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<TITLE>ASC documentation: Mapeditor</TITLE>
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<H1>Advanced Strategic Command</H1>


Originally the mapeditor was designed to be used by keyboard only (except the dialog boxes) and the mouse routines were added later. Keep that in mind when using the mouse and something does not seem to work. Just use the keyboard... The whole map editor is much less polished than the game.<P>

      The &lt;F1&gt;-key in the mapeditor brings up help. Most keys should be
      listed there.<P>
      Selecting items is possible with the keys &lt;F3... Fn&gt;, one &lt;F -
      key&gt; for each item category ( terrain, tanks, buildings, mines,
      Use &lt;F2&gt; to get the cursor back on the map. You can place items
      with &lt;Space&gt;. &lt;F&gt; is used to fill rectangles with objects. Go to
      the upper left corner, press &lt;F&gt; then to the lower right corner
      and press &lt;Space&gt;.<P>
      You can rotate some items with &lt;D&gt;.<P>
      I recommend to save often and under different filenames to prevent
      data loss.<P>
      The events are one of the most important functions of ASC. An event consists of:
       <LI>an <I>action</I>  that describes  what the event basically does. Most
         actions need  further information  that will be automatically
         prompted. The following actions are available:
             A Textmessage  is displayed. Parameter is the ID of the
             message. The message itself must be saved in a textfile
             with the  same name as the map but with the ending .MSG
             . <A HREF="example.msg">An example of a MSG-file</A>. For more information about the formatting capabilities of
	     text message refer to <A HREF="text.html">text.html</A>. You can also extract the file from the data files that came with ASC and take a look at the maps and message files included there.
          <DT><I>weather change</I></DT>
             The weather  of the  map changes.  There are  2  modes:
             either the  weather on the whole map changes or just in
             the  area   of  one   (implemented)  or  multiple  (not
             implemented yet)  polygons. The  sides of  the polygons
             are not  allowed to cross each other. You can place the
             polygon-edges by  pressing &lt;Space&gt;  and finish with the
             &lt;Esc&gt; key.  Afterwards you  will be asked which weather
             should  be   used.  The  following  weather  types  are
             available by  now: "dry",  "light rain",  "heavy rain",
             "little snow",  "much snow".  The weather  will only be
             used if  the chosen  weather is  valid for the terrain-
             type it is placed on.
             The event  "weather change  completed" should always be
             used after a "weather change".
          <DT><I>new technology discovered</I></DT>
             The player  for whom  the event is defined for can from
             this time  on use  the selected technology. You have to
             enter the  tech-ID.  This  works  with  any  technology
             without further parameters.
          <DT><I>loose campaign</I></DT>
              (not implemented yet)
          <DT><I>run script + map</I></DT>
              (not implemented yet)
          <DT><I>new technology researchable</I></DT>
             The player  for whom  the  event  is  defined  for  can
             research the  specified technology  from that  point of
             time on.  In the  technology definition  it has  to  be
             specified that  an event  is necessary  to research it.
             All other  conditions  required  for  researching  this
             technology must be true too.
          <DT><I>map change</I></DT>
             Similar  to  weather  change,  only  that  the  terrain
             changes. The  event "weather  change completed"  should
             always be used after a "map change".
          <DT><I>erase event</I></DT>
			Has been removed !
          <DT><I>end campaign</I></DT>
              (not implemented yet)
          <DT><I>next map</I></DT>
             A  new  map  will  be  started.  It  is  used  for  the
             connection of  two maps  in campaigns. You have to know
             the ID of the map. If it is not possible to relate this
             ID to  a certain  map (because  there are  several maps
             with the  same id)  then the  map will be used that has
             the ID of the first map defined as PrevID.
             (not implemented yet)
          <DT><I>weather change completed</I></DT>
             Checks if  all units  can exist on the terrain they are
             standing on.  This function is not directly implemented
             in "map/weather  change" to  allow  using  several
             "weather/map changes"  directly after  each other.  For
             If a map should be flooded but one island should remain
             it would  be a  lot of work to define the flooding area
             precisely. So  you can  first flood  the whole map with
             water and  then "rebuild"  the island (if it is not too
             complex). If  there is  no "weather  change  completed"
             between these two events then it will seem like one map
             change for  the player and units on the island will not
             be effected by the water.
          <DT><I>new vehicle developed</I></DT>
             The player  for whom  the  event  is  defined  for  can
             produce this  unit from  that point  of time.  You will
             have to  know the ID of the unit. This is possible with
             any vehicle without further parameters.
          <DT><I>palette change</I></DT>
              (not implemented yet)
          <DT><I>alliance change</I></DT>
              (not implemented yet)
          <DT><I>wind change</I></DT>
             Changes wind  speed. For  different  heights  different
             speeds can  be defined  but this feature should be used
             only seldom.
             Nothing happens. It can be used if further events
             use this event as  trigger. With this technique an event can effectively use any
             number of triggers.
          <DT><I>change game parameter</I></DT>
             Some game  parameters can  be changed  with this event.
             Implemented by now are "lifetime of vehicle tracks" and
             "lifetime of broken ice".

       <LI><I>Player</I>  : the  player for  whom the  actual event is defined.
         "Neutral" means  that it  can happen  to every player, but of
         course only once.
       <LI><I>Description</I>  : to   describe  the event more precise, maximum
         are 20 characters
       <LI><I>Trigger</I>:  You can  use one  to  four  trigger.  The  triggers
         describe when  the event happens. The following are available:
          <LI><I>*NONE*</I>:  trigger not used
          <LI> <I>turn/move &gt;=</I> : 
             if "turn" and "move" are reached or exceeded<BR>
             the game starts at turn = 1 / move = 0
          <LI> <I>building conquered</I> : 
             the building belongs to that player
          <LI> <I>building lost</I> : 
             the building does not belong to that player
          <LI> <I>building destroyed</I>
          <LI> <I>unit lost</I>
          <LI> <I>technology researched</I>
          <LI> <I>event</I>
          <LI> <I>unit conquered</I>
          <LI> <I>unit destroyed</I>
          <LI> <I>all enemy units destroyed</I>
          <LI> <I>all units lost</I>
          <LI> <I>all enemy buildings destroyed/captured</I>
          <LI> <I>all buildings lost</I>
          <LI> <I>energy tribute &lt;</I>
          <LI> <I>material tribute &lt;</I>
          <LI> <I>fuel tribute &lt;</I>
          <LI> <I>any unit enters polygon</I>: select the colors of the players that may trigger the event
          <LI> <I>specific unit enters polygon</I>
          <LI> <I>building is seen</I>
       <LI>all  these triggers  can be used together. The order of these
         events should  be displayed  correct in  the mapeditor. It is
         possible to use multiple operators per trigger. Some examples
         ( I use numbers for the triggers ):
         <DD> NOT 1 AND ( 2 OR ( 3 AND NOT 4 ))</DD>
         <DD> NOT (1 AND ( 2 OR ( 3 AND NOT 4 )))</DD>
       <LI><I>time-offset</I>:  to delay  an event.  The triggers  will NOT  be
         checked again  after that  time. If  the countdown is started
         the event can only be stopped by changing the level.

      Just some more remarks on the events :
       <LI>the  order of  the events  presented in  the mapeditor can be
         important. The events will be evaluated from top to bottom.
       <LI>Some  trigger show  some information  about the item they are
         referencing when right-clicking on the beginning of their name.

<A name="BIMAPIMPORT"><H3>Importing Battle Isle maps</H3></A>
The game engine of ASC is quite different to that of Battle Isle, since when we designed it several years ago we never intended to make ASC Battle Isle compatible. A major difference are the buildings: In Battle Isle a shop is totally independent of the graphics that are used to show it on the map, while in ASC every shop type has its own graphics. When ASC finds a shop when importing a map, it determines the ASC-building-type by the graphics of the object on the shop's and its surrounding fields. This building type may have completely different settings than the shop in Battle Isle ! Or for many exotic shops ASC may find no matching building type at all. <P>

The first possibility to resolve this problem is creating more building types in ASC, which is much work especially if a map like Steffen Fr&ouml;hlich's city map should be imported. <P>

But there is another possibility which requires some enhancements to the game engine: to make invisible buildings and combine them with any object. The ability to make invisible buildings is already implemented quite a long time in the game, but I must admit that we did not test it very intensively. Up to now nothing is allowed to stand on a building entry, neither a unit nor an object, but I think it should be possible to allow objects there without changing too much of the game engine. I will add this feature as soon as someone has made the necessary object types (that don't hinder or slow units entering them) and building types (which are just one field large).<P>

Note that if a map is not completely imported because some terrain, objects or buildings are missing it is usually easier to build the missing items and than import the map again then adding them later to an already existing ASC map.<P>

It is not possible yet to read the shop names form TPWM encoded files. Decode the files first if you want to keep the shop names.<P>

After importing a map make sure that the airports have a runway that is long enough to be used by airplanes !<P>