

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > 832041e31286051c8f001b22d1b0a968 > files > 1


# System defaults for abcde.
# Nothing in this file is uncommented by default.
# If you wish to override these system-wide settings, create your own
# .abcde.conf file in your home directory.

# If you wish to use a different CDDB server, edit this line.
# If you just wanted to use a proxy server, just set your http_proxy
# environment variable - wget will use it correctly.

# The CDDB protocol requires hello information, including a valid username
# and hostname. If you feel paranoid about giving away such info, edit this
# line - the format is username@hostname.

# This controls the email address CDDB changes are submitted to.

# Specify the style of encoder to use here - oggenc, vorbize, lame, gogo,
# bladeenc, l3enc, xingmp3enc, mp3enc, or default.
# Currently this affects the default location of the binary, the variable
# to pick encoder command-line options from, and where the options are
# given.
# 'default' will currently choose oggenc or lame depending on OUTPUTTYPE.

# CD reader program to use - currently recognized options are 'cdparanoia'
# and 'cdda2wav'.

# Specify 'nice'ness of the encoder and of the CD reader.
# This is a relative 'nice'ness (that is, if the parent process is at a
# nice level of 12, and the ENCNICE is set to 3, then the encoder will
# run with an absolute nice value of 15. Note also, that setting these
# to be empty will result in some default niceness increase (4 in tcsh
# and 10 using the bsdutils' nice).

# Paths of programs to use

# Options to call programs with
#LAMEOPTS='-b 192'
#OGGENCOPTS='-b 192'

# Actions to take
# Comma-separated list of one or more of the following:
# cddb,read,encode,tag,move,playlist,clean
# encode implies read
# tag implies cddb,read,encode
# move implies cddb,read,encode,tag
# playlist implies cddb

# CDDB options
# If NOSUBMIT is set to y, then abcde will never prompt asking if you
# wish to submit your edited cddb file.
# If NOCDDBQUERY is set to y, then abcde will never even try to access
# the CDDB server; running abcde will automatically drop you into a
# blank cddb file to edit at your leisure.  This is the same as the
# -n option.  NOCDDBQUERY=y implies NOSUBMIT=y.

# CD device you want to read from

# If you'd like to make a default location that overrides the current
# directory for putting mp3's, uncomment this.

# Or if you'd just like to put the temporary .wav files somewhere else
# you can specify that here

# OUTPUTTYPE can be either "ogg" or "mp3".

# Output filename format - change this to reflect your inner desire to
# organize things differently than everyone else :)
# You have the following variables at your disposal:
# Make sure to single-quote this variable. abcde will automatically create
# the directory portion of this filename.

# Like OUTPUTFORMAT but for Various Artists discs.

# Define how many encoders to run at once. This makes for huge speedups
# on SMP systems. Defaults to 1. Equivalent to -j.

# Support for systems with low disk space:
# n:	Default parallelization (read entire CD in while encoding)
# y:	No parallelization (rip, encode, rip, encode...)

# Set the playlist file location format. Uses the same variables and format
# as OUTPUTFORMAT. If the playlist is specified to be in a subdirectory, it
# will be created for you and the playlist will reference files from that
# subdirectory.
# If you want to prefix every filename in a playlist with an arbitrary
# string (such as 'http://you/yourstuff/'), use this option

# Custom filename munging:
# By default, abcde will do the following to CDDB data to get a useful
# filename:
# * Translate colons to a space and a dash for Windows compatibility
# * Eat control characters, single quotes, and question marks
# * Translate spaces and forward slashes to underscores
# To change that, redefine the mungefilename function.
# mungefilename recieves the CDDB data (artist, track, title, whatever)
# as $1 and outputs it on stdout.
#mungefilename ()
#	echo "$@" | sed s,:,\ -,g | tr \ / __ | tr -d \'\"\?\[:cntrl:\]

# If you'd like to have abcde eject the cdrom after all the tracks have been
# read, uncomment the following line.

# To encode on the remote machines foo, bar, baz, quux, and qiix, as well as
# on the local machine (requires distmp3 to be installed on local machine and
# distmp3host to be installed and running on all remote machines - see README)