

distrib > Mandriva > 9.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > e9d339982d437f63bf085788b3420a44 > files > 4


                 Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
                           Version 3.1g
                   Unix Compilation Instructions

   If this file has ^M's in it when you're reading it under Unix, then
   you need to make sure that when you extract the source files and
   Unix specific code from the archive it came in, that you tell the
   de-archiver to convert CR-LF's to LF's in text files.

   The widely-distributed Info-Zip archiver does this if you supply
   '-a' on the command-line, i.e. 'unzip -a <archive name>'. You may
   also like to use 'unzip -aL <archive name>' if the filenames are
   extracted in upper-case.  If you received these files in a .tar.gz
   (or .tgz) archive then this has already been done for you.

   This file contains the documentation specific to compiling POV-Ray
   on Unix systems.  Due to the wide variety of Unix systems available,
   POV-Ray may not compile directly on all systems as is.  Every effort
   has been made to make it compile on as many systems as we have access
   to.  If you have problems compiling, try checking with a local Unix
   guru first.  If you still have problems and have internet access,
   check out the newsgroup.  The 
   POV-Team also has newsgroups at that are not
   distributed on the Internet.  The povray.unix group on this server
   is a useful resource for those who may be having difficult
   compiling POV-Ray on various Unix systems.  Please do not contact the 
   POV-Team about problems with compiling POV-Ray.

   If you are trying to compile POV-Ray on an unsupported platform,
   this version is the best one to use as a base.  The platform
   specific configuration is in one of several files, depending on what
   type of display you will be using when running POV-Ray.  See also
   the compile.doc that was extracted into the main directory for more
   information on compiling POV-Ray.

Building the source:
   POV-Ray should compile as is with most ANSI or non-ANSI Unix compilers.
   No changes should be needed in the core of the raytracer.

   To compile POV-Ray from the original source, follow the following

      1)  If you do not already have libpng and zlib installed on your
          system, go to the libpng and zlib directories under the main
          POV-Ray source tree and follow the instructions there to build
          those libraries.  This will probably be typing 'make' in libpng
	  (you may want to use makefile.elf under Linux or Solaris), and
	  'configure; make' in zlib.  If either of these fail, you should
	  read the documentation included for each.

      2)  Go to the source/unix directory.

      2a) For the command-line only version type 'make newunix'.

      2b) For the X Windows version, you may have to specify the location
          of the X11 include and library files, via setting the X11 variable
	  in the makefile.  There are several possible default settings in
	  the makefile.  Now type 'make newxwin'.

      2c) Building the SVGAlib version under Linux is basically the same as
          the X Windows version: type 'make newsvga'.  You, of course, will
          need to have libvga installed on your system.

      3)  To install the new executable (whichever one it is) into
          /usr/local/bin (the preferred location), type 'make install'.
	  This also copies the man page (povray.1) into /usr/local/man/man1.
          If you wish to install the POV-Ray binary into a different
          directory, change the POVPATH macro in the makefile before running
          'make install'.

      4)  If you want to clean up the directory after compiling successfully,
          type 'make clean'.

   Your executable will be called povray, x-povray, or s-povray, depending
   on which executable you build, but this can be changed in the makefile.

   If POV-Ray doesn't compile the first time, have a look at the config
   file(s) you are using.  All three display formats use the unixconf.h
   file for the generic Unix configuration, while the X Windows display
   code also uses xwinconf.h, while the SVGAlib display code uses also
   svgaconf.h for configuration.  Some compiler options are also set in
   the makefile.
   The "make newxxxx" target is intended for use the first time you are
   building POV-Ray, or if you have already compiled POV-Ray with one
   type of display, and you also want to compile it with another display
   type.  In general, you should just use "make xwin", "make svga", or
   "make unix" when building the source (in fact, you can change the
   default target in the makefile as well).  When you do a "make newxxxx"
   the correct configuration file is COPIED to config.h, so any changes
   you make to config.h will be lost.  In general, you should make changes
   to unixconf.h, so that it is available to all display versions.

   If you are compiling under SunOS 4.1, or other system which doesn't
   have an implementation of the memmov() function, you need to have:
   #define POV_MEMMOV to pov_memmov
   in the unixconf.h file before compiling.

Questions and problems with Unix versions can be directed to Mark Gordon.
Please make sure you have consulted with a local Unix person first if you 
think the problem is likely to be on your end.  If you are installing 
POV-Ray in a publicly accessible location, you must read and comply with
the 'Online or Remote Execution' conditions in POVLEGAL.DOC.

Mark Gordon