

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > 2021c1761ae3b0b9b00a46c0557ee729 > files > 1534


<sect1 id="variables"><title>Document Variables </title>
<para>A variable is a simple way of allowing &kword; to modify the document in <emphasis>very</emphasis>
specific ways to reflect the changing nature of the document or report.</para>
<para>A variable can be a number (such as a page number, the total number of pages in a document, etc), 
a selection of words (clients name, product name, the documents filename, etc),
a date, a time, or nearly anything you desire.</para>
<para>Once the variable is defined, a <emphasis>placeholder</emphasis> is inserted in the document.
&kword; will replace this placeholder with the value of that variable each time the placeholder is used.</para>
<para>Variables can either be <emphasis>fixed</emphasis> (which means that once inserted, their value does not
change), or <emphasis>variable</emphasis> (where the placeholder is 
<link linkend="update-variables">updated by &kword;</link> to reflect
the current value of the variable).</para>
<para>This chapter will begin with a few examples of commonly used variables (
<link linkend="insert-date">date</link>,
<link linkend="insert-time">time</link>, and
<link linkend="page-number">page numbers</link>),
then detail the
<link linkend="misc-variable">remaining variables</link>
 available to you.  Finally, it will detail how to
<link linkend="custom-variables">create 
custom variables</link> for documents.</para>

<sect2 id="date-time"><title>Date and Time</title>
<para>Many letters, reports and documents contain
information about the dates or times they correspond to.  The date and time
information may establish the creation of a document (which will remained
fixed as long as the document is around), or the date and time may serve as
a notice of the last date of modification (which would change with each passing day).</para>
<para>&kword; allows for both fixed and variable date and time variables in the document.</para>
<sect3 id="insert-date"><title>Insert Date</title>
<para>To insert the date in the document, simply place the cursor in the text box where the date
should be inserted and select
</menuchoice> from the menubar.  This will bring up two selections:
<guimenuitem>Current date (fixed)</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Current date (variable)</guimenuitem>.</para>

<term><guimenuitem>Current date (fixed)</guimenuitem></term>
<listitem><para>Selecting this option will insert the current date into the current cursor position.
This date is determined by checking with the computers system clock.  Once entered, this value
will not change, even when &kword; is asked to <link linkend="update-variables">update the document
<para>This item is ideal for dates of document creation, or when including data in a report from todays work.
Compare this choice to <guimenuitem>Current date (variable)</guimenuitem>.</para></listitem>

<term><guimenuitem>Current date (variable)</guimenuitem></term>
<listitem><para>Selecting this option will insert the current date into the current cursor position.
This date is determined by checking with the computers system clock.  This value will
change when &kword; is asked to <link linkend="update-variables">update the document
<para>This option is good for any point in the document where the current date is always wanted.
Compare this choice to <guimenuitem>Current date (fixed)</guimenuitem></para></listitem>

<para>Once the date has been selected, a dialog box will appear.</para>
<imagedata fileref="insdate.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
<para>The top dropdown box determines the layout of the variable.  Your choices are:</para>

<listitem><para>This inserts the date in the format specified in the
KDE Control Center.</para>
<para>To select this option, simply make sure the upper drop down box says
<guilabel>Locale</guilabel>.  A preview of the date format will appear below the
<guilabel>Custom</guilabel> checkbox.  If satisfied click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.

<term>Preformmated date strings</term>
<listitem><para>&kword; comes with 12 predefined date strings. These predefined strings will
be all that are needed in most circumstances. Simply select the predefined string in the upper
drop down box.  A preview of the date format will appear below the <guilabel>Custom</guilabel>
checkbox.  If satisfied click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para></listitem>

<term>Custom String</term>
<listitem><para>If the appropriate format for the date can not be found, it is possible to create custom
date format strings.</para>
<para>A date format string consists of a list of letters and numbers which follow
specific rules (which are outlined below) to create the completed date.</para>
<para>The date format string consists of <emphasis>placeholders</emphasis> and
<emphasis>separators</emphasis>.  The placeholders are defined in the following three tables.</para>
<tgroup cols="5">
<row><entry>Day placeholders</entry><entry>d</entry><entry>dd</entry><entry>ddd</entry><entry>dddd</entry></row>
<tgroup cols="3">
<row><entry>Month placeholders</entry><entry>M</entry><entry>MM</entry><entry>MMM</entry><entry>MMMM</entry></row>
<tgroup cols="3">
<row><entry>Year placeholders</entry><entry>yy</entry><entry>yyyy</entry></row>
<para>Simply combine placeholders with normal text (separators) to create completed date strings. </para>

<para>For example:</para>
<para><quote>MM/dd/yyyy</quote> is translated to 03/06/2002</para>
<para><quote>MMMM d, yyyy</quote> becomes March 6, 2002</para>
<para>Notice that only the placeholders change.  Spaces, commas, slashes and other text remains unchanged.</para>
<note><para>It is important to remember that placeholders are case sensitive.
<quote>DD</quote> is not a placeholder,
 only <quote>dd</quote>.</para></note>
<para>To create a custom date string, place a mark in the <guilabel>Custom</guilabel> checkbox.</para>
<para>Now type placeholders and separators text into the upper drop down box.  Alternatively
select the format from the <guilabel>Insert:</guilabel>
dropdown box, and the
placeholder will be inserted into the date format string at the cursor location.</para>


<para>A preview of the current date
string is visible below the <guilabel>Custom></guilabel> checkbox.  Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> when
the date format string is correct to insert the variable into the document.</para>

<tip><para>Once the date has been inserted into the document, it can be reformatted to a different layout
and toggled between fixed and variable dates.  Simply click once with the &RMB; on the date.
A small menu will appear.  Select <guilabel>Change variable to...</guilabel> and a submenu will appear.  Select your new
variable or new layout from the menu and the variable is immediately updated. </para></tip>

<sect3 id="insert-time"><title>Insert Time</title>
<para>To insert the time in the document, simply place the cursor in the text box where the time should
be inserted and select
</menuchoice> from the menubar.  This will bring up two selections:
<guimenuitem>Current time (fixed)</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Current time (variable)</guimenuitem>.</para>

<term><guimenuitem>Current time (fixed)</guimenuitem></term>
<listitem><para>Selecting this option will insert the current time into the current cursor position.
This time is determined by checking with the computers system clock.  Once entered, this value
will not change, even when &kword; is asked to <link linkend="update-variables">update the document
<para>This item is ideal for timestamps.
Compare this choice to <guimenuitem>Current time (variable)</guimenuitem>.</para></listitem>

<term><guimenuitem>Current time (variable)</guimenuitem></term>
<listitem><para>Selecting this option will insert the current time into the current cursor position.
This time is determined by checking with the computers system clock.  This value will
change when &kword; is asked to <link linkend="update-variables">update the document
<para>This option is good for any point in your document where the current time is always wanted.
Compare this choice to <guimenuitem>Current time (fixed)</guimenuitem></para></listitem>

<para>This brings up a dialog box.</para>
<imagedata fileref="instime.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
<para>The top dropdown box determines the layout of the variable.  The choices are:</para>

<listitem><para>This inserts the time in the format specified in the
KDE Control Center.</para>
<para>To select this option, simply make sure the upper drop down box says
<guilabel>Locale</guilabel>.  A preview of the time format will appear below the
<guilabel>Custom</guilabel> checkbox.  If satisfied click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.

<term>Preformmated time strings</term>
<listitem><para>&kword; comes with 5 predefined date strings. These predefined strings will
be all that are needed in most circumstances. Simply select the predefined string in the upper
drop down box.  A preview of the time format will appear below the <guilabel>Custom</guilabel>
checkbox.  If satisfied click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para></listitem>

<term>Custom String</term>
<listitem><para>If the appropriate format can not be found, a custom
time format string can be created.</para>
<para>A time format string consists of a list of letters and numbers which follow
specific rules (which are outlined below) to create the completed time.</para>
<para>The time format string consists of <emphasis>placeholders</emphasis> and
<emphasis>separators</emphasis>.  The placeholders are defined in the following five tables.</para>
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Hour placeholders</entry><entry>h</entry><entry>hh</entry></row>
<tgroup cols="3">
<row><entry>Minutes placeholders</entry><entry>m</entry><entry>mm</entry></row>
<tgroup cols="3">
<row><entry>Seconds placeholders</entry><entry>s</entry><entry>ss</entry></row>
<tgroup cols="1">
<row><entry>Milliseconds placeholders</entry><entry>zzz</entry></row>
<tgroup cols="3">
<row><entry>AM/PM placeholders</entry><entry>ap</entry><entry>AP</entry></row>

<para>Simply combine placeholders with normal text (separators) to create completed time strings. </para>

<para>For example:</para>
<para><quote>hh:mm:ss</quote> becomes 06:23:13</para>
<para><quote>h:mm ap</quote> becomes 6:23 am</para>
<para>Notice that only the placeholders change.  Spaces, colons and other text remains unchanged.</para>
<note><para>It is important to remember that placeholders are case sensitive.
<quote>HH</quote> is not a placeholder,
 only <quote>hh</quote></para></note>
<para>To create a custom time string, place a mark in the <guilabel>Custom</guilabel> checkbox.</para>
<para>Type the placeholders and separator text into the upper drop down box.  Alternatively,
you can select the format from the <guilabel>Insert:</guilabel>
dropdown box, and the
placeholder will be inserted into the time format string at the cursor location.</para>
<para>A preview of the current time
string is visible below the <guilabel>Custom></guilabel> checkbox.  Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> when
the time format string is correct to insert the variable into your document.</para>

<para>A preview of the current time
string is visible below the <guilabel>Custom></guilabel> checkbox.  Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> when
the time format string is correct to insert the variable into your document.</para>

<tip><para>Once the time has been inserted into the document, it can be reformatted to a different layout
and toggled between fixed and variable times.  Simply click once with the &RMB; on the time in the document.
A small menu will appear.  Select <guilabel>Change variable to...</guilabel> and a submenu will appear.  Select your new
variable or new layout from the menu and the variable is immediately updated. </para></tip>

<sect2 id="page-number"><title>Page Numbering </title>
<para>Inserting page numbers is easy in &kword;.</para>
<para>There are two variables that relate to page numbers:  <emphasis>Current page</emphasis>
and <emphasis>Number of pages</emphasis></para>
<para>To insert the current page number, place the cursor where you want the page number and select
<guimenuitem>Page Number</guimenuitem>
</menuchoice> from the menubar.  The page number will be inserted at the current cursor location.</para>
<para>To insert the total number of pages, place the cursor where you want the variable and select
<guimenuitem>Number of Pages</guimenuitem>
</menuchoice> from the menubar.  The total number of pages will be inserted.</para>
<note><para>Page numbers are updated dynamically as the document
is edited.</para></note>
<tip><para>Page numbers are usually best located within
<link linkend="headers-and-footers">headers and footers</link>.  This ensures that
every page will have a page number at the appropriate place.</para></tip>
<sect2 id="misc-section-title"><title>Section Title</title>
<para>You can insert the section title anywhere in your document by selecting
<guimenuitem>Section title</guimenuitem>
</menuchoice> from the menubar. </para>
<para>&kword; determines the Section title by beginning a search from the top of the current page.  The first paragraph with a style of
<emphasis>Head 1</emphasis> is the section title.  If there are no paragraphs on the current page, &kword; does the same search along 
on previous pages until it finds a section title.</para>

<sect2 id="misc-variable"><title>Other Variables </title>
<para>&kword; provides other commonly used variables that you might find useful. This set of variables
are specific to the document.  You can insert these variables by selecting
<guimenu>Insert</guimenu><guimenuitem>Variable</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Document Information</guimenuitem>
</menuchoice> from the menubar.  This will bring up a list of variables.  The variables are detailed below.
<tgroup cols="3">
<row><entry>Filename</entry><entry>Resume.kwd</entry><entry>Inserts the file name of the document.</entry></row>
<row><entry>Author Name</entry><entry>Joseph User</entry><entry>The name of the author as specified in the
<link linkend="documentinfo">Document information</link> box.</entry></row>
<row><entry>City</entry><entry>Philadelphia</entry><entry>The postal code specified in the
<link linkend="documentinfo">Document information</link> box.</entry></row>
<row><entry>Company Name</entry><entry>KDE</entry><entry>The company name specified in the
<link linkend="documentinfo">Document information</link> box.</entry></row>
<row><entry>Country</entry><entry>United States</entry><entry>The country name specified in the
<link linkend="documentinfo">Document information</link> box.</entry></row>
<row><entry>Directory Name</entry><entry>/home/juser/kword</entry><entry>This is the directory name for
the document. The filename is not included in the directory name variable.</entry></row>
<row><entry>Directory and Filename</entry><entry>/home/juser/kword/Resume.kwd</entry><entry>The directory
and filename of the current file.</entry></row>
<row><entry>Document Abstract</entry><entry>This is a current resume.</entry>
<entry>The document abstract specified in the
<link linkend="documentinfo">Document information</link> box.</entry></row>
<row><entry>Document Title</entry><entry>My Resume</entry><entry>The document title specified in the
<link linkend="documentinfo">Document information</link> box.</entry></row>
<row><entry>Email</entry><entry></entry><entry>The email address
of the author as specified in the
<link linkend="documentinfo">Document information</link> box.</entry></row>
<row><entry>Fax</entry><entry>Any valid telephone number</entry><entry>The fax machine number specified in the
<link linkend="documentinfo">Document information</link> box.</entry></row>
<row><entry>Filename</entry><entry>Resume.kwd</entry><entry>The complete name of the file.</entry></row>
<row><entry>Filename without extension</entry><entry>Resume</entry><entry>This removes the file name
suffix (usually .kwd) from the filename.</entry></row>
<row><entry>Postal code</entry><entry>Any valid postal code</entry><entry>The postal code specified in the
<link linkend="documentinfo">Document information</link> box.</entry></row>
<row><entry>Street</entry><entry>123 Main St.</entry><entry>The street address specified in the
<link linkend="documentinfo">Document information</link> box.</entry></row>
<row><entry>Telephone</entry><entry>Any valid telephone number</entry><entry>The telephone number specified in the
<link linkend="documentinfo">Document information</link> box.</entry></row>
<row><entry>Title</entry><entry>Director of Information Systems</entry><entry>The title specified in the authors section of the
<link linkend="documentinfo">Document information</link> box.</entry></row>
<note><para>Uninitialized variables will appear as &lt;none&gt;, until you define their
value in the
<link linkend="documentinfo">Document information</link> box.</para></note>
<sect2 id="custom-variables"><title>Custom Variables </title>
<para>&kword; has many predefined variables.  You may encounter documents where it would be nice
to define your own variables for a document.  </para>
<para>Using <emphasis>Custom Variables</emphasis>, you can create an unlimited number of variables for each document.</para>
<sect3 id="new-custom-variables"><title>Create a new custom variable</title>
<para>To create a new custom variable, place the cursor at the location in the document to insert the new variable.</para>
<para>Select <menuchoice>
<guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the menubar.  This will bring up a dialog box.</para>
<para>Enter the variable name and its current value in the text boxes provided.</para>
<para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to create the new variable name and insert it at the current
cursor location.  Click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to cancel the creation of the new variable.</para>

<para>It is now possible to <link linkend="insert-custom-variables">insert this new variable</link> at any
place in your document.</para>
<sect3 id="edit-custom-variables"><title>Edit a custom variables value</title>
<para>In order for variables to be useful, you need to be able to give them a value, and be able to
change that value easily.  To change the value of a variable:</para>
<para>Select <menuchoice>
<guimenuitem>Custom Variables...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the menubar.
This will bring up a dialog box.</para>
<para>Each custom variable has a line in this table.  The first column is the name of the variable, and
the second column is the value.</para>
<para>To change the value of a variables, simply click within the text box to the right of
the variable name. Enter the desired value.</para>
<para>When all the changes have been complete, simply click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> and all the 
variables will be updated.</para>
<sect3 id="insert-custom-variables"><title>Insert a custom variable</title>
<para>To insert a new custom variable Select <menuchoice>
</menuchoice> from the menubar. The custom variable is listed in the submenu.  Click on the name of
the variable and &kword; will insert the variable, with its current value, at the cursor location.</para>
<sect2 id="update-variables"><title>Updating All Variable Values </title>
<para>You can tell &kword; to update all variable values (to make sure all variables are set to their
current values).  This is <emphasis>especially</emphasis> important with dates and times.</para>
<para>Simply select <menuchoice>
<guimenu>Insert</guimenu><guimenuitem>Variable</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Refresh All Variables</guimenuitem>
</menuchoice> from the menubar.</para>
<sect2 id="update-variables-one"><title>Updating One Date or Time Variable Value </title>
<para>You can tell &kword; to update a single date or time variable value, and leave the others unchanged.</para>
<para>Simply place the mouse pointer over the variable you want to update and click with the &RMB;. A small menu will appear which will show
several new date or time formatting options and the option to change either dates or times to fixed or variable time formats.  Simply select
the new option and this variable will be updated.</para>