

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > 85438f64da2ff9bf324e1b2b5fec3ae3 > files > 148


# Personal initialization file for garlic (molecular visualization program).
# Version 1.2.
# Last modification: June 12, 2001.

# Geometry of the main window. Use the keyword default, or specify the
# geometry string (for example 780x560+10+10).

main window geometry: default

# Margins; used only if geometry string is not given. Geometry string may be
# given through command line arguments.

main window left margin: 50 pixels
main window right margin: 50 pixels
main window top margin: 50 pixels
main window bottom margin: 70 pixels

# Main font:

main font: 10x20

# Main window cursor. If you don't like default cursor, replace it; read
# the file /usr/include/X11/cursorfont.h ; remove the XC_ prefix to obtain
# the cursor name.

main window cursor: default

# A small coordinate system may be displayed in the top left corner (yes/no):

show coordinate system: yes

# Control window (top right corner) may be visible or hidden (yes/no):

show control window: yes

# Sequence neighborhood of the residue under
# the pointer may be visible or hidden (yes/no):

show sequence neighborhood: yes

# Stereo flag (yes/no):

display stereo image: no

# Parameters for stereo image:

stereo internal margin (screen units): 10 pixels
stereo angle: 5.0 degrees

# Light source theta and phi angle (theta is defined with respect to z axis,
# phi with respect to x axis:

light source theta angle: 150 degrees
light source phi angle:   225 degrees

# Default slab mode (possible modes are off, planar, sphere, half-sphere,
# cylinder and half-cylinder):

default slab mode: planar

# Default color fading mode (off, planar, sphere, half-sphere, cylinder and
# half-cylinder): 

default color fading mode: planar

# Default drawing style for atoms:

default atom drawing style: 2

# Default drawing style for bonds:

default bond drawing style: 2

# Default drawing style for backbone:

default backbone drawing style: 5

# Window colors:

main window background color: black
main window foreground color: white
text background color: black
text foreground color: white

# The number of color fading surfaces:

number of color fading surfaces: 3

# Colors at given fading surface(s). The surface index is given in brackets.
# The largest surface index is (number of color fading surfaces) - 1.

left   color 0: RGB:FFFF/FFFF/4444
middle color 0: RGB:FFFF/DDDD/0000
right  color 0: RGB:8888/5555/0000

left   color 1: RGB:FFFF/8888/0000
middle color 1: RGB:FFFF/0000/0000
right  color 1: RGB:8888/0000/0000

left   color 2: RGB:8888/0000/0000
middle color 2: RGB:4444/0000/0000
right  color 2: RGB:2222/0000/0000

# Rotation steps. Normal steps is used if numeric key is pressed without
# any modifier. Large step is selected by holding [shift] while pressing
# the key, and very large step is selected by using both [alt] and [shift].
# Small step is selected by holding [control] while pressing the key, and
# very small step by using both [alt] and [control].

rotations steps: 0.2 1.0 5.0 30.0 90.0

# Five translation steps (very small, small, normal, large and very large).
# Use angstrom units.

translation steps: 0.2 1.0 5.0 25.0 100.0

# Five slab steps (very small, small, normal, large and very large).
# Use angstrom units.

slab steps: 0.2 1.0 5.0 20.0 80.0

# Five fading steps (very small, small, normal, large and very large).
# Use angstrom units.

fading steps: 0.2 1.0 5.0 20.0 80.0

# Window size limits: used only if screen width and/or height are larger
# than values specified here. By default, screen width and height are used.

maximal main window width: 3000 pixels
maximal main window height: 2500 pixels

# The nearest line (bond) thickness; used only if drawing bonds as lines
# and line thickness is used for perspective.

the nearest line thickness: 5 pixels

# Screen dimensions and position of garlic user in real world. Use realistic
# values. Do not change units (mm). Strange values may cause image distortions.

screen width in real world: 270 millimeters
screen height in real world: 195 millimeters
distance between user and screen in real world: 500 millimeters

# Scaling information: used to scale user and screen down to atomic scale.
# Only screen width is required, in angstrom units.

screen width in atomic world: 1.0 angstroms

# User z coordinate in atomic coordinate system. It must be negative
# and absolute value should be quite large. The x axis points to the right,
# y axis downward and z axis in direction opposite to observers direction.

user position in atomic coordinate system: -150.0 angstroms

# Maximal bond length is used to check which atoms and bonds are invisible.
# It is assumed that there are no atoms with radius larger than this length.

maximal bond length: 2.3 angstroms

# Crude limits for bond lengths. No distinction between N-CA and C-N is made.
# Use angstrom units. Be tolerant, there are many bad structures around.
# Generic bond length is used for atomic pairs which are not recognized.

approximate C-C bond length: from 1.3 to 1.8 angstroms
approximate C-N bond length: from 1.0 to 1.7 angstroms
approximate C-O bond length: from 1.0 to 1.5 angstroms
approximate C-S bond length: from 1.4 to 2.1 angstroms
approximate C-H bond length: from 0.8 to 1.2 angstroms
approximate N-O bond length: from 1.2 to 1.7 angstroms
approximate N-H bond length: from 0.9 to 1.3 angstroms
approximate O-H bond length: from 0.7 to 1.3 angstroms
approximate S-H bond length: from 0.9 to 1.6 angstroms
approximate O-P bond length: from 1.2 to 1.8 angstroms
approximate S-S bond length: from 1.8 to 2.3 angstroms
generic bond length:         from 0.8 to 2.0 angstroms
hydrogen bond length:        from 2.6 to 3.8 angstroms

# Hydrogen bond C-O...N angle range:

hydrogen bond C-O...N angle: from 125 to 180 degrees

# The upper limit for CA-CA distance for neighbouring residues. Used to
# draw backbone, connection neighbouring CA atoms.

maximal CA-CA distance: 4.1 angstroms

# Atomic radii, used for spacefill style. 70% of van der Waals radius may be
# a good choice.

hydrogen radius:   0.70 angstroms
carbon radius:     1.20 angstroms
nitrogen radius:   1.05 angstroms
oxygen radius:     1.00 angstroms
sulfur radius:     1.25 angstroms
phosphorus radius: 1.25 angstroms
generic radius:    1.40 angstroms

# Van der Waals radii.

hydrogen van der Waals radius:   1.00 angstroms
carbon van der Waals radius:     1.70 angstroms
nitrogen van der Waals radius:   1.50 angstroms
oxygen van der Waals radius:     1.40 angstroms
sulfur van der Waals radius:     1.80 angstroms
phosphorus van der Waals radius: 1.80 angstroms
generic van der Waals radius:    2.00 angstroms

# Ball radius, used to draw balls and sticks:

ball radius: 0.45 angstroms

# For a given atom, the chemical bonds are identified by inspecting
# distances to the neighboring atoms. The array with atomic data should
# be scanned in forward and backward direction (with respect to the given atom)
# to find which atoms are bound to a given atom. The following parameters
# define how many neighboring atoms should be checked in each direction.

number of bond candidates: 50 before and 50 after the given atom