

distrib > Mandriva > 9.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 27434832590ee3a59df23e6716dad868 > files > 2


%define name 	gnus
%define version 6.0.0
%define release 2mdk
%define sname	ognus-0.07

%define infodir %_infodir/packages/%{name}
%define _install_info()	%{__install_info} %{infodir}/%{1}%{_extension} --dir=%{infodir}/dir\;
%define _remove_install_info() if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{__install_info} %{infodir}/%{1}%{_extension} --dir=%{infodir}/dir --remove ; fi %{nil}

%{expand:%%define emacs_version %(rpm -q emacs|sed 's/emacs-\([0-9].*\)-.*$/\1/')}
%{expand:%%define xemacs_version %(rpm -q xemacs|sed 's/xemacs-\([0-9].*\)-.*$/\1/')}

Summary:	Gnus Newsreader for Emacs
Name:		%{name}
Version:	%{version}
Release:	%{release}
Source1: 	gnus-emacs.el
#Source2: 	gnus-xemacs.el
Packager:	Yves Duret <>
License: 	GPL
Group: 		Networking/News
BuildRoot: 	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot
BuildArchitectures: noarch
BuildRequires: emacs 

You can read news (and mail) from within Emacs by using Gnus. The news can be
gotten by any nefarious means you can think of -- NNTP, local spool or your
mbox file. All at the same time, if you want to push your luck.

%package doc
Summary: 	Gnus Newsreader for XEmacs
Group: 		Networking/News

%description doc
You can read news (and mail) from within Emacs by using Gnus. The news can be
gotten by any nefarious means you can think of -- NNTP, local spool or your
mbox file. All at the same time, if you want to push your luck.

This package is the documentation info files for GNUS version %{version}.

%package emacs
Summary: 	Gnus Newsreader for Emacs
Group: 		Networking/News
Requires: 	emacs = %{emacs_version}
Obsoletes: 	gnus
Provides:	gnus

%description emacs
You can read news (and mail) from within Emacs by using Gnus. The news can be
gotten by any nefarious means you can think of -- NNTP, local spool or your
mbox file. All at the same time, if you want to push your luck.

This version is compiled for GNU/Emacs %{emacs_version}

#%package xemacs
#Summary: Gnus Newsreader for XEmacs
#Copyright: GPL
#Group: Networking/News
#Requires: xemacs = %{xemacs_version}
#%description xemacs
#You can read news (and mail) from within Emacs by using Gnus. The news can be
#gotten by any nefarious means you can think of -- NNTP, local spool or your
#mbox file. All at the same time, if you want to push your luck.
#This version is compiled for XEmacs %{xemacs_version}

%setup -q -n %sname

# We don't build it since even in the %install gnus want always to do it.
install -d BUILD
mv [a-z]* Makefile* BUILD

for i in emacs ; do
  cp -a BUILD $i-build
  (cd $i-build ; EMACS=/usr/bin/$i %configure --with-lispdir=%{_datadir}/$i/site-lisp/%{name})


for i in emacs ; do
  make -C $i-build install infodir=%buildroot%{infodir} lispdir=%buildroot%{_datadir}/$i/site-lisp/%{name} EMACS=/usr/bin/$i

install -d %buildroot%{_sysconfdir}/emacs/site-start.d
cat << EOF > %buildroot%{_sysconfdir}/emacs/site-start.d/%{name}-emacs.el
%{expand:%(%__cat %{SOURCE1})}


%post doc 
%_install_info %{name}
%_install_info message
%_install_info emacs-mime

%preun doc
%_remove_install_info %{name}
%_remove_install_info message
%_remove_install_info emacs-mime

%files doc

%files emacs
%doc GNUS-NEWS lisp/Changelog
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/emacs/site-start.d/%{name}-emacs*

#%files xemacs
#%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/emacs/site-start.d/%{name}-xemacs*

* Tue Sep 10 2002 Thierry Vignaud <> 6.0.0-1plf
- Oort gnus v0.07

* Mon May 06 2002 Yves Duret <> 6.0.0-1plf
- Oort Gnus v0.06

* Tue Apr 30 2002 Yves Duret <> 6.0.0-0.20020430.1plf
- new cvs snapshot
- now good for plf

* Wed Aug 08 2001 Thierry Vignaud <> 5.9.0-0.20010808-1mdk
- cvs snapshot

* Wed Aug 01 2001 Thierry Vignaud <> 5.9.0.oort_v0.0.3-0.1_oort_v0.0.3mdk
- cvs snapshot

* Thu Mar  8 2001 Pixel <> 5.8.8-2mdk
- rebuild, removing xemacs-gnus

* Sat Jan  6 2001 Pixel <> 5.8.8-1mdk
- fix chmouel's split (strange, he didn't use brute force? he shouldn't, he's not used to it ;p)
- cleanup and fix
- new version

* Tue Jan  2 2001 Pixel <> 5.8.7-5mdk
- remove ugly require xemacs in gnus-doc (chmousux)

* Tue Nov 14 2000 Chmouel Boudjnah <> 5.8.7-4mdk
- Move info files to %infodir and add to lisp path in the .el files.

* Tue Nov 14 2000 Chmouel Boudjnah <> 5.8.7-3mdk
- Fix %preun.
- Split in different pacakge -emacs -xemacs and -doc, -emacs obsoletes
  now gnus-.

* Tue Nov  7 2000 Pixel <> 5.8.7-2mdk
- add packager tag

* Thu Aug 24 2000 Pixel <> 5.8.7-1mdk
- first version