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.\" Copyright (c) 1999, Laurel Fan
.\" This is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or
.\" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
.\" published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
.\" the License, or (at your option) any later version.
.\" The GNU General Public License's references to "object code"
.\" and "executables" are to be interpreted as the output of any
.\" document formatting or typesetting system, including
.\" intermediate and printed output.
.\" This manual is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
.\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
.\" GNU General Public License for more details.
.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
.\" License along with this manual; if not, write to the Free
.\" Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139,
.\" USA.
everybuddy \- Universal Instant Messaging client
.TP 5
This man page documents \fBEverybuddy\fR, version 0.2.0.
\fBEverybuddy\fR is designed to become a Universal Instant Messaging
client designed to seamlessly integrate all existing Instant Messaging
clients and provide a single consistent user interface.
Currently, \fBEverybuddy\fR supports AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, and MSN.  Support for
IRC is planned.
The following sections describe how to use \fBEverybuddy\fR.
Definition of terms used in Everybuddy (and this page)
How to use your online messenger accounts.
\fIContact list\fR
How to use and edit your contact list.
How to send instant messages and files.
What the preferences do.
Here's a quick overview of the naming conventions used in Everybuddy.
An \fBaccount\fR has two parts.  There is a \fBservice\fR and a \fBhandle\fR.
The common way for describing an account will be \fITOC/Zilding\fR or 
A \fBcontact\fR is the representation of a real person, comprised of an
identifying nickname nad a collection of \fBaccounts\fR that the person has.
A \fBhandle\fR is how a person can be referred to while logged into a \fBservice\fR.
On AIM, an example of a \fBhandle\fR would be \fIZilding\fR.  On ICQ, an 
example of a \fBhandle\fR would be \fI12345678\fR.
A \fBservice\fR is a protocol and a server.  For example, the AIM \fBservice\fR
uses the \fITOC\fR protocol (or Oscar...) and the server \\fR.
The reason the separation is made between the protocol and the server is that
it is possible, in the future, that (if there are many open protocols) there
may be several separate servers with the same protocol (or one server
supporting multiple protocols) , and they will be considered separate 
The first time you start \fBEverybuddy\fR, you will be presented
with a dialog box.  Select a server, either AIM, ICQ, Yahoo or MSN.  Then 
enter your AIM screen name, ICQ UIN, Yahoo Username, or MSN User Name in the
\fIHandle\fR field and enter the password in the \fIPassowrd\fR field.  To 
add multiple accounts, click the \fIAdd\fR button.  You must use existing
accounts, because \fBEverybuddy\fR does not yet support creating accounts.
You may add accounts later by selecting \fIEdit Accounts\fR from the
\fITools\fR menu.
The \fBEverybuddy\fR contact list contains \fIGroups\fB,
\fIContacts\fR, and \fIAccounts\fR.  A \fIGroup\fR  is a collection
of \fIContacts\fR.  A \fIContact\fR is a person, who has one or more
You may import contact lists from some other instant messaging clients by
selecting \fIImport\fR from the \fIFile\fR menu.  You can also edit
your contact list under the \fIEdit Contacts\fR tab.
To add a new contact, under the \fIEdit Contacts\fR tab,
click on the \fIAdd\fR button.  In the \fIAdd Contact\fR dialog: In the
\fIProtocol\fR field, select the service, AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, or MSN, that their 
account is on.  Enter their online handle in the \fIAccount\fR field.
Select the group you would like them to be a member of in the \fIGroup\fR
Enter their name in the \fIContact\fR field.  (You can create a new group
or contact on the fly by typing into the \fIGroup\fR and \fIContact\fR fields
instead of selecting one of the options.)  By default, the
\fIContact\fR will be
the same as the \fIAccount\fR, but it does not have to be.  Click on the
\fIAdd\fR button in the \fIAdd Contact\fR dialog.
To add an account to an existing contact, under the \fIEdit
Contacts\fR tab, click on the \fIAdd\fR button.
Fill in the \fIProtocol\fR, \fIAccount\fR, and \fIGroup\fR fields as
above, and select the contact's name in the \fIContact\fR field.
Click on the \fIAdd\fR button in the \fIAdd Contact\fR dialog.
To create a new group, add a new account as above, and instead of
selecting an existing group in the \fIGroup\fR field, enter the name
of the group you wish to create.
To delete a group, contact, or account, click on its name in the
\fIEdit Contacts\fR tab, then click on the \fIRemove\fR button.
The default protocol is the protocol (AIM, ICQ, Yahoo or MSN) that 
\fBEverybuddy\fR will try first when communicating with a contact.  
You can change this by double clicking on the name of the contact in
\fIEdit Contacts\fR tab.
The \fIStatus\fR tab shows your contact list, either all of them or
only the contacts who are online, depending on the \fIOnline Only\fR
and \fIShow All\fR buttons.  Idle and Away status are also shown for
each account.
.SS Messages
To send a message to a contact, double
click on the contact or account under the \fIStatus\fR tab,
and type your message in the field at the bottom of the conversation
window.  Messages received from a contact will use the existing
conversation window with the contact or will open a new one if it does
not exist.  If the \fIIgnore unknown users\fR option is selected, messages
from an unknown person will be ignored.  Otherwise, such messages will add 
the unknown person to your contact list in the \fIUnknown\fR group, and will 
open a conversation window with an \fIAdd\fR button, which you can click on to 
add them to your contact list.
.SS Files
To send a file to a contact, right click on the contact or account
under the \fIStatus\fR tab, select \fISend File\fR, choose a file
to send in the file selection window, and click on \fIOK\fR.
If the selected protocol does not provide a file send service (or if it
hasn't been implemented yet), then \fBEverybuddy\fR will use its own
file transfer mechanism.  This only works between two \fBEverybuddy\fR 
clients.  And even then, it usually requires great amounts of incense and
several holy prayer rituals to ensure successful file transmission.
.SS Group Chat
To join a group chat, select \fIGroup Chat\fR from the \fITools\fR
menu, select the \fIService Type\fR, and enter the name of the chat
room, then click \fIJoin\fR.
To create a new chat room, do the above, and enter a new name in the
\fIChat Room Name field\fB.
Invite users with the \fIInvite User\fR button in the chat room window
that will appear.
To leave the chat room, close its window.
The preferences are accessed by selecting \fIPreferences\fR from the
\fITools\fR menu.
.SS Logs
The \fILog all conversations\fR option logs all sent and received
messages to \fI~/.everybuddy/logs/\fR.
AIM messages contain formatting and font information as HTML. Set
\fIStrip HTML tags\fR to keep these out of the logs.
.SS Sound
Set \fIEnable sounds for sending/recieving messages\fR to hear a sound
every time you send or receive a message.  (Gosh, imagine that.)
Set \fIEnable signon/signoff sounds\fR to play a sound every time
someone in your contact list logs on or off of their service.
.SS Chat
Set \fISend idle/away status to servers\fR if you want the servers
and other users to know when you've been idle.
Set \fIRaise wndow on incomming message\fR if you want the conversation 
window (if one exists) for a contact to be raised automatically when they 
send a message.
Set \fITimestamp when a user logs on/off\fR if you want the conversation
window (if one exists) for a contact to reflects timestamps from the remote
party logging on or off of their service.
Set \fIIgnore unknown users\fR if you want to ignore all messages from
Unknown users.  Note that if you set this option, the \fBUnknown\fR group
will be hidden as well.
Set \fIEnable multi-line chat\fR for a multi-line input window.
When \fIPress enter to send\fR is not set, messages are sent with
Enter, and newlines are typed with Shift-Enter.  When it is set,
messages are sent with Ctrl-Enter and newlines are typed with
Enter.  This option only affects multi-line chat.
Set \fITimestamps on Messages\fR to show timestamps for messages in the
conversation window.
.SS Connections
This section allows you to set the servers to use for each service.
You probably do not have to change these.
.SS Proxy
If you aren't behind a firewall, set \fIDirect Connection\fR.  Otherwise,
set either \fIUse HTTP Proxy\fR or \fIUse SOCKS5 Proxy\fR and enter the
\fIProxy Server\fR and \fIProxy Port\fR.  If you are unsure of these
settings, ask your system administrator.  Note: Not all services
are available through proxy, please see the README for details.
$(HOME)/.everybuddy/accounts \- information about your accounts
$(HOME)/.everybuddy/contacts \- contact/buddy list
$(HOME)/.everybuddy/files/ \- storage of received files
$(HOME)/.everybuddy/logs/ \- conversation logs
$(HOME)/.everybuddy/prefs \- preferences
\fBEverybuddy\fR is in \fBvery\fR early stages of development, so it is not
completely stable and some features of the underlying services are not yet 
If you find a bug in \fBEverybuddy\fR, please send electronic mail
to \\fR.  Please include your operating system
and its version, the version of \fBEverybuddy\fR, and the C compiler you
used to compile it.
Before sending a bug report, please verify that you have the latest 
version of \fBEverybuddy\fR.  Many bugs (major and minor) are fixed 
at each release, and if yours is out of date, the problem may already 
have been solved.
Bug reports that include diffs to correct them get higher priority than
those that do not.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
\fBWITHOUT ANY WARRANTY\fR; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple PLace, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
The authors of \fBEverybuddy\fR are:
Torrey Searle <>
Jim Duchek <>
Rob Flynn <>
Ben Rigas <>
Jeramey Crawford <>
Jeff Miller <>
Jared Peterson <>
Troy Morrison <>
The manpage was written by Laurel Fan <>.
Special thanks to Mark Spencer, initial creator of GAIM, for all of the
tremendous support he has given.
\fBEverybuddy\fR uses the following excellent libraries:
For the MSN service, written by Meredydd Luff.
For the ICQ service, from
For the Yahoo service, written by Philip Tellis for \fBEverybuddy\fR.
For the AIM service, written by Torrey Searle specifically for \fBEverybuddy\fR.
The Jabber support in \fBEverybuddy\fR done by Alex Wheeler.
The IRC support in \fBEverybuddy\fR done by Erik Inge Bolso