

distrib > Mandriva > 8.2 > i586 > media > contrib > by-pkgid > 84bf5bd1455ba9e7f7ed5938f8f857b9 > files > 31


			  Nessus 0.99.0 C Plugins API
             Author : Renaud Deraison <>


	The Nessus Security Scanner performs its security
checks by launching external pieces of code called 'plugins'.
One plugin is in charge of one security check against one

There are, at this time, two languages to write security checks :
NASL (the Nessus Attack Scripting Language) and C.
NASL should be prefered as it makes plugins which are easily
portable and shareable. C plugins should be avoided, except when
NASL proves to not be powerful enough.

This document teaches you how to write a C Nessus plugin.

Once more : *** C Nessus plugins should be avoided, except when
it is not possible to write them in NASL ***

This document covers the following topics :

1. How to compile a C plugin
2. The plugins framework
 2.1 The main .c file
 2.2 The file includes.h
 2.3 The file nessusraw.h
 2.4 The plugin_init() function
 2.5 The plugin_run()  function
3. The Nessus library functions
 3.1 plugin_init() related functions
   3.1.1 plug_set_name() 
   3.1.2 plug_set_category()
   3.1.3 plug_set_family()
   3.1.4 plug_set_description()
   3.1.5 plug_set_summary()
   3.1.6 plug_set_copyright()
 3.2 plugin additional functions
   3.2.1 plug_set_timeout()
   3.2.2 plug_set_dep()			
   3.2.3 add_plugin_preference()	
   3.2.4 get_plugin_preference()
 3.3 target informations
    3.3.1 plug_get_hostname()
    3.3.2 plug_get_host_ip()
    3.3.3 plug_get_host_open_port()
    3.3.4 host_get_port_state()
 3.4 network operations
    3.4.1  open_sock_tcp()
    3.4.2  recv_line()
    3.4.3  ftp_log_in()
    3.4.4  ftp_get_pasv_address()
    3.4.5  is_cgi_installed()		
    3.4.6  ping_host()
    3.4.7  tcp_ping_host()
    3.4.8  tcp_timing()
 3.5 plugins inter communication (PIIC)
    3.5.1 Introduction
    3.5.2 plug_set_key()
    3.5.3 plug_get_key()
    3.5.4 Standard keys			
 3.6 Reporting a problem to the Nessus server
    3.6.1 post_hole()
    3.6.2 post_info()
4. Interfacing a Nessus plugin with the libpcap library  

  4.1 Makefile changes
  4.2 libpcap-related Nessus functions	
  	4.2.1 routethrough()
	4.2.2 get_datalink_size()
5. A sample plugin commented



1. How to compile a C plugin

	C plugins must be compiled into shared libraries 
before they can be used by Nessus. Turning a C file into
a shared library is a painful process, which is not portable.

That is why nessus-0.99.0 comes with the utility 'nessus-build'
which will build a .c plugin and turn it into a .nes file.

Its usage is :

		nessus-build input.c output.nes
This script will create the directory $TMP/nessus-build and
will copy there the libtool which is appropriate to your system,
as well as a generic Makefile. But you should not care anyway,
except if your plugin contains several .c files.		

2. The plugins framework

 2.1 The main .c file 
   The main .c file will contain the two critical functions that
   we will discuss right after this. 
 2.2 The file "includes.h"
    The file "includes.h" contains all the includes necessary to
    write a plugin.
 2.3 The file "nessusraw.h"
    nessusraw.h contains all the includes to define the structs
    ip, tcphdr, udphdr and icmp (BSD style). If these structures
    are not defined in the system includes, then it redefines
    You should include this file if your plugin plays with
    raw sockets.
 2.4 the plugin_init() function
   Synopsis :
    int plugin_init(struct arglist * desc);
   Description :
    This function is called by the server so that the plugin
    declares who is it, what it performs and so on. It should be
    declared by your plugin, and must contain calls to the 
    following functions :
    	plug_set_name()        (3.1.1)
	plug_set_category()    (3.1.2)
	plug_set_family()      (3.1.3)
	plug_set_description() (3.1.4)
	plug_set_summary()     (3.1.5)
	plug_set_copyright()   (3.1.6)
    It may also contain some calls to the function 
    We will define all these functions in section 3.1 
    (except add_plugin_preference which will be defined in another
    This function should return 0. Also, no initialization must be made
    during this function, since all the dynamically allocated variables
    will be destroyed right after the plugin exits from plugin_init()
  2.5 the plugin_run() function
   Synopsis :
     int plugin_run(struct arglist * desc);
   Description :
     This is the main plugin entry point. It may contain whatever you want.
3. The Nessus library functions

 3.0 Notes on the internationalization of Nessus
   nessus-0.99.0 and newer support multilingual plugins. That is,
   each plugin may contain descriptions in any language.
   As a result of this, most of the functions have
   a 'language' argument which will tell nessusd in which
   language the data passed is. 
   Those functions can be called several times, with a 
   different 'language' argument each time.
   The 'language' argument must be NULL for english (default),
   or must contain the same name as in nessusd.conf.
   ("deutsch", "francais", and so on...)
   The NULL language must be called LAST !
   Here is an exemple :
   	plug_set_name(env, "Test FTP", "francais");
   	plug_set_name(env, "FTP check", NULL);
 3.1 plugin_init() related functions
  3.1.1 plug_set_name()
    Synopsis :
     #include <includes.h>
     void plug_set_name(struct arglist * desc, const char * name,
     			const char * language);
    Description :
     This function tells the server the full name of the plugin. The 
     name may contain spaces. 
     The argument 'desc' is the argument which is given to the function
     This function must only be called during plugin_init().

     See also explained here : 
       languages (3.0)
   3.1.2 plug_set_category
    Synopsis : 
     #include <includes.h>
     void plug_set_category(struct arglist * desc, int category);
    Description :
     This function tells the server in which category the plugin is. 
     The argument 'category' must be one of the following :
      ACT_GATHER_INFO : the plugin gathers informations about the 
      		        remote host. No harm is made
      ACT_ATTACK      : the plugin will attack the remote server and
      			may steal sensitive data. However, no harm
			is made : the attacked services are still working 
			after the plugin has done its job.
      ACT_DENIAL      : the plugin performs a denial of service attack
      			against the remote host.
      ACT_PASSIVE     : the plugin will perform a passive attack. 
      ACT_SCANNER     : the plugin is actually a port scanner
    If a plugin is in one of the first three category, then it will be
    subject to a timeout watchdog on the server side, so even if there
    is an infinite loop in it, the plugin will not make the server hang.
    The two other categories are not subject to a timeout watchdog, so
    you should double check your code when writing one.
    The argument 'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to the
    plugin_init() function.
    This function must only be called during the plugin_init() function.
   See also explained here :
  3.1.3 plug_set_family
    Synopsis :
      #include <includes.h>
      void plug_set_family(struct arglist * desc,
      			   const char * family,
			   const char * name);
    Description :
     This function tells the Nessus server the family of the plugin. 
     The family name should be one of the existing family name 
     ("CGI abuses", "Sendmail", and so on...), but you are free to
     create your own family ("Joe's factory plugins").
     The argument 'family' contains the family name.
     The argument 'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to 
     This function must only be called during the plugin_init() function.
   See also explained here :
  3.1.4 plug_set_description
    Synopsis : 
     #include <includes.h>
     void plug_set_description(struct arglist * desc,
     			       const char * description,
			       const char * language);
    Description :
     This function sends the complete description of what the plugin does
     to the Nessus server, which will in turn send it to the Nessus client
     which will display it to the end user. So, 'description' should contain
     a full description of what the plugin does. The string may contain
     new lines.
     The argument 'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to 
     This function must only be called during the plugin_init() function.
   See also explained here :
  3.1.5 plug_set_summary
    Synopsis :
     #include <includes.h>
     void plug_set_summary(struct arglist * desc, 
     			  const char * summary,
			  const char * language);
    Description :
     This function sends a summary of what the plugin does to the Nessus
     server, which will in turn send it to the Nessus client which will 
     display it as tooltips which shortly explains what the plugin does.
     It should NOT contain newlines, and should be as short as possible.
     The argument 'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to 
     This function must only be called during the plugin_init() function.
   See also explained here :
  3.1.6 plug_set_copyright
   Synopsis :
    #include <includes.h>
    void plug_set_copyright(struct arglist * desc, 
    		            const char * author,
    			    const char * language);
   Description :
    This function tells to the Nessus server who made the plugin, so that
    the Nessus client can show it.
    The argument 'author' should contain your name
    The argument 'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to 
     This function must only be called during the plugin_init() function.
   See also explained here :
 3.2 plugin additional functions
  3.2.1 plug_set_timeout
   Synopsis :
    #include <includes.h>
    void plug_set_timeout(struct arglist * desc, int timeout);
   Description :
     When a plugin is one of ACT_GATHER_INFO, ACT_ATTACK or ACT_DENIAL,
     the Nessus server sets up a watchdog which waits for PLUGIN_TIMEOUT
     seconds before killing the plugin. 
     This function allows your plugin to extend or to reduce the time you
     want your plugin to run.
     'timeout' is the new timeout limit for the plugin, in seconds.
     The argument 'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to 
     This function must only be called during the plugin_init() function.
   See also explained here :
  3.2.2 plug_set_dep
   Synopsis :
    #include <includes.h>
    void plug_set_dep(struct arglist * desc, 
    		      const char * dependencie);
   Description :
     This function tells the Nessus server that you want your plugin to
     be launched AFTER the plugin 'dependencie'. 
     The argument 'dependencie' is the *file name* of the plugin you want to
     be launched before (ie: 'portmap.nes').
     This function is useful when you deal with plugins intercommunication.
     The argument 'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to 
     This function must only be called during the plugin_init() function.
   Note :
     . If a plugin has multiple dependencies, it may call this function
       several times, because all the dependencies will be 
     . circular dependencies are not handled, so be sure to test which 
       plugin depends on which.
   See also explained here :
  3.2.3 add_plugin_preference
    Synopsis : 
     #include <includes.h>
     void add_plugin_preference(struct arglist * desc, 
     				const char * preference_name,
				const char * type,
				const char * default_value);

    Description  :
     This function will tell to the Nessus server that the plugin
     must ask something directly to the user. The Nessus server will
     forward this request to the client which will draw a dialog box
     regarding your plugin.
     This does not mean interactive communication with the user, but 
     additional preferences that must be set by the client.
     An application for this feature would be password cracking program
     which would ask the location of a dictionary file to the user.
     + preference_name : is the name that will appear on the client side
     		       	 for the preference (for instance : 'wordlist location')
     + type 	       : is one of the following :
      + default_value  : depends of the value of 'type'.
      This needs to be explained :
      PREF_ENTRY    : the client will create a field where the user
      		      can enter data. This is what you will use
		      if you want the user to give you the location
		      of a file. 
		      If this is the type you choose, then 'value' will
		      be the default value inserted in the text area.
      PREF_CHECKBOX:  the client will create a checkable box where
       		      that the user will activate or deactivate.
		      This is mainly useful for boolean questions.
		      If this is the type you choose, then 'value' will
		      have to be either 'yes' (box checked) or 'no'
		      (box not checked)

      PREF_RADIO   :  the client will create a set of radio buttons,
      		      and the user will only select one value among
		      the multiple ones.
		      If this is the type you choose, then 'value' will
		      be a list of semicolumn-separated differents value.
		      ie : "low;medium;high"
		      Only one of these words will be returned to the
		      plugin via the get_plugin_preference() function.
     The argument 'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to 
     This function must only be called during the plugin_init() function.
   Note :
     You should use wise default values, because not all Nessus clients
     pay attention to the plugins preferences.
     This function has a different name from the other plugins-related
     functions (plug_*). This is because of the implementation 
     of this function which modifies the Nessus server global
     preferences, whereas the other plug_* functions only modify
     the structure 'desc'.
   See also explained here :
   3.2.4 get_plugin_preference	
    Synopsis : 
     #include <includes.h>
     char * get_plugin_preference(struct arglist * desc, 
     				  const char *	preference_name);

    Description :
      Returns the value that was entered by the user for 
      a preference defined via add_plugin_preference()
      The argument 'preference_name' must be the exact same
      name as the one used in add_plugin_preference()
      The argument 'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to 
      This function must only be called during the plugin_run() function,
      or in one of the functions called by this function.
     Note :
      Not all Nessus clients pay attention to the plugins preferences,
      to the value returned by get_plugin_preference() may be the
      default value you declared in add_plugin_preference()
      This function has a different name from the other plugins-related
      functions (plug_*). This is because of the implementation 
      of this function which modifies the Nessus server global
      preferences, whereas the other plug_* functions only modify
      the structure 'desc'.
    See also explained here :
 3.3 Target informations
  3.3.1 plug_get_hostname()
   Synopsis :
    #include <includes.h>
    const char * plug_get_hostname(struct arglist * desc);
   Description :
    Returns the name of the host being attacked. 
    'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to the function
   See also explained here :
  3.3.2 plug_get_host_ip()
   Synopsis :
    #include <includes.h>
    struct in_addr * plug_get_host_ip(struct arglist * desc);
   Description :
    Returns a pointer to the IP of the host being attacked. 
    'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to the function
   See also explained here :
  3.3.3 plug_get_host_open_port()
   Synopsis :
    #include <includes.h>
    unsigned int plug_get_host_open_port(struct arglist * desc);
   Description :
    Returns the number of a port which is opened on the remote host.
    'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to the function
   Returns :
      The first open port of the remote host
   or 0 if there is no open port.
   Notes :
     This function really attempts to connect to the remote port,
   so you don't need to double-check its results
  3.3.4 host_get_port_state()
   Synopsis :
    #include <includes.h>
    int host_get_port_state(struct arglist * desc, unsigned int port);
   Description :
    Returns the status of the tcp port 'port'. 
    'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to the function
   Returns :
    1 if the port is open
    0 if the port is closed
   Note :
    You should pay an extreme attention to this function. In fact,
    it relies on the port scan to determine whether a port is open
    or not, and the port you are asking for may or may not be
    in the scanned range of port. 
    If the server has not scanned the port, then it is said to be
    open, so you should use this function as :
    If host_get_port_state() = 0, then we know that the port is closed
    If host_get_port_state() is NOT 0, then the port MAY be open, but
    you should double-check this one.
 3.4 network operations
  3.4.1  open_sock_tcp()
   Synopsis :
     #include <includes.h>
     int open_sock_tcp(struct arglist * desc, unsigned int port);
   Description :
     This function opens a socket and establishes the connection to
     the remote host port 'port'.   
     'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to the function
   Returns : 
      . -1 if an error occured
      . a valid socket fd if no error occured
    3.4.2  recv_line()
    Synopsis :
      #include <includes.h>
      void recv_line(int soc, char * buffer, size_t buffer_size);
     Description :
      This function reads the data which is waiting on the socket
      'soc' until a newline ('\n') is encountered or until the
      size of the data read is equals to buffer_size.
      'buffer' : is a buffer which will contain the data read
      'buffer_size' : is the size of 'buffer'
    Note :
      This function does not handle timeouts. So if there is no data
      to read this function will hang. 
      If you do not know whether there is data waiting or not, use
   3.4.3  ftp_log_in()
    Synopsis :
      #include <includes.h>
      int ftp_log_in(int soc, char * username, char * password);
    Description :
      This function logs into the remote FTP server as 'username/password'.
      'soc' : is a freshly open socket to the remote FTP port (21)
    Returns :
       . 1 if an error occured (could not log in)
       . 0 if we could log in
    Notes :
       If you want to connect anonymously, 'username' should be
       set to 'ftp' and password to 'joe@'
    See also explained here :
    3.4.4  ftp_get_pasv_address()
     Synopsis :
	 #include <includes.h>
	 int ftp_get_pasv_address(int soc, struct sockaddr_in * sockaddr);
     Description :
      This function issues the 'PASV' command, parses the result and
      stores it in 'sockaddr'.
      'soc' : is a socket connected to a FTP server we log into.
      This is useful to connect to the data stream of a FTP server.
     Returns : 
       . 1 if an error occured
       . 0 in case of success
      See also explained here :
    3.4.5  is_cgi_installed()
      Synopsis :
        #include <includes.h>
	int is_cgi_installed(struct arglist * desc, const char* cgi_name);
      Description :
        This function determines whether the cgi 'cgi_name' is installed.
	If cgi_name does not start with '/', then this function will
	look in /cgi-bin/, or else it will assume that you give the 
	full path to the cgi.
        'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to the function

      Note :
	 Only nessus-alpha2 and newer makes a distinction about
	 whether the cgi_name starts by a '/' or not.
	 The older versions check everything in /cgi-bin/
      Returns : 
        . 0 if the cgi is not installed
	. 1 if it is
    3.4.6  ping_host()
       Synopsis :
         #include <includes.h>
	 int ping_host(struct in_addr host);
       Description :
         This function sends an ICMP echo query to the remote host, 
	 (several times in fact) and waits for an answer.
       Returns :
          1 if the host is alive (replied)
	  0 if it is not
       Note :
         Using this function is not a good idea since many host do not
	 reply to ICMP ECHO queries any more. You should use tcp_ping_host()
       See also : 
    3.4.7  tcp_ping_host()
	Synopsis :
	   #include <includes.h>
	   #include <nessusraw.h>
	   int tcp_ping_host(struct in_addr host);
	Description :
	    This function will send two TCP packets to the remote host :
	    one with the TH_SYN and TH_ACK flags set, and if the does not
	    reply, one with the TH_FIN flag set. If the remote host
	    replies to one of these packets, then it is alive.
	    This functions puts the interface between localhost and 
	    the remote host in promisc. mode, so that if any traffic
	    coming from the remote host is intercepted before it answers
	    our TCP packets, they will be considered as alive.
	 Returns :
	     1 if the remote host is alive (replied or traffic coming from
	       it has been sniffed)
	     0 if it is not (no answer)
	 Note :
	    Your plugin must be linked against the libpcap-nessus to use
	    this function, as tcp_ping_host() is defined in it.      
    3.4.8 tcp_timing()
	Synopsis :
	  #include <includes.h>
	  #include <nessusraw.h>
	 long tcp_timing(struct in_addr host, int num_probes, int port);
        Description :
          This function returns the average TCP response time of the remote
	host when sending SYN packets to the port <port>.
	This function is mainly used to determine whether the CPU of
	the remote host has jumped to 100% or not (you mesure the
	variation of the response time between before and after an
	Returns :
	  -1 if an error occured
	  0  if the host is the local host
	  The average reponse time, in ms, of the remote host
	Notes :
	  You must link your plugin against the libpcap-nessus to use
	 this function.
	  This function will wait for each answer during 800 ms, no more.
 3.5 plugins inter communication (PIIC)     
   3.5.1 Introduction
    There is some need for the plugins to share their results. For instance,
    the 'portmap.nes' plugin will check wether portmap is installed, and
    some other plugins will be able to perform portmap-related functions
    because they know that portmap is installed.
    This avoids the redundancy of test, speeds up on the overall, and
    make the attacks smarter.
    Currently, the communication is done via 'keys' : you give the key
    a name, and another plugin can call it.
    The keys are only shared between the plugins that are attacking
    the same host.
  3.5.2 plug_set_key()
    Synopsis :
     void plug_set_key(struct arglist * desc,
     		       char * name,
		       int type,
		       void * value);
     Description :
       Creates a new key which can be accessed by other plugins attacking
       the same host.
       'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to the function
       'name' is the name you will give to your key. 
       Currently, the names have the syntax : 
       (like : 'nis/domain') 
       But the function doesn't regard this kind of thing, so you are
       allowed to call it whatever you want (the name must not include
       a newline though)
       'type' must be set to ARG_STRING which is the only data
       format which is currently working. This is being worked on
       'value' is the data you want to set (typically, a pointer to a string)
       It must not contain newlines.
     Notes :
      . This function will be modified soon to accept other data formats
        and to accept that strings may contain newlines.
      . strlen(name) + strlen(value) must be less than 500 chars
      . When you call plug_get_key(), you send a message to 
        the nessus server which will send it in turn to the other
	plugins when they are being launched. So, if you call
	plug_set_key(..., "foo", ....) and then plug_get_key(...., "foo"),
	plug_get_key() will not return the value you defined with
    3.5.3 plug_get_key()
    Synopsis :
     void * plug_set_key(struct arglist * desc,
     		       char * name);
    Description :
      Returns the value of the key 'name'.
      Returns NULL if the key was not defined or was set to 0
   3.5.4 Standard keys
     Several plugins define the following keys. Note that you
     must call plug_set_dep() if you want to use them, because
     if you do not, your plugin may be launched before the plugin
     which will set the key you are interested in.
     Key        : "OperatingSystem"
     Defined in : "queso.nes"
     Type	: ARG_STRING
     Value      : name of the remote operating system
     Key 	: "OperatingSystemVersion" 
     Defined in : "queso.nes"
     Type	: ARG_STRING
     Value 	: version of the remote OS
     Key        : "ftp/anonymous_access"
     Defined in : "ftp_anonymous.nes"
     Type	: ARG_STRING
     Value      : "yes" if the remote FTP server accepts anonymous
     		  logins, "no" if it does not
     Key	: "ftp/writeable_dir"
     Defined in : "ftp_write_dirs.nes"
     Type	: ARG_STRING
     Value 	: NULL if there is no anonymous-writeable directory
     		  or the name of a writeable directory on the remote
     Key	: "ftp/writeable_root"
     Defined in : "ftp_root.nes"
     Type	: ARG_INT
     Value 	: 1 if the remote root directory is writeable when
     		  logged in anonymously
     Key   	:  "rpc/portmapper"
     Defined in :  "portmap.nes"
     Type	: ARG_STRING
     Value	:  "yes" if the remote host has an accessible portmapper
     		   "no" if it does not
     Key	: "Services/ftp"
     Defined in : "find_service.nes"
     Type	: ARG_INT
     Value	: The number of the port on which a FTP server is listenning
     		  (not always 21). Set as an integer
     Key	: "Services/www"
     Defined in : "find_service.nes"
     Type	: ARG_INT
     Value	: The number of the port on which a HTTP server is listenning
     		  (not always 80). Set as an integer
     Key  	: "Services/ssh"
     Defined in : "find_service.nes"
     Type	: ARG_INT
     Value	: The number of the port on which a SSH server is listenning
     		  (not always 22). Set as an integer	  		  	 	  
     Key  	: "Services/smtp"
     Defined in : "find_service.nes"
     Type	: ARG_INT
     Value	: The number of the port on which a SMTP server is listenning
     		  (not always 25). Set as an integer		
     Key  	: "Services/http_proxy"
     Defined in : "find_service.nes"
     Type	: ARG_INT
     Value	: The number of the port on which a HTTP proxy server is 
     		  listenning (not always 3128). Set as an integer
     Key	: "Services/pop2"
     Defined in : "find_service.nes"
     Type	: ARG_INT
     Value	: The number of the port on which a POP2 server is 
     		  listenning (not always 109). Set as an integer
     Key	: "Services/pop3"
     Defined in : "find_service.nes"
     Type	: ARG_INT
     Value	: The number of the port on which a POP3 server is 
     		  listenning (not always 110). Set as an integer
   3.6 Reporting a problem to the Nessus server
    3.6.1 post_hole()
     Synopsis :
       void post_hole(struct arglist * desc, int port, 
       		      const char * problem);
       void post_hole_udp(struct arglist * desc, int port,
       		      const char * problem);
       void proto_post_hole(struct arglist * desc, int port,
       		      const char * protocol,
		      const char * problem);
      Description :
        Sends to the Nessus server the description of a very serious
	'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to the function
	'port' is the number of the port affected by the problem.
	-1 means : 'general' and is used when the problem does not
	come directly from a given port.
	'protocol' is the protocol affected by the flow (ie: "tcp",
	"udp", "icmp")
	'problem' is the description of the problem, which may contain
      Notes :
        post_hole() is used for TCP related holes
	post_hole() and post_hole_udp() call the function proto_post_hole
	If 'problem' is set to NULL, then this function will
	return the description of the plugin, as registered in
	plug_set_description(), in the user selected language.
      See also explained here :
   3.6.2 post_info()
     Synopsis :
       void post_info(struct arglist * desc, int port, 
       		      const char * problem);
       void post_info_udp(struct arglist * desc, int port,
       		      const char * problem);
       void proto_post_info(struct arglist * desc, int port,
       		      const char * protocol,
		      const char * problem);
      Description :
        Sends to the Nessus server a warning regarding a service,
	or a whole protocol.
	'desc' is the argument given as a parameter to the function
	'port' is the number of the port affected by the problem.
	-1 means : 'general' and is used when the problem does not
	come directly from a given port.
	'protocol' is the protocol affected by the flow (ie: "tcp",
	"udp", "icmp")
	'problem' is the description of the problem, which may contain
      Notes :
        post_info() is used for TCP related warnings
	post_info() and post_info_udp() call the function proto_post_info
	If 'problem' is set to NULL, then this function will
	return the description of the plugin, as registered in
	plug_set_description(), in the user selected language.
     See also explained here :
4. Interfacing a Nessus plugin with the libpcap library
  4.1 Makefile changes
   Nessus now includes the libpcap, which is compiled as a shared
   library called 'libpcap-nessus'. If your plugin needs the libpcap,
   then its Makefile must be modified :
   the line :
   LIBS=-L${rootdir}/libs -lnessus
   should become :
   LIBS=-L${rootdir}/libs -lnessus -lpcap-nessus
   Also, your plugin must make the following include :
   #include <pcap.h>
   See the libpcap documentation to learn how to use the libpcap.
  4.2 libpcap-related Nessus functions	
    4.2.1 routethrough()
     Synopsis :
     	char * routethrough(struct in_addr * dest, 
			    struct in_addr * src);

     Description :
      	This function returns the name of the interface (eth0, lo0, ...)
     which will be used to reach the address "dest" going from the
     address "src" (which is typically the local host IP).
     Returns :
        The name of the interface 
	NULL if an error occured
     History :
	This function was taken from Fyodor's Nmap, available at
   4.2.2 get_datalink_size()
      Synopsis :
      	int get_datalink_size(int datalink);

      Description :
      	Returns the size of the data link of the interface.
	datalink is the value returned by pcap_datalink()
5. A sample plugin commented

Here is a typical Nessus plugin, which is pretty stupid. 
Here is what it does :

 - it makes sure it is run AFTER the plugin portmap.nes
 - it asks the user whether it should run twice
 - it checks whether the remote port 21 is open
 - it attempts to connect anonymously on the remote
   FTP server
 - if it succeeds, then it reports that the remote FTP
   server accepts anonymous connections
 - it sets a PIIC key indicating whether the remote FTP
   server accepts anonymous connections, so that the other
   plugins will not have to attempt to connect if it does not
   accepts anonymous connections

#include <includes.h> /* include all what we want */

 * Since the plugin name, description and so on
 * may take some lines, I like to define them in the plugin
 * header
 * This will make 
#define FR_NAME "plugin d'exemple"
#define NAME "sample plugin"

#define FR_DESCRIPTION "Ce plugin ne fait rien de\n\
spécial, il montre seulement comment écrire un plugin"

#define DESCRIPTION "This plugin does nothing\n\
special, it justs shows how to write a plugin\n"
#define SUMMARY "does nothing"
#define FR_SUMMARY "ne fait rien"

#define COPYRIGHT "Renaud Deraison"

 struct arglist * desc;
 * Required calls
 plug_set_name(desc, FR_NAME, "francais");
 plug_set_name(desc, NAME, NULL);
 plug_set_description(desc, FR_DESCRIPTION, "francais");
 plug_set_description(desc, DESCRIPTION,NULL);
 plug_set_summary(desc, FR_SUMMARY, "francais");
 plug_set_summary(desc, SUMMARY, NULL);
 plug_set_copyright(desc, COPYRIGHT,NULL);
 plug_set_family(desc, "Test", NULL);
 plug_set_category(desc, ACT_GATHER_INFO);

  * We want to be launched after portmap.nes
 plug_set_dep(desc, "portmap.nes");
  * And after queso.nes
 plug_set_dep(desc, "queso.nes");
  * We ask the user something
 add_plugin_preference(desc, "Run twice", PREF_CHECKBOX, "yes");

 struct arglist * desc;
  * This our plugin main entry point
 char * run_twice = get_plugin_preference(desc, "Run twice");
 int soc;
 int max = 1;
 int i;
 if(!strcmp(run_twice, "yes"))max++;
  * Do our stuff
  * This plugin will just open a FTP connection to the remote host
  if(!host_get_port_state(desc, 21))return(0);
  soc = open_sock_tcp(desc, 21);
  if(soc < 0)return(0);
  if(ftp_log_in(desc, "ftp", "joe@"))
    * The FTP accepts anonymous connections. We set
    * it as a PIIC key
    plug_set_key(desc, "ftp/anonymous_open", ARG_STRING, "yes");
     * Warn that the FTP accepts anonymous connections
    post_info(desc, 21, "The remote ftp server\n\
    accepts anonymous logins");
   else plug_set_key(desc, "ftp/anonymous_open", ARG_STRING, "no");