Dock
windows can be lined up to minimize wasted space using the <a href="#lineUp">lineUp</a>()
<p> The QDockArea class maintains a position list of all its child dock
windows. Dock windows are added to a dock area from position 0
onwards. Dock windows are laid out sequentially in position order from left
to right, and in the case of multiple lines of dock windows, from top to
bottom. If a dock window is floated it still retains its position since this
is where the window will return if the user double clicks its caption. A
dock window's position can be determined with <a href="#hasDockWindow">hasDockWindow</a>(). The position
can be changed with <a href="#moveDockWindow">moveDockWindow</a>().
<p> To dock or undock a dock window use <a href="qdockwindow.html#dock">QDockWindow::dock</a>() and
<a href="qdockwindow.html#undock">QDockWindow::undock</a>() respectively. If you want to control which dock
windows can dock in a dock area use <a href="#setAcceptDockWindow">setAcceptDockWindow</a>(). To see if a dock
area contains a particular dock window use <a href="#hasDockWindow">hasDockWindow</a>(); to see how
many dock windows a dock area contains use <a href="#count">count</a>().
<p> The streaming operators can write the positions of the dock windows in
the dock area to a <a href="qtextstream.html">QTextStream</a>. The positions can be read back later
to restore the saved positions.
<p> Save the positions to a QTextStream:
    ts &lt;&lt; *myDockArea;
<p> Restore the positions from a QTextStream:
    ts &gt;&gt; *myDockArea;
<p> <p>See also <a href="application.html">Main Window and Related Classes</a>.

<hr><h2>Member Type Documentation</h2>
<h3 class=fn><a name="HandlePosition-enum"></a>QDockArea::HandlePosition</h3>

<p> A dock window has two kinds of handles, the dock window handle used
for dragging the dock window, and the splitter handle used to resize
the dock window in relation to other dock windows using a splitter.
(The splitter handle is only visible for docked windows.)
<p> This enum specifies where the dock window splitter handle is placed in
the dock area.
<li><tt>QDockArea::Normal</tt> - The splitter handles of dock windows are placed at the
right or bottom.
<li><tt>QDockArea::Reverse</tt> - The splitter handles of dock windows are placed at the
left or top.
<hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2>
<h3 class=fn><a name="QDockArea"></a>QDockArea::QDockArea ( <a href="qt.html#Orientation-enum">Orientation</a>&nbsp;o, <a href="qdockarea.html#HandlePosition-enum">HandlePosition</a>&nbsp;h = Normal, <a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;parent = 0, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0 )
</h3> Constructs a QDockArea with orientation <em>o</em>, HandlePosition <em>h</em>, parent <em>parent</em> and name <em>name</em>.

<h3 class=fn><a name="~QDockArea"></a>QDockArea::~QDockArea ()
</h3>  Destroys the dock area and all the dock windows docked
in the dock area.
<p> Does not affect any floating dock windows or dock windows in other dock
areas, even if they first appeared in this dock area. Floating dock
windows are effectively top level windows and are not child windows
of the dock area. When a floating dock window is docked (dragged
into a dock area) its parent becomes the dock area.

<h3 class=fn>int <a name="count"></a>QDockArea::count () const
</h3><p>Returns the number of dock windows in the dock area.
See the <a href="qdockarea.html#count-prop">"count"</a> property for details.
<h3 class=fn><a href="qptrlist.html">QPtrList</a>&lt;QDockWindow&gt; <a name="dockWindowList"></a>QDockArea::dockWindowList () const
</h3> Returns a list of the dock windows in the dock area.

<h3 class=fn><a href="qdockarea.html#HandlePosition-enum">HandlePosition</a> <a name="handlePosition"></a>QDockArea::handlePosition () const
</h3><p>Returns where the dock window splitter handle is placed in the dock area.
See the <a href="qdockarea.html#handlePosition-prop">"handlePosition"</a> property for details.
<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="hasDockWindow"></a>QDockArea::hasDockWindow ( <a href="qdockwindow.html">QDockWindow</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;w, int&nbsp;*&nbsp;index = 0 )
</h3> Returns TRUE if the dock area contains the dock window <em>w</em>,
otherwise returns FALSE. If a non-null pointer is passed as <em>index</em> it
will be set as follows: if the dock area contains the dock window <em>index</em> is set to <em>w</em>'s position; otherwise <em>index</em> is set to -1.

<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="isDockWindowAccepted"></a>QDockArea::isDockWindowAccepted ( <a href="qdockwindow.html">QDockWindow</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;dw )
Returns TRUE if dock window <em>dw</em> could be docked into the dock area;
otherwise returns FALSE.
<p> <p>See also <a href="#setAcceptDockWindow">setAcceptDockWindow</a>().

<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="isEmpty"></a>QDockArea::isEmpty () const
</h3><p>Returns TRUE if the dock area is empty; otherwise returns FALSE.
See the <a href="qdockarea.html#empty-prop">"empty"</a> property for details.
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="lineUp"></a>QDockArea::lineUp ( bool&nbsp;keepNewLines )<tt> [slot]</tt>
Lines up the dock windows in this dock area to minimize wasted space. If
<em>keepNewLines</em> is TRUE, only space within lines is cleaned up. If <em>keepNewLines</em> is FALSE the number of lines might be changed.

<h3 class=fn>void <a name="moveDockWindow"></a>QDockArea::moveDockWindow ( <a href="qdockwindow.html">QDockWindow</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;w, int&nbsp;index = -1 )
</h3> Moves the <a href="qdockwindow.html">QDockWindow</a> <em>w</em> within the dock area. If <em>w</em> is not
already docked in this area, <em>w</em> is docked first. If <em>index</em> is
-1 or larger than the number of docked widgets, <em>w</em> is appended at
the end, otherwise it is inserted at the position <em>index</em>.

<h3 class=fn>void <a name="moveDockWindow-2"></a>QDockArea::moveDockWindow ( <a href="qdockwindow.html">QDockWindow</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;w, const&nbsp;<a href="qpoint.html">QPoint</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;p, const&nbsp;<a href="qrect.html">QRect</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;r, bool&nbsp;swap )
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
<p> Moves the dock window <em>w</em> inside the dock area where <em>p</em> is the
new position (in global screen coordinates), <em>r</em> is the suggested
rectangle of the dock window and <em>swap</em> specifies whether or not the
orientation of the docked widget needs to be changed.
<p> This function is used internally by <a href="qdockwindow.html">QDockWindow</a>. You shouldn't need
to call it yourself.

<h3 class=fn><a href="qt.html#Orientation-enum">Orientation</a> <a name="orientation"></a>QDockArea::orientation () const
</h3><p>Returns the dock area's orientation.
See the <a href="qdockarea.html#orientation-prop">"orientation"</a> property for details.
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="removeDockWindow"></a>QDockArea::removeDockWindow ( <a href="qdockwindow.html">QDockWindow</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;w, bool&nbsp;makeFloating, bool&nbsp;swap, bool&nbsp;fixNewLines = TRUE )
</h3> Removes the dock window <em>w</em> from the dock area. If <em>makeFloating</em> is TRUE, <em>w</em> gets floated, and if <em>swap</em> is TRUE, the
orientation of <em>w</em> gets swapped. If <em>fixNewLines</em> is TRUE (the
default) newlines in the area will be fixed.
<p> You should never need to call this function yourself.
Use <a href="qdockwindow.html#dock">QDockWindow::dock</a>() and <a href="qdockwindow.html#undock">QDockWindow::undock</a>() instead.

<h3 class=fn>void <a name="setAcceptDockWindow"></a>QDockArea::setAcceptDockWindow ( <a href="qdockwindow.html">QDockWindow</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;dw, bool&nbsp;accept )
If <em>accept</em> is TRUE dock window <em>dw</em> can be docked in the dock area. If
<em>accept</em> is FALSE dock window <em>dw</em> cannot be docked in the dock area.
<p> <p>See also <a href="#isDockWindowAccepted">isDockWindowAccepted</a>().

<hr><h2>Property Documentation</h2>
<h3 class=fn>int <a name="count-prop"></a>count</h3> <p>This property holds the number of dock windows in the dock area.
<p>Get this property's value with <a href="#count">count</a>().
<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="empty-prop"></a>empty</h3> <p>This property holds whether the dock area is empty.
<p>Get this property's value with <a href="#isEmpty">isEmpty</a>().
<h3 class=fn><a href="qdockarea.html#HandlePosition-enum">HandlePosition</a> <a name="handlePosition-prop"></a>handlePosition</h3> <p>This property holds where the dock window splitter handle is placed in the dock area.
<p>The default position is <a href="#HandlePosition-enum">Normal</a>.

<p>Get this property's value with <a href="#handlePosition">handlePosition</a>().
<h3 class=fn><a href="qt.html#Orientation-enum">Orientation</a> <a name="orientation-prop"></a>orientation</h3> <p>This property holds the dock area's orientation.
<p>There is no default value; the orientation is specified in the constructor.

<p>Get this property's value with <a href="#orientation">orientation</a>().
<hr><h2>Related Functions</h2>
<h3 class=fn><a href="qtextstream.html">QTextStream</a>&nbsp;&amp; <a name="operator-lt-lt"></a>operator&lt;&lt; ( <a href="qtextstream.html">QTextStream</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;ts, const&nbsp;<a href="qdockarea.html">QDockArea</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;dockArea )
<p> Writes the layout of the dock windows in dock area <em>dockArea</em> to the
text stream <em>ts</em>.
<p> <p>See also <a href="#operator-gt-gt">operator&gt;&gt;</a>().

<h3 class=fn><a href="qtextstream.html">QTextStream</a>&nbsp;&amp; <a name="operator-gt-gt"></a>operator&gt;&gt; ( <a href="qtextstream.html">QTextStream</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;ts, <a href="qdockarea.html">QDockArea</a>&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;dockArea )
<p> Reads the layout description of the dock windows in dock area <em>dockArea</em>
from the text stream <em>ts</em> and restores it. The layout description must
have been previously written by the <a href="#operator-lt-lt">operator&lt;&lt;</a>() function.
<p> <p>See also <a href="#operator-lt-lt">operator&lt;&lt;</a>().

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