

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > 452fb54f812d5eccac1ff636cca08676 > files > 244


	SQL Module

0. Introduction

  The SQL module is composed of two parts: a generic SQL front-end
  (rlm_sql), and a series of database-dependent back-end drivers,
  (rlm_sql_mysql, rlm_sql_postgresql, etc.)

  In order to build the drivers, you MUST ALSO install the development
  versions of the database.  That is, you must have the appropriate
  header files and client libraries for (say) MySQL.  The
  rlm_sql_mysql driver is NOT a complete MySQL client implementation.
  Instead, it is a small 'shim' between the FreeRADIUS rlm_sql module,
  and the MySQL client libraries.

  In general, the SQL schemas mirror the layout of the 'users' file.
  So for configuring check items and reply items, see 'man 5 users',
  and the examples in the 'users' file.

1. Miscellaneous configuration

  The SQL module has little documentation, sorry.  A helpful (but old)
  web page is:

  but it hasn't been updated in over 6 months.  If anyone has
  comments on this (or other) documentation, PLEASE email them to the
  freeradius-devel list, so that they may be included here.

2. What NOT to do.

  One of the fields of the SQL schema is named 'op'  This is for the
  'operator' used by the attributes.  e.g.:

   Framed-IP-Address  =
   ^ ATTRIBUTE ----^  ^ OP   ^ VALUE

  If you want the server to be completely misconfigured, and to never
  do what you want, leave the 'op' field blank.  If you want to be
  rudely told to RTFM, then post questions on the mailing list, asking

  "why doesn't my SQL configuration work when I leave the 'op' field empty?"

  The short answer is that with the op field empty, the server does
  not know what you want it to do with the attribute.  Should it be
  added to the reply?  Maybe you wanted to compare the operator to one
  in the request?   The server simply doesn't know.

  So put a value in the field.  The value is the string form of the
  operator: "=", ">=", etc.  See Section 3, below, for more details.

3. Operators

 The list of operators is given below.

 Op	Example and documentation
 --	-------------------------

 =	"Attribute = Value"

	Not allowed as a check item.

	As a reply item, it means "add the item to the reply list, but
	only if there is no other item of the same attribute."

 :=	"Attribute := Value"

	Always matches as a check item, and replaces in the
	configuration items any attribute of the same name.  If no
	attribute of that name appears in the request, then this
	attribute is added.

	As a reply item, it has an identical meaning, but for the
	reply items, instead of the request items.

 ==	"Attribute == Value"

	As a check item, it matches if the named attribute is present
	in the request, AND has the given value.

	Not allowed as a reply item.

 +=	"Attribute += Value"

	Always matches as a check item, and adds the current attribute
	with value to the list of configuration items.

	As a reply item, it has an identical meaning, but the
	attribute is added to the reply items.

 !=	"Attribute != Value"

	As a check item, matches if the given attribute is in the
	request, AND does not have the given value.

	Not allowed as a reply item.

 >	"Attribute > Value"

	As a check item, it matches if the request contains an
	attribute with a value greater than the one given.

	Not allowed as a reply item.

 >=	"Attribute >= Value"

	As a check item, it matches if the request contains an
	attribute with a value greater than, or equal to the one

	Not allowed as a reply item.

 <	"Attribute < Value"

	As a check item, it matches if the request contains an
	attribute with a value less than the one given.

	Not allowed as a reply item.

 <=	"Attribute <= Value"

	As a check item, it matches if the request contains an
	attribute with a value less than, or equal to the one given.

	Not allowed as a reply item.

 =~	"Attribute =~ Expression"

	As a check item, it matches if the request contains an
	attribute which matches the given regular expression.  This
	operator may only be applied to string attributes.

	Not allowed as a reply item.

 !~	"Attribute !~ Expression"

	As a check item, it matches if the request contains an
	attribute which does not match the given regular expression.
	This operator may only be applied to string attributes.

	Not allowed as a reply item.

 =*	"Attribute =* Value"

	As a check item, it matches if the request contains the named
	attribute, no matter what the value is.

	Not allowed as a reply item.

 !*	"Attribute !* Value"

	As a check item, it matches if the request does not contain
	the named attribute, no matter what the value is.

	Not allowed as a reply item.