

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > 48be274d0e726eaf3e3fda0ed8a2a8f2 > files > 7


--- kon2-0.3.9b.orig/doc/kon.1.eng
+++ kon2-0.3.9b/doc/kon.1.eng
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+.TH KON 1 "Sep 5, 1996"
+.UC 4
+KON \- Kanji cONsole emulator
+.B kon
+.B video
+.B -capability
+value ...
+\fIKON\fP is a program to display Kanji characters on a virtual
+console of \fILinux\fP and \fIFreeBSD\fP.
+\fIKON\fP uses
+.B pty(4)
+to hook the I/O for console, and displays Kanji characters by
+drawing the image of them on \fIVGA\fP or \fIDCGA\fP.
+\fIKON\fP can be invoked from another \fIKON\fP. In this situation,
+new \fIKON\fP runs on newly opened virtual console.
+\fIKON\fP has ability to interpret some options to specify the video
+driver to be used, or some other environmental conditions.
+.B video
+is to specify one of video driver entries written in \fIkon.cfg\fP.
+If this option is omitted, then \fINORMAL\fP video driver is used.
+Some settings as such as \fICursorInterval\fP can be overridden by
+.B -capability
+options. For example,
+   % kon -CursorInterval 10
+invokes the kon with setting the value of \fICursorInterval\fP to 10.
+\fIkon.cfg\fP is the file to configure the behaviour of \fIKON\fP.
+Video drivers and Palettes used by \fIKON\fP is specified in this file.
+The format of an entry for this file is:
+.TP 8
+   \fIEntryName\fP:[\fIAlias1\fP:\fIAlias2\fP:...]
+   \fIValue_for_Entry\fP
+There are no distinction about case (upper/lower) in \fIEntryName\fP.
+Any line for "\fIValue_for_Entry\fP" must start with \fITAB\fP.
+The part from \fI#\fP to the end of line, is treated as comment.
+Types of "\fIValue_for_Entry\fP" are: 
+.TP 10
+On / Off (no distinction about upper/lower case)
+.TP 10
+select one from options (no distinction about upper/lower case)
+.TP 10
+Decimal Number
+.TP 10
+Each entry has it's special format.
+Following two entries are essential in this configuration file:
+.TP 4
+specify the video driver to be used. Available options are:
+\fIVGA\fP      driver for VGA, SVGA, EGA
+\fIVGAFM\fP    same above but with ability of font deformation
+\fIJ3100SX\fP  driver for TOSHIBA J3100SX (DCGA)
+\fIVGA\fP and \fIVGAFM\fP require some parameters for
+ \fIVGA register value\fP, screen size(Number of dots),
+Width(Number of characters), Hight(Number of lines).
+Users can use this entry to change the total number of characters
+to be displayed, but except for VGA resolution(640x480),
+the number of characters that can be seen for the specified 
+\fIVGA register value\fP, depends the video cards.
+Default \fIkon.cfg\fP set \fINORMAL\fP as an alias for the standard
+VGA, and has some alternate entries for some video cards.
+.TP 4
+specify the command to be invoked at the start of \fIKON\fP.
+One line for each commands, but multiple lines can be specified.
+The command to load the fonts must be specified here.
+When the fonts for ASCII alphanumeric have not been loaded,
+then \fIVGA font\fP is used.
+.I for the fonts file which is not compressed
+  <fontloader> <Font file for ASCII alphanumeric>
+  <fontloader> <Kanji/Kana font file>
+.I for the fonts file which is compressed
+  zcat <compressed font fine for ASCII alphanumeric> | <fontloader>
+  zcat <compressed font file for Kanji/Kana> | <fontloader>
+Next entry is required when VGA or VGAFM is specified as video driver:
+specify the Pallete. The format is the pallette value(decimal) for
+R,G,B in each line, and 16 lines are there total.
+Default \fIkon.cfg\fP has \fISTDPEL\fP and \fIREVPEL\fP entries.
+\fISTDPEL\fP is the standard palette, and \fIREVPEL\fP is the reverse.
+\fIPELS\fP can be specified as an alias for used entry.
+Other entries are:
+.TP 4
+specify the mouse driver. Select a type of mouse from
+Microsoft, MouseSystems, BusMouse, MMSeries, Logitech, None
+None is default.
+.TP 4
+specify the baud rate for serial mouse. Select one from
+1200, 2400, 4800, 9600. Default is 1200. This is enabled
+when MOUSE is specified as others than NONE or BusMousees.
+.TP 4
+specify the device name of Mouse. Default is /dev/mouse.
+This is enabled when \fIMOUSE\fP has the entry other than None.
+.TP 4
+specify if the Mouse is 3-button type. Default is Off.
+.TP 4
+specify wheter hardware scroll is used or not. Default is On.
+This is effective for VGA, VGAFM, J3100SX.
+.TP 4
+specify the length of beep sound in the unit of 1/100 sec.
+Default is 5.
+.TP 4
+specify the interval of cursor blinking in the unit of 1/10 sec.
+Default is 4. To stop the blinking, specify 0.
+.TP 4
+specify the amount of time to start the screen saver in the unit
+of minutes. Default is 4.
+.TP 4
+specify if wide cursor is used on Kanji characters, or ot.
+Default is On.
+.TP 4
+specify the size of cursor box using these two entries.
+      0 +--------+
+        |        |
+        |--------| <-- CursorTop
+        |********|
+        |********|
+        |********|
+        |********|
+        |********|
+     15 +--------+ <-- CursorBottom
+These are effective for VGA, VGAFM, and CGA drivers.
+.TP 4
+specify if the shape of cursor is box or under line.
+Default is Off. Effective for only J3100SX driver.
+.TP 4
+specify if the font data on 3rd page in VGA memory is saved.
+This is useful for Trident video cards. Default is Off.
+Effective for VGA, VGAFM drivers.
+.TP 4
+specify the offset value for \fIVGA font\fP. Default is 0.
+When the \fIVGA fonts\fP are used as ASCII alphanumeric font,
+there are some PCs the lower parts of characters are missing.
+In those circumstance, this entry can be used to adjust the position
+of displayed characters.
+.TP 4
+specify the default font and the coding in 1bit.
+The formats are:
+	<SB font> <DB font> [EUC|SJIS]
+SB font and DB font can be selected from:
+.TP 4
+    SB font: Single Byte font
+	ISO8859-1,ISO8859-2,ISO8859-3,ISO8859-4,ISO8859-5,
+	ISO8859-6,ISO8859-7,ISO8859-8,ISO8859-9,
+	JISX0201.1976-0
+.TP 4
+    DB font: Double Byte font
+	GB2312.1980-1,JISX0208.1983-0,KSC5601,BIG5
+.TP 4
+specify if the greeting message is shown at startup. Default is On.
+.SH Configuratino for High resolution screen.
+When VGA or VGAFM is used as video driver, \fIKON\fP can use the
+wider space for text area with the fine-tuing at \fIkon.cfg\fP.
+.TP 4
+	<\fIVGA\fP or \fIVGAFM\fP>
+	[decimation factor for \fIVGAFM\fP]
+	<HR> <HS> <HE> <HFL> <VR> <VS> <VE> <VFL>
+	<\fIClock Number\fP>
+	<\fILine Width - 1\fP> <\fILine Numbers - 1\fP>
+Control parameter in 3rd line for VGAFM (2nd line for VGA)
+consists of 8 decimal numbers. These numbers are similar
+as the video mode lines in XF86Config.
+\fIKON\fP can emulate text upto 800x600 resolution.
+.TP 4
+Screen control parameters:
+.B HR
+total dot number in horizontal
+.B HS
+the start point of horizontal sync
+.B HE
+the end point of horizontal sync
+Total number of horizontal frames
+.B VR
+number of vertical lines
+.B VS
+the start point of vertical sync
+.B VE
+the end point of vertical sync
+total number of vertical frames
+\fIClock Number\fP selects the clock frequency for the mode of
+that entry. Only lowest 2 bit is effective, i.e. a number from 0
+to 3 can be specified here.
+The last line specifies the area for text screen to emulate.
+.if n .ta 2.5i
+.if t .ta 1.8i
+/etc/kon.cfg	Configuratin file
+/usr/share/fonts/kon/*		Font files
+.SH See Also
+.\" swkon(1), fld(1)
+- When text screen is in high resolution mode at 
+  the start of \fILinux\fP, \fIKON\fP can not work 
+  successfully since the size of \fIVGA font\fP is 
+  different from usual.
+- When multiple entries with same name in \fIkon.cfg\fP, 
+ the first entry is used. The maximum length of one line 
+ is 255 bytes.
+.\" - If \fIX Window System\fP can not start from \fIKON\fP, use
+.\"   \fIswkon(1)\fP to enter text mode, then disconnect mouse.
+.\"   After that, \fIX Window System\fP may start up.
+MANABE Takashi	<>
+MAEDA Atusi	<>
+KOMEDA Shinji	<>
+YOSHIDA Kensyu	<>