

distrib > Mandriva > 8.2 > i586 > media > contrib > by-pkgid > c01af4a55ef4317d33aae8db43570359 > files > 6


  Fixed a possible issue in SignOn
  general cleanup in the buddylistwindow.
  Info window now has proper icon placement.
  When logged off by someone else logging in as you it wont print out a done of debug anymore.
  Network bug found and fixed.
	system(wget) stuff going back in after buggy attempt to get rid of them.
  fixed segfault when saving options after removing last pounce.
  fixed segfaults when adding/removing pounce of buddy in buddylist which also
  fixed problem with pounce adding to BuddyList at wrong time.
  Icons are now all 16x16
  The save recursive pounce in in cvs
  Fixed pounce bug where the buddy whould show up and make a login sound when they hadn't actually done anything.
  Removed all system(wget)'s, using QNetwork* stuff to do all web gets asynchronously.
  If you a new user your permisions will be set correctly.
  Buddy pounce icon now works
  aim_icon works again.
  wget now will timeout after 3 seconds.
  The window size will not be saved if you log off.
  The drawing of the buddylist is much faster now.
  The buddylistwindow has been clean up quite a bit. 
  Fixed problem with Preview Text not always matching chatwindow text size.
  Fixed Pounce once again.
  found possible segfaults and removed them.
  Added a pounce button the the chatwindow.
  If you sign on with <new user> it will prompt you to go to aol if you wish.
  Long away messages now go in there own info box.
  The proper last name signed on will come up again. (tocNormalize issue)
  Fixed the bug that made typing >) wink at yah
  Invite uses commos now.
  Fixed save size save issue (x was being saved as both x and y)
  When you insert bold, italic etc it will now get from clipboard only if needed.
  Added winaim support, and icon
  Fixed import idletime bug
  Finished (I hope) font face and size support in chat.
  Fixed up tags for smilies to avoid winaims rendering problems
    with some fonts that work fine in kaim.
  Fixed font parsing issue that sometimes caused sizes not to render.
  All chat stuff are now in a folder called chat.
  Names with spaces and caps now show that.
  Save/restore size and slider height.  View/Save size in the menu's  
  Fonts are now saved a lot better.
  Remove settings.xml before re-writing it to remove old/unused settings in it.
  Pounce change/fix
  Buddylist updates online font after it is changed
  fixed changing size bug in chat
  changed default setting for chat font size from 0 to 12 (part of size bug)
  insert Link now requires a discription
  Minor away message location fix
  Minor lof flush fixed.
  General cleanup in the chatroom.
  Fixed possible segfault when you cancel when signing on.
  cleaned up kaim.cpp code
  removed minimum font size option. 
  Renamed a bunch of icons, added chatroom_invite icon
  Fixed idle timeString bug
  Added text options support for buddy list fonts
  Chatroom log is working.
  Chatroom colors are now working.
  Redid chatroom invite for a better invite dialog.
  Fixed import bug
  Chatroom is now fast.
  Does not send a font tag if there is no font
  Updated ui file for text with a tab
  Seperated out chatwindow class into chat and chatwindow
  Created new chatroom based on chat and control widgets.
  Added toolbar options for the chatroom
  Fixed the size save issue.
  Added control widget to the chatroom
  Removed min values in main window options, they are pointless
  Fixed minor issue with smilies not rendering inline.
  Added default button to options. 
  Auto-save the buddywindow size on exit and use this size when signing back on. 
  Looked into having transparancy, but alas we can not
  (BugFix) Changing the idle format now works on the fly again.
  Added create and remove folder icons.
  Added join chatroom icon.
  (BugFix) When logging to a signel file we use append mode now, opps.
  (BugFix) When hitting apply kaim used to grow by 1 pixel
  Remove some old settings that are no longer used.
  Added a debug window for developer use.
  Added Kit import and icon
  Added .desktop file and installation of it.
  (BugFix) the toolbar position was not getting saved.
  (BugFix) Going away now obeys the max size
  The logs are now saved in a better file name format
  (BugFix) Found and fixed segfault that somehow get in all this time.
  Added and enabled smiley popup dialog.
  Enabled all smiley-related options saving/reading/using.
  Added 16x16 smily icon
  wget is checked for on start and on info now.
  If the audio command is not found on the system a dialog will come up.
  Added getAwayMessage icon
  Added the support to get another users away message

03-24-01 [.64]
  Added chatroom invite support.
  Committed initial smiley popup dialog, not enabled in build yet.
  Smiley support! :)
  Moving mute-sound functionality to buddylistwindow.
  (BugFix) added wait to avoid duplicate instances of artsplay to prevent bunch of dead/zombie artsplay 
  Created basic chatroom to test/create backend code in taim and buddylistwindow
  Started adding the chatroom network code to the taim.
  The chat options now uses a tab
  Made the options dialog cleaner (removed boarder around each widget)
  If someone tries to log in as <new user> it will tell them to go to and register.
  Added option to disable sound when you login
  Minor Changes in the Buddylist Menu
  (BugFix) Fixed enabling/disabling of menu items depending on selected item.
  Fixed Pounce menu bug
  If away the online time in now "not online"
  (BugFix) Fixed the color issue where cancel would make the color black (chatwindow).
  (BugFix) Fixed the closing windows issue.  Now all windows will be closed on
		re-signon, unless its the same user signing on.
  Added and fixed some color tag parsing from AOL client messages.
  Improved chat font rendering/options
  Added chat font settings to text options!
  (BugFix) The libraries are now called kaimoptions and kaimnetwork sense X11 has a lib called network.
  (BugFix) Changing the user's colors of their name is now fixed)
  Added textoption icon and widgets to options.
	-Moved the color options to the text from the chat
  (BugFix) When an alias went off line it wouldn't be removed.
	Started TextOptions widget.
  Added emocicons to cvs.
  (BugFix) The chatwindow now checks the text length before allowing you to send.  It will warn you if it is to long and tell you to shorten it.
  Cleaned up the mainwindow.cpp code a lot.
  The tooltips now show on-line time of the user.
  Tooltips are now on buddies!!!
  The newaway message window was redone with uic to make it better and added the % stuff.
  (BugFix) Initial sound broken when it is the only sound selected fixed.
	Sound Command is used now along with sound class.
  Login has focus when disconnected now.
  Groups now show the number of buddies that are on-line.
	(BugFix) An import bug from back before kaim was kaim has been fixed!
	You can now have aliases for your buddies.  A buddy with an alias will have an @ symbol next to his or her name.  
	To go with there there was:
 	 -tbuddy updates
	 -setup changes
	 -import and export changes.
  Added sound class.
  (BugFix) When you apply options and "back when only back is pressed" is checked you will not go away.
  (BugFix) Fixed main window sizing issues and awaywidget sizing issues.
	(BugFix) Chat options window should resize/reflow like the other options dialog to avoid ugliness.
  (BugFix) Libs compiled in arn't installed any more.
  (BugFix) Only auto-aways if not already away.
  Changed default size of chat window to allow for a full vertical text toolbar.
  (BugFix) Fixed "Remove Folder" popup entry.
	(BugFix) Edit buddy in place uses correct height now.
	(BugFix) Bold/Italic buddies were not being vertically centered.
  Added plus and minus hot keys to the chat window for font + and -
  Idle now goes with autoaway (code cleanup, kaim is faster!)
	(BugFix) option autoaway has min of 10 minutes.
	(BugFix) autoresize now uses the size of the menu. (problems with large fonts)
  Stay away until back is clicked option added.
  Add the following parsing ot the away message:
	  %n does the screen name of the buddy the message is going to.
	  %d date 
	  %t time
  (Bugfix) SegFault found and fixed
  Sound options tweaked
	(Bugfix) Fixed default options in the new xml code
	(Bugfix) Added option that was missing
	(Bugfix) Auto-replay after only 5 minutes bug fixed. 
  www parsing commited
  sound default and comnad choice selection
03-05-01 >> Thanks go out to Bob for sending in a patch that did the following:
  X idle time can now be used.
  (Bugfix) Open logs now always uses a tocnormalized name.
  Chat logs include the date that the chat window was opened
  If there is only 1 file in the directory and it is [buddy].log then the broswer uses that.
  If the minute < 10 (in the idle time), a zero is added (i.e.  1:5  -> 1:05 )
  Minor tweaks to about box.

03-04-01 [.63]
	Added key press events to the buddy list window (so pressing 'r' will
		select the next buddy who's name begins with r)  
	(Bugfix) Keys DEL and BACKSPACE behave as expected now.
	Added browser selection to settings save/read functions.
	Moved around and changed password encryption.
	(Bugfix) Found a sneaky crasher that occured if post* connections were not cleared.
  You can now change your password.  (added taim needed stuff, ui file and classes)
  You can now export your buddylist and import your the xml list.
  Added cursor wait clock when importing and exporting sense it takes more then 0 time :).
	You can now hide the list header if you so desire.
  Now sends tags to reset AIM clients to black on white.
  Use XML/Dom for configuration storage now.  It is much much cleaner than the old text processing stuff.
  Ignore away message option in in the away options and not the chat option and worded much better also.
  The passwords are all now m13'd before being saved.
  (BUGFIX) returning from away resets your idle time.
  (BUGFIX) fixed shift-enter bug in chat window where it out add two lines when it should have added one. 
  Added "--base-font-size" command line option.
  Added "--base-font" command line option.
	The chat window can now show non tags tags
  Spelling and Grammer mistakes fixed (Thanks Jim)
  Added Default button to the sound options. (Thanks Jim)
  Emoticons have been started.
  Better netscape handeling
	Browser selection is done through fork and execvp now
  Added the option to ignore Tik's get Away message, message
  openURL Security hole fixed.
	Browser change bug fixed.
  (BugFix) Bummer of a browser bug was found and fixed.
  Band spanking new Options window!
	-Icons modified
	-Old option classes removed
	-It can resize!
	-Compleately .ui and transational ready.
  Redid PermitDeny options page
  Open HomePage uses the browser class now.
  Pounce now starts out with the message "Pounce: "
	If you send a message it will bring you back from away.
  If away and disconnecte on re-connect you wont be away still.

02-11-01 [.62]
  Away Options page changed around for more options in next release.
  Browser "options" have been improved.
  Chat options page now uses spinbox for int values
  Network page is now a ui object.
  (BugFix) When you pounce while away, you stay away.
	(BugFix) When you pounce your idle time will not change.
  (BugFix) The Chat window will now use the browser choosen.
  (BugFix) Away messages larger then 1024 letters are handled properly now.
  (BugFix) When a buddy signs off the LastOn changes to that point in time.
  (BugFix) When a buddy signs on and off too fast a segfault occured before, FIXED.
  (BugFix) Buddylist 1 minute idle loop removed, (i.e. less cpu used, remove possible segfault)
	(Code cleanup) Moved some magic numbers into #defines in buddylistwindow.cpp
	(UI improvement) If the "Remove pounce" menu is empty, insert a disabled "(Empty)" item.
  (BugFix) Add New away message has word wrap now.
  (BugFix) Edit Pounce and remove pounce in menu work compleatly now.
	Added ellipsis ("...") handling for Bolded/Italics names in the buddy list.
  (BugFix) You can now disable the new version check on login with a command line option.
  (BugFix) Kaim will now send away messages to someone only once every five minutes if they keep chatting
	(BugFix) Login and logoff sounds now work as they should
  (BugFix) Reimplimented the right click for it never seemed to have gotten into cvs
  Login window now auto-resizes for translationsal work	

02-04-01 [.61]
  (BugFix) Pounce removal and command stuff works now.
  New awayOptions dialog is done and working with new autoAway feature.
  Redid buddy list bolding/italics stuff for improved goodness.
  Redid all away messages processing to use more efficient structure (QMap) for
  storage.  removed awaymessages.{h,cpp}
  Changed the way away messages were stored to use less memory
  Finished new profileoptions page
	Finished new soundoptions page
  If a buddy send you a message they wont get the auto away for another 5 minutes.
  options.h and options.cpp for the new ui (next release)
	awayoptions.ui and soundoptions.ui added
  (BugFix) tiny bug in chat window menu when given new options.
	Fixed bug that caused removal of buddy's names from the buddy list when they
	signed off, even if View All mode was enabled.
	Added "Clear" button to the Insert Link dialog.
  (BugFix) Taim will only set you no-idle on messages if the bool is false now. (auto response issues)
  Added edit and chat_small icon
  Icons on right click show up now and the right click menu was cleaned up.
  If you disconnect yourself it will no longer show the error "Disconnected."
  Saves settings at logOff
  (BugFix) When you log out the justLogedOn and justLogedOff lists get cleared.
  (BugFix) If you click add/remove buddy in a chat window is will now save the list.
  (BugFix) If you click on the X in the boarder, the application will now properly quit.
	Adding bolding and italics to users signing on and signing off (respectively).
  In the main window options a spin box in now used for the int values
	When auto resize (and top left/right jumps) occures you can have it be moved down an x number of pixles.  This is usefull for those with other items that run up top such as some taskbars. 
  Idle can now be set to display as (h:m) or (xh xm)
  Added more hotkeys to the chatwindow (italic, bold, link, etc)
  Help: Added link to home page.
	Help: Added a check for new releases.
	Kaim will now alert you when there is a new version ready.
  Created network.ui profile.ui and permitdeny.ui (to be used in the next version)
  (BugFix) Resize issue with "connect window", fixed.
	(BugFix) Login window once again checks for zero length usernames and passwords. 
  There is now a -help command line option.  It lists the QT and QT X11 options.
  Only one away message is sent per chat.
  New main window icon
  (BugFix) Added maximize button back to main window
  (BugFix) Fixed browser choice saving issue.
  (BugFix) If you hit cancel in the chat color selection it will now do nothing just as it should.
  Added save/restore support for autoAway in settings.
  (BugFix) Fixed up the pounce in the pull down menu to state commands too.
  I have moved all of the options file (ui, cpp, h etc) into there own folder called options.
  (BugFix) Fixed Chat auto-log combined with any other chat-log option errors.
  Improved Auto-resize a lot :)
  Minor about changes.
  Added right click to hyperlinks in chat window.  Open and Copy are the options.
  Fixed pounce removal error
	Fixed hard coded 4 value with a function call for width.
01-16-00 [.60]
  You can now move the buddies around in the main window, from one group to another.
	AutoResize is much better now, wont flicker.
  You can now scroll and edit a buddy or be scrolled somewhere before editing. (bug fixed)
  Small compile error fixed.
  Main Options fully working.
  Added main window options icon
	Added main window options to options.
  Added doNotRemove to pounce
  Added exec command to pounce
  Added pull down menu for pounce
  Added tik and gaim icons for import menu
	Added view, import, and pounce icons
	Re-did main menu with a better layout and icons.
  Fixed About spelling error
  Fixed chat window error
  Added sounds
  Enabled sounds in options
  Pounce window got more options.
12-14-00 [.51]
  When a buddy signs on the signon icon is shown now.
  If away and get knocked off and you go back you will be not away.
  Possible permit/deny problem found and fixed.
	Auto-Resising defaults and struct set up.
  Fixed the resizing smaller then the window problem.
  You can now select a new away message when you are away.
	You can now edit and update the away message when it is up.
  Fixed bug in chat window where you get away message, but it isn't in the log
  Fixed if idle is set to 0 from >0 it will be reset to 0 in the idle colum.
  Found and fixed possible segfault bug in chat window.
  Fixed save password issues
  Fixed non-saving empty folders.
  Found bug in QT QMainWindow with toolbar interaction.  Workaround made.
  Started working on a main window option dialog box.
  Created a new chat options dialog.
  Added buddy and user background color selection choices.
  Fixed a minor bug when added an away message
  Added a check so you can't add an away message without a title.
	Fixed bug with clicking on "Add Pounce" menu item.
  Moved away dialog into the buddylist window.
  Created "Insert Link" dialog and hooked it up to the chatwindow.
	Moved away dialog into the buddylist window.
	Created "Insert Link" dialog and hooked it up to the chatwindow.
12-01-00 [.50]
  Gaim import works again.
  Sound where there shouldn't be bug found and fixed.
  Fixed possible segfult bug.
  Pounce is finished and fully working!
  The chatwindow menu insert has the item "last message" now.
  KDE 2.0 icons copy, paste, undo, redo, print, save, search bell, log, and disconnected are now used.
  Small about box change.
  Began adding pounce (created the dialog)
  The Chat window toolbar options have been put into there own dialog.
  If you right click on a buddy there is an option to view the logs folder (in netscape).
  Logs are now always in a folder (named for the buddy) whether a file or multiple.
  Fixed chat sound button Tooltip to say the right thing if up OR down.
  Fixed flash issue.
  Selecting text in the chat window will now copy it to the clipboard.
  You can now click on links in the chat window (and Info window) and it will try to open it in netscape yippy!
  Error title changed to be smaller (fit in the default kde 2.0 wm theme).
  New log and sound icon in chat window
  All new icons in the options box
  Settings saved after imports
  Settings saved after signon (so your name becomes a valid name next time)
  In the chat window if you put in a link with text in the clipboard the text will be put in both parts of the html tag.
  The about has the "..." again ;)
  If a user signs off after a little while they go away.
  Hitting return twice in the chat window error was fixed.
  Spelling mistake in sound options corrected.
  Sounds dialog box size corrected.
  Email address and server removed from internal settings.
  Settings no longer used were removed.
10-18-00 [.49]
  Insert Key in chat window now appends and not replace.
  Options box now has full username/password support.
  Passwords arn't saved in settings anymore.
  More \n in away messages removed
  Setting files changed to use . and not _
  Editable Combo box now in the main login window.
  Passwords are saved for each user now also.
  All of the File deletes are done right now.
  Chat window options will now grey out options that you can't select.
  Moved around the options boxes on the left to something I like more.
  In the network options Save password and autologin positions were changed. (Ben Hummon)
  Changed Make system to allow for make dist (and rpms down the line)
  "..." in the menu are done correctly now.   
  Remove old profile before saving.
  Minor change in the order of things in the network backend.
  Several dialogs are dynamic now, thus using less memory overall.
  If you hit cancel on signon the main window wont show up for a moment.
  Away mesages remove \n (because they were anoying. :)
09-27-00 [.48]
  Several small changes to the auto-resize
  A memory leak (THE memory leak) was solved.
  Options resize issue fixed
  Logs are flushed to the file each time something is added.
  You can now log to a single file if you want. (added in options)
  Logs now use .html, .txt, or .log depending on option selection.
  Does not save <new user> settings anymore :)
  The chat window is notified when a reply message was sent.
  Background colors are saved in the settings file now if anyone wants to change them permitly.
  Small tooltip changes.
  Make a workaround for a bug in TIK. (and yes they have been contacted and i got no response)
  View Menu added to right click
  BuddyList saved every time a change is made now and not just at sign on/off
  AutoResizing in the main window has been added.
  When a tag is added the cursor is moved to between the tags.
  Minimum font size option was added
  Print statement (QGArray::at: Absolute index 4 out of range) Fixed.
  Hitting Esc in the options window now cancels.
  2 pixel off line in option window fixed and changed.
  Notify when user signs on (Logged now)
  Notify when user signs off (Logged now)
  Removed aimbuddylist.[cpp,h] because tbuddy is now being used.
  When you sign on and hit cancel it will accually cancel the connection.
  Went through and set the default settings to what I think is good. :)
  Kaim icon added to about menu in chat window and main window.
  If cursor isn't at the end the last char isn't removed.
  The cursor can now be anywhere in the text when you send.
  Always log option works now. (for sure)
09-13-00 [47]
  Idle, Last On should have any issues
  /n were added to the end of a number of files. (Stephan Kulow)
  Removed i386 spisific error codes. (Stephan Kulow)
  Minor return error in kitsocket fixed. (Stephan Kulow)
  Minor return error in chatWindow fixed. (Stephan Kulow)  
  Default arguments fixed all over the place. (Stephan Kulow)
  Add a new away message widget made and implimented
  You can now delete away messages (I am pretty sure you could before...)
  Memory leak found/fixed in away messages when deleted.
  Pen icon updated....again (Will it ever end?)
  Another memory leak fixed in the tbuddy. :) Getting better all the time.
  Minor change to about.
  Moc changes to make it compile faster
  Few posible segfaults fixed in chatwindow.
  Memory clean up in setup.cpp
  Small memory leak in login fixed.
09-09-00 [.46]
  Chat window size finally finally fixed. :)
  Dynamic colums fixed.  Use View/ to select.
  View LastOn works now to see when a buddy last signed on.
  CRTL_L in the chat window now turns on/off logging
  Chat window font color icon changed.
  Flash Fixed.
  If allways log set it accually does it.
  If you change setting and not logged in doesn't log in.
  If error it wont try to log back in automaticly.
  View last on data started.
  Logged on/off repaint issue fixed.
08-24-00 [.45]
  Network issues fixed.
  Options box fixed.
  Chat window bug fixed
  Info box now closes
  Single return code cleaned up.
  Options box works in qt 2.2.0
  Errors have \n in them now.
  Messages of 0 length now work.
  ChatWindow input window can now be made smaller!
  Few minor changes in chatwindow's tooltips
  Deletes old buddylist file before saving new one.
  More memory leaks fixed (in chat window and buddylist window)
  Info window now will close by window managers window.
08-18-00 [.44]
  New chatWindow Info icon
  Fixed up chatWindow warn icon
  Deny from the chat window might work...
  New chatWindow Add icon
  New chatWindow Remove icon
  New chatWindow Block icon
  chatWindow isBuddy function bug fixed.
  Fixed some chatWindow stripping code which fix:
    Time on/off/on/off... <br> problems
    single char message problem
    tag errors
    html rendering errors
    open tag errors.
    chatwindow selection issues
    cut/copy/paste chatlog issues
    Probably more problems that I simply hadn't found yet.
  Removed "flat"
  Auto login works now (how did we miss that?)
  Chat window will tell you when your buddy signs off/on in the chat window.
  taim now emits a signal when a buddy signs on.
  imconferm[cpp,h] changed to imconfirm[cpp,h]
  You can only have return or shift return not both anymore.
  Main window window manager exit calls now honored.
  Html log has white background now.
  Chat window raises, but does not take focus
  User info now goes to main desktop and not the main windows desktop.
  Errors are shown on main desktop and not the main windows desktop.
  Permit/deny cleared before filling.
  Chat window set to setFocus not hasFocus
  Window manager exit calles in chat window are now honored.
  Fixed chat window memory leak
  LINUX Expo :)
  Away messages apear again.
  Added \n that was missing in setup.  (Thanks Bill)
  Fixed flash and raise issue.
08-14-00 [.43]
  Added add.png to icon folder.
  Kaim.png icon cleaned up.
  About box icons done correctly.
  Minor syntax changes in about box.
  About box now shows releaseDate (just like leaving mouse over date on main window)
  permitDeny wont update unless changed now.
  Adding a buddy will normallize it now.
  Buddylist window isFolder function bug (buddy name same as folder) fixed.
  Chat Window add/remove button fully works
  Chat window function slotBuddyRemove changed to slotBuddyAddRemove
  Chat window now wants to know if it is a buddy
  info window deletes itself on close
  Prompts you to delete a folder (after I did just such)
  Function AddBuddy(QString) added.
  Configure no only requests for qt and not kde.
  removed kaimlogo_small icon
  One and only one options dialog now.
  Spent the day finding memory leaks and cleaning them up all over.
  Sign on window now shows progress with both text and images
  Differnt buddy window font.
  Removed Events from options box for the time being.
  Chat window should raise properly now.
  Right click on main window message removed.
  Tik inport functionality working
  Send Away message before opening a window. (for twm users)
  Put spaces in chat window menu items that needed it.
  Right click im calls double click
  you can no log off and log back on with a different name and im the same person, but get a new window.
  SelectALL selects the right window now.
  kaim deny dialog now checks to see if it needs to set permissions before doing so.
  Add away message now tells user to go to program/options.
  You can now add a buddy if a buddy is selected.
  Moved the right click line.
  Redid the main menu, made it cleaner and with hot keys.
  Got rid of some old code in the buddylistwindow.cpp
  Add away from main window doesn't bring up away message.
  You can now resize the info window. 
08-09-00 [.42]
  aim.cpp Allows for \n to be sent to other users now.
  Chat window will handle \n properly now.
  Config requires QT 2.1.0
  Input window has focus as of when the chat window finishes init.
  If sound default was off (sound,mesin,messout) and soudn was clicked in chat window all three are turned on localy.
  Insert in the chat window will bring up the last thing written.
  Cleaned up the menus a little.
  Got rid of dumb error that would cause hang in chat class (off by one)
  Added inital sound to chat class.
  Added inital sound to save/retrieve/kaimdialog/chatsoundstack  
  Disabled wav sound for now.
  Permit/Deny selection box wording changed.
  Permit/Deny is done and working.
  No sound if no send and no recieve selected.
  Idle is now in hour min format.
  Increased default main window size.
  Sign on and off beep sounds work. 
08-07-00 [.41]
  Fixed timestamp on/off /n bug.
  Network page is done.  All options are working.
  Profile page is done.  
  Chat options page is done.  All options are working.
  chat parseAndProcessALL _now_ accually does remove all tags.
  Remove socks 4 selection
  Fixed a sending bank when really a 1 char issue
  Fixed spelling error on permit/deny page.
  Chat Sound options are now saved and retrieved.
  Sound Options now accually do somthing in the chat window. :) YAH!@!@
  Fixed two check values in chatwindow that would check sound and log when it shouldn't because of a wrong comparison.
  Moved Awaymessagedata into awaymessage; deleted awaymessagedata.cpp
  Moved infodata into info; deleted infodata.cpp
  Updated TODO list.
  AwayMessage word wraps now.
  Turned off default auto raise and auto flash
  It will now use the network server(s)/port(s) specified.
  Socks 5 is now set and working if chosen.
  Two spelling errors in the options box were fixed.
  Changed wording on profile page for this version.
  Profile edit box is now set to wrap.
  Removed Email and SMTP server from server options. (Don't know why they were there)
  If F2 is pressed in the chat window it will turn time stamp on and off.
  Timestamp on and off will now scroll down to the bottom.
  Chat window resize will scroll to the bottom.
  Chat window save log tag issue fixed.
  Version date is now in the setup stack
  Idle gets updated every minute now.
  Come Back from away works.
  Comes back from away if send message.
  Comes back from away if get info.
  Auto Response if away.
  Dixed save away list.
  Adds "auto response:" on incomming autoresponse messages. 
  Fixed kaim import issue
  Fixed send im issue
  Fixed away issue
08-05-00 [.40]
  New KitSocket is now working.  
  Fixed Tbuddylist error
  Added operator + to tbuddylist
  Import functionality added
    Kaim Buddy Lists
    Gaim Buddy Lists
  Added folder_closed image to icons.
  Folder changes depening of open or closed now.
  A few tool tips were changed in chat window to make better sense.
  Edit size was changed to only go the size of the name.
  Font size in main window was changed to 12 from 10.
08-01-00 [.32]
  Info is now fully working.  It uses wget to accually ratrieve the file from the web server.  qgeturl doesn't support the dynamic port changes I found out.
  Added Idle to the main screen
  Update Away list if options changed  
  Changed About message
  Chat about opens main about now.
  Fixed spelling error in main window
  Chat options box location of toolbars now work and values are saved
  line limit saved and passed also
  Got rid of the logo in the main window.
  Chat window title now goes [buddy] - Kaim so that in window managers you can see who you are talking too if they cut off.
  Default color options have been implimented.  Saves and restores it also
  Fix ViewALL issue
  Displays network errors
  Options now has the kaimicon
07-30-00 [.31]
  Chat options are mostly there
  Saves buddy list
  Retrieves buddy list
  New network code
  Supports socks in network now
  General code clean up.
 You can see a few of the Chat options in the options dialog
  i.e. work in progress, but getting there.
 Chatwindow updates
   Time on/off
   Logging (all of it)
   Tabing code
   Color yours/buddys
   bg Color yours/buddys
   html parse code
  In buddylistwindow.cpp clean up and just about finished functions:
    void slotWarnBuddy();
    void slotWarnBuddy(QString name);
    void slotSendWarning(QString name, bool isAnonymous);
    void slotBlockBuddy();
    void slotBlockBuddy(QString name);

    void slotGetBuddyInfo();
    void slotGetBuddyInfo(QString name);
    void slotBuddyInfoRecieved(QString info);
  Added updated connections to the chat window
  Added addBuddy signal to chat window
  Added ChatWindow settings to the setup struct
  Added ChatWindow settings default to setup.
  Removed Generalpage.cpp generalpage.h generalpagedata.cpp
  Added Chatpage to the options
  Moved the block/warn/info/deny from the chat window to the buddy window to handle there
  Fixed small return issue in chatwindow for spelling and grammar
  Small grammer changes here and there
  no pixmap folder only icon
  no TreeView class
  no TreeViewItem class
  got rid of non-needed classes in buddylistwindow
  signon quits if can't connect
  all new BuddylistWindow code
    add/remove buddy/folder
  small fix in chatWindow
  more network code changes.
05-25-00 - 0.28neil
  KaimIconLoader for icons
  KaimApplication for KaimIconLoader
  KDevelop removed, as well as generated files
  AOL-RTF fixes
05-23-00 - .27
  Uses QT 2.0 now
  New Chat Class (kicks ass!)
    Fixed small ViewTime error
  ALL new network code
  New framework
  Login does not use Kdevelop dialog now
  begining of new buddylistwindow that doesn't use KDE TreeView
  New options dialog with new look. (QJanusWidget)     
  Fixed image const problem.  Balg that took a long time.
  ImConferm - finished
  I am going to update this daily rather then try to do only point releases. :)
  Add folder
  remove folder
  add buddy
  remove buddy
  Yippy, I can add buddies and folders now. It requires a restart, but who cares. :)
03-15-00 - .24
  Away list
  Bounce started
  edit for buddies
  Double click chats with buddy.
03-09-00 - .23
  AwayPage - Finished
  Allow for add/remove/edit/delete of away messages.
  AwayMessages - Finished
  Fully linklist add/remove messages.
  started help.  Al learst used KDE help
  AimBuddyList - Finished
  Save path for persons
  retrieves names
  You can add names, but they don't get updated yet
  save names
  Edit names/alias
  ProfilePage - Finished
  BuddyList - View ALL - Finished
  You can view all the users and then only view the ones on-line
  This allows for editing the users
02-25-00 - .22
  Bring up menu when click on buddy
  Edit buddy names (Somewhat)
  Properly addes and removes the buddies when they come on and leave.
  Added Error windows in protocal.h
  Moved some icons to their own folder.
  Added comments thoughout the code.
  Small icons and buddy update for new or allready buddy is there.

  added general in preferences
  BuddyList - Replaced with AimBuddyList
  BuddyListEntry - Replaced with AimBuddyList
  AimBuddyList - There should be any more work on this class (So for the time being Finished)

  All classes created and mostly stubbed
  added kaimicon.h
  embeding of icons
  Can recieve messages in chat box.
  Can go away (kinda)
  LoginDialogBox - Finished
  AwayMessageDialogBox - Finished
  InfoDisplayBox - Finished

  -Initial Work
  Saves Some
  Logging on.
  See Buddy List