

distrib > Mandriva > 9.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 48099e474393ec561203e18378d868a9 > files > 10


-=[ EVERY BUDDY:  ]=-  

Version 0.2.1beta7

This version has taken way too long, but here it is, and I hope you enjoy :)

This has been kinda quiet for the past little while, but that will change from 
now on, I promise, I have started working on eb again :)

Thanks again to all.

Take care - Robert Lazzurs

Version 0.2.1beta6

Wow, ok, this has been a vbusy week or two.  We were kicked from the MSN
servers, which was nice, but thanks to new team member Meredydd we are back :)

This is the main reason for this release, there are still bugs, I know, but
with any luck all will be well soon, I am hoping beta7 will be an all together
more stable release.

Take care - Robert Lazzurs

Version 0.2.1beta5

Heh, ok, beta4 was kinda messy, but that seems to be fixed now and here is the
all new and improved beta5 :)

Also IRC support is getting better, so go on, give it a try, you know you want

Take care - Robert Lazzurs

Version 0.2.1beta4

Ok, we are getting on a bit now and I think that all is going well.

I think a realastic date for the stable release is going to be the end of this
month (June)

I am always happy to get your patches so feel free to keep sending them in to

Big shouts this time go out to Mitch, Ben, Torrey, FLUG (Falkirk Linux Users 
Group), Barry and Erik B

As you may or may not notice IRC support has been added, now this is in the 
testing stage, but it will be very nice when it is finished, we have Erik B to
thank for this one and I hope to be seeing more good work from him.

Also it looks like libicq will not be dumped, the maintainers have gotten in
touch and are working on it now, so hopefuly the next release will have work
from them in also.

All those people who have offered to be packagers for the project, this is your
time to shine, please start work as soon as poss please, I am hoping to have 
the packaging problems sorted out in this release.

I hope you enjoy the changes we have made as always I am looking for bug 
please send them to the mailing list and we will help as much as poss.

Take care all - Robert Lazzurs, Everybuddy Maintainer

Version 0.2.1-beta

Ok, this is the first release by the new maintainer, Robert Lazzurs.

The first big peice of news is that EB is changing to a Debian style release
system, we will have the usual code for developers in CVS, but now we will have
beta releases which I would like users and developers alike to try out and bug
test for us.......and this hopfuly should lead to a better 'stable' release.

Big shouts go out to the creator Torrey Searle, he has left me with a great
program and I hope I can manage to do as good a job in the future as he has 
in the past......also may I remind everyone that Torrey has not left, he is 
very busy.

Last but by no means least I would like to thank the wonderful developers on 
EB project, Torrey Searle, Ben Rigas, Mitch Peabody, Sourav K. Mandal and
Bertran Mathieu :)

Take care all - Robert Lazzurs

Version 0.2.0 January 20

Wow, things are changing.  New Millenium, new US President, and now a new 
release of Everybuddy :)

First I want to thank the people who have made this release possible:
Ben Rigas, Chris D. Halverson, Yasuhide OOMORI, Bertrand Mathieu, Alex Wheeler,
and Praveen K V

Please note their contributions when you read their Changelog, all 
are important and these people did an excelent job :)

It's also my pleasure welcome two new offical members onto the Everybuddy Team.
Robert Lazzurs and Alex Wheeler, both have been doing some exciting work and
expect to see alot more exciting things to come :)

Version 0.1.5 November 12

It's the Birthday release!

Happy Birthday to Torrey! woo! Everyone needs to email Torrey and wish him
a Happy Birthday! (

Version 0.1.5 features stuff like lots of UI improvements (check out that 
chat window), triggers that you can set sounds to go off when certain
events happen, spell checking is now using gtkspell so its a lot faster,
logging improvements, some MAJOR TOC fixes and the oh so popular MSN
server bug fix. Check the ChangeLog for the nitty gritty.

Big thanks go out to Scott Heavner, Alex Wheeler and Vadim Bereznike for 
making this release possible.

Version 0.1.4 August 26th

Hi there. New EB release is out, as you probably wouldn't be reading this 
unless you already downloaded it. heh. Lots of new stuff, lots of bugs fixed. 
Check out the Changelog for the list of what changed.

*...skip some news...*

Version 0.1.1 February 15, 2000:
	Lots of goodies lots of goodies! Yes, Kiddos, its that time again!  What is 
it, you
might ask? Well -- take a look at the good ol' change log and find out! We 
hope you're happy.
This is our Happy-Febubuddy release -- Dont ask -- I'm very sleep and I tend 
to ramble
during bouts of sleep deprivation.  Any-who, enjoy this here new updated 
version of your
favorite old-fashioned multi-protocol messaging/communications client designed 
for the
non propriat(blahblahblahblahblah) --

Ed. Rob continued to ramble on for another two hours.  We have since censored 
him and silenced
him by means of furbies and duct tape.

Version 0.0.7
	Well, I hope you have been having a good holidays.  We have been workinghard 
this christmas and we have the code to prove it :).  Some of the things on
the goodies list are proxy support, multi line chat support, group chat, and 
some other goodies.  Enjoy :) and stay tuned for our next installment.

Version 0.0.6,

Version 0.0.5, November 17, 1999:
	Well, I hope you guys liked October's EveryBOOdy release hehe.  Here is
yet another release for you lil boogers. This one, wahoo, supports file
transfers and some random other goodies.  Listen to me talk! BLAH! -- rmf

Version 0.0.4, October 31, 1999:

Version 0.0.3, October 18, 1999:
	Yee Haw.  Nothing news is not always good news, I guess, as you may
have noticed from the last release.  I am not sure what that means, really,
as it is about 2.30am right now.  
	Lets see, we have some preferences stuff added for you guys.  We also
did a little code reorginization.  There's some new pixmaps too.  I suppose
that we will have some buttons soon.  Oh yeah, we have documentation too!
Thanks Jeff! :)

Version 0.0.2, October 11, 1999:

Version 0.0.1, October 4, 1999:
	Inital release of EveryBuddy