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 <TITLE> RPC2 User Guide and Reference Manual: Implementation of MultiRPC</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="s18">18. Implementation of MultiRPC</A></H2>

<A NAME="MultiInt"></A> <P>Support for MultiRPC exists both at the language level and at the runtime level.
The runtime level support includes the MultiRPC routines themselves along with the 
associated library routines which perform argument packing and unpacking.
The language level support consists mainly of the argument descriptor
information supplied by RP2Gen for each subsystem. 
The client may choose to interface directly with the runtime MultiRPC system without taking advantage
of the RP2Gen simplifications, but
the discussion in the following sections assumes the existence of the RP2Gen
interface except where explicitly noted otherwise.
<P>The procedure for making a MultiRPC call is very similar to that for making
an RPC2 call. The subsystem is designed and the specification is
written into a <EM>&lt;subsys&gt;.rpc2</EM> file (the specification format is described
in Section @ref[RP2GenChapter]). RP2Gen is then invoked on the
specification file, and it generates both the standard server and client
side interfaces as well as the MultiRPC argument descriptor structures and
definitions for each server operation. The relevant descriptor pointers are
made available to the client through the associated <EM>&lt;subsys&gt;.h</EM> file.
<P>Once the interface has been specified, the subsystem implementor is responsible for
writing the server main loop and the procedures to perform the server
operations. This implementation is completely independent of any
considerations relating to MultiRPC; MultiRPC is
completely transparent to the server side of a subsystem.
<P>From the clients perspective, making a MultiRPC call is slightly different from the RPC2 case.
Instead of the procedure-like client side interface supplied by the stub routines,
the single library routine @MRPC(MakeMulti) is used to interface to @RPC2(MultiRPC). The
use of the library routine represents a large space savings in the executable files, but requires some
additional information from the client making the call (see Sections @ref[MakeMultiInfo] and @ref[MakeMulti]).
The client is also responsible for supplying a handler routine for any server operation which is used in a
MultiRPC call. This handler routine is called by RPC2 as each individual server response arrives; it is
used both for providing individual server return codes to the client and for giving the client control over the
continuation or termination of the MultiRPC call. The handler routine is discussed in greater detail in the
following section, and its interface is described in Section 
<H2><A NAME="ss18.1">18.1 The Client Handler</A>

<A NAME="handler"></A> <P>The client handler routine is intended to give the client control and flexibility
in handling the incoming server responses from the MultiRPC call.
For each connection specified in a @RPC2(MultiRPC) call, the client handler is called
either when a connection error is detected or when the server response for
that connection arrives. This allows the client to examine
the replies as they arrive, and provides the opportunity to perform incremental bookeeping and analysis of the
responses. The handler also has the ability to abort the MultiRPC call at
any time. A more detailed discussion of the handler specifications can be
found in Section 
<P>Since a MultiRPC call could potentially last a long time, 
it is crucial to provide
the client with some measure of control over the progress and termination of
the call. With many server responses, there are many variables that the
client might wish to monitor in order to evaluate the progress of the call.
In particular, the server responses and return codes themselves have a
significant effect on the clients perception of the progress of the call.
To address these requirements, RPC2 periodically passes control to
the client during execution of the MultiRPC call. A client supplied routine
designed to be called as each server response arrives provides access to complete current
information about the status of the call; it also gives the client the ability to
perform any incremental processing he considers necessary or useful. The
client then indicates his decision to either continue accepting server
responses or to terminate the MultiRPC call via the handler return code.
<P>The value of client control over the progress of the MultiRPC call
can best be illustrated with some specific examples.
One example is in the case of connection errors. If the client requires
responses on all of the designated connections and one of them returns an
error, then the final result of the MultiRPC call will be useless and the
remainder of the processing time will have been wasted. With the client
handler routine the client has the ability to notice the connection error.
He then has the ability to abort the call, or even to use the handler routine
as an opportunity to rebind to the failed site and make an RPC2
call on that connection.
<P>Another example is in the
implementation of a replicated server. A useful way to deal with operation
quorums (specified as some subset <EM>n) of the total number of replicated servers</EM>
is to send messages out to all or many of the available servers and
abort the call as soon as the first <EM>n</EM> responses  arrive. This has the
advantage of supplying the fastest possible execution for the replicated
call; furthermore, since the <EM>n</EM> members of the quorum need not be chosen
explicitly, the call will rarely have to be repeated if one of the servers is
busy or inoperational.
<P>The handler receives full sets of arguments each time it is called, along with an index identifying the current
connection. The types of the server arguments to the client handler are identical to the types in the original
MakeMulti call: the argument list is in fact passed through RPC2 and
returned to the handler.  Any processing is permissible in the handler
routine, although it should be noted that since @RPC2(MultiRPC) does not
support enqueueing of server requests any call made on a connection already
active in a MultiRPC call will generate a return code of @RPC2(BUSY).
Also, for lengthy blocking computations the same cautions with respect to
lightweight processes apply as for  RPC2.
<P>It should also be noted that the use of the abort facility of the client handler
carries with it some risks. These are discussed in more detail in Section
<H2><A NAME="ss18.2">18.2 Flow of Control in MultiRPC</A>

<P>The flow of control in MultiRPC is much the same as for  RPC2
except for the iterative calling of the client handler. The client initiates
the MultiRPC call by calling the library routine @MRPC(MakeMulti). MakeMulti packs
the client arguments into a request buffer, and calls @RPC2(MultiRPC) with
the request buffer, some argument packing information, and a pointer to
@MRPC(UnpackMulti), the library unpacking routine. 
<P>@RPC2(MultiRPC) sets up the processing environment, initializes the
request packet headers for all the designated servers, and performs any
necessary side effect initialization. It then calls an
internal routine to perform the transmission of the request packets. This
transmission routine does not return until either the client supplied timeout
expires or until it has received responses from all of the designated
servers. Once the request packets have been transmitted, the routine settles
into a loop waiting for server responses to arrive. As each response
arrives, some preliminary processing is performed, and any remaining side
effect processing is completed.
Then RPC2 calls
@MRPC(UnpackMulti) to unpack the response buffer into the clients original
arguments. @MRPC(UnpackMulti) unpacks the buffer and calls the client handler
routine with the current serverss information. The client then performs
whatever processing he wishes, and returns with his instructions to continue
or terminate the call. If he wishes to continue, the internal loop continues
until all the server responses have been received. Otherwise, the loop terminates
and the transmission routine cleans up any loose ends caused by the termination. 
<P>Control then returns to @RPC2(MultiRPC), which checks the
return code and returns to @MRPC(MakeMulti). MakeMulti simply passes the supplied
return code back to the client as it returns.
<P>Since side effects are completely determined by the <B>@SE[Descriptor]</B> and
the connection, extending the side effect mechanism to MultiRPC
requires nothing more than supplying a unique <B>@SE[Descriptor]</B> for each
<H2><A NAME="ss18.3">18.3 MultiRPC Related Calls</A>


<A NAME="MultiRPCInfo"></A> <P>@RPC2(MultiRPC) is the RPC2 runtime routine responsible for setting up the
internal state properly for sending the request packets to the specified
servers. It is called via the RPC2 library routine @MRPC(MakeMulti).
One of the arguments to MultiRPC is the ArgInfo structure. This structure is
never examined by RPC2, but is simply passed through UnpackMulti.
If the RP2Gen
interface is used, this argument is supplied by @MRPC(MakeMulti) and need not
concern the client. If the RP2Gen interface is not used, this can point to
any structure needed by the clients unpacking routine.
<P>The UnpackMulti argument is also related to the RP2Gen interface. If the
RP2Gen interface is used, this argument is automatically supplied by
@MRPC(MakeMulti) and will point to the RPC2 library unpacking routine. If the
RP2Gen interface is not used, the client is responsible for supplying a
pointer to a routine matching the UnpackMulti specification (see
Section @ref[UnpackMulti]).

<A NAME="MakeMultiInfo"></A> <P>@MRPC(MakeMulti) is the library routine which provides the parameter packing 
interface to @RPC2(MultiRPC). It takes the place of the individual client
side stub routines generated by RP2Gen.
In additon to the usual information supplied
in an RPC2 call, it takes as arguments RP2Gen generated
argument and operation descriptors, the number of servers to be called, and a pointer to a client
supplied handler routine (see
Section @ref[MakeMulti] for more detailed information). Using the 
argument descriptors, @MRPC(MakeMulti) packs the supplied server arguments into an
RPC2 request buffer and creates a data structure containing call
specific information and a pointer to the client handler routine. It then
makes the MultiRPC call, and passes the final return code back to the client
when the call terminates. 
<P>OUT and INOUT parameters must be supplied in the form of arrays of pointers
to  the appropriate argument types. The parameter interface specifications
are discussed in sectin 
<A HREF="rpc2_manual-6.html#interface">XXX</A>. The size of the array is dependent on
the number of servers designated by the client. For INOUT parameters it is
only necessary to actually fill in a value for the first element of the
array, although storage must be properly allocated for  all of the elements.

<A NAME="UnpackMultiInfo"></A> <P>
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