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<book id="libglade">
    <title>Libglade Reference Manual</title>

      <holder>James Henstridge</holder>

      <para>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify
      this document under the terms of the <citetitle>GNU Free
      Documentation License</citetitle>, Version 1.1 or any later
      version published by the Free Software Foundation with no
      Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
      Texts. You may obtain a copy of the <citetitle>GNU Free
      Documentation License</citetitle> from the Free Software
      Foundation by visiting <ulink type="http"
      url="">their Web site</ulink> or by writing
      to: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
      Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.</para>

      <para>Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their
      products and services are claimed as trademarks. Where those
      names appear in any GNOME documentation, and those trademarks
      are made aware to the members of the GNOME Documentation
      Project, the names have been printed in caps or initial

      <para>This manual documents the interfaces of the libglade
      library and has some short notes to help get you up to speed
      with using the library.</para>

  <chapter id="libglade-notes">
    <title>Libglade Programming Notes</title>

    <para>Libglade is an alternative to using Glade's code generation.
    Instead of generating code from the XML interface description,
    libglade loads and parses the description at runtime.  It also
    provides functions that can be used to connect signal handlers to
    parts of the interface.</para>

    <para>In this way, it allows you to separate your program code
    from the interface code.  In fact, if you use the
    glade_xml_signal_autoconnect() function, the GUI code could be as
    simple as the <filename>test-libglade.c</filename> example that
    comes with libglade.  Of course, you would also add your own
    signal handlers to the code.  Note that the signals are connected
    the same way as if you had hand coded the interface.  There is no
    extra overhead to user interfaces constructed by libglade (after
    the initial generating of course, and this is not much of an
    overhead) when compared to a hand crafted interface.</para>

    <sect1 id="libglade-basics">
      <title>Libglade Programming Basics</title>

      <para>Your basic libglade program will look something like this:</para>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <glade/glade.h>

void some_signal_handler_func(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data) {
  /* do something useful here */

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    GladeXML *xml;

    gtk_init(&argc, &argv);

    /* load the interface */
    xml = glade_xml_new("", NULL, NULL);

    /* connect the signals in the interface */

    /* start the event loop */

    return 0;

      <para>This will create the interface from the file
      <filename></filename>, then connect all the
      signals in the interface.  The automatic signal connection is
      done by looking up function names in the global symbol table
      using gmodule.  This means that the interface file can use
      standard GTK functions such as
      <function>gtk_widget_show</function>, or
      <function>gtk_main_quit</function>, or others in the interface
      and not have to write any code to connect the signals.</para>

      <para>The <function>some_signal_handler_func</function> function
      is not referenced anywhere in the program explicitely, but if
      any signals are defined in the interface description that use
      "some_signal_handler_func" as the handler name, then this
      function will automatically be connected.  Note that the
      function can not be static, since we require it to apear in the
      symbol table.  Here is an example of the XML that would cause
      <function>some_signal_handler_func</function> to be

<widget class="GtkWindow" id="MainWindow">
  <property name="visible">yes</property>
  <signal name="destroy" handler="some_signal_handler_func" />

	<para>If you wish to autoconnect handlers defined in the main
	executable (not a shared library), you will need to pass a
	linker flag to export the executable's symbols for dynamic
	linking.  This flag is platform specific, but libtool can take
	care of this for you.  Just add
	<parameter>-export-dynamic</parameter> argument to your link
	flags, and libtool will convert it to the correct

	<para>Many people did not see this problem on GNU/Linux with
	GTK+ 1.2, because the <command>gtk-config</command> script
	adds the correct flag on that platform.  Such programs would
	sometimes break when run on alternative platforms.</para>

      <para>To compile the program, we would use the following:</para>
cc -o testprogram testprogram.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs libglade-2.0`

      <para>The <command>pkg-config</command> program is used to
      deduce the compiler and link flags necessary to compile various
      modules.  If you are using automake or autoconf, you probably
      want to use the PKG_CHECK_MODULES macro.  This can be used to
      check for the presence of a collection of a number of packages,
      and set some shell variables:</para>

PKG_CHECK_MODULES(MYPROG, libglade-2.0 libgnomeui-2.0 >= 1.110.0)


    <sect1 id="libglade-modules">
      <title>Libglade Modules</title>
      <para>Libglade can be extended to support widget libraries built
      on top of GTK+.  These modules are loaded dynamically at
      runtime.  These modules are loaded when
      <sgmltag>&lt;requires&gt;</sgmltag> elements are found in the
      glade file.</para>

      <para>Currently there are libglade module support for
      libbonoboui libgnomecanvas and libgnomeui.  Note that libglade
      can also handle widgets that implement the properties interfaces
      with no extra code.</para>

      <para>While no additional libglade initialisation is required to
      use a module, however, the underlying library might need
      initialisation.  For instance, to use libgnomeui widgets from
      libglade, you <emphasis>must</emphasis> call
      <function>gnome_program_init</function> beforehand.</para>


    <sect1 id="libglade-i18n">
      <title>Internationalisation with Libglade</title>

      <para>Glade files mark properties for translation with the
      <parameter>translatable</parameter> property of the
      <sgmltag>&lt;property&gt;</sgmltag> element:</para>

<widget class="GtkLabel" id="label1">
  <property name="label" translatable="yes">Foo</property>

      <para>Libglade will translate marked properties using the
      translation domain specified in the
      <function>glade_xml_new()</function> (or the default domain if

      <para>To add the strings found in a glade file to your
      translation catalog template through the use of
      <command>intltool</command>. (XXXX - does this actually work


    <sect1 id="libglade-extending">
      <title>Extending Libglade</title>

      <para>In some cases, libglade may not provide support for the
      widgets you want to use, or you may want to insert a bit of hand
      coded interface into the larger libglade generated
      interface.  Libglade provides support for doing this.</para>

      <para>If you are only need a few custom widgets (eg. a word
      processor may have a custom widget for the document editing
      area), the simplest choice is probably Glade's custom widget.
      It allows you to specify a custom function that will be used to
      create the widget.  The signature of the function is as
GtkWidget *custom_func(gchar *widget_name, gchar *string1, gchar *string2,
                       gint int1, gint int2);

      <para>When calling this function, widget_name is the name of the
      widget given in the XML file, and
      <parameter>string1</parameter>, <parameter>string2</parameter>,
      <parameter>int1</parameter> and <parameter>int2</parameter> are
      arbitrary constants whose values also come from the XML file.
      Libglade supports the custom widget using gmodule.  For most
      cases, this is sufficient.</para>

      <para>If you wish to get libglade to recognise a new widget type
      directly, your best option is to ensure that it implements
      properties for all settings required to construct the widget,
      and packing properties if the widget happens to be a container.
      If the widget satisifies this requirement, libglade will support
      the widget with no extra code (provided the widget's
      <function>get_type()</function> function has been called to
      register it with GLib).</para>

      <para>If a widget has more complex requirements, a libglade
      module must be written (or if the library containing the widget
      already depends on libglade, it may build the module in).  In
      the module, a widget construction routine and a build children
      routine must be registered.  If the widget can be manipulated
      via properties for construction or adding children, <link
      or <link
      can be used here.</para>

      <para>If the widget mostly supports properties, custom handlers
      for particular properties can be registered with <link

      <para>If the widget implements no properties (and you have no
      way to convince the author to do so), you will most likely need
      to implement custom handlers for construction and adding

      <para>For a more extensive example of registering new widget
      types and build functions, see
      <filename>glade/glade-gtk.c</filename> in the libglade package.
      For more information on the exact API's used to register new
      widget types with libglade, see the <link
      linkend="libglade-Libglade-Build">Libglade Build</link> section
      of this manual.</para>


    <sect1 id="libglade-embedding">
      <title>Embedding Libglade Interfaces</title>

      <para>Sometimes you will only want to use libglade for a small
      part of your program.  If it is just for some dialogs, this is
      easy -- you just generate the dialogs from the interface files
      when needed (note that libglade caches the XML parse tree
      between calls to <function>glade_xml_new</function>, so you will
      not suffer the performance hit of parsing a particular XML file
      more than once).</para>

      <para>On the other hand, you may want to use libglade to
      generate just part of the UI, such as the menubar or a notebook
      or something.  Libglade allows you to build only part of the
      interface if you want to.  The second argument to
      <function>glade_xml_new</function> specifies the name of the
      base widget to build the interface from.  This way we can limit
      the widgets that are constructed by libglade.</para>

      <para>For the menubar example, we would create a dummy window in
      Glade, and insert a menubar widget into the window.  We would
      then name the menubar in glade ("menubar" would be a good choice
      for the widget name ), and customise it as much as we want.  Now
      in the program, we can use the following code:</para>

GladeXML *xml;
GtkWidget *menubar;

xml = glade_xml_new("some-interface-file", "menubar", NULL);


menubar = glade_xml_get_widget(xml, "menubar");
/* do whatever we want to with the menubar */

      <para>From here, we can do what ever we want with the menubar
      widget.  The dummy window we created in Glade is never created,
      so does not affect the program.  You can also use similar code
      to only build a single dialog from a glade file that contains
      many dialogs.</para>

      <para>One thing to note -- if you don't want a widget to be
      displayed as soon as it is constructed with
      <function>glade_xml_new</function>, you should set the
      <parameter>visible</parameter> property on that widget to "no"
      in Glade.  This is the correct solution to the problem (putting
      a hack into libglade so that it never shows the toplevel windows
      is not The Right Thing).</para>


  <chapter id="libglade-dtd">
    <title>Glade 2.0 File Format</title>

    <para>Libglade 2.0 introduces a new file format for storing the
    user interface.  Unlike the previous format, this one does not
    introduce a new element for each new property.  This was done so
    that the format could be described with a fairly small DTD:</para>


    <para>The <sgmltag>&lt;widget&gt;</sgmltag> elements contain
    <sgmltag>&lt;property&gt;</sgmltag> elements which define widget
    properties.  In general these map to
    <classname>GObject</classname> properties.</para>

    <para>The <sgmltag>&lt;signal&gt;</sgmltag> and
    <sgmltag>&lt;accelerator&gt;</sgmltag> elements are used to define
    signals and accelerators on the widget.</para>

    <para>The <sgmltag>&lt;widget&gt;</sgmltag> element may also
    contain an <sgmltag>&lt;accessibility&gt;</sgmltag> element, which
    contains accessibility related properties.  These set various ATK
    options (such as ATK properties, relations and actions).</para>

    <para>For each child of the widget, there is an
    <sgmltag>&lt;child&gt;</sgmltag> element.  The
    <parameter>internal-child</parameter> attribute is used to mark
    "internal children of the parent.  These children are widgets that
    are created when the parent is constructed, such as the
    <classname>GtkVBox</classname> and
    <classname>GtkHButtonBox</classname> in a

    <para>The <sgmltag>&lt;child&gt;</sgmltag> element contains either
    a <sgmltag>&lt;widget&gt;</sgmltag> element representing the child
    widget, or a <sgmltag>&lt;placeholder&gt;</sgmltag> element, which
    is ignored when building the interface.  It may also contain a
    <sgmltag>&lt;packing&gt;</sgmltag> element, which contains
    <sgmltag>&lt;property&gt;</sgmltag> elements defining packing
    properties.  These map to GtkContainer child packing

    <sect1 id="property-representations">

      <title>Property Representations</title>

      <para>Properties are represented as straight content data in the
      glade file.  All programs working with glade files must
      represent the various types in the same way.</para>


    <sect1 id="libglade-dtd-exceptions">


      <para>As some widgets do not implement properties for all
      required properties.  This section documents some of the
      exceptions built into libglade's logic.</para>

      <para>The following properties have custom handlers in libglade.
      Most of these will probably become real properties in GTK+

	  <para><parameter>GtkWidget::visible</parameter> is handled
	  specially so that it gets applied after children have been
	  added.  This works around some sizing bugs in certain
	  widgets (and is the same behaviour libglade-0.x had).</para>
	  <para><parameter>GtkWidget::tooltip</parameter> implements
	  tooltips for the widget.  The property value is the tooltip
	  to set on the widget.</para>
	  <para><parameter>GtkOptionMenu::history</parameter> sets
	  which menu item index in the list should be selected
	  initially with
	  <para><parameter>GtkTextView::text</parameter> offers an
	  easy way to set the contents of a text view's buffer.</para>
	  sets display options of a calendar with
	  <para><parameter>GtkRadioMenuItem::group</parameter> sets
	  the group for the radio item.  The property value is the
	  name of another widget in the group.  This property won't
	  handle forward references like the
	  <para><parameter>GtkToolbar::tooltips</parameter> sets
	  whether the toolbar shows tooltips with
	  sets whether the status bar has a resize grip in the bottom
	  corner with
	  <para><parameter>GtkRuler::metric</parameter> sets the
	  bounds and metric type for the ruler with
	  <parameter>GtkMenuItem::use_underline</parameter> and
	  <parameter>GtkMenuItem::use_stock</parameter> are used to
	  create a label inside a menu item, and set whether it has a
	  mnemonic (underlined letter), and whether it should be a
	  stock item (standardised, translated label and an icon, if
	  it is a GtkImageMenuItem).  These properties act similarly
	  to the identically named <classname>GtkButton</classname>

      <para>There are custom handlers for a number of deprecated
      widgets, and deprecated settings for some widgets.  These most
      likely won't be converted to real properties in the
      future.  These include:</para>


      <para><emphasis>XXXX - To be done</emphasis></para>



  <part id="libglade-lib">
    <title>Libglade Library Reference</title>

      <para>This section contains the API reference for libglade.  All
      the public interfaces are documented here.</para>

