

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > 92eb3ec758aff3b50bd418054f852363 > files > 356


Changes Under Consideration

NOTE: Some of these are mutually exclusive, and many of them will
never be carried out -- they are listed here so that I don't forget
about them and so that you can see ways in which core PyMOL might

   * Allow multiple, parallel transformation matrices for each object 

   * Create a Rasmol translator in Python

   * IO routine for a generic volume data object (to supplement bricks and maps)

   * Support mapping of additional dimensions into volume data sets
     for use in coloring all PyMOL geometries according to electrostatic
     potential and the like.

   * "Fragment" wizard, tied into the fragments subsystem. 

   * "Batchmin" wizard ?

   * Real Edit Menu in Tk

   * CTRL and CTRL/SHIFT numbers should add aromatic and aliphatic
     ring systems in the builder respectively within the molecular editor.

   * support anisotropic B-factor renditions (ellipsoids)

   * support reading and writing of XPLOR PSF/PDB files to enable direct
     use of NAMD with PyMOL.  Note that this will require integration of
     basic force-field structures into PyMOL...not a lightweight task, but
     something I think should be done in a general way to facilitate
     use of PyMOL as a molecular modeling tool...

   * support direct reading of DCD, Amber, and/or Gromacs trajectory files

   * support output of Amber input files so that we can bypass xleap altogether

   * support MOL2 and multi-MOL2 file formats

   * fold MMTK into the main PyMOL distribution, and merge the two programs in a way
     which allow the user to "see" into MMTK's internal data structures using
     PyMOL while calculations are being performed.

   * create a VRML->CGO converter so that VRML can be displayed inside of PyMOL

   * create a VRML writer to facilitate export of PyMOL geometries.

   * support CML via some "swallowable" python XML parser
   * add in support for CGL's annotated PDB file format

   * make PyMOL a compliant extension for the Chimera environment

   * add a dynamic 3-D based tutorial

   * finish abstracting GLUT away from PyMOL and wrap it inside of TOGL so that
     Chimera and PyMOL can share a context 

Specific Requests from Users

   * Get label support into the raytracer (build a 3D character set)

   * Enable specific xyz positioning of labels (w/ mouse?)
   * Cutting of images to the MS Window's clipboard for easy pasting into Powerpoint

Current and Ongoing Goals

   * make an ActiveX control which contains the core PyMOL viewer for 
     use in web browsers and many other crazy contexts.

   * clean up return values in the API and qualify exceptions.  Include the source
     module name in messages, and provide proper feedback conditionals

   * update 'expand' and 'attach' to take an atom name as well as an element symbol

   * complete first-round test-cases.

   * complete matrix-based object translation and rotation

   * place feedback conditionals around all error output.

   * create alter_state_atom command (combine PAlter and PAlterState into one function)

Main Goals for 1.0 Release

   * Side-by-side stereo support: cross-eye and wall-eye

   * MOL2 and CML file formats

   * Generalized volumetric rendering: (1) mesh (2) solid (3) colormaps

   * Integrated tutorial/demonstration system

   * Fully consistent API (defined and correct return values)

   * Complete GLUT independence (internal character sets)

   * Basic building support for biological polymers & small molecules
     with and w/o hydrogens

Current Bugs to Fix

   * superposition system fails with degenerate sets (planer systems, etc).
     sometimes it just fails period

Changes up to 0.82

   * modified "cmd.system" to take an argument for asynchronous execution

   * flag command no longer indicates atoms by default -- set "auto_indicate_flags"

   * cross-eye side-by-side stereo support

   * fixed bug in valency display code

   * fixed major bug in "create"

   * raytracing bugfix for bond with zero length

   * complicated workaround for mouse atom selections with Radeon 8500 and WinXP
     PyMOL may now be somewhat resistant to broken OpenGL ReadPixels implementations 

   * improved water handling for "non-canonical" situations (i.e. real life muck)

   * moved configuration files to a subdirectory "setup"

   * mpng now can support a range in order to enable coarse-grained parallelism
     (distributed movie rendering)

   * "within" operator added to selection language

   * visible selection operator no longer hits disabled objects

   * origin, zoom, and orient now take "state" as optional argument with special
     handling for 0 (all states) and -1 (current state)

   * eigensolve output now considered blather

   * important bug-fix on rotate and translate commands

   * "present" operator in selection language and tests for "state" operator

Changes up to 0.81

   * fixed bug in bg_color API function

Changes up to 0.80

   * major bug fix to "carve" in isomesh

   * "command ?" now gives a list of arguments 

   * fix spurious bugs reading files under unix

   * added support for alternate residue id codes in secondary structure records

   * cylinders have become sausages, and...
      ...we now have flat-capped cylinders (0203)!

   * fixed duplicate logging with Run command

   * create a simple vector-based font (0203)

   * 3D text in CGOs

   * linear constraints in molecular sculpting engine

   * acetylene buidling block

Changes up to 0.79

   * internal character set

   * solid isosurface rendering algorithm: "isosurface" command

   * parser updated to handle selections like "resi 10 and (name c,n,o) and chain A"
     which lack surrounding parentheses, but which have delimiters inside

   * parser updated to handle (alt A+'') and similar constructs (previously DOA).

   * fixed ribbon & cartoon display when N-terminal atom is the CA

   * changes to support MacOSX port (0203)

   * ALIGN command

Changes up to 0.78

   * revamped Makefiles for better portability and dependency handling.

Changes up to 0.77

   * sculpting information now cached between changes to molecular structures

   * optimized sculpting for small regions of large proteins

   * FINALLY, modes for two-button mice

Changes up to 0.76

   * VDW radii adjusted.  Use "set legacy_vdw_radii=1" on start-up for old values.

   * Sculpt functionality.  Who needs gummy bears when you can have gummy molecules?

   * Numerous back-end bugs addressed.

   * transparent spheres

Changes up to 0.75

   * enabled automatic completion in the tcl/tk command window

   * altered settings for dot representation

   * created stop_on_exception and raise_exceptions settings.
     WARNING: stop_on_exceptions is NOT set by default (this is so that
     log files which contain errors will continue to function).

   * gutted, and created a bunch of sub-modules which contain the
     code previously in  
   * superposition bugs fixed with multi-state objects (fit and intra_fit)

   * cmd.set_key can now be used to redefine ALT and CTRL keys in addition
     to function keys and other specials.

Changes up to 0.74

   * very minor bug/doc fixes

Changes up to 0.73

   * improved fragment and residue building capabilities

Changes up to 0.72

   * fixed some logging issues with dragging pieces

   * now possible to create empty objects, fixed mutagenesis wizard in response
   * all readable files are shown by default in the Tkinter file dialogs.

Changes up to 0.71

   * seg. fault bug fix in ObjectMoleculeConnect

   * two_sided_lighting option to help Jun at CCI project

   * fixed triangle rendering on lower-end graphics cards

   * revamped PyMOL's internal bond handling data structure.  I've done my best
     to insure that this doesn't break anything, but it is a major change
     and has the potential to create huge problems...

   * empirically synchronized PyMOL and PovRay's perspective transformations...

Changes up to 0.70

   * fixed symmetry bug with multiple state objects

   * symmetry now carried through create operations

Changes up to 0.69

   * PNG reading

   * First generation PovRay interface...whoopee!

   * Tweaked util.ray_shadow and added some new settings

Changes up to 0.68

   * HETATMS are no longer surfaced by default.  Clear the "ignore" flag or
     set surface_mode=1 to restore their surfaces.

   * flag command now takes name arguments and can now reset, set, and clear 

   * established some standard flag names and conventions

   * Upgrading OpenGL Pop-up menus, since it looks like the internal GUI
     will be widely used despite its original limited role (oh well...)

   * Fixed element name guessing

   * added ray_improve_shadows setting for improving shadows by
     projecting outward from triangles.

   * Fixed a major bug in the raytracer which was causing bogus shadows to appear
     on surfaces

   * Fixed a huge bug in surfacing of subsets. That function was totally whacked,
     but no one had noticed or complained!!!  Revised the function of the 
     surface_proximity setting

   *  by default, PDB HETATMs are no longer surfaced -- if you want them to be, then
      please "set surface_mode=1"

   * "transparent" renamed to "transparency"

   * switched to a three-pass OpenGL rendering model in order to properly display opaque, 
     transparent, and antialiased objects

   * OpenGL transparency now works too! See "help transparency".

   * nonbonded spheres are now pickable

   * surface_color and mesh_color override the default atom colors
     for uniform surface coloring -- added support for color names
     into the settings module

   * flags 24 and 25 now work with surfaces and meshes.  See "help flags"

Changes up to 0.67

   * Transparency support in rendering has been added, but it doesn't yet
     exist yet in opengl mode.

Changes up to 0.66

   * numerous bug-fixes

Changes up to 0.65

   * numerous bug-fixes

Changes up to 0.64

   * stage 1 API enhancements -- consistent return conventions adopted
     (many will not follow conventions until stage 2 though)

   * more surface_qualities: -3 to 2, surface_quality=1 is now even better

   * click-and-drag a box to select atoms

   * PyMOL now builds w/o warning in VC++6

   * LOG FILE CAPABILITIES:  logging of both PyMOL scripts (.pml) and
     PyMOL program files (.pym). The "resume" command allows propagation
     of session-like behavior.  This makes a huge difference in PyMOL

   * autocompletion bug fixed, generalized autocompletion added

   * mesh_radius cut in half, for better default density figures

   * carve command on isomesh

   * pymolrc support 
   * isosurface speed boosted by about 33% using C-oriented field object.

   * fixed bugs with internal_gui options
   * internal_feedback setting

   * simple cartoon ribbon for DNA/RNA

   * selection language now supports '+' as substitute for commas, and '-'
     as substitute for ':' in residue identifiers (more user friendly)

   * selections no longer require parentheses unless they have commas or

   * unit cell display for molecules and meshes

Changes up to 0.63

   * Density wizard

   * isomesh meshes now use mesh_width instead of line_width

   * fixed rendering background color bug on BigEndian machines

   * fixed fatal bug with symexp

   * first attempt at support for CCP4's binary maps -- it works with my
     test maps, but will it work with others?

Changes up to 0.62

   * tuned up the util.ray_shadows function, added a "matte" mode for better
     definition of ribbons...

   * integrated workaround for an apparent GCC serial optimizer bug on x86.

Changes up to 0.61

   * bg_color command for easier background adjustments...

   * depth cue menu item and ray_trace_fog linked

   * cartoon_discrete_colors hack for coloring secondary structure properly

   * (ss ...) primitive in selector for selecting helices, etc.

   * many cartoon ribbons improvements -- flat fancy sheets now VERY nice.

Changes up to 0.60

   * third generation fancy helices complete -- revamped interpolation code.

   * ray now takes dimensions for rendering larger than screen

   * unpick and hide selection buttons

   * various new menu items...

   * preparing for GLUT independence on selected platforms...

   * choice of lighting modes for ray-tracing (improved shadows, contrast)

   * settings renames (gl_ambient, dot_radius)

   * settings changes (hash_max) and ray-tracing feedback

   * "help faster"

   * fixed minor glitch with fancy helices

Changes up to 0.59

   * fixed valency display bug...

Changes up to 0.58

   * second generation cartoon ribbons are in -- Goodbye Molscript!

   * fixed half-decade old logic bug in MemoryDebug (blush!).

   * "alter" and "alter_state" given a 50% performance boost

   * added a coarse hydrogen-bond assessment feature (internal)

   * added phi/psi measuring capability

   * fixed selector memory leak on errors

   * added first-generation cartoon riboons 
     (higher-quality to come later)

   * added more specific settings for mesh and ribbon width, etc.

   * add more settings-change side-effects 

   * fix bugs with saving pkl files for state > 1

   * added a concise notation into the selection language 

                     chain/       /     
                     chain/       /name
             segment/     /       
             segment/     /       /name
             segment/     /residue
             segment/     /residue/name
             segment/chain/       /
             segment/chain/       /name
      /model/       /     /       /name
      /model/       /     /residue
      /model/       /     /residue/name
      /model/       /chain
      /model/       /chain/       /name
      /model/       /chain/residue
      /model/       /chain/residue/name
      /model/segment/     /       /name
      /model/segment/     /residue
      /model/segment/     /residue/name
      /model/segment/chain/       /name

Changes up to 0.57

   * mutagenesis module

   * finished the set_dihedral command

Changes up to 0.56

   * fixed a serious parser bug with the mdo command

Changes up to 0.55

   * fixed and enhanced util.mroll, util.mrock
Changes up to 0.54
   * ID and elem fields in alter, iterate

Changes up to 0.53

   * change order of drawing within object to improve the
     interaction with antialiased lines.

   * thread safety improvements (fixed bug involving serial 
     manipulations of the same object)

   * bug fix with stick representations

   * fixed minor goof with cmd.dist retval in 0.52

Changes up to 0.52

   * many improvements to online help

   * fixed discrete objects created from PDB files

   * prevented deadlock condition with re-entrant API locks

   * fixed couple of logic-bugs in threading 

   * changed output format from mouse click to a valid selection

   * finished retrofit of the parser.
   * formal charge now read from MOL files -- need to consider full
     implementation of MOL file reading capability (incl stereo)

Changes up to 0.51

   * Tcl/Tk GUI now contains a save molecule option

   * Tcl/Tk GUI help improved 

   * performance/quality options in the display menu

   * sphere quality setting
   * depth_cue toggle setting (important for low-end PC hardware)
   * specular reflections

   * fog setting

Changes up to 0.50

   * can now "pick" C-alphas in the ribbon

   * can now "pick" atoms and bonds in the stick representation 

   * improved clipping plane control command "clip"

   * pym file extension support, for PyMOL-specific .py files

   * better windows NT compatibility

   * settings browser

   * view, view_get, view_set commands

   * Parser now contains a general shortcut handling module to
     further help in reducing typing

   * Slight tweak of the virtual trackball

   * Saving and restoring matrix, center, origin, zoom, clip

   * Internal program output no longer includes python's stderr
   * New thread management solution -- simple and stable -- plus 
     it even works (I've even got test cases to prove it)!

   * Fixed memory-trashing bug in the selector

   * Found a workaround for KDE/Gnome/Tkinter/Tcl/Tk problems under linux

   * Created Save option on the Tkinter menu, and added additional file types.

   * TAB-activated filename and command completion (CTRL-D too)

   * Former TAB functionality moved to ESC (text/graphics toggle)

   * Auto-detection of stereo capability

   * Created a robust Feedback control mechanism

   * Eliminated hangs and crashes upon program termination with Win2k/NT.
   * "Distances" wizard (internal gui;replace with external version later)

   * "Pair Fit" wizard (internal gui; replace with external version later)

   * Mesh objects now have states, and new meshes are appended.

   * Modified raytrace antialiasing transfer function to improve sharpness.

   * Created alias and extend commands so that python scripts can extend the
   pymol language on the fly.

   * Additional test cases.

   * Parser improved with a new argument parsing subsystem which has a
   better mapping to standard Python arguments.  This has significant
   potential to break existing code if there are any bugs, but I am
   shooting for 100% backwards compatibility. 

Changes up to 0.49

   * Improved editor, hydrogens now auto-deleted.

   * Visible selections.

   * Default mouse actions changed for editing and atom selecting.

   * Callback objects (for use with PyOpenGL) now have extents.

   * get_state and get_frame API functions

Important Changes 0.42-0.48

   Too numerous to list them all...
   * Addition of support for PyOpenGL-based GL calls with callback objects

   * Wizard feature, for grabbing mouse input -- still needs flushing out.