

distrib > Mandriva > 9.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 10dca5d15c6c84a495b9c10f902a58ec > files > 5


Version 1.52 15/01/2002
 o fixed bug in evaluation of <> operator in bib2bib conditions
 o fixed bugs in URLs display
 o new tool aux2bib by Ralf Treinen
 o removed <font size> when option -css is used
 o added macro \frac
 o added .txt and .html as recognized file extensions

Version 1.51 15/10/2001
 o fixed bug in links to not compressed documents; nicer names for links
 o fixed bug in --quiet
 o option -dl to format entries with <DL> instead of <TABLE>
 o spaces quoted in HTML comment giving the bibtex2html command
 o macro \path (treated like \verb)

Version 1.5 10/10/2001
 o less invasive links (to BibTeX entries and files)
 o option -css to specify a style sheet
 o macro \textcolor now translated (patch by François Pottier)
 o option -bg to set background color (patch by François Pottier)
 o fixed HTML errors (unclosed tags)

Version 1.46 21/2/2001
 o code documented with ocamlweb (but still poor comments)
 o fixed bug for links' names 
 o fixed a minor HTML error (inversion of <blockquote> and <font>)

Version 1.45 31/1/2001
 o option -nf to specify how to display the link (patch by François Pottier)

Version 1.44 11/1/2001
 o bibtex2html: href bugfix for generation in output dir (Jan Nieuwenhuizen)
 o macros \lor and \land (translation of raw ASCII)
 o brackets { } are now ignored when comparing or matching strings in
   bib2bib conditions

Version 1.41 30/6/2000
 o configured by GNU autoconf
 o option -labelname to use the label name when inserting a link
 o fixed bug in option -t when bibtex file read on standard input
 o relative URL not prefixed with ./ when email addresses
 o macro \par translated to <p> not <br>
 o added symbols '&', '|', '!' and '?' resp. for synonyms of 'and',
   'or', 'not' and 'exists'
 o replaced notations '$' and '#' resp. by '$key' and '$type' in 
   bib2bib conditions
 o all macros \xxfamily, \xxseries and \xxshape
 o fixed bug in translating unbalanced quotes to HTML
 o bib2bib: predicate "exists" added in conditions to check existence
   of a field
 o bib2bib: new semantics for non-existent fields in conditions
 o bib2bib: added # in conditions to refer to the entry type
 o bib2bib: strings may now be written between single quotes
 o macros \mathsf, \mathtt, \mathnormal, \TeX, \LaTeXe
 o option -q, --quiet: do not write anything to stderr except errors

Version 1.4, 19/6/2000
 o fixed 2 bugs in bib2bib: it is now allowed to have the same key for
   an abbrev and for a regular entry. An abbrev that refer itself to
   other abbrevs is now correctly handled.
 o fixed bug: abbreviations were not correctly expansed in the -bib file
 o relative URL now prefixed by ./ (otherwise Internet Explorer can't resolve
   them correctly)
 o arguments to option -f are now turned into uppercase
 o added options -fsuffix / -lsuffix to specify different suffixes for
   HTML files and links (-suffix s is equivalent to -fsuffix s -lsuffix s)
 o fixed bug: entries were sorted in reverse order when no order specified
 o remove nested tags <a> (incorrect HTML)
 o closed tags <td> with </td>
 o added macro \html (raw HTML)
 o fixed bug with both -nodoc and -multiple

Version 1.3, 2/6/2000
 o sorting according to dates: bibtex2html no more fails on incorrect
   dates but issues a warning; if no date is present, the date of the
   crossref is used, if any.
 o macros: \LaTeX, \v, \tm, \sl
 o character / in keys
 o option --hevea-url to translate macro \url as HeVeA's instead of LaTeX's
 o bib2bib now takes care of repeated entries (See the manual)
 o \textsf now translated as \textbf (i.e. to bold face)
 o production of valid HTML (Thanks to John Kewley)

Version 1.2, 1999/02/10
 o manual.tex does not require hevea.sty anymore
 o fixed wrong link to bibtex entries in the page with abstracts
 o implementation: use of the ocaml module Buffer
 o fixed bug: authorize & in keys
 o bib2bib conditions now take LaTeX accents into account. For example
   \'e, \'{e} and é are all considered identical. Some accents still
   have to be considered. A new module Latex_accents has been added
   for that purpose.
 o much more LaTeX macros translated
 o macro \u (a romanian accent) recognized (but \u{s} simply outputs s) 
 o option --raw-url to print URL instead of files's types.
Version 1.1, 1999/11/05
 o bibtex2html version is written at the end of the document and inside the
   HTML source
 o options --output and --nobibsource for bibtex2html
 o bibtex2html now reads on standard input if no input file is given, 
   and writes on standard output (if no output file is specified).
 o new option of bib2bib: --expand expands the abbreviations
 o macro \neq -> <>
 o Readbib now outputs messages on standard error, not standard output
 o in bib2bib conditions, $ means the key of an entry
 o changed behaviour of bib2bib, in order to be used as a filter :
   . if no input files, input is taken from standard input
   . if no -ob option, output is done on standard output
   . if no -oc option, no citation file created at all 
 o bib2bib now supports options --version and --warranty
 o macro \% -> %
 o macro \ss -> &szlig;
 o authorize + in keys

Version 1.0, 1999/07/15
 o option --footer
 o condition are now arbitrary boolean expressions over comparaisons
   and matchings
 o macro \mathcal 
 o bib2bib is able to parse conditions of the form field:regexp (but
   only one condition at a time)
 o the bib output :
    . is in the same order as the original one
    . option -noexpand produces an bib output still containing @STRINGs 
      (but notice that crossrefs are never expanded)
 o the default bibtex command is "bibtex -min-crossrefs=1000" in order
    to avoid citation to the crossrefs. (This behaviour is obtained
    only when using a -citefile where the crossrefs are not included.)
 o macros with nested braces now recognized correctly 
 o macros \textrm and \textsl
 o option -citefile to read keys to cite from a file
 o macros \sim, \symbol; macros for accents without argument (\~{}, \'{}, etc.)

Version 0.95, 1999/06/02
 o german macros when using a german BibTeX style
 o comma suppressed after last field in BibTeX entries file
 o macro \textit
 o comma after "BibTeX entry" suppressed when not needed

Version 0.91, 1999/04/19
 o bug fix in links to BibTeX entries in the page with abstracts
 o code optimization

Version 0.9, 1999/02/12
  o option -both to make both versions with and without abstracts
  o suffix .zip added for compressed files

Version 0.8, 1999/02/08
  o option -multiple (one file per entry)
  o bug fixed in syntax error line report
  o translation for macros \DH, \th
  o file types prefixed by "Compressed" when it is the case
  o file suffixes PDF and RTF recognized
  o abstracts printed in a smaller font (<font size=-1>)

Version 0.72, 1999/01/21
  o option -warranty to get the warranty conditions
  o translation of various LaTeX accents

Version 0.71, 1999/01/11
  o translation for macros \o, \O, \ae, \AE, \aa, \AA
Version 0.7, 1998/11/18
  o on-line documentation
  o option -f, --field
  o long names for all options
  o more math macros, better handling of {sub,sup}scripts
  o option -noabstract
  o option -nofooter

Version 0.61, 1998/10/19
  o option -nokeys

Version 0.6, 1998/02/17
  o spaces in URL are removed
  o compilation in native code  

Version 0.4, 1998/01/28
  o multiple bibliographies
  o read macros in a file

Version 0.3, 1997/11/06
  o option -c to specify a command
  o quick sort of entries
  o macro \url is translated into a HTML link

Version 0.2, 1997/10/24
  o new presentation with only 2 files (F.html and F-bib.html)

Version 0.1, 1997/07/17
  o first public release