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% Clam AntiVirus: User Manual
% (c) 2002 Tomasz Kojm <>
% Corrected by Dennis Leeuw <>
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\fancyhead[LO]{\small\bfseries{CLAM ANTIVIRUS: USER MANUAL}}

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	\huge Clam AntiVirus: User Manual \\[4pt]
	\LARGE \emph{version 0.54} \\[8pt]
	\LARGE Tomasz Kojm


    Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for UNIX. The main purpose of this
    software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning).
    The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon, a
    command line scanner, and a tool for automatic updating via Internet. The
    programs are based on a shared library distributed with the Clam AntiVirus
    package, which you can use in your own software. Clam AV uses a virus
    database from, we also help with signature generating.


	\item{GNU GPL license}
	\item{POSIX compliant, portable}
	\item{Very fast}
	\item{User friendly}
	\item{On-access scanning (Linux only)}
	\item{Detects over 7000 viruses, worms and trojans}
	\item{Supports compressed files and archives}
	\item{Built-in support for RAR (2.0), Zip, Gzip}

    \subsection{Mailing lists}
    There are three mailing lists available: \\
    \textbf{} - info about new versions
    (including debian package releases), moderated\footnote{That means, the
    subscribers are not allowed to write into the mailing list}.\\
    \textbf{} - user questions\\
    \textbf{} - developement\\

    \noindent You can subscribe by sending an empty email to\\, or via www at\\
    \indent \url{}\\
    After subscribing you must reply to a special message sent at your address.

    \noindent Mailing lists are archived at: \\
    \indent \url{}\\
    \indent \url{}\\


    \subsection{Supported platforms}
    Clam AntiVirus is prepared for the installation on the following operating
    systems / architectures (tested platforms in brackets):
	\item{GNU/Linux 2.2/2.4 (All flavours, Intel/SPARC/Alpha/zSeries/S/390)}
	\item{Solaris 2.6/7/8 (Intel/SPARC)}
	\item{FreeBSD 4.5/6/7 5.0-CURRENT (Intel/Alpha)}
	\item{OpenBSD 3.0/1/2 (Intel)}
	\item{AIX 4.1/4.2/4.3/5.1 (RISC 6000)}
	\item{HPUX 11.0}
	\item{SCO UNIX}
	\item{Mac OS X}
	\item{Cobalt MIPS boxes (RAQ1, RAQ2, QUBE2)}

    Some features may not be available with your operating system. If you have
    run Clam AntiVirus on the system not listed above, please let me know.

    \subsection{Current versions}
    Clam AntiVirus can be obtained from: \\[4pt]

    \noindent The site is sponsored by

    \subsection{Binary packages}
    There are high quality \emph{deb} and \emph{rpm} packages available
    for Linux. The Debian package is maintained by Magnus Ekdahl and you will
    find it on debian mirrors, \url{}.
    The RPM package is maintained by Arkadiusz Miskiewicz and is distributed
    with Polish(ed) Linux Distribution (\url{}). There is
    also the RPM package for Mandrake available, it's maintained by Oden
    Eriksson and can be found on Mandrake mirrors.
    The binary packages for AIX are available in AIX PDSLIB, UCLA


    Please read the README file in the current version, because it probably
    contains some important release notes.
    If you are installing Clam AV for the first time, you have to add a new user
    and group to your system - \emph{clamav}: \footnote{Cygwin note:
    If you don't have /etc/passwd, you don't need the \emph{clamav} user/group.}

	# groupadd clamav
	# useradd -g clamav -s /bin/false -c "Clam AntiVirus" clamav

    The above method works on Linux and Solaris, if you don't have
    \emph{groupadd, useradd} please consult your system manual - the section
    about creating new users and groups.
    If you are not a system administrator or won't be using \textbf{clamscan}
    in superuser mode, you may omit this step with the option
    \emph{--disable-clamav} passed to the \emph{configure} script:
	$ ./configure --disable-clamav 
    This disables testing for \emph{clamav} user and group. \textbf{clamscan}
    still requires \emph{clamav} for superuser mode. Please don't set a password
    on this account, just assure it's locked with "\textbf{!}" in
    \emph{/etc/passwd} or \emph{/etc/shadow}. It must be a normal, unprivileged
    user. Don't add it to any special groups.\pl

    After this, extract the archive, configure and compile:
	$ tar zxpvf clamav-x.yz.tar.gz
	$ cd clamav-x.yz
	$ ./configure; make
	$ su -c "make install"

    \textbf{WARNING: Never set SUID/SGID bit on Clam AntiVirus programs.}

    If you are going to use the daemon, you need to configure it.

	$ clamd
	ERROR: Please edit the example config file

    Now you know, where the configuration file is located. You will find more
    information about it in \ref{clamd} section.

    Clamuko requires the Dazuko software and is supported with Linux 2.2 and
    2.4 only. You can obtain Dazuko from \url{} or \\
    \emph{clamav-x.yz/support/dazuko} (version tested with clamd). Installation:
	$ tar zxpvf dazuko-a.b.c.tar.gz
	$ cd dazuko-a.b.c
	$ make dazuko
	$ make dazuko-smp (for smp kernels)
	$ su -c "insmod dazuko.o"
    You must create also the \emph{/dev/dazuko} device:
	$ cat /proc/devices | grep dazuko
	254 dazuko
	$ su -c "mknod -m 600 /dev/dazuko c 254 0"
    Now you must configure Clamuko in \emph{clamav.conf}. Please check
    \ref{clamuko} section.


    OK. Let's do some tests. Try to scan the source directory recursively:
	$ clamscan -r -l scan.txt clamav-x.yz
    It should find the viruses in the clamav-x.yz/test directory. You may
    check it in the created log - scan.txt. \textbf{You will find more about
    clamscan options in the clamscan(1) manual. \footnote{Please run \emph{man

    \subsection{Setting up auto-updating}
    \emph{freshclam} is a tool, which automates the virus database update 
    process for Clam AntiVirus. You will find more information about it in
    the section \ref{freshclam}. It may be used in two ways:
	\item interactive - from command line
	\item as a daemon - works alone, silently
    \textbf{Run \emph{freshclam} (as root) without any parameters to check
    is it working correctly}. If everything is OK, create a log file in
    /var/log owned by \emph{clamav}:
	# touch /var/log/clam-update.log
	# chmod 644 /var/log/clam-update.log
	# chown clamav /var/log/clam-update.log
    Now, you may run \emph{freshclam} as a daemon:
	# freshclam -d -c 2 -l /var/log/clam-update.log
    It will check for a new database 2 times a day. Please add this line
    to your startup scripts. The other way is to use the \emph{cron} daemon.
    You have to add a similar line to the crontab of \textbf{root} or
0 8	* * *	/usr/local/bin/freshclam --quiet -l /var/log/clam-update.log
    \noindent It will check for a new database daily at 8 am. You may need
    to setup the proxy support on your system. You should set the environment
    variable \emph{\$http\_proxy}, eg.
	export http_proxy="my.proxy.server:8080"
    There is also \emph{--http-proxy} option available.

    \subsection{AMaViS - "Next Generation"}
    AMaViS-ng is a rewritten, more modular version of amavis-perl/amavisd,
    developed by Hilko Bengen. Home site:\pl


    \noindent Please download the newest version (at least 0.1.3).
    After installation (which is quite easy), please uncomment the following
    line in amavis.conf:
	virus-scanner = CLAM
    and eventually change the path to clamscan in the \emph{[CLAM]} section:

	clamscan = /usr/local/bin/clamscan

    You must increase softlimit value or wait for a daemon support.

    \subsection{Support for AMaViS-perl}

    The first thing you need is amavis-perl-11.tar.gz from
    \url{}, then 
	$ tar zxpvf amavis-perl-11.tar.gz
	$ cp clamav-x.yz/support/amavis/clamavis.patch amavis-perl-11
	$ cd amavis-perl-11
	$ patch -p1 < clamavis.patch
	$ find . -exec touch 01010000 {} \;
    Now please do a standard AMaViS installation.\\[4pt]
    \textbf{Hint: } AMaViS will use \emph{clamscan} with standard options,
    which should work on all systems. If you want to add other options
    (eg. decompression, limits) please edit the file \emph{/usr/sbin/amavis}
    after installation.


    \subsection{Clam daemon}\label{clamd}
    \emph{clamd} is a fully multi-threaded daemon, based on \emph{libclamav}.
    It's able to work in one of the two modes, using:
	\item Unix (local) sockets
	\item TCP sockets
    The daemon is configured by the \emph{clamav.conf} file. You will find
    a description of all the options in the \textbf{clamav.conf(5)} manual.
    \emph{clamd} recognizes the following commands:
	\item \textbf{PING}\\
	    Check server's state. It should reply with "PONG".
	\item \textbf{VERSION}\\
	    Print the version information.
	\item \textbf{RELOAD}\\
	    Reload the databases.
	\item \textbf{QUIT}\\
	    Perform a clean exit.
	\item \textbf{SCAN file/directory}
	    Scan a file or directory (recursively) with archive support. A
	    full path is required.
	\item \textbf{RAWSCAN file/directory}
	    Scan a file or directory (recursively) with archive support
	    disabled. A full path is required.
	\item \textbf{CONTSCAN file/directory}
	    Scan a file or directory (recursively) with archive
	    support enabled and  continue  scanning  even  when
	    virus was found. A full path is required.
    Internal threads (except clamuko) are ignoring all external signals.
    The main thread handles \emph{SIGTERM} and \emph{SIGINT} signals
    and performs a proper exit when one of them is caught.

    Clamuko is a special thread in \emph{clamd}, that performs on-access
    scanning under Linux. It was implemented as a thread in clamd because
    of Dazuko implementation. Client (clamuko) - server (clamd) model is
    currently not supported by Dazuko. There are some benefits from
    current implementation - clamuko is sharing the database with clamd,
    and it's updated with the RELOAD command. \textbf{You must obey the
    following principles when using clamuko:}
	\item Always stop the daemon cleanly, with QUIT command or
	      SIGTERM signal. In other case, you can lose an access
	      to the protected files until the system is restarted.
	\item Never protect the directory your mail-scanner software
	      uses for attachments unpacking. Access to all infected
	      files will be blocked, and the scanner (even clamd)
	      won't be able to detect a virus. Infected mail will be
    You need to enable clamuko in \emph{clamav.conf}. To protect directory
    /home, please use the option:
	ClamukoIncludePath /home
    To protect the whole system:
	ClamukoIncludePath /
	ClamukoExcludePath /proc
	ClamukoExcludePath /tempdir/of/mail/scanner
    You can use clamuko to protect file access on Samba/Netatalk. NFS
    is not supported (Dazuko doesn't intercept NFS access calls). Another
    idea - you can build a database containing a signatures of the popular
    exploits, it will protect you against script-kiddies.

    \subsection{Archives and compressed files}
    Clam AntiVirus depends on LibClamAV. It has built-in support for the
    following formats:
	\item Zip
	\item Gzip
	\item RAR (2.0 only)
    Archive files are detected by checking a magic strings.\footnote{Just like
    the file(1) command.}
    You need the zlib library for the Zip/Gzip support. Zip archives are
    accessed with the zziplib library by Guido Draheim and Tomi Ollila.
    RAR support is based on the UniquE RAR File Library by Christian Scheurer
    and Johannes Winkelmann. Both of them are included and slightly modified
    in the clamav sources. Unrarlib supports RAR 2.0 archives only and
    according to Christian the new format (introduced in WinRAR 3.0) won't
    be supported. 

    The daemon scans archives supported by libclamav only. Clamscan tries
    to scan an archive with built-in code, but when it fails it's able
    to switch to the external unpacker:
	$ clamscan --unrar rarfail.rar
	/home/zolw/Clam/test/rarfail.rar: RAR module failure.

	UNRAR 3.00 freeware      Copyright (c) 1993-2002 Eugene Roshal

	Extracting from /home/zolw/Clam/test/rarfail.rar

	Extracting  test1                                           OK 
	All OK
	/tmp/44694f5b2665d2f4/test1: ClamAV-Test-Signature FOUND
	/home/zolw/Clam/test/rarfail.rar: Infected Archive FOUND

    clamscan supports many popular compressors - it uses external programs
    for each format. \textbf{If the scanner runs with superuser privileges
    unpackers are executed with \emph{clamav} privileges, which makes the
    process far more secure.} It also makes sure, that \emph{clamav} user
    has read access to all scanned compressed files.  \textbf{You should have
    enabled recursive scanning with the \emph{-r} option (\emph{--recursive}),
    if you want to scan the whole content of the archive (with subdirectories)},
    also all archives in archives will be recursively scanned - just everything.    If files in archives are virus free the archive itself is scanned - just
    for prevention (it may not be an archive). Please look at the options
    below, each option has an optional argument - the absolute path to unpacker.
    If it can't be found in \emph{\$PATH} please supply it. \emph{Because Clam
    AntiVirus uses the standard GNU options format, the long options with
    optional arguments, you \textbf{must} remember about the $=$ between option
    and argument.  So the proper way to supply the optional arguments is for
    example --unzip=/path/to/unzip.} \\[5pt]

    \up{unzip}{You probably don't need this option, because Zip is supported
	       by libclamav. But if libclamav will fail to unzip some file,
	       it may be useful.
	       clamscan was tested with \emph{UnZip 5.41 of 16 April 2000,
	       by Info-ZIP}.}
    \up{unrar}{Tested with \emph{UNRAR 3.00 freeware}.}
    \up{unace}{It uses options supported by \emph{UNACE v1.2 public version},
	       not tested, but should work.}
    \up{unarj}{Tested with \emph{UNARJ (Demo version) 2.41a}.}
    \up{zoo}{Tested with \emph{zoo 2.1}.}
    \up{lha}{Tested with \emph{LHa for Unix V 1.14e}.}
    \up{jar}{CA uses \emph{unzip} for .jar files. Tested with \emph{UnZip 5.41
	     of 16 April 2000, by Info-ZIP}.}
    \up{tar}{This option supports non-compressed archives. Tested with
	     \emph{GNU tar 1.13.17}.}
    \up{deb}{This option supports debian binary packages. Tested with
	     \emph{GNU ar\\}. Implies --tgz , but doesn't conflict
	     with --tgz=FULLPATH.}
    \up{tgz}{This option supports .tar.gz and .tgz files. You need \emph{GNU
	     tar}, on non-Linux system you probably have it as \emph{gtar}
	     and if this is in \emph{\$PATH} just use \emph{--tgz=gtar} or
	     supply the full path to this command as an argument.}

    \subsection{Output format}
    \emph{clamd} uses uniformed output format.
	zolw@Wierszokleta:~$ telnet localhost 3310
	Connected to localhost.
	Escape character is '^]'.
	SCAN /home/zolw/infected
	/home/zolw/infected/ W32/Magistr.B FOUND
	Connection closed by foreign host.
    It always closes the connection when first virus is found. In the
    case of archives, the output is exactly the same like with normal
	SCAN /home/zolw/Clam/test/
	/home/zolw/Clam/test/ ClamAV-Test-Signature FOUND
    Error messages are printed in the following format:
	SCAN /no/such/file
	/no/such/file: Can't stat() the file ERROR
    and they can be easily parsed.

    \emph{clamscan} writes all messages (only help is written to \textbf{stdout}    by default) to \textbf{stderr}. In some situations
    you may want to redirect it to \textbf{stdout} with \emph{--stdout}.
    \emph{stdout} in contrast to \emph{stderr} is buffered, that's why
    \emph{clamscan} flushes this buffer after each message, to prevent
    the creation of trashes on the output. During scanning it writes something
    like this:
	/TEST/test: OK
	/TEST/Makefile: OK
	/TEST/getopt.c: OK
	/TEST/virfile: Phantom #1 FOUND
    When a virus is found, its name is printed between \emph{filename:} and

    As you can see, zip files inside the zip file were scanned. If a virus is
    found in the (compressed) archive, it's noticed with
    \emph{Infected Archive}.
    Infected archives are not counted as infected files - just files in them
    are. After scanning you should see \emph{Scan summary} (it may be disabled
    with \emph{--disable-summary}. It looks like:

    The \emph{freshclam} utility is the default database updater for Clam
    AntiVirus. It works in two modes - from the command line and as a daemon.
    When started by the superuser it drops the privileges, by default it works
    as \emph{clamav}. \emph{freshclam} downloads the database from the Clam
    AntiVirus homepage and checks its consistency using MD5 sum.
    More information about the usage of this program you will find in
    \textbf{freshclam(1)} manual.

    \subsection{Signature Tool}
    \emph{sigtool} automates signature creation. If you have an infected file,
    which isn't detected by ClamAV, but is by another anti-virus scanner
    working in the console you can create the signature easily.
    \emph{Example of usage:}
    Create a random file and put the \textbf{test1} file content into it. We
    will use \emph{clamscan} to generate the signature, it's just an example.
    Scan it with \emph{clamscan --stdout testfile}, the output is
	testfile: ClamAV-Test-Signature FOUND

	----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
	Known viruses: 2033
	Scanned directories: 0
	Scanned files: 1
	Data scanned: 0.95 Mb
	Infected files: 1
	I/O buffer size: 131072 bytes
	Time: 0.245 sec (0 m 0 s)
    The unique string in this output is "ClamAV-Test-Signature". Run
    \emph{sigtool} with the following parameters:
	$ sigtool -c "clamscan --stdout" -f testfile -s "ClamAV-Test"
    The program will concatenate arguments for \emph{-c (--command)} and
    \emph{-f (--file)}, that's why the scanner's options must be given in the
    proper order. At the end it will generate a file \emph{testfile.sig},
    which should contain 100 bytes in our example. It contains the proper
	Detected at 12103, moving backward.
	Detected at 11983, moving backward.
	Detected at 11923, moving backward.
	Not detected, increasing pos 11893 -> 11923
	Detected at 11923, moving backward.
	Not detected, increasing pos 11908 -> 11923
	Detected at 11923, moving backward.
	Not detected, increasing pos 11915 -> 11923
	Detected at 11923, moving backward.
	Detected at 11919, moving backward.
	Detected at 11917, moving backward.
	Detected at 11916, moving backward.
	Starting precise loop
	 *** Found signature end at 11916

	The scanner was executed 46 times.
	Signature length is 50, so length of hex string should be 100
	Saving signature in testfile.sig file.

    libclamav may be used to add a virus protection into your software.
    The library is thread-safe, automatically recognizes and scans an
    archives. Scanning is very fast - in most cases it won't be noticeable.

    Each program using libclamav must include \emph{clamav.h} header file:
	#include <clamav.h>
    The first step is an engine initialization. There are three functions
	int cl_loaddb(const char *filename, struct cl_node **root,
	int *virnum);

	int cl_loaddbdir(const char *dirname, struct cl_node **root,
	int *virnum);

	char *cl_retdbdir(void);

    \emph{cl\_loaddb()} loads one database per time, \emph{cl\_loaddbdir()}
    loads all \emph{.db} and {.db2} files from the directory \emph{dirname}.
    \emph{cl\_retdbdir()} returns hardcoded database directory path.
    The database will be saved under \emph{root} and the number of the loaded
    signatures will be \textbf{added} to \emph{virnum}. Pointer to the tree
    structure (trie, see \ref{engine}) must initially point to the NULL. If you
    don't want to save the number of signatures loaded pass the NULL as the
    third argument. \emph{cl\_loaddb} functions return 0 on success and
    other value on failure.
	    struct cl_node *root = NULL;
	    int ret;

	ret = cl_loaddbdir(cl_retdbdir(), &root, NULL);
    There's elegant way to print libclamav's error codes:
	char *cl_perror(int clerror);
    \emph{cl\_perror()} returns a (statically allocated) string describing
    \emph{clerror} code:
	if(ret) {
	    printf("cl_loaddbdir() error: %s\n", cl_perror(ret));
    When database is loaded, you must create the proper trie with:
	void cl_buildtrie(struct cl_node *root);
    In our example:
    OK, now you can scan a buffer, descriptor or file with:
	int cl_scanbuff(const char *buffer, unsigned int length,
	char **virname, const struct cl_node *root);

	int cl_scandesc(int desc, char **virname, unsigned long int
	*scanned, const struct cl_node *root, const struct cl_limits
	*limits, int options);

	int cl_scanfile(const char *filename, char **virname,
	unsigned long int *scanned, const struct cl_node *root,
	const struct cl_limits *limits, int options);
    All the functions save a virus name address under \emph{virname} pointer.
    \emph{virname} points to the name in the trie structure, thus it can't be
    released directly. \emph{cl\_scandesc()} and \emph{cl\_scanfile()} can
    increase \emph{scanned} value in CL\_COUNT\_PRECISION units. They also
    support archive limits:
	struct cl_limits {
	    int maxreclevel;
	    int maxfiles;
	    long int maxfilesize;
    The last argument configures scan engine. Currently it supports
    \textbf{CL\_ARCHIVE} (enables archive scanning) and \textbf{CL\_RAW}
    (disables archive scanning).
    The functions return 0 (\textbf{CL\_CLEAN}) when no virus is found,
    \textbf{CL\_VIRUS} when virus is found and other value on failure.
	    struct cl_limits limits;
	    char *virname;

	/* maximal number of files in archive */;
	limits.maxfiles = 100
	/* maximal archived file size == 10 Mb */
	limits.maxfilesize = 10 * 1048576;
	/* maximal recursion level */
	limits.maxreclevel = 8;

	if((ret = cl_scanfile("/home/zolw/test", &virname, NULL, root,
	&limits, CL_ARCHIVE)) == CL_VIRUS) {
	    printf("Detected %s virus.\n", virname);
	} else {
	    printf("No virus detected.\n");
	    if(ret != CL_CLEAN)
	        printf("Error: %s\n", cl_perror(ret));
    When you don't need to scan more files, the trie should be released
	void cl_freetrie(struct cl_node *root);
    You will find some examples in clamav sources. Each program using
    libclamav must be linked against it:
	gcc -Wall ex1.c -o ex1 -lclamav
    Enjoy !

    \section{Problem solving}

    \subsection{Return codes}
    Return codes are very useful, especially in system scripts. You may
    check the return code from \emph{clamscan}, by running the following
    command directly after the scanner exits:
	$ echo $?
    Here is a list of return codes from \emph{clamscan}:\\[4pt]

    \rc{0}{No virus was found.}
    \rc{1}{Virus(es) detected.}
    \rc{40}{Unknown option was passed to \emph{clamscan}. Please check
	    \emph{clamscan --help} or manual page for available options.}
    \rc{50}{Problem with initialization of virus database. Probably
	    it doesn't exist in the default place or wrong file was passed
	    to \emph{--database}.}
    \rc{51}{Wrong number of threads was passed to \emph{--threads}. It
	    must be a natural number $ \ge 0$.} 
    \rc{52}{Not supported file type. Scanner supports regular files,
	    directories and symlinks.}
    \rc{53}{Can't open directory.}
    % FIXME: ^5
    \rc{54}{Can't open file.$^5$}
    \rc{55}{Error reading file. Probably the medium you are reading is broken.
	    \footnote{Only in one-file mode (in recursive mode those errors are
    \rc{56}{Can't stat input file or directory. File / directory you want to
	    scan doesn't exist.}
    \rc{57}{Can't get absolute pathname of current working directory. Your
	    current pathname is longer then 200 characters. When clamscan
	    is started without a input file / directory it scans the current
	    directory. For some reasons it needs absolute pathnames, the buffer
	    is hardcoded to 200 characters and that should be sufficient.}
    \rc{58}{I/O error. Please check the filesystem.}
    \rc{59}{Can't get information about current user (running clamscan).}
    \rc{60}{Can't get information about user \emph{clamav}. User \emph{clamav}
	    (default unprivileged user) doesn't exist in /etc/passwd.}
    \rc{61}{Can't fork. Can't create new process, please check your limits.}
    \rc{63}{Can't create temporary file or directory. Please check permissions.}
    \rc{64}{Can't write to temporary directory. Please specify another one.}
    \rc{70}{Can't allocate and clear memory. This is a critical error, please
	    check your system.}
    \rc{71}{Can't allocate memory. Look above.}


    Clam AntiVirus cares about security. Dangerous operations (such as
    extracting, temporary file creation, unlink() operations) are executed
    with \emph{clamav} privileges. \textbf{But there are no programs without
    bugs.} This is a young project and everything is possible. In some places
    it uses the \emph{snprintf()} function, some older systems (C libraries)
    however the buffer length in this function isn't checked. This example
    shows, that you should check your system first. Never set SUID/SGID bits on
    Clam AntiVirus executables. If the SUID bit is set and \emph{clamscan} is
    owned by root, every file on the system may be modified with the
    \emph{--log} option.
    Normal users may use \emph{clamscan} to scan their files, other files
    shouldn't interest them.

    \subsection{Scan engine}\label{engine}
    New versions of Clam AntiVirus are using a mutation of Aho-Corasic
    pattern matching algorithm. This algorithm uses a finite state pattern
    matching automaton \cite{clr}. The algorithm itself is a generalization of
    the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm. Please look at \emph{matcher.h} for data
    type definitions. The automaton is represented by the trie. Trie is
    a rooted tree with some specific properties \cite{acwww}. Each node
    of the trie represents some state of the automaton. In the implementation,
    the node is defined as following:
	struct node {
	    int islast;
	    struct patt *list;
	    int maxpatlen;
	    struct node *next[NUM_CHILDS], *trans[NUM_CHILDS], *fail;
    [To be continued...]

    Clam AntiVirus uses POSIX threads.

    In alphabetical order:
	\item AIX PDSLIB, University of California at Los Angeles \\
	      \url{} - binary packages for AIX
	\item Kamil Andrusz \email{<>} - OpenBSD support patch
	\item Jean-Edouard BABIN \email{<>} - NetBSD support;
	      made his NetBSD box available to me.
	\item Marc Baudoin \email{<>} - NetBSD testing
	\item Hilko Bengen \email{<>} - support for Clam
	      AntiVirus in his AMaViS - "Next Generation"
	\item Patrick Bihan-Faou \email{<>} - support for\\
	      --with-user/group in the configure script.
	\item Eric I. Lopez Carreon \email{<>} - 
	      Spanish "Sendmail + AMaViS + ClamAV Installation" how-to
	\item Nicholas Chua \email{<>} - big database updates
	\item Krisztian Czako \email{<>} - virus signatures
	\item Alejandro Dubrovsky \email{<>} - patch
	      for including and excluding multiple patterns.
	\item Magnus Ekdahl \email{<>} - Debian
	      (\url{}) package maintainer; fixes and
	\item Jason Englander \email{<>} - bug report:
	      clamd recursive scanning of the directories on non standard
	      file systems; configure script support for id checking.
	\item Oden Eriksson \email{<>} - Mandrake
	      package maintainer.
	\item David Ford \email{<>} - gcc 3.x support
	\item Piotr Gackiewicz \email{<>} - bug report: clamd
	      THREXIT bug
	\item Wieslaw Glod \email{<>} - bug report: FreeBSD
	      compile problem in 0.22.
	\item Matthew A. Grant \email{<>} - OpenAntiVirus
	      Update script (\emph{oav-update})
	\item Michal Hajduczenia \email{<>} - Clam
	      title logo.
	\item Paul Hoadley \email{<} - "Installing
	      qmail-scanner, Clam Antivirus and SpamAssassin under FreeBSD"
	\item Thomas W. Holt Jr. \email{<>} - information about
	      ClamAV compiling on Solaris 2.6 and Cobalt MIPS boxes.
	\item Nigel Horne \email{<>} - mbox support in
	      clamscan, support/mboxscan, many fixes/improvements.
	\item Kurt Huwig \email{<>} - smart suggestions,
	      ScannerDaemon (OpenAntiVirus) author.
	\item Dave Jones \email{<>} - bug report: problem
	      in option parser.
	\item Kazuhiko \email{<>} - Qmail-Scanner 0.12
	      support patch.
	\item Henk Kuipers \email{<>} - bug report:
	      0.50 compile problem
	\item Dr Andrzej Kurpiel \email{<>} - choice
	      of this project from my list.
	\item Dennis Leeuw \email{<>} - \emph{"Debian
	      GNU/Linux Mail Server"} how-to, \textbf{corrections of this
	\item Free Oscar \email{<>} - hex2str() enhancement
	\item Martin Lesser \email{<>} - patch for
	      http-proxy problem in 0.51.
	\item Peter N Lewis \email{<>} - Mac OS X data
	      type problem bugfix.
	\item Mike Loewen \email{<>} - bug report:
	      clamscan 0.24 compile error on Solaris 8.
	\item Stefan Martig \email{<>} - bug report:
	      /proc/cpuinfo problem analysis on Linux/Alpha, providing me with
	      access to the Linux/Alpha system.
	\item Ken McKittrick \email{<>} - intensive FreeBSD
	\item Arkadiusz Miskiewicz \email{<>} - Polish(ed)
	      Linux Distribution (\url{}) rpm package
	      maintainer; fixes and ideas.
	\item Doug Monroe \email{<>} - Qmail-Scanner
	      problem analysis.
	\item NERvOus \email{<>} -
	      representative, he offered new (fast) site for ClamAV.
	\item Wojciech Noworyta \email{<>} - bug report:
	      buffer overflow in clamscan's help under Windows.
	\item Joe Oaks \email{<>} - HPUX support.
	\item Washington Odhiambo \email{<>} - extensive mbox
	      support testing, bug reports.
	\item Masaki Ogawa \email{<>} - Mac OS X support, Japanese
	\item Martijn van Oosterhout \email{<>} - code
	      analysis and suggestions.
	\item Team - virus database.
	\item Eric Parsonage \email{} - "Installing
	      qmail-scanner, Clam Antivirus and SpamAssassin under FreeBSD"
	\item Oliver Paukstadt \email{<>} - bug
	      report: crash with strange Zip archives.
	\item Ed Phillips \email{<ed@UDel.Edu>} - patch for the internal logger
	      in clamd.
	\item Ant La Porte \email{<>} - proxy support enhancement.
	\item Sergei Pronin \email{<>} - bug report:
	      access problems in superuser mode.
	\item Thomas Quinot \email{<>} - patch for
	      non-default prefix and incoherent database location
	      specification in defaults.h of clamscan and freshclam.
	\item Marcin T. Rzewucki \email{<>} - Fancy
	\item David Sanchez \email{<>} - bug report: thread
	      deadlocking in a critical error situation.
	\item Enrico Scholz \email{<>} -
	      daemonize() enhancements.
	\item Dr Zbigniew Szewczak \email{<>} - ideas,
	      suggestions and spent time on discussing some aspects of ClamAV.
	\item Trashware \email{} - TrashScan
	\item Troy Wollenslegel \email{<>} - bug report:
	      handling inaccessible directories in archives.
	\item Andoni Zubimendi \email{<>} - fix for segmentation
	      fault in 0.12 (NULL pointer dereference).

    Please be patient. This is free software, it will be much better with
    each release. If you have some questions, feel free to mail me. \\[4pt]

    \hfill Tomasz Kojm \email{<>}

	    Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest: \emph{Introduction to Algorithms},
	    Chapter 34, MIT Press.
	    Aho-Corasic algorithm description