

distrib > Mandriva > 8.2 > i586 > media > contrib > by-pkgid > 875525e8228ccb9231e71b8d7ba27544 > files > 15


----	$Id: development.html,v 1.12 2001/03/13 16:43:39 johns Exp $
    <TITLE>Development for FreeCraft Version 1.17</TITLE>
    <H1>Development for FreeCraft Version 1.17</H1>
     ___________		     _________		      _____  __
     \_	  _____/______   ____   ____ \_   ___ \____________ _/ ____\/  |_
      |    __) \_  __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \/    \  \/\_  __ \__  \\   __\\   __\ 
      |     \   |  | \/\  ___/\  ___/\     \____|  | \// __ \|  |   |  |
      \___  /   |__|    \___  >\___  >\______  /|__|  (____  /__|   |__|
	  \/		    \/	   \/	     \/		   \/
    ______________________                           ______________________
			  T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
	   FreeCraft - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
<P><B>(C) Copyright 1998-2001 by The FreeCraft Project. Distributed under the
<A HREF="artistic-license.html">"Artistic License"</A></B>

This file should give you some information to help too develop FreeCraft.<P>

<H2>Make and makefiles</H2>

Type 'make help' to get an overview what all could be made.<P>

<H2>C code documentation</H2>

See below: you can use always the source code documentation.<P>

I have prepared some extra documentations:<P>

<LI><A HREF="datadir.html">FreeCraft data file description.</A>
<LI><A HREF="unit.html">C "Unit" type description.</A>

<H2>Source code documentation</H2>

Valery Shchedrin has introduced tagged source documentation. I continued to
use them.<P>

<H3>This programs are required</H3>

You need one this programs to generate source code documentation.
<LI><A HREF="">DoxyGen</A>
or <A HREF="">DoxyGen</A>
My patch doxgen-0.4.diff.gz should be obsolete.
<LI><A HREF="">DOC++</A>

<H3>Generate documentation from source code</H3>

Please compile and install one of the above programs.
With this commands you produce the documentations:
<LI><EM>make doc</EM> If you use DoxyGen.
<LI><EM>make doc++</EM> If you use DOC++.

<H3>Tags used in source code</H3>

I use the doc++ tags:<P>

/** ... */<P>
Multi line source code documentation.<P>
/// ... <P>
Single line source code documentation.<P>
//@{ or /*@{*/<P>
//@} or /*@}*/<P>

<BR>Name of file or group.
<BR>Describes function/macro parameter
<BR>Describes function return
<BR>Links to other section

Please read the documentation of the programs.

<H2>Empty C prototype file</H2>

//   ___________		     _________		      _____  __
//   \_	  _____/______   ____   ____ \_   ___ \____________ _/ ____\/  |_
//    |    __) \_  __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \/    \  \/\_  __ \__  \\   __\\   __\ 
//    |     \   |  | \/\  ___/\  ___/\     \____|  | \// __ \|  |   |  |
//    \___  /   |__|    \___  >\___  >\______  /|__|  (____  /__|   |__|
//	  \/		    \/	   \/	     \/		   \/
//  ______________________                           ______________________
//			  T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
//	   FreeCraft - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
/**@name {filename}.c	-	{One line description of this file} */
//      (c) Copyright 2001 by {insert your name here}
//      $Id: development.html,v 1.12 2001/03/13 16:43:39 johns Exp $


--	Includes

#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;

#include "freecraft.h"

// More game includes.

--	Variables

// Global and local variables of this module.

--	Functions

// Local and global functions of this module.


<H2>Coding style</H2>

You can use your own coding style in your own modules.
If you fix in other modules, please imitate the coding style of the old coder.

<P>I suggest: <A HREF="/usr/src/linux/Documentation/CodingStyle">
(Linux kernel coding style) </A>
<LI>Write ANSI C.
<LI>Use 8 spaces tabulators.
<LI>Use 4 spaces indentation levels.
<LI>Use C++ comments for to end of line comments.
<LI>Use { } also for one statement blocks.

All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners.
<ADDRESS><A HREF="">The FreeCraft Project</A>