

distrib > Mandriva > 9.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 04f5795d5208a65cc14b94d7cf5aaeb0 > files > 23


This file only describes the steps for he installation of Ka.
Other questions might be answered in Ka-deploy.txt and boot.txt

*- Be sure to get the following files (version number can differ):

If you don't want rpms, take the .tar.gz for ka-boot and ka-deploy and compile
them ( on a linux machine ! ). ka-nfsroot only comes as a binary.
ka-nfsroot comes from the mini distribution Mininux ( 

*- You need for your cluster a machine that will act as DHCP and TFTP server. Install these services (dhcp and tftp) and then install ka-boot, ka-nfsroot, and ka-deploy-server-host on this machine ("the server").
If you took the RPM's, just rpm -ivh them.
If you took the source and compiled it :
-ka-nfsroot should go in /tftpboot/NFSROOT
-from ka-boot : kaboot -> /tftpboot
-from ka-deploy : 
this is what is done by the RPM installation, you should do the same

	mkdir -p /tftpboot/NFSROOT
	mkdir -p /tftpboot/kascripts
	mkdir -p /tftpboot/kasteps
	mkdir -p /etc/ka

	install -m 755 src/ka-d-client /tftpboot/NFSROOT/ka-d-client
	install -m 755 scripts/ka_range_set /tftpboot/ka_range_set
	install -m 755 scripts/ka_range_step /tftpboot/ka_range_step
	install -m 644 scripts/ka_deploy.kbt /tftpboot/ka_deploy.kbt
	install -m 644 scripts/ka.conf /etc/ka/ka.conf
	install -m 644 scripts/ka.funcs /etc/ka/ka.funcs

*- You must have a cluster node, that will be cloned on all the machines of the cluster. On this machine ("the node"), install ka-deploy-cluster-node. This node should be a Linux system set up to use DHCP for the IP configuration.
without  the rpm :
	-> on the cluster node, put ka-postinstall in /etc/init.d and make sure it gets executed at machine startup after newtork initialization : ln -sf ../init.d/ka-postinstall /etc/rc.d/rc"$runlevel".d/S13ka-postinstall
	-> ka-d-server should go in /usr/local/bin or whatever you like.
*- On the cluster node: edit /etc/init.d/ka-postintall
There is a line server=
Just put there the name of your tftp server : for instance :

The cluster node MUST be configured to use dhcp to get its IP configuration.

You also need some software of the cluster node:
-GNU tar, and NOT version 1.13.19. Version 1.13.17 is OK, I don't know about
the others. (issues with hard links in 1.13.19). -- older versions probably
are NOT ok.

-tftp : tftp 0.16-2 is OK, tftp 0.17-4 is not (buggy tftp put).

-a properly configured lilo

If you have trouble finding correct versions for tar and tftp, just take the
ones from the nfsroot rpm.

*- On the server : Edit /etc/ka/ka.conf to match your cluster configuration. Once this is
$ cd /tftpboot
$ ./ka_range_set 1 50 ka_deploy.kbt
this will set up links so that all the machines from 1 to 50 have ka-boot
running the ka_deploy.kbt script on startup.

$ ./ka_range_step 2 50 install
(of course the numbers 2, 50 are only examples. Let's imagine you have a
50-node cluster and node 1 will be cloned on all other nodes)
$./ka_range_step 1 1 ready

These two commands will write files so that on its next reboot, node 1 will
just boot normally on its hard drive, and on their next reboot 
nodes 2 to 50 will do a network boot and run the installation program.

On the /tftpboot directory on the server you must also place a linux kernel
image for your machines that supports (without using modules)
-your network interface card(s)
-IP autoconfiguration(bootp/dhcp)
-root filesystem on nfs

Edit the ka_deploy.kbt script to match the filename of this kernel

*- Setting up dhcp/discovering MAC addresses :
First you must verify that your machines boot on their LAN card using the PXE
protocol. (this section needs to be written)

*- Now you must edit the /tftpboot/NFSROOT/install and part files to fit to
your partition scheme. We use only one / partition on /dev/hda1, and one swap
on /dev/hda2. In any other case, you must edit these files. 
If your Linux nodes have more than one Linux partition (eg you have a /, a
/usr, etc.. and not only a /) you need to read the Ka-deploy.txt documentation and
use a different command for the server than the default one.

Else just run ka-d-server as root on the node 1:
root@node1$ ka-d-server -s icluster -n 49

	-s icluster : the session name of this installation is 'icluster' : must
	match the name that is in the scripts in /tftpboot/NFSROOT on the server
	-n 49 : we install 49 nodes 

And boot the 49 nodes that must be installed. And that's it. Do a tail -f on
/var/log/messages on the server, watch the screen of the node 1 and one of the
other nodes to check what's going on.

The file /tftpboot/NFSROOT/tftpserver should also contain the IP address of
your tftp server.


* On the client, tar prints : 
tar : could not create directory : no such file or directory
->This is normal, see BUGS

* On the client, tar prints lots and lots of error messages :
->you probably have a wrong version of tar

* During the second boot, ka-postinstall writes :
'PB de tftp'
-> you propably have a buggy version of tftp. If not, check the file tree in
/tftpboot, the rights on the kaspteps/ files (they must be world-writable),
and see in the logs of your tftp server

* During the first boot, the client does not find the server and fails on
'udp-find-server()' :
-> your netmask may be wrong. check your dhcpd.conf, you must have specified
the subnet. If you still have trouble with udp, try to get rid of the -s
option on ka-d-client (edit /tftpboot/NFSROOT/install) and use the -h option
(see Ka-deploy.txt for help)