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<title>Readme for analog -- mailing lists</title>

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<h1><img src="analogo.gif" alt=""> Analog 5.21: Mailing lists</h1>
<hr size=2 noshade>

I welcome mail about analog, both praise and bug reports! I and others are
also usually happy to help people who have trouble with analog: it helps me
to find bugs, and know where the documentation is unclear.

There are four mailing lists for analog.
<dd>Announcements about analog. I post to this when there are new versions,
for example. Only gets a few messages a year.
<dd>Getting help with analog from experienced users. This is the place to go
if you have trouble setting up or configuring the program. Usually you will
get a swift reply. <em>You have to subscribe to the list before you can send a
message</em>. There is also a
<a href="">searchable
web archive</a> of the list.
<dd>This is the same as the <kbd>analog-help</kbd> list, except that you get
one long message per day instead of lots of individual ones.
<dd>This just goes to me. Use for private comments, or other things that would
not be suitable for the <kbd>analog-help</kbd> list. Don't use this address
for user support questions: I'll just redirect you to <kbd>analog-help</kbd>.
You may or may not get a swift reply, depending how busy I am with other

There is also an independent
<a href="">Japanese analog mailing list</a>. And
there are also companies offering support for analog on a commercial basis:
you can find a list of them on the <a href="">analog home

<hr size=1 noshade>
To subscribe to (or unsubscribe from) any of the mailing lists, fill in the
appropriate form at
<a href=""></a>. So that no-one
else can subscribe you, you'll receive a mail which you have to reply to to
confirm your subscription.

<hr size=1 noshade>
If you want to get <em>help with analog</em>, please check the following
simple things first. (For articles on how to ask in such a way that you'll get
a useful answer, I recommend
Eric Raymond's <cite><a href="">How To Ask Questions The Smart Way</a></cite>
and Simon Tatham's <cite><a href="">How to Report Bugs Effectively</a>.)

  <li>Read the <a href="faq.html">FAQ</a>. Maybe I've answered your question
      already. If I have, I'll just direct you to the FAQ, not answer it
  <li>If analog produced some error messages when it ran, they probably
      indicate what went wrong. Read the section on
      <cite><a href="errors.html">Errors and warnings</a></cite>.
  <li>If your question is &quot;Will this command have that effect?&quot;, why
      not try it and see!
  <li>If you think you've found a bug, read the
      <a href="">list of
      known bugs</a> at my site, to see if your bug is already known about.
  <li>Read the other relevant pages of the Readme, particularly the sections
      on <cite><a href="start.html">Starting to use analog</a></cite> and
      <cite><a href="custom.html">Customising analog</a></cite>. You may also
      find the <a href="indx.html">index</a> useful. I don't appreciate people
      who are too lazy to read the documentation. (If the documentation is
      unclear, or the relevant paragraph is too well hidden, then that's a
      different matter. Of course I want to know about that.)
  <li>Have a look in the
      <a href="">web
      archive</a> of the mailing list to see if your question has already been
      answered there.
  <li>If analog isn't doing what you thought you asked it to, then run it with
      the <kbd><a href="syntax.html#settings">SETTINGS ON</a></kbd>
      command, and see what options it thinks it's meant to be using.
I'm sorry to be so fussy, but a lot of the mail on the list really needn't
have been sent at all, and just wastes the time of everybody on the list. As
I say, I really do welcome genuine mail.
If you still need help, subscribe to the to the analog-help mailing list using
the form at
<a href=""></a>,
and then send your mail to
Please do the following when you send mail to the list.
  <li>Describe exactly what you did, what you expected, and what the computer
      did. Include the <em>exact text</em> of any error messages, not a
  <li>Mention which version of analog you are using, on which operating
  <li>Give your mail a subject line which indicates immediately what aspect of
      analog it is about. (This is useful for the <a href="">archive</a>).
  <li>Do <strong>not</strong> send long files or attachments unless you're
      asked to. We do not want to see your configuration file, your header
      file, your output file, or any logfile over 10 lines long. They are
      almost always useless to us. And anyway, excessively long messages will
      be rejected by the mailing list server.
<hr size=1 noshade>
If you want to send a <em>private message to me</em>, you can send it to me at
<a href=""></a>.
Please don't use this address for user support questions: I don't have time to
answer them, and I'll just redirect you to the <kbd>analog-help</kbd> list.

<hr size=1 noshade>
Many thanks to <a href="">ISite</a> for providing these
mailing lists for me, and to <a href="">The Mail
Archive</a> for archiving the analog-help list.

<hr size=2 noshade>
Go to the <a href="">analog home page</a>.
<address>Stephen Turner
<br>20 February 2002</address>
<p><em>Need help with analog? <a href="mailing.html">Use the analog-help
mailing list</a>.</em>
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