

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > 4d12a719979c3688ab07fed740e097f9 > files > 228


<chapter id="preferences">
<sect1 id="preferences-kbabel">
<title>&kbabel; preferences</title>

<para> To show the Preferences dialog choose
<menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Configure
KBabel...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from &kbabel;'s menu.  It uses a
structured configuration dialog which makes it very easy to find an
option without having to perform an extensive search for it.</para>

<para>The left side of the preferences dialog lists the categories of
customizable items and the right side shows the corresponding tab for
the selected category.  &kbabel; keeps changes if you move between
categories, so when you're finally happy click the
<guibutton>OK</guibutton> button.  At any moment you can use quick
help&mdash;just click on the question mark on the title bar and,
after the cursor has changed to an arrow with a question mark,
click on a button, label, or preference entry to find out more
about it.</para>

<sect2 id="preferences-identity">

<para>This section allows you to set standard fields for every
translated <acronym>PO</acronym> file.  These are your name, email
address, full language name, email address for your translation team
mailing list.  There is also a timezone field to track your
<quote>last modified</quote> time for <acronym>PO</acronym> files.
You can specify it as character sequence like <acronym>EEST</acronym>
or offset from <acronym>GMT</acronym> time like +0200 (i.e. for
Romania).  This information is used when updating file headers.  You
can find the options control what fields in the header should be
updated in the <link linkend="preferences-save">Save</link> section of
the Preferences dialog.</para>

<warning><para>Character sequences for timezones are not standardized.
So you should not use the string set here in time specification for
saving in <link linkend="preferences-save">Save</link> tab. You should
use <literal>%z</literal> instead.</para></warning>

<term><guilabel>Number of singular/plural forms</guilabel></term>
<para> Use this for setting number of plural forms for your
language. For example, it is 2 for German (one for the singular and
one for the plural form).</para>

<note><para>This feature is currently implemented only for plural forms format  used in &kde;. It does not work with gettext plural forms.</para></note> 


<sect2 id="preferences-editor">
The editor preferences category is divided in 3 subwindows:
<guilabel>General</guilabel>, <guilabel>Appearance</guilabel>,
<guilabel>Spell Check</guilabel> and <guilabel>Fonts</guilabel>.
All these settings customize how the editor behaves and looks.

<sect3 id="preferences-editor-general">

<para>This section contains a set of checkboxes.</para>

<para>The first checkbox in the upper side sets if the fuzzy status is
resetted automatically when a character is inputted into the MsgStr
editor.  When this option is disabled you have to manually choose
<menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Unset Fuzzy Status
</guimenuitem></menuchoice> or use the <keycombo
action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>U</keycap></keycombo> shortcut.  Note
that this means the string <literal>, fuzzy</literal> is removed from
the entry's comment.</para>

<para>Next option allows you to enable <quote>clever</quote> editing,
where editor automatically inserts special characters escaped
correctly, e.g. <literal>\t</literal> after pressing
<keycap>Tab</keycap> and it allows special handling of

<para>The lower checkboxes are very useful in assisting not the
correctness of the translation corectness but if the translated string
is a suitable replacement for the first within the sofware.  For
example, many messages represent menu items with keyboard accelerator
and C-like formated strings whose structure must remain intact once

    <term><guilabel>Check Arguments</guilabel></term>
    When this option is selected C-format strings in the original and
    the translation are checked to ensure the number of
    format sequences and the order are consistent.
    <term><guilabel>Check Accelerator</guilabel></term>
<para>When this option is selected &kbabel; checks if the number
accelerator characters is identical in both the original and the
translated string.  Note that accelerator marker is &amp; (but not in
every programming toolkit). See the <link
linkend="preferences-miscellaneous">Miscellaneous</link> section below
to find how to change a keyboard accelerator.</para>
    <term><guilabel>Check Equation</guilabel></term>
    This is a feature for KDE project development.
    <filename>.desktop</filename> files are simply
    text files which store various parameters in
    <literal>value=key</literal> format. Some of
    these <literal>key</literal> are translatable.
    The only restriction is to maintain the left
    side of equality unchanged. Equation check
    allows you to spot many errors determined
    by the fuzzy <command>msgmerge</command> algorithm.
    Note that there are situations where this function
    generates false errors on some PO-files.
    <term><guilabel>Look for Translated Context Info</guilabel></term>
<para> Some original messages are marked with context information to
mark them as being unique even if they represent same word.  This is
because many simple words, such as <quote>Save</quote>, are translated
into many languages.  Context information is marked with
<literal>_:</literal>. Many unexperienced translators translate the
context information and fill their PO files with garbage.  Check this
box to make sure you will be warned about these errors in a
    <term><guilabel>Check Plural Forms</guilabel></term>
    If you are translating &kde; project, it uses a special kind of 
    syntax for specifying plural forms of messages. This check automatically
    counts the number of forms in <acronym>msgstr</acronym> and
    compares it with the number specified in <link linkend="preferences-identity"><guilabel>Identity</guilabel></link> tab. Incorrect number of plural forms can result in crash of an application.
    <term><guilabel>Beep on error</guilabel></term>
     Your system bell will beep when you switch
    on entries with errors like those described above.
    <term><guilabel>Change text color on error</guilabel></term>
    This is another type of warning about
    errors in current message.  It is a good solution for those who are
    hearing impaired or dislike bell noise. See also the
    <link linkend="preferences-editor-appearance">Appearance</link> tab
    to find out how to change the text color on errors.


<sect3 id="preferences-editor-appearance">

These options let
you configure the appearance for the message editor. In upper part there
are 4 checkboxes:

    <term><guibutton>Highlight syntax</guibutton></term>
    Setting this option will enable syntax highlighting for
    special characters, accelerators and text background in the msgid viewer
    and msgstr editor. If don't have a monochrome display or have a visual impairment, you should enable this option. 
    <term><guibutton>Highlight background</guibutton></term>
    The background will be highlighted only for existing characters in
    the msgid and msgstr. This includes spaces.  This is useful if you
    don't want to see the surrounding quotes (see below) for the <acronym>PO</acronym> entry, and you will still
    be able to observe starting and ending spaces in a text line.
    <term><guibutton>Mark whitespaces with points</guibutton></term>
    When you feel the need to count spaces
    and background highlighting is not your taste then you can
    check this option to have a point sign drawn in the middle of
    whitespace characters. Note that the point is a point sign in the
    center of a character box and is not a decimal point.
    <term><guibutton>Show surrounding quotes</guibutton></term>
    If you think that viewing the terminal characters a in msgstr or
    msgid's text line is better for you then check this option to view
    the surrounding quotes for every text line.</para>
    <para>If you are experienced editing <acronym>PO</acronym> files with
    ordinary text editors you may feel safer if you can track starting and
    ending double quotes in <acronym>PO</acronym> entry lines.

For the different items in edited text there are different color choices
to make editing easy.  Colors can be changed by clicking on color-picker
buttons.  From the 'select color' dialogs you can choose from standard
colors, custom colors or just pick color from any part of your screen.

    <term><guilabel>Background color</guilabel></term>
    This sets the background color for characters in the MsgID view
    and the MsgStr editor.  To change the general background color
    of edit boxes you must use the &kcontrolcenter;.
    <term><guilabel>Color for quoted characters</guilabel></term>
    Here you can adjust the color for escaped characters like
    (<literal>\&quot;</literal>) double quotes or (<literal>\n</literal>) newline. </para></listitem>
    <term><guilabel>Color for syntax errors</guilabel></term>
    This is the color for the entire text entry if errors are
    detected when you try to save <acronym>PO</acronym> file. Errors are
    triggered by not terminating identically both <acronym>msgid</acronym> and <acronym>msgstr</acronym>, or
    escaping characters incorrectly.
    <term><guilabel>Color for c-format characters</guilabel></term>
    This sets the color for a characters sequence like in
    C language <function>printf</function> or <function>scanf</function> functions. In general these start with (<literal>&percnt;</literal>) percent char and are continued by one char.
    <term><guilabel>Color for keyboard accelerators</guilabel></term>
     Keyboard accelerators start with (&amp;) <quote>ampersand</quote>
     character in &kde; but if you are translating for other projects there might be an different character marking the accelerator key.
     See <link linkend="preferences-miscellaneous">Miscellaneous</link> section below to find how to change keyboard accelerator.

<para> The status for the current edited entry is marked by three
<acronym>LED</acronym>s.  For your convenience you can choose where to
put these <acronym>LED</acronym>s&mdash;either on the statusbar or in
the editor section (between the msgid and msgstr entry). If have
difficulties viewing some colors or you want to be able to track
<acronym>LED</acronym> status changes easily without moving your eye
you can select the prefered color using the color button chooser.


<sect3 id="preferences-editor-fonts">

This is a standard &kde; font chooser dialog with a little addition. You can
select to view only fixed fonts by checking the
<guibutton>Show only fixed fonts</guibutton> option.
This is highly recommended for easy translating. The font dialog let you set
font family, style, size and encoding. The bottom box shows a preview of the
current for user convenience.

<sect2 id="preferences-save">
This section allows you to edit the options for <acronym>PO</acronym> file saving. The first checkboxes group control general behavior for actions
performed at <acronym>PO</acronym> file saving command.

    <term><guibutton>Update header when saving</guibutton></term>
Check this button, to update the header information of the file
everytime when it is saved. The header normally keeps information
about the date and time the file was last updated,the last translator
etc. You can choose which information you want to update from the
<guilabel>Fields to update</guilabel> checkboxes area below. Fields
that do not exist are added to the header.  If you want to add
additional fields to the header you can edit the header manually by
choosing <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Edit
Header</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in the editor window.
    <term><guibutton>Check syntax of file when saving</guibutton></term>
Check this to automatically check syntax of file with
<userinput><command>msgfmt</command> --statistics</userinput> when
saving a file. You will only get a message if an error occurred. You
should keep this options enabled unless know what you're doing.

<para>If you don't want to touch some fields in <acronym>PO</acronym>
file header or want to force updating specific fields, there are five
checkboxes which control: revision date, <acronym>PO</acronym> file
language, text encoding, last translator name, charset. If a field
does not exist, it is appended to the header. If you want to add other
information to the header, you have to edit the header manually by
choosing <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Edit
Header</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in the editor window. Deactivate
<guibutton>Update header when saving</guibutton> above if you don't
want to have the header updated.</para>

<para>For date and time of the header field
<emphasis>PO-Revision-Date</emphasis> you can choose one from bellow

    <guilabel>Default</guilabel> is the format normally used in <acronym>PO</acronym> files.
    <guilabel>Local</guilabel> is the format specific to your country.
    <guilabel>Custom</guilabel> lets you define your own format, where you
    can use the following C-like format strings:
      <tgroup cols="3">
            <entry>%y</entry><entry>year</entry><entry>00 to 99</entry>
            <entry>%Y</entry><entry>year</entry><entry>0001 to 9999</entry>
      <tgroup cols="3">
            <entry>%m</entry><entry>month of year</entry><entry>01 to 12</entry>
            <entry>%f</entry><entry>month of year</entry><entry>1 to 12</entry>
            <entry>%b,%h</entry><entry>month abbreviation</entry><entry>Jan to Dec</entry>
      <tgroup cols="3">
            <entry>%j</entry><entry>day of the year</entry><entry>001 to 366</entry>
            <entry>%d</entry><entry>day of month</entry><entry>01 to 31</entry>
            <entry>%e</entry><entry>day of month</entry><entry>1 to 31</entry>
            <entry>%a</entry><entry>weekday abbreviation</entry><entry>Sun to Sat</entry>
      <tgroup cols="3">
            <entry>%H</entry><entry>hour</entry><entry>00 to 23</entry>
            <entry>%k</entry><entry>hour</entry><entry>0 to 23</entry>
            <entry>%i</entry><entry>hour</entry><entry>1 to 12</entry>
            <entry>%I</entry><entry>hour</entry><entry>01 to 12</entry>
            <entry>%p</entry><entry></entry><entry>AM or PM</entry>
      <title>Minute, Second, Timezone</title>
      <tgroup cols="3">
            <entry>%M</entry><entry>minute</entry><entry>00 to 59</entry>
            <entry>%S</entry><entry>second</entry><entry>00 to 59</entry>
            <entry>%Z</entry><entry>timezone</entry><entry>(given in identity settings)</entry>
            <entry>%z</entry><entry>timezone</entry><entry>(numeric offset as specified by system settings)</entry>

<para>The lower group cover encoding options for <acronym>PO</acronym>
file when saving. If you work on &kde; project you should be aware
that at least <filename>desktop.po</filename> file
<emphasis>must</emphasis> be UTF-8 encoded. Popup list let you select
messages encoding. At least your language setting and UTF-8 must be.
If, for some reasons, you don't want accidentally change current PO
file encoding, turn on <guibutton>Keep the encoding of the


<sect2 id="preferences-spellcheck">
<title>Spell Check</title>

<para>Here you can set your spell checking preferences.  These is for
interest if you have dictionary file for your translating
language. Bellow are items to consider setting:</para>

    <term><guibutton>Create root/affix combinations not in dictionary</guibutton></term>
    For new words added to the personal dictionary,
    spell check engine will create root/affix
    combinations to match more than one word (variations).
    <term><guibutton>Consider run-together words as spelling errors</guibutton></term>
    If this is turned on then joined words will be treated
    as errors.  However, this situations is very usual in
    German language, which have a very large number of
    compound words, so should be left turned off in that case.
    From the popup list you can choose which dictionary to use.  Note
    that you must install an appropriate dictionary for your language.
    Check your ispell or aspell distribution to find out if you have
    Here you choose the encoding for your text.  This option is passed
    to the spellchecker, and is used as the encoding for your words
    See the <ulink url="help:/kspell">kspell</ulink> documentation for
    more details.
    Backend program to use for spell checking. Currently either
    <command>ispell</command> (International Ispell) or aspell.
    <term><guibutton>Remember ignored words</guibutton></term>
    Keep track of user-ignored words when spell-checking
    <acronym>PO</acronym> files.  It is very convenient to ignore the abbreviations or strange letter combinations you meet in &GUI; interfaces.
    <term><guilabel>File to store ignored words</guilabel></term>
    Here you can set location of the file for ignored words. Click
    on the folder icon to the right of the edit box.  The default is
    where <filename>$(HOME)</filename> is your home directory.

<sect2 id="preferences-search">
The search section allows you to customize various settings
for searching in previous translated strings.

<sect3 id="preferences-search-general">

<para>General settings are common for all search types.  If you check
the <guibutton>Automatically start search</guibutton> option then the
search is automatically started whenever you switch to another entry
in the editor.  Currently there are at three posibilies you can choose
from, but since &kbabel; can use dictionary plugins the available
dictionaries depend on those installed.  Using
<menuchoice><guimenuitem>Settings</guimenuitem> <guimenuitem>Configure
Dictionary</guimenuitem> <guimenuitem>...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
you can configure every search plugin.</para>

<para>The default installed dictionary plugins are:</para>

<term>&kde; Database Search Engine</term>
<para>This new method is still in alpha stage of development
     and base it task on &kbabeldict; which accompanies &kbabel;.
     See &kbabeldict; documentation for further info on
     configuring search engine.

<term>PO Compendium</term>
<listitem><para>The compendium is a normal <acronym>PO</acronym> file,
    which should contain a list of standard translation from your translation
    team. If you don't have one, you can also use a file that contains all
    translations of your team (e.g. the <filename>$lang.messages</filename>
    file in the  &kde; Project, that can be found at
    <ulink url=""></ulink>).

<term>PO Auxiliary</term>
<listitem><para>The auxiliary should help you finding the
    context of a translation by looking up the same message in a message
    catalog of the same package but translated to another language. This way
    you can have a look how this message is translated in another language.

You can also start searching manually by choosing an
entry in the popup menu that appears either by clicking
<guimenu>Dictionaries</guimenu><guimenuitem>Search Text</guimenuitem>
<guimenuitem>PO Compendium</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
or by keeping the search button on the toolbar pressed for a while.


<sect2 id="preferences-diffmode">

<para>The <guilabel>Diff</guilabel> section hold settings how to
display differences in msgids. </para>

<para>Every difference can be displayed by two added parts and by removed characters of the text. For both you can specify the method of displaying and the color, which will be used. <guilabel>Highlighted</guilabel> means that the background of the corresponding characters will be shown in the selected color, while 
<guilabel>Underlined</guilabel>(for added characters) or <guilabel>Striked Out</guilabel>
(for removed characters) will denote the changed parts by colored lines.
Diff mode needs to find the original <acronym>msgid</acronym> to compare
to. For this purpose, &kbabel; can use <link linkend="database">translation database</link>
if you turn in on by <guilabel>Use messages from Translation Database</guilabel>.
Second possibility is to use a tree of original PO files. Then you need to specify the root of
the tree in <guilabel>Base directory for diff files</guilabel>.

<sect2 id="preferences-miscellaneous">
<guilabel>Miscellaneous</guilabel> section
hold settings which don't feet anywhere. Currently are two:

  <term><guilabel>Marker for keyboard accelerator</guilabel></term>
  Here you can put your own character which serve
  as marker for keyboard accelerator indicator in GUI.
  By default it is &amp; (ampersand), but in some
  programing toolkits it may vary.
  For example in Gnome/GTK translations the underscore
  character <quote>_</quote>
  is the marker for the keyboard accelerator.
  <term><guilabel>Regular expression for context information</guilabel></term>
  For unexperienced user "regular expression" sound strange.
  However, you're advised to change default value
  only you know what you are doing. Some GUI programming
  toolkits provide own context information description
  methods. Consult an experienced developer if you
  translate PO files other than &kde; specifics.
  For the sake of completness I "translate" for you what
  default regular expression mean:
  "the text match if it start with _: and is followed
  by one or more characters and end with a newline".


<sect1 id="preferences-catalogmanager">
<title>&catalogmanager; preferences</title>

This dialog allows you to edit the options for the Catalog Manager.

<sect2 id="preferences-catalogmanager-general">
Here are two editlines with <guibutton>Browse...</guibutton> buttons.
Type in the directories which contains all your PO- and respectively
POT-files. The files and the directories in these directories will then be
merged into one tree in Catalog Manager window.

Below you can turn on and off if:

    <term><guibutton>Open files in new window</guibutton></term>
      If this is activated all files that are opened from the Catalog
      Manager are opened in a new window.
    <term><guibutton>Kill processes on exit</guibutton></term>
      If you check this &kbabel; tries to kill the processes, that are not
      exited already when program close by sending a kill signal to them.
       It's not guaranteed, that the processes are killed.
    <term><guibutton>Create index for file contents</guibutton></term>
      If you check this &kbabel; will create an index of contents for every 
      file in the tree. This index is then used in find/replace operations. 
      <warning><para>There is a large speed trade-off. If you enable creating index,
      the updating of file information will be much slower. On the other hand, it speedup
      find/replace operation considerably.</para></warning>

<sect2 id="preferences-catalogmanager-directories">
<title>Directory Commands</title>
Here you can insert commands you want to execute in directories from the
Catalog Manager. The commands are then shown in the submenu
in the Catalog Manager's context menu.

Insert in field <guilabel>Name</guilabel> the
name of the command. The name can be chosen freely and is only used to be displayed
in the menu. In field <guilabel>Command</guilabel> insert the command, you want to
have executed when selecting the corresponding menu item. Then press <guibutton>Add</guibutton>
button to add the command to your available commands.
To edit a command, select it, press
<guibutton>Edit</guibutton> button and press <guibutton>Add</guibutton> after you have
finished. To remove a command, select one from list and press
<guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button. If you want different order in contexual
submenu, you can use up and down buttons.

The command is executed through your default shell, so you can execute
multiple commands at once by separating them with a semicolon, and you can set environment
variables, if you need. The commands are executed in the (PO file) directory, you have
selected in the Catalog Manager.

The following strings will be replaced in a command:

    <userinput>@PACKAGE@</userinput>: The name of the directory without path
    <userinput>@PODIR@</userinput>: The name of the PO-directory with path
    <userinput>@POTDIR@</userinput>: The name of the template directory with path

E.g.: If you want to execute <command>make</command> and then <command>make
install</command> you could insert in field <guilabel>Name</guilabel>
<userinput>Make install</userinput> and in field <guilabel>Command</guilabel>
<userinput>make; make install</userinput>. If you then select
<guimenuitem>Make install</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
from the context menu of a directory, the commands listed above will be
executed in this directory.

<title>File Commands</title>
Here you can insert the commands you want to execute on files from the Catalog
Manager. The commands are then shown in the submenu
<menuchoice><guimenuitem>Commands</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in the Catalog
Manager's context menu.

Insert in field <guilabel>Name</guilabel> the name of the command. The name can be
chosen freely and is only used to be displayed in the menu. In field
<guilabel>Command</guilabel> insert the command, you want to have executed when
selecting the corresponding menu item. Then press <guibutton>Add</guibutton> button
to add the command to your available commands. To edit a command, select it, press
<guibutton>Edit</guibutton> and press <guibutton>Add</guibutton> after you have
finished. To remove a command, select one from list and press
<guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button. If you want different order in contexual
submenu, you can use up and down buttons.

The command is executed through your default shell, so you can execute
multiple commands at once by separating them with a semicolon, and you can
set environment variables, if you need. The commands are executed in the
(PO file) directory, in which the file, you have selected in the Catalog
Manager, is.

The following strings will be replaced in a command:

    <userinput>@PACKAGE@</userinput>: The name of the file without path and extension
    <userinput>@POFILE@</userinput>: The name of the PO file with path and extension
    <userinput>@POTFILE@</userinput>: The name of the corresponding template file
    with path and extension
    <userinput>@PODIR@</userinput>: The name of the directory, the PO file is in, with path
    <userinput>@POTDIR@</userinput>: The name of the directory, the template file is
    in, with path
For example, if you want to merge the template file into your PO file you could
insert in field <guilabel>Name</guilabel> <userinput>Merge</userinput> and
in field <guilabel>Command</guilabel>
<userinput>msgmerge @POFILE@ @POTFILE@ &gt; &amp;&amp; mv
If you then select
from a file's context menu, the PO file will be merged with its template file.