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<title>Default configuration: /usr/lib/rpm/rpmpopt-4.0.4</title>
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<hr><h2><a name="config_rpmpopt">Default configuration: /usr/lib/rpm/rpmpopt-4.0.4</a>
</h2># <div class="fragment"><pre>
# This file *should not be modified*. Local customizations
# belong in /etc/popt, not here. This file will be replaced
# whenever a new version of RPM is installed.
# Note: Not all popt aliases are documented. This is a decision on my
# part as to which are the more important aliases. Feel free to clip
# a copy of the alias/exec here and place in /etc/popt or ~/.popt with
# your own words added. It's easier than arguing about how many options
# fit on the head of an executable :-)

rpm     alias --scripts --qf '\
%|PREIN?{preinstall scriptlet\
%|PREINPROG?{ (through %{PREINPROG})}|:\n%{PREIN}\n}:\
{%|PREINPROG?{preinstall program: %{PREINPROG}\n}|}|\
%|POSTIN?{postinstall scriptlet\
%|POSTINPROG?{ (through %{POSTINPROG})}|:\n%{POSTIN}\n}:\
{%|POSTINPROG?{postinstall program: %{POSTINPROG}\n}|}|\
%|PREUN?{preuninstall scriptlet\
%|PREUNPROG?{ (through %{PREUNPROG})}|:\n%{PREUN}\n}:\
{%|PREUNPROG?{preuninstall program: %{PREUNPROG}\n}|}|\
%|POSTUN?{postuninstall scriptlet\
%|POSTUNPROG?{ (through %{POSTUNPROG})}|:\n%{POSTUN}\n}:\
{%|POSTUNPROG?{postuninstall program: %{POSTUNPROG}\n}|}|\
%|VERIFYSCRIPT?{verify scriptlet:\n%{VERIFYSCRIPT}\n}|\
' \
        --POPTdesc=$"list install/erase scriptlets from package(s)"

rpm     alias --setperms -q --qf '[\[ -L %{FILENAMES:shescape} \] || chmod %7.7{FILEMODES:octal} %{FILENAMES:shescape}\n]' \
                   --pipe "grep -v \(none\) | sed 's/chmod .../chmod /' | sh" \
        --POPTdesc=$"set permissions of files in a package"

rpm     alias --setugids -q --qf \
        '[ch %{FILEUSERNAME:shescape} %{FILEGROUPNAME:shescape} %{FILENAMES:shescape}\n]' \
        --pipe "(echo 'ch() { chown -- \"$1\" \"$3\";chgrp -- \"$2\" \"$3\"; }';grep -v \(none\))|sh" \
        --POPTdesc=$"set user/group ownership of files in a package"

rpm     alias --conflicts       --qf \
        --POPTdesc=$"list capabilities this package conflicts with"
rpm     alias --obsoletes       --qf \
        --POPTdesc=$"list other packages removed by installing this package"
rpm     alias --provides        --qf \
        --POPTdesc=$"list capabilities that this package provides"

rpm     alias --requires        --qf \
        --POPTdesc=$"list capabilities required by package(s)"
rpm     alias -R --requires

rpm     alias --info --qf 'Name        : %-27{NAME}  Relocations: %|PREFIXES?{[%{PREFIXES} ]}:{(not relocateable)}|\n\
Version     : %-27{VERSION}       Vendor: %{VENDOR}\n\
Release     : %-27{RELEASE}   Build Date: %{BUILDTIME:date}\n\
Install date: %|INSTALLTIME?{%-27{INSTALLTIME:date}}:{(not installed)         }|      Build Host: %{BUILDHOST}\n\
Group       : %-27{GROUP}   Source RPM: %{SOURCERPM}\n\
Size        : %-27{SIZE}%|LICENSE?{      License: %{LICENSE}}|\n\
%|PACKAGER?{Packager    : %{PACKAGER}\n}|\
%|URL?{URL         : %{URL}\n}|\
Summary     : %{SUMMARY}\n\
Description :\n%{DESCRIPTION}\n' \
        --POPTdesc=$"list descriptive information from package(s)"

rpm     alias --changelog --qf '[* %{CHANGELOGTIME:day} %{CHANGELOGNAME}\n\n%{CHANGELOGTEXT}\n\n]' \
        --POPTdesc=$"list change logs for this package"

rpm     alias --triggerscripts --qf '\
[trigger%{TRIGGERTYPE} script (through %{TRIGGERSCRIPTPROG}) -- %{TRIGGERCONDS}\n\
rpm     alias --triggers --triggerscripts \
        --POPTdesc=$"list trigger scriptlets from package(s)"

rpm     alias --last --qf '%|INSTALLTIME?{%{INSTALLTIME}}:{000000000}| %{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} %|INSTALLTIME?{%{INSTALLTIME:date}}:{(not installed)}|\n' \
        --pipe "sort -r -n | sed 's,^[0-9]\+ ,,' | awk '{printf(\"%-45s %-s\n\", $1, substr($0,length($1)+2))}' " \
        --POPTdesc=$"list package(s) by install time, most recent first"

rpm     alias --filesbypkg --qf '[%-25{=NAME} %{FILENAMES}\n]' \
        --POPTdesc=$"list all files from each package"

rpm alias --redhatprovides -q --define '_dbpath /usr/lib/rpmdb/%{_arch}-%{_vendor}-%{_os}/redhat' --whatprovides \
        --POPTdesc=$"find package name that contains a provided capability (needs rpmdb-redhat package installed)"

rpm alias --redhatrequires -q --define '_dbpath /usr/lib/rpmdb/%{_arch}-%{_vendor}-%{_os}/redhat' --whatrequires \
        --POPTdesc=$"find package name that contains a required capability (needs rpmdb-redhat package installed)"

# colon separated i18n domains to use as PO catalogue lookaside for
* retrieving header group/description/summary.
# For Red Hat, value should be "redhat-dist:redhat-powertools".
rpm alias --i18ndomains --define '_i18ndomains !#:+'

# Build policies enabled from command line. Last policy applies.
rpm alias --buildpolicy --define '__os_install_post /usr/lib/rpm/brp-!#:+' \
        --POPTdesc=$"set buildroot &lt;policy&gt; (e.g. compress man pages)" \

# Choose db interface:
#       0       same as 1
#       1       native db1 interface (e.g. linux glibc libdb1 routines).
#       2       native db2 interface.
#       3       native db3 interface.
#       -1      db3 -&gt; db2 -&gt; db1 (as available).
# There are two macros so that --rebuilddb can convert db1 -&gt; db3
rpm alias --dbapi                --define '_dbapi !#:+'

rpm alias --rebuilddbapi         --define '_dbapi_rebuild !#:+'
rpm alias --rebuilddbpath        --define '_dbapath_rebuild !#:+'

#       [--dbpath &lt;dir&gt;]        "use &lt;dir&gt; as the directory for the database"
rpm     alias --dbpath          --define '_dbpath !#:+'
#       [--ftpport &lt;port&gt;]      "port number of ftp server (or proxy)"
rpm     alias --ftpport         --define '_ftpport !#:+'
#       [--ftpproxy &lt;host&gt;]     "hostname or IP of ftp proxy"
rpm     alias --ftpproxy        --define '_ftpproxy !#:+'
#       [--httpport &lt;port&gt;]     "port number of http server (or proxy)"
rpm     alias --httpport        --define '_httpport !#:+'
#       [--httpproxy &lt;host&gt;]    "hostname or IP of http proxy"
rpm     alias --httpproxy       --define '_httpproxy !#:+'

# set the time check to &lt;secs&gt;
rpm     alias --timecheck       --define '_timecheck !#:+'

# Popt glue to preserve legacy CLI behavior.
# XXX popt exec parsing doesn't honor POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH
rpm     exec --bp               rpmb -bp
rpm     exec --bc               rpmb -bc
rpm     exec --bi               rpmb -bi
rpm     exec --bl               rpmb -bl
rpm     exec --ba               rpmb -ba
rpm     exec --bb               rpmb -bb
rpm     exec --bs               rpmb -bs
rpm     exec --tp               rpmb -tp
rpm     exec --tc               rpmb -tc
rpm     exec --ti               rpmb -ti
rpm     exec --tl               rpmb -tl
rpm     exec --ta               rpmb -ta
rpm     exec --tb               rpmb -tb
rpm     exec --ts               rpmb -ts
rpm     exec --rebuild          rpmb --rebuild
rpm     exec --recompile        rpmb --recompile
rpm     exec --clean            rpmb --clean
rpm     exec --rmsource         rpmb --rmsource
rpm     exec --rmspec           rpmb --rmspec
rpm     exec --target           rpmb --target
rpm     exec --short-circuit    rpmb --short-circuit

rpm     exec --initdb           rpmd --initdb
rpm     exec --rebuilddb        rpmd --rebuilddb
rpm     exec --verifydb         rpmd --verifydb

#rpm    exec -e                 rpme -e
#rpm    exec --erase            rpme --erase
#rpm    exec -U                 rpmu -U
#rpm    exec --upgrade          rpmu --upgrade

rpm     exec --addsign          rpmk --addsign
rpm     exec -K                 rpmk -K
rpm     exec --checksig         rpmk --checksig
rpm     exec --resign           rpmk --resign

rpm     exec -q                 rpmq -q
rpm     exec --query            rpmq --query
rpm     exec --querytags        rpmq --querytags
rpm     exec -V                 rpmv -V
rpm     exec -y                 rpmv -y
rpm     exec --verify           rpmv --verify

rpm     alias --with            --define "_with_!#:+       --with-!#:+" \
        --POPTdesc=$"enable configure &lt;option&gt; for build" \
rpm     alias --without         --define "_without_!#:+    --without-!#:+" \
        --POPTdesc=$"disable configure &lt;option&gt; for build" \
rpmb    alias --dbpath          --define '_dbpath !#:+' \
        --POPTdesc=$"use &lt;dir&gt; as the directory for the database" \
rpmb    alias --ftpport         --define '_ftpport !#:+'
rpmb    alias --ftpproxy        --define '_ftpproxy !#:+'
rpmb    alias --httpport        --define '_httpport !#:+'
rpmb    alias --httpproxy       --define '_httpproxy !#:+'
rpmb    alias --timecheck       --define '_timecheck !#:+'
rpmb    alias --with            --define "_with_!#:+       --with-!#:+" \
        --POPTdesc=$"enable configure &lt;option&gt; for build" \
rpmb    alias --without         --define "_without_!#:+    --without-!#:+" \
        --POPTdesc=$"disable configure &lt;option&gt; for build" \
rpmbuild        alias --dbpath          --define '_dbpath !#:+' \
        --POPTdesc=$"use &lt;dir&gt; as the directory for the database" \
rpmbuild alias --ftpport                --define '_ftpport !#:+'
rpmbuild alias --ftpproxy       --define '_ftpproxy !#:+'
rpmbuild alias --httpport       --define '_httpport !#:+'
rpmbuild alias --httpproxy      --define '_httpproxy !#:+'
rpmbuild alias --timecheck      --define '_timecheck !#:+'
rpmbuild alias --with           --define "_with_!#:+     --with-!#:+" \
        --POPTdesc=$"enable configure &lt;option&gt; for build" \
rpmbuild alias --without        --define "_without_!#:+  --without-!#:+" \
        --POPTdesc=$"disable configure &lt;option&gt; for build" \
rpmd    alias --dbpath          --define '_dbpath !#:+' \
        --POPTdesc=$"use &lt;dir&gt; as the directory for the database" \
rpmd    alias --ftpport         --define '_ftpport !#:+'
rpmd    alias --ftpproxy        --define '_ftpproxy !#:+'
rpmd    alias --httpport        --define '_httpport !#:+'
rpmd    alias --httpproxy       --define '_httpproxy !#:+'
rpmdb   alias --dbpath          --define '_dbpath !#:+' \
        --POPTdesc=$"use &lt;dir&gt; as the directory for the database" \
rpmdb   alias --ftpport         --define '_ftpport !#:+'
rpmdb   alias --ftpproxy        --define '_ftpproxy !#:+'
rpmdb   alias --httpport        --define '_httpport !#:+'
rpmdb   alias --httpproxy       --define '_httpproxy !#:+'
rpme    alias --dbpath          --define '_dbpath !#:+' \
        --POPTdesc=$"use &lt;dir&gt; as the directory for the database" \
rpme    alias --ftpport         --define '_ftpport !#:+'
rpme    alias --ftpproxy        --define '_ftpproxy !#:+'
rpme    alias --httpport        --define '_httpport !#:+'
rpme    alias --httpproxy       --define '_httpproxy !#:+'
rpmi    alias --dbpath          --define '_dbpath !#:+' \
        --POPTdesc=$"use &lt;dir&gt; as the directory for the database" \
rpmi    alias --ftpport         --define '_ftpport !#:+'
rpmi    alias --ftpproxy        --define '_ftpproxy !#:+'
rpmi    alias --httpport        --define '_httpport !#:+'
rpmi    alias --httpproxy       --define '_httpproxy !#:+'
rpmk    alias --dbpath          --define '_dbpath !#:+' \
        --POPTdesc=$"use &lt;dir&gt; as the directory for the database" \
rpmk    alias --ftpport         --define '_ftpport !#:+'
rpmk    alias --ftpproxy        --define '_ftpproxy !#:+'
rpmk    alias --httpport        --define '_httpport !#:+'
rpmk    alias --httpproxy       --define '_httpproxy !#:+'
rpmq    alias --dbpath          --define '_dbpath !#:+' \
        --POPTdesc=$"use &lt;dir&gt; as the directory for the database" \
rpmq    alias --ftpport         --define '_ftpport !#:+'
rpmq    alias --ftpproxy        --define '_ftpproxy !#:+'
rpmq    alias --httpport        --define '_httpport !#:+'
rpmq    alias --httpproxy       --define '_httpproxy !#:+'

rpmq    alias --scripts --qf '\
%|PREIN?{preinstall scriptlet\
%|PREINPROG?{ (through %{PREINPROG})}|:\n%{PREIN}\n}:\
{%|PREINPROG?{preinstall program: %{PREINPROG}\n}|}|\
%|POSTIN?{postinstall scriptlet\
%|POSTINPROG?{ (through %{POSTINPROG})}|:\n%{POSTIN}\n}:\
{%|POSTINPROG?{postinstall program: %{POSTINPROG}\n}|}|\
%|PREUN?{preuninstall scriptlet\
%|PREUNPROG?{ (through %{PREUNPROG})}|:\n%{PREUN}\n}:\
{%|PREUNPROG?{preuninstall program: %{PREUNPROG}\n}|}|\
%|POSTUN?{postuninstall scriptlet\
%|POSTUNPROG?{ (through %{POSTUNPROG})}|:\n%{POSTUN}\n}:\
{%|POSTUNPROG?{postuninstall program: %{POSTUNPROG}\n}|}|\
%|VERIFYSCRIPT?{verify scriptlet:\n%{VERIFYSCRIPT}\n}|\
' \
        --POPTdesc=$"list install/erase scriptlets from package(s)"

rpmq    alias --conflicts       --qf \
        --POPTdesc=$"list capabilities this package conflicts with"
rpmq    alias --obsoletes       --qf \
        --POPTdesc=$"list other packages removed by installing this package"
rpmq    alias --provides        --qf \
        --POPTdesc=$"list capabilities that this package provides"

rpmq    alias --requires        --qf \
        --POPTdesc=$"list capabilities required by package(s)"
rpmq    alias -R --requires

rpmq    alias --info --qf 'Name        : %-27{NAME}  Relocations: %|PREFIXES?{[%{PREFIXES} ]}:{(not relocateable)}|\n\
Version     : %-27{VERSION}       Vendor: %{VENDOR}\n\
Release     : %-27{RELEASE}   Build Date: %{BUILDTIME:date}\n\
Install date: %|INSTALLTIME?{%-27{INSTALLTIME:date}}:{(not installed)         }|      Build Host: %{BUILDHOST}\n\
Group       : %-27{GROUP}   Source RPM: %{SOURCERPM}\n\
Size        : %-27{SIZE}%|LICENSE?{      License: %{LICENSE}}|\n\
%|PACKAGER?{Packager    : %{PACKAGER}\n}|\
%|URL?{URL         : %{URL}\n}|\
Summary     : %{SUMMARY}\n\
Description :\n%{DESCRIPTION}\n' \
        --POPTdesc=$"list descriptive information from package(s)"

rpmq    alias --changelog --qf '[* %{CHANGELOGTIME:day} %{CHANGELOGNAME}\n\n%{CHANGELOGTEXT}\n\n]' \
        --POPTdesc=$"list change logs for this package"

rpmq    alias --triggerscripts --qf '\
[trigger%{TRIGGERTYPE} script (through %{TRIGGERSCRIPTPROG}) -- %{TRIGGERCONDS}\n\
rpmq    alias --triggers --triggerscripts \
        --POPTdesc=$"list trigger scriptlets from package(s)"

rpmq    alias --last --qf '%|INSTALLTIME?{%{INSTALLTIME}}:{000000000}| %{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} %|INSTALLTIME?{%{INSTALLTIME:date}}:{(not installed)}|\n' \
        --pipe "sort -r -n | sed 's,^[0-9]\+ ,,' | awk '{printf(\"%-45s %-s\n\", $1, substr($0,length($1)+2))}' " \
        --POPTdesc=$"list package(s) by install time, most recent first"

rpmq    alias --filesbypkg --qf '[%-25{=NAME} %{FILENAMES}\n]' \
        --POPTdesc=$"list all files from each package"
rpmu    alias --dbpath          --define '_dbpath !#:+' \
        --POPTdesc=$"use &lt;dir&gt; as the directory for the database" \
rpmu    alias --ftpport         --define '_ftpport !#:+'
rpmu    alias --ftpproxy        --define '_ftpproxy !#:+'
rpmu    alias --httpport        --define '_httpport !#:+'
rpmu    alias --httpproxy       --define '_httpproxy !#:+'
rpmv    alias --dbpath          --define '_dbpath !#:+' \
        --POPTdesc=$"use &lt;dir&gt; as the directory for the database" \
rpmv    alias --ftpport         --define '_ftpport !#:+'
rpmv    alias --ftpproxy        --define '_ftpproxy !#:+'
rpmv    alias --httpport        --define '_httpport !#:+'
rpmv    alias --httpproxy       --define '_httpproxy !#:+'

# </pre></div> #
<hr><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Thu Sep 12 22:15:12 2002 for rpm by
<a href="">
<img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border=0 
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