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<article id=SGMLSpm>


<title> a perl5 class library for handling output from the
SGMLS and NSGMLS parsers (version 1.03)</title>

<orgname>University of Ottawa</orgname>
<orgdiv>Department of English</orgdiv>



<para>Welcome to &;, an extensible &perl5; class library for
processing the output from the &sgmls; and &nsgmls; parsers.
&; is free, copyrighted software available by anonymous ftp in
the directory <ulink
You might also want to look at the documentation for <ulink
a simple sample script which uses &; to convert documents from
&sgml; to other formats.</para>

<important id=terms>

<para>This program, along with its documentation, is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

<para>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.</para>

<para>You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.</para>


<sect1 id=definition>
<title>What is &;?</title>

<para>&; is an <link linkend=extend>extensible</link> &perl5;
class library for parsing the output from James Clark's popular
&sgmls; and &nsgmls; parsers, available on the Internet at <ulink
This is <emphasis>not</emphasis> a complete system for translating
documents written the the <glossterm>Standard Generalised Markup
Language</glossterm> (&sgml;) into other formats, but it can easily
form the basis of such a system (for a simple example, see the <ulink
program included in this package).</para>

<para>The library recognises four basic types of &sgml; objects: the
<link linkend=sgmlselement><glossterm>element</glossterm></link>, the
<link linkend=sgmlsattribute><glossterm>attribute</glossterm></link>,
the <link
linkend=sgmlsnotation><glossterm>notation</glossterm></link>, and the
<link linkend=sgmlsentity><glossterm>entity</glossterm></link>; each
of these is a fully-developed class with methods for accessing
important information.</para>


<sect1 id=sgml>
<title>How do I produce &sgml; documents?</title>

<para>I am presuming here that you are already experienced with &sgml;
and the &sgmls; or &nsgmls; parser.  For help with the parsers see the
manual pages accompanying each one; for help with &sgml; see Robin
Cover's SGML Web Page at <ulink
on the Internet.</para>


<sect1 id=perl5>
<title>How do I program in &perl5;?</title>

<para>If you have to ask this question, you probably should not be
trying to use this library right now, since it is intended only for
experienced &perl5; programmers.  That said, however, you can find the
&perl5; documentation with the &perl5; source distribution or on the
World-Wide Web at <ulink

<para><emphasis>Please</emphasis> do not write to me for help on using


<sect1 id=sgmls>
<title>How do I use &;?</title>

<para>First, you need to copy the file &; to a directory where
perl can find it (on a Unix system, it might be
<filename>/usr/lib/perl5</filename> or
<filename>/usr/local/lib/perl5</filename>, or whatever the environment
variable <symbol>PERL5LIB</symbol> is set to) and make certain that it
is world-readable.</para>

<para>Next, near the top of your &perl5; program, type the following

use SGMLS;

<para>You must then open up a file handle from which &; can read the
data from an &sgmls; or &nsgmls; process, unless you are reading from
a standard handle like <symbol>STDIN</symbol> &mdash; for example,
if you are piping the output from &sgmls; to a &perl5; script, using
something like</para>

sgmls foo.sgml | perl

<para>then the predefined filehandle <symbol>STDIN</symbol> will be
sufficient.  In DOS, you might want to dump the sgmls output to a file
and use it as standard input (or open it explicitly in perl), and in
Unix, you might actually want to open a pipe or socket for the input.
&; doesn't need to seek, so any input stream should

<para>To parse the &sgmls; or &nsgmls; output from the handle, create
a new object instance of the <classname>SGMLS</classname> class with
the handle as an argument, i.e.</para>

$parse = new SGMLS(STDIN);

<para>(You may create more than one <classname>SGMLS</classname>
object at once, but each object <emphasis>must</emphasis> have a
unique handle pointing to a unique stream, or
<emphasis>chaos</emphasis> will result.)  Now, you can retrieve and
process events using the <command>next_event</command> method:</para>

while ($event = $parse->next_event) {
    #do something with each event


<sect1 id=sgmlsevent>
<title>So what do I do with an event?</title>

<para>The <command>next_event</command> method for the <link
linkend=sgmls><classname>SGMLS</classname></link> class returns an
object belonging to the class <classname>SGMLS_Event</classname>.
This class has several methods available, as listed in table <xref

<table id=table.class.sgmls>
<title>The <classname>SGMLS_Event</classname> class</title>

<tgroup cols=3>


<entry>Return Type</entry>



<entry>Return the type of the event.</entry>

<entry>string, <classname>SGMLS_Element</classname>, or
<entry>Return any data associated with the event.</entry>

<entry>Return the name of the &sgml; source file which generated the
event, if available.</entry>

<entry>Return the line number of the &sgml; source file which
generated the event, if available.</entry>

<entry>Return the element in force when the  event was

<entry>Return the <classname>SGMLS</classname> object for the current

<entry>Look up an entity from those currently known to the parse.  An
alias for <literal>->parse->entity($ename)</literal></entry>

<entry>Look up the notation from those currently known to the parse:
an alias for <literal>->parse->notation($nname)</literal>.</entry>


<para>The <command>file</command> and <command>line</command> methods
will return useful information only if you called &sgmls; or &nsgmls;
with the <parameter>-l</parameter> flag to include file and
line-number information.</para>


<sect1 id=events>
<title>What are the different event types and data?</title>

<para>Table <xref linkend=table.class.sgmls.event> lists the ten
different event types returned by the <command>next_event</command>
method of an <link linkend=sgmls><classname>SGMLS</classname></link>
object and the different types of data associated with each of these
(note that these do <emphasis>not</emphasis> correspond to the
standard &esis; events).</para>

<table id=table.class.sgmls.event>
<title>The <classname>SGMLS_Event</classname> types</title>

<tgroup cols=3>


<entry>Event Type</entry>
<entry>Event Data</entry>



<entry>The beginning of an element.</entry>

<entry>The end of an element.</entry>

<entry>Regular character data.</entry>

<entry>Special system data.</entry>

<entry>A record-end (i.e., a newline).</entry>

<entry>A processing instruction</entry>

<entry>A non-SGML external entity.</entry>

<entry>The beginning of an SGML subdocument.</entry>

<entry>The end of an SGML subdocument.</entry>

<entry>The document was valid.</entry>


<para>For example, if <literal>$event->type</literal> returns
<returnvalue>'start_element'</returnvalue>, then
<literal>$event->data</literal> will return an object belonging to the
<link linkend=sgmlselement><classname>SGMLS_Element</classname></link>
class (which will contain a list of attributes, etc. &mdash; see
below), <literal>$event->file</literal> and
<literal>$event->line</literal> will return the file and line-number
in which the element appeared (if you called &sgmls; or &nsgmls; with
the <parameter>-l</parameter> flag), and
<literal>$event->element</literal> will return the element currently
in force (in this case, the same as


<sect1 id=sgmlselement>
<title>What do I do with an <classname>SGMLS_Element</classname>?</title>

<para>Altogether, there are six classes in &;, each with its
own methods: in addition to <link
linkend=sgmls><classname>SGMLS</classname></link> (for the parse) and
<link linkend=sgmlsevent><classname>SGMLS_Event</classname></link>
(for a specific event), the classes are
<classname>SGMLS_Element</classname>, <link
<link linkend=sgmlsentity><classname>SGMLS_Entity</classname></link>,
and <link
Like all of these, <classname>SGMLS_Element</classname> has a number
of methods available for obtaining different types of information.
For example, if you were to use</para>

my $element = $event->data

<para>to retrieve the data for a <literal>'start_element'</literal> or
<literal>'end_element'</literal> event, then you could use the methods
listed in table <xref linkend=table.class.sgmls.element> to find more
information about the element.</para>

<table id=table.class.sgmls.element>
<title>The <classname>SGMLS_Element</classname> class</title>

<tgroup cols=3>


<entry>Return Type</entry>



<entry>The name (or GI), in upper-case.</entry>

<entry>The parent element, or <literal>''</literal> if this is the top

<entry>Return a reference to a hash table of
<classname>SGMLS_Attribute</classname> objects, keyed by the attribute
names (in upper-case).</entry>

<entry>A list of all attribute names for the current element (in

<entry>Return the attribute named ANAME.</entry>

<entry>The <parameter>attribute</parameter> argument should be an
object belonging to the <ulink
class.  Add it to the element, replacing any previous attribute with
the same name.</entry>

<entry>If the current element's parent is named
<parameter>name</parameter>, return the parent; otherwise, return

<entry>If any ancestor of the current element is named
<parameter>name</parameter>, return it; otherwise, return



<sect1 id=sgmlsattribute>
<title>What do I do with an

<para>Note that objects of the <classname>SGMLS_Attribute</classname>
class do not have events in their own right, and are available only
through the <command>attributes</command> or
<command>attribute(<parameter>aname</parameter>)</command> methods for
<link linkend=sgmlselement><classname>SGMLS_Element</classname></link>
objects.  An object belonging to the
<classname>SGMLS_Attribute</classname> class will recognise the
methods listed in table <xref

<table id=table.class.sgmls.attribute>
<title>The <classname>SGMLS_Attribute</classname> class</title>

<tgroup cols=3>


<entry>Return Type</entry>



<entry>The name of the attribute (in upper-case).</entry>

<entry>The type of the attribute: <literal>'IMPLIED'</literal>,
<literal>'CDATA'</literal>, <literal>'NOTATION'</literal>,
<literal>'ENTITY'</literal>, or <literal>'TOKEN'</literal>.</entry>

<entry>string, <classname>SGMLS_Entity</classname>, or
<entry>The value of the attribute.  If the type is
<literal>'CDATA'</literal> or <literal>'TOKEN'</literal>, it will be a
simple string; if it is <literal>'NOTATION'</literal> it will be an
object belonging to the <classname>SGMLS_Notation</classname> class,
and if it is <literal>'Entity'</literal> it will be an object
belonging to the <classname>SGMLS_Entity</classname> class.</entry>

<entry>Return true if the value of the attribute is implied, or false if
it has an explicit value.</entry>

<entry>Provide a new type for the current attribute -- no sanity
checking will be performed, so be careful.</entry>

<entry>Provide a new value for the current attribute -- no sanity
checking will be performed, so be careful.</entry>


<para>Note that the type <literal>'TOKEN'</literal> includes both
individual tokens and lists of tokens (ie <literal>'TOKENS'</literal>,
<literal>'IDS'</literal>, or <literal>'IDREFS'</literal> in the
original &sgml; document), so you might need to use the perl function
'split' to break the value string into a list.</para>


<sect1 id=sgmlsentity>
<title>What do I do with an <classname>SGMLS_Entity</classname>?</title>

<para>An <classname>SGMLS_Entity</classname> object can come in an
<literal>'entity'</literal> <link linkend=events>event</link> (in
which case it is always external), in a
<literal>'start_subdoc'</literal> or <literal>'end_subdoc'</literal>
event (in which case it always has the type
<literal>'SUBDOC'</literal>), or as the value of an attribute (in
which case it may be internal or external).  An object belonging to
the <classname>SGMLS_Entity</classname> class may use the methods
listed in table <xref linkend=table.class.sgmls.entity>.</para>

<table id=table.class.sgmls.entity>
<title>The <classname>SGMLS_Entity</classname> class</title>

<tgroup cols=3>


<entry>Return Type</entry>



<entry>The entity name.</entry>

<entry>The entity type: <literal>'CDATA'</literal>,
<literal>'SDATA'</literal>, <literal>'NDATA'</literal>, or

<entry>The entity replacement text (internal entities

<entry>The system identifier (external entities only).</entry>

<entry>The public identifier (external entities only).</entry>

<entry>A list of file names generated from the sysid and pubid
(external entities only).</entry>

<entry>The associated notation (external data entities only).</entry>


<para>An entity of type <literal>'SUBDOC'</literal> will have a sysid
and pubid, and external data entity will have a sysid, pubid,
filenames, and a notation, and an internal data entity will have a


<sect1 id=sgmlsnotation>
<title>What do I do with an <classname>SGMLS_Notation</classname>?</title>

<para>The fourth data class is the notation, which is available only
as a return value from the <command>notation</command> method of an
<link linkend=sgmlsentity><classname>SGMLS_Entity</classname></link>
or the <command>value</command> method of an <link
with type <literal>'NOTATION'</literal>.  You can use the notation to
decide how to treat non-SGML data (such as graphics).  An object
belonging to the <classname>SGMLS_Notation</classname> class will have
access to the methods listed in table <xref

<table id=table.class.sgmls.notation>
<title>The <classname>SGMLS_Notation class</classname></title>

<tgroup cols=3>


<entry>Return Type</entry>



<entry>The notation's name.</entry>

<entry>The notation's system identifier.</entry>

<entry>The notation's public identifier.</entry>


<para>What you do with this information is
<emphasis>entirely</emphasis> up to you.</para>


<sect1 id=xtrainfo>
<title>Is there any extra information available from the &sgml;

<para>The <link linkend=sgmls><classname>SGMLS</classname></link>
object which you created at the beginning of the parse has several
methods available in addition to <command>next_event</command> &mdash;
you will find them all listed in table <xref
linkend=table.class.sgmls.extra>.  There should normally be no need to
use the <command>notation</command> and <command>entity</command>
methods, since &; will look up entities and notations for you
automatically as needed.</para>

<table id=table.class.sgmls.extra>
<title>Additional methods for the <classname>SGMLS</classname>
<tgroup cols=3>


<row role=label>
<entry>Return Type</entry>



<entry>Return the next event.</entry>

<entry>Return the APPINFO parameter from the &sgml; declaration, if

<entry>Look up a notation by name.</entry>

<entry>Look up an entity by name.</entry>



<sect1 id=example>
<title>How about a simple example?</title>

<para>OK.  The following script simply reports its events:</para>


<para>To use it under Unix, try something like</para>

sgmls document.sgml | perl

<para>and watch the output scroll down.</para>


<sect1 id=extend>
<title>How do I design my <emphasis>own</emphasis> classes?</title>

<para>In addition to the methods listed above, all of the classes used
in &; have an <command>ext</command> method which returns a
reference to an initially-empty hash table.  You are free to use this
hash table to store <emphasis>anything</emphasis> you want &mdash; it
should be especially useful if you are building your own, derived
classes from the ones provided here.  The following example builds a
derived class <classname>My_Element</classname> from the <link
class, adding methods to set and get the current font:</para>

use SGMLS;

package My_Element;
@ISA = qw(SGMLS_Element);

sub new {
  my ($class,$element,$font) = @_;
  $element->ext->{'font'} = $font;
  return bless $element;

sub get_font {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->ext->{'font'};

sub set_font {
  my ($self,$font) = @_;
  $self->ext->{'font'} = $font;

<para>Note that the derived class does not need to have any knowledge
about the underlying structure of the <link
class, and need only avoid shadowing any of the methods currently
existing there.</para>

<para>If you decide to create a derived class from the <link
linkend=sgmls><classname>SGMLS</classname></link>, please note that in
addition to the methods listed above, that class uses internal methods
named <command>element</command>, <command>line</command>, and
<command>file</command>, similar to the same methods in <link
linkend=sgmlsevent><classname>SGMLS_Event</classname></link> &mdash;
it is essential that you not shadow these method names.</para>


<sect1 id=bugs>
<title>Are there any bugs?</title>

<para>Of course!  Right now, &; silently ignores link attributes
(&nsgmls; only) and data attributes, and there may be many other bugs
which I have not yet found.</para>



<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
Local variables:
mode: sgml