

distrib > Mandriva > 9.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 48099e474393ec561203e18378d868a9 > files > 11



Everybuddy is a chat program for X that incorporates the functions of AOL 
Instant Messenger, ICQ, Yahoo Chat, and MSN Messanger.  It's based on the 
following excellent libraries: 

	libmsn2		Meredydd Luff's MSN lib


	libyahoo2	Written by Philip Tellis for EB Use.

	libtoc		Written by Torrey Searle for Everybuddy Use.


  * Compiling from CVS requires some additional development tools that
  * you may not have installed by default.  These packages include:
  *  autoconf
  *  automake
  *  libtool
  * These packages are not required if you are building from the
  * distributed source tarfile.

Everybuddy is in a very early stage of development.  Therefore your best bet 
is to get the latest version via CVS with the following commands:

     cvs -d '' login
     CVS password: anoncvs
     cvs -z3 -d '' co everybuddy

And then to update
    cvs update -dP	
To compile Everybuddy, change to the Everybuddy source directory and issue 
the following commands:

     make install

If you don't have gettext installed, ./gen will probably complain about a 
missing AM_GNU_GETTEXT macro ; just copy m4/missing/gettext.m4 to m4/gettext.m4
and it should be fine. Also, you should at least have gettext 0.10.38, or you'll get errors.

To execute the program run /usr/local/bin/everybuddy.


Proxy Support

Everybuddy currently supports http and socks5 proxies but with the following 

1. Neither HTTP nor SOCKS5 proxies work with ICQ

2. In order to use SOCKS5 proxy you must be on a network that is capable of
   resolving DNS hostnames.

Telling Everybuddy about yourself:

The first time you execute Everybuddy, you will be presented with a dialog box 
that welcomes you and asks you for your AOL IM handle and the corresponding 
password.  If you have multiple AOL IM handles or an ICQ UIN (or multiple UINs)
then press the add button prior to selecting ok.  This will give you the 
opportunity to add your additional handles/UINs.  Optionally, handles/UINs can 
be added by selecting "Edit Accounts" from the tools menu.  Be forewarned that 
for the time being the function for registering a new ICQ or AOL IM account has
not be implemented.  Therefore, you must already have a preexisting ICQ or 
AOL IM account with the appropriate servers.

Telling Everybuddy about your friends:

While Everybuddy may look like AOL IM, the CONTACT LIST (a.k.a. buddy list) is 
based on a different paradigm than either AOL IM or ICQ so that it can 
accommodate the various massaging protocols.  It works very well but takes some
getting used to.  In a nutshell, there are GROUPS, CONTACTS and ACCOUNTS.  A 
GROUP is just an arbitrary classification of CONTACTS. You could set up a 
GROUP called "buddies" or perhaps a GROUP called "family" or even "coworkers".
CONTACTS are individuals.  However, a CONTACT may have multiple ACCOUNTS 
(i.e. a AOL IM account and a ICQ account).

An example:

Dick's AOL IM handle is:    Dicks_AOL_IM_handle
Dick's ICQ UIN is:          101010101

Jane's AOL IM handle is:    Janes_AOL_IM_handle
Jane's ICQ UIN is:          010101010

Dick still uses windows and is stuck with using two different clients but 
Jane, being the very sophisticated and hip linux user that she is, decides to 
save valuable desktop space by using Everybuddy.  Unlike many men, she's not 
too proud to read the documentation (including the FAQ) and learns how to 
download Everybuddy from CVS, compile and install it, and how to tell 
Everybuddy about herself.  Then she starts to edit her CONTACT LIST by
selecting the appropriate tab in the GUI.  First she pushes the ADD button 
and creates a new GROUP called, "friends".  Once the GROUP is created.  Then 
she needs to ADD a CONTACT. The CONTACT can be a more descriptive name then 
just merely a handle.  So she pushes the ADD button (on the EDIT CONTACTS tab) 
again and selects the ADD CONTACT tab.  She names her contact "Dick" and 
considering him a friend and knowing that he prefers to use AOL IM, she selects
the "friends" GROUP and AIM as the default protocol to use when messaging
Dick.  After pressing ok, Jane pushes the ADD button (on the EDIT CONTACTS tab)
a third time to add Dick's AOL IM ACCOUNT.  She selects the ADD ACCOUNTS tab 
and makes sure "Dick" is the selected CONTACT.  She enters his ACCOUNT as 
"Dicks_AOL_IM_handle" and selects "AIM" as the protocol for this ACCOUNT.  
Lastly, she goes the steps of creating another ACCOUNT for the CONTACT, "Dick" 
so that she can also use ICQ to message Dick.  Instead of putting in his 
handle, she puts in his UIN and selects the ICQ protocol.

If Dick sends a message to Jane via AOL IM, then she will receive the message 
from her CONTACT "Dick".  Likewise, if Dick sends a message to Jane via ICQ, 
it will still appear to be coming from "Dick" regardless of his AOL IM handle 
or ICQ nickname.

If you haven't found the answers you are looking for in this document, then 
please try reading the FAQ <>