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This file describes some possible problems that you could encounter when
using SVGATextMode, and, if any, the suggested solution(s). It also
describes what you should do when you want to report a problem to the
author (like reading this FAQ for example...).


  1. SVGATextMode doesn't work. Please help me.
     (what to do when you have no idea what's wrong)

  2. SVGATextMode causes problems together with SVGALIB.

  3. SVGATextMode causes problems together with the XFree86 X-server

  4. SVGATextMode causes problems together with Accelerated-X
  5. SVGATextMode causes problems together with DOSEMU

  6. SVGATextMode causes problems together with GPM

  7. Why are text mode clock limits are mostly LOWER than graphics mode

  8. SVGATextMode produces a Completely Blank Screen!

  9. The screen seems to sync up, but is completely unreadable

 10. When rebooting to DOS, the screen is black or not syncing.

 11. stm: ERROR: Could not get Millennium PCI info

 12. segfault when running SVGATextMode on newly compiled kernel

 13. problems with 2.1.xx kernels (VT_RESIZEZ failing)

 14. How do I configure SVGATextMode for a laptop?


  1. SVGATextMode doesn't work. Please help me.
     (what to do when you have no idea what's wrong)

Yes, people ask that all too often.

Before throwing either SVGATextMode or your computer out the window,
consider doing some tests to see what goes wrong.

When first trying out SVGATextMode, you might run into a bunch of problems.

Some general guidelines for configuring SVGATextMode correctly:

 - Make ABSOLUTELY sure the chipset selection is correct. Unlike the XFREE
   X-server program SVGATextMode does NOT check if you actually HAVE the
   chipset you defined in the config file!
 - Do NOT enable the Clocks lines in the TextConfig file just like that.
   They are true only for a CERTAIN card using that chipset. You should
   enter the CORRECT clocks, as derived from the X-server with
         "X -probeonly"
   If you enter the wrong clocks line, all modes above 80x25 will NOT work
   as expected. You've been warned. 
 - If you've already configured X-Windows on your system, take a look into
   the XF86Config file. It contains a lot of stuff that can be copied right
   into the TextConfig file!
 - To avoid a lot of non-functionning modes, fill in the correct monitor
   limits in the HorizSync and VertRefresh variables. Especially if you have
   a smaller/cheaper/older monitor.

 - If all simple methods fail, my BEST advice is to look for ANOTHER monitor
   (rob a store, a friend, or any other innocent victim from his/her monitor
   for a while!), and hook it up to your machine. Now try if the same modes
   that DON'T work on your screen, work on the other screen! Some monitors
   are VERY picky on video timings, and switching monitors is the best way
   to find out if SVGATextMode is wrong, or your monitor...
And if all these points have been adequately taken care off, the time has
come to do some more extensive tests. 

You need to know WHAT exactly is going wrong. Don't send me a mail like
this (this is REAL. Someone really sent me this!) :
     I've just downloaded the latest version of SVGATextMode, and it doesn't
     work. What should I do??? What am I doing wrong????
     Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!
     Mr X.      (you didn't think I would print his name here, would you?)
I'm sorry, but my response (if any!) to that will be somewhat sarcastic.

Don't even for a minute think I can help you if you tell me NOTHING.
The example above is really the worst one I ever received, but some come

My first advice is: READ THE DOCUMENTATION! I am really trying to put as
much useful information in it as possible, so read it. I never read a lot
of docs myself when I try something new, but if it doesn't work, reading
docs is the thing to do!

And secondly: either be prepared to do some solid tests, or throw it away
right now. 

The best test to do, is to select a text mode that doesn't work, and then
grab it using "grabmode". If you need to do this blindly ('cause the stupid
piece of &^%#@* makes the screen go nuts), redirect the output to a file,
restore the text mode to a readable one (either through SVGATextMode or a

See what's different. In fact, there should be NO BIG DIFFERENCES. If there
are, then you've probably found the cause of your trouble. As in any kind of
problem, locating the cause if half of the solution!

The font size and sync polarities reported by grabmode should be EXACTLY the
same as the selected text mode from the config file.

The vertical video timings (second group of 4 numbers) should be EXACTLY the
same, except for the first one, which was rounded to the nearest multiple of
the font height when programmed into the VGA chip.

The horizontal timings should be close: a maximum difference of 7 is
allowable (these numbers are rounded down to a multiple of 8 before sending
them to the VGA chip).

And the pixel clock should at least be close. There are two reasons for a
difference: first of all, when looking for a suitable clock in the clocks
line, SVGATextMode picks the CLOSEST clock, allowing for a 3 MHz difference.
And the second cause is the clock probe, which could, under very bad
conditions, add another  MHz or so to the error. So if the probed clock is
off by 4 or more MHz, then the clock selection code selected the wrong

This can have several causes:

  - a bug (but there are none... :-(
  - an incorrect clocks line: if it tells SVGATextMode that clock index 7 is
    a 50 MHz clock, and it is IN FACT 80 MHz, don't be surprized if it
    doesn't work. SVGATextMode sopposes the clocks line is reality, and will
    select the clock at index 7 when you select a nmode at 50 MHz.
    with the appropriate testing, you should be able to determine what
    entries in the clocks line are wrong, or what they should be. You could
    even make your own clock probing script by selecting each possible clock
    index, and doing clockprobe on each mode with that clock. That way you could
    eventually create a correct clocks line from it. It's rather cumbersome,
    but it might help. Until I add a real clock probe (as in X).

  - If you use an external clock program. through the "clockprog" line, it
    could be the wrong one (=designed for ANOTHER card, with probably
    ANOTHER clock chip one it), or the clock program doesn't interpret the
    arguments given to it correctly, or a million other reasons. Check the
    program WITHOUT SVGATextMode: use the clock probe to see what clock
    you're currently using, and then manually select the SAME clock with
    that external clock program. Nothing should change, since you replace the
    current clock with the same one. As long as this doesn't work, don't
    bother trying it in SVGATextMode.
          command: ./clockprobe
          result: ./clockprobe: Estimated vertical scanrate = 70.07 Hz.
                  ./clockprobe: Estimated horizontal scanrate = 31.547 kHz.
                  ./clockprobe: Estimated pixel clock = 28.387 MHz.
      so the clock is 28.3 MHz. try:
          <your_cloc_program> 28.3      (if it takes MHz as arguments).
      if nothing changes, it COULD work. Now try this from your other text
      modes also (especially the 132x... modes, since they use another
      clock: 40 or 45 MHz)
  - If you use a clockchip line, make sure it is the correct one (it should
    be the same one you use in X). If you're in doubt, try some of them, but
    prepare for some reboots!
  - The clock selection mechanism of your VGA chip simply isn't supported. 
    If the docs of SVGATextMode say it SHOULD be supported, try reading some
    more docs, they might give you some ideas.
  - If you're using an ET4000, watch that hibit_... option ! (it's in the
  - ?


  TextConfig mode:
  "B132x48" 75 1056 1088 1240 1336 768 775 776 800 +hsync +vsync font 8x16
  grabmode report: 
  "132x48" 75.165  1056 1088 1240 1336  768 775 776 800  +Hsync +Vsync font 8x16
               >>   # 56.261kHz/70.33Hz
When you see this, you know the card is configured properly. All numbers are
roughly the same.

If your monitor doesn't show an image, maybe it cannot cope with the scan
rates this mode uses: SVGATextMode tells you those when loading the mode,
and grabmode adds them as a comment at the end of the mode line. If you have
no idea what I'm talking about: READ THE "monitor-timings.howto" FILE! 

If grabmode would e.g. report a 25 or 28 MHz clock in the example above (or
40/45 MHz when started from a 132x... mode), SVGATextMode probably didn't
change the clock at all. See above for some possibe causes. If any other
number comes out, 

When all this doesn't help you, you could try looking INSIDE SVGATextMode,
to see what it does to select your text mode. That's why the "-d" option was
added: it shows all steps and their results as SVGATextMode goes through the
process of parsing the TextConfig file, and finally selecting your mode. It
wasn't made to be easy-reading prose, but rather to contain as much as
possible information on the internals of SVGATextMode. Try patiently
browsing through the output, and maybe you'll find the reason for your

And if, after trying all this an more of your own ideas, you are still stuck
with a problem, THEN you can try asking the author. But make sure to add all
relevant information:

   - version of SVGATextMode used.
   - the part of the TextConfig file you enabled for your card (clocks,
     clockprog, clockchip, options, ...). Don't send the entire TextConfig,
     I know what it looks like ;-)
   - If you have tried configuring X before, add the relevant part of your
     Xconfig (or XF86Config for XFREE 3.x), and comment on the behaviour of
     X: what worked, and what didn't. 
   - your Linux kernel version number.
   - the type of VGA card!!!! (some forget this, can you imagine?)
     brand, chipset, memory, bus, ... any related or non-related problems
     you had with it, ...
     Mention your VGA card type in EVERY mail to me. This saves me a lot of
     mail-backtracking to find out what you're talking about!
   - which text modes worked, and which didn't. Also add the results from
     grabmode on each mode you mention (especially if that mode doesn't
   - If you suspect that SVGATextMode doesn't interpret the TextConfig
     correctly, prove it with the output from "SVGATextMode -d" (or part of
     it; don't send the output of SVGATextMode -d for EVERY text mode in the
     Config file. Just show your point with maybe a few modes).
   - any other information you consider relevant (like your sister's age ;-).
I know not everyone can understand the black magic of video cards, monitor
timings, and kisses that turn frogs into princes, but reading some
documentation, and using common sense can help a lot.

  2. SVGATextMode causes problems together with SVGALIB.

Yes, this is a major problem. Depending on the type of card you have,
Svgalib can do sereral things wrong. In most cases, svgalib is the real
culprit (because SVGATextMode does SO VERY LITTLE compared to SVGAlib).

The most common problemn is SVGAlib starting up with the wrong pixel clock
programmed. The result is a non-syncing monitor, or the display divided into
4 parts with each part showing the same original screen, or a very flickery
screen, or anything else a monitor can come up with...

If you suspect this is the case, you can check the clock used by that SVGAlib
mode using the clockprobe. When the screen does not sync, you can do that
from a remote terminal, or if you don't have one, start it with a delay:

    (sleep 5 ; ./clockprobe > probe.out) &

and then quickly start your SVGAlib application. After you get back to a
readable text mode, check the probe.out file to see what happened. 

I am of course unable to do much testing on this, since I don't own any
VGA card with those problems (just luck, I guess).

But the only real possibility would be that SVGAlib doesn't reprogram ALL
necessary registers to get to that specific graphics mode, and leaves some
of them untouched. The most obvious ones are the clock programming
registers/bits. And in that case, SVGAlib needs to be adapted to reprogram
ALL clock selection bits.

Since SVGATextMode uses approximately the same clock selection method as the
XFREE server (and will come closer and closer to it in the future), it is
likely that you encounter the same problem when using SVGAlib together with
X (e.g. switching from SVGAlib to X and vice versa).

Wouldn't the future be much brighter if SVGAlib, XFREE and SVGATextMode used
the SAME VGA programming library, so they cooperate instead of fight?

At least ET4000's and Trident cards have been known to show this problem.

  2.1. ET4000

[ the following little theory MIGHT be wrong, but I didn't want to spend too
  much time browsing through the SVGAlib source code. I'm a little lazy :-(
  Many SVGATextMode users reported a similar phenomenon, and provided enough
  feedback to justify this. It seems to be mainly an ET4000 problem ]

SVGAlib has two different sets of modes: the standard VGA modes, and the chipset
specific ones. The most common standard mode is 320x200x256. Others,
commonly known as "VGA tweaked modes" are also available.

The standard modes use the standard clock selection machanism used in all
VGA cards: programming the clock to 25 or 28 MHz. ANd they DON'T program any
chipset-specific clock registers.

In order to use the ET4000 with SVGAlib, the authors included a program to
run from DOS, that gets you all the necessary data to complete the svgalib
config file. All the modes extracted in that way DO use all ET4000 clock
registers. In addition to the ones grabbed from DOS, SVGAlib also adds a
few "standard" modes of its own, independent of the chip set.

The problem creeps up when you run SVGAlib from an extended (non-standard)
SVGATextMode mode, with a non-standard clock (not 25 or 28 MHz). SVGATextMode
has changed the ET4000 extended clock selection bits to get the special
(mostly higher) clock needed for that text mode. But when you select a
standard SVGAlib mode (like 320x200x256), it only changes the standard clock
bits, and leaves the extended ones as they were. 

The result is obvious: you get a different pixel clock than was intended.
Many ET4000 cards will run at 50 MHz when in fact they had to run at 25 MHz
for that graphics mode (you can test that with the clockprobe). A real
problem for all those DOOM fans around!

When using a non-standard graphics mode (which came from the BIOS, using
that special program for example), the problem does not show, since then ALL
clock selection bits are programmed.

  3. SVGATextMode causes problems together with the XFree86 X-server

  3.1. ET4000

Most problems are caused by a missing "hibit_..." option in the TextConfig
file or the XF86Config file or both. The option must be present in both
files, and must be the same in BOTH files, otherwise either one will not
work properly, especially when switching vt's.

  3.2 Switching between X and text mode

Take heed when switching back to textmodes from X! The XFREE server samples
all SVGA registers for their text mode contents BEFORE moving on to graphics
mode. IT NEVER SAMPLES THEM AGAIN, until it's restarted!

When switching back to text mode (either with CTRL-ALT-Fxx or by exiting X),
the X-server just pumps all sampled text mode registers back into the VGA
chip, and switches to the requested console.

If you would have changed text modes AFTER having started X, something
wonderfull will happen!

Example: You start X, find a neat little text mode utility called
SVGATextMode on your hyper-super-user-friendly-Internet-unfriendly WWW
Browser, decide to give it a try, switch to text mode, and start fooling
around with it. You set up a completely new, big, nice text mode, decide to
stick with it for a while, switch back to X and start your Mail program to
tell all your friends what great tool you just found. You suddenly decide to
swicth back to text mode... and BANZAI! the screen is a complete mess. You
decide NOT to advise all your friends to use SVGATextMode! BIG mistake (of

At this moment, your text mode is back to the mode it was in BEFORE you
started X (e.g. back to 80x25, instead of the 100x37 SVGATextMode provided),
but something's wrong. Text is writtn in the wrong place, the prompt wraps
around the screen (i.e. jumps 20 chars to the left on each new line, instead
of sticking to the left side), and dissapears below your monitor.

What the X-server did, is restore text mode registers from when IT started
(= before SVGATextMode). This should be no real problem, where it not that
the KERNEL parameters are still at 100x37, and it writes characters to the
VGA memory supposing the mode is still 100x37. A nice big screwup!

This is a 'problem' with the X-server, not with SVGATextMode. If it would
sample text mode registers EVREY time it switched from text mode to X, this
would not happen. 

  3.3 A special case: Programmable clock chips

In addition to the problem described above, there's an extra problem for
owners of a VGA card with a programmable clock chip (mostly S3 cards). Some
of those clock chips are WRITE-ONLY! That means there is NO WAY to re-read
the programmed clock values from the chip. This is a major problem for the
X-server, because it CANNOT know what clock to restore when switching back
to text mode. 

So with those chips (e.g. ICD2061a) the X-server needs to be TOLD what clock
your text mode used, in order to be able to restore it properly. In XFREE
3.x, clockchips can be supported through the "ClockProg" option. And in
addition to the clock frequency you needed to specify for that clockprog
(first argument) there was also a SECOND argument: the clock index to use
for returning to text mode.

[from XFREE 3.1 docs:]

       ClockProg "command" [textclock]

               The optional textclock value is used to tell the server that
               command must be run to restore the textmode clock at server
               exit (or when VT switching). textclock must match one of
               the values in the Clocks entry. This parameter is required
               when the clock used for text mode is a programmable clock.

For SVGATextMode, you will ALWAYS use the programmable clock (mostly the
only non-programmable clocks on such chips are the VGA-standard 25 and 28

I have no idea how this works when defining a "ClockChip" in the XF86Config
file. If you have a programmable clockchip card, and text modes are NOT
restored properly, your first bet will be to use grabmode or clockprobe to
see how the clock got programmed.

In most cases it will be back at 25 or 28 MHz, or the same clock as from X
will be used. In that last case this means the X-server didn't change the
clock when switching to text mode.

I don't know how to solve that, other than to advise you to use the SAME
pixel clock in text mode as in X. That way when X doesn't restore the clock,
and it remains where it was, it will be where it has to be (are you still
following?). Theree's another advantage to this: If you pick the EXACT same
timings in X as in text mode, your monitor will NOT need the extra few
seconds to sync up to the new frequency. This way switching  between text
modes and X is lightning fast, no delays!

  4. SVGATextMode causes problems together with Accelerated-X

Commercial software is always better, isn't it? No way.

Xig ignored the whole mode-switching problem by simply assuming (and
requiring) that you are running a standard VGA text mode (= 80x25) at all

The upshot being that Accelerated-X will ALWAYS restore a 80x25 text mode
when it goes back to textmode. It will NOT restore your custom text mode.

This would not be a big ol' problem, were it not that those plonkers were so
high with their xbench scores that they forgot to tell the kernel that they
just changed the textmode size.

The kernel still thinks you're running your previous text mode (e.g. 100x37)
and will happily render characters in the video memory as if it were still
that mode. Of course, since we're now actually looking at 80x25, the screen
looks pretty much messed up.

No, there is nothing that can be done about that on the SVGATextMode side.
Even if I wanted to (which I don't).

Throw away that piece of junk, and get yourself XFree86.

  5. SVGATextMode causes problems together with DOSEMU

[ note: this applies to any DOSEMU version before 0.60. Newer versions may
  or may not behave similarly ]

DOSEMU, the Linux DOS emulator, can be made to run in "native" VGA mode,
where it is allowed to take control of the VGA chip so you can even do VGA
graphics under the DOS emulator. This is enabled when a line similar to

   video { vga  console  graphics }
is enabled in the /etc/dosemu.conf file. A chipset definition can be used
for some cards to get even better support.

In order to still allow console switching, DOSEMU will "remember" the VGA
registers before it allows the DOS BIOS to start changing the whole lot. 

And that's where the problems start. DOSEMU has no VGA card detection
built-in, so if you use the line above, i.e. without specifying the chipset,
DOSEMU will only remember the standard VGA registers. And it will only
restore those when you do either a VT-switch (ALT-Fx) or exit the DOS

Let's first consider the case when you are NOT using SVGATextMode...

If your Linux console is in standard VGA text mode (80x25 or any other
80-wide text mode), then there is no problem since this IS a standard VGA

BUT if you are using a "VGA" 132x25 or 132x43 mode (for example) from the
lilo or loadlin config file, then you are using a 40 or 45 MHz pixel clock,
and chances are that this clock is NOT one of the standard 4 first VGA
clocks on your SVGA card. If you don't specify the chipset, the DOSEMU will
not be able to restore this extra (SVGA) clock register, and thus chances
are you return from DOSEMU with an out-of-sync screen.

If you are using SVGATextMode, things get even worse.

SVGATextMode uses all possible extended VGA clock setting registers, so you
can get more exotic and better looking modes. But this comes at a price.
Since DOSEMU doesn't know about so many chipsets (and in the case of S3,
about all sorts of clockchips), it will NOT remember all those special
registers when it starts, and it'll also not restore them when you switch
away from it (or exit it).

The DOSEMU people are focussing on getting the DOS emulation as good as
possible, and not on super-clean VT-restoration. That's a good thing for all
of us, because this way we get a better DOSEMU faster. For as far as I know,
there has been not much change in the VGA support of DOSEMU in the last
year, and it doesn't look like they are going to do this quickly. With
reason. I suggest you bug me enough so I could at least provide support for
all SVGATextMode chipsets/clockchips in the DOSEMU code. 

Better even, if DOSEMU would use svgalib (or GGI) for its VGA save/restore
code, then nobody would have to do any superfluous coding. If svgalib
improves, so will DOSEMU's VGA support. Downside: you would need svgalib
when using DOSEMU.

The bottom line: if you are using SVGATextMode together with DOSEMU, and you
either don't let DOSEMU know what chipset you have, or DOSEMU doesn't
support it, you are bound to get in trouble some day.

The solution (so far) is to either use DOSEMU in console mode (no VGA
graphics), or re-run SVGATextMode each time you leave the DOS emulator, or
use savetextmode/restoretextmode from svgalib.

  6. SVGATextMode causes problems together with GPM

Some people have reported that GPM sometimes causes garbage characters to be
pasted when doing a cut-and-paste operation. Sometimes characters are lost
in the pasted data, or characters get corrupted (becoming other characters
or semigraphic characters).

On some systems, this happens independently of SVGATextMode. On others,
high-pixelclock modes cause this to happen more often. On most of these
systems, a Logitech serial mouse is used (the Microsoft compatible types,
not the old ones using the Logitech protocol).

This is NOT a problem with SVGATextMode. It seems to be a problem with gpm,
because "selection" (another program doing a similar thing as gpm) does not
have these problems.

  7. Why are text mode clock limits are mostly LOWER than graphics mode

   7.1. The VGA chip designer at work.

This in an often misunderstood aspect of SVGATextMode. Imagine yourself in
the place of the poor dude that designed the SVGA chip you're about to fry. 

His boss wants it to be the FASTEST and CHEAPEST chip on the market. So what
do you do? You look at what users really USE in a (S)VGA chip. 

Ah! They want fast Windows performance? Good, let's accelerate JUST those
things that make the Windows performance increase. You've just invented the
so-called "Windows accelerator".

And of course, everybody wants high resolution modes, so they can throw a
zillion open windows onto the desktop without cluttering it. OK. High pixel
clocks are needed here. We need to zap a LOT more pixels to the modern VGA
screen than we used to do in the good old CGA-days...

Oh, and don't forget: the new buzzword is "VESA modes". Damn, we'll need
high screen refresh rates. That means even higher pixel clocks. Well, let's
spend some money so the GRAPHICS part is fast, 'cause that's the part that
needs the high resolutions at high refresh rates (and thus the high pixel
clock): a white background with a few darker parts in it (=Windows!) is MUCH
more prone to screen flicker than the opposite (=most text modes).
Obviously, a BLACK screen cannot flicker (unless you read Terry Pratchett's
DiscWorld books)!

So, that's it. Most VGA chips can run AT LEAST at 85 MHz in graphics mode.
If you want to spend a little more money, you'll be able to get a minimum of
135 MHz nowadays. 170 MHz is commonplace, and really expensive things can
even go as high as 250 MHz. Some workstation boards can churn out pixels at
an amazing 500 (five hundred!) Million 24-bit pixels per second. But you'll
need to spend some more money on those.

And text mode? Uh... Oh... what? Oh well, Almost nobody uses it anymore, now
that windowed systems are taking over. Only some die-hard programmers
consider text modes to be superior to windows stuff (for programming). Funny
isn't it? Many of the people that actually MAKE those windowed environments
seem to prefer text modes for programming?!

So let's make sure they can do a 132x43 screen, or even 132x60. That'll shut
them up. We won't lose customers on that, since all other VGA card
manufacturers do the same. There's no real money in that.

End of story. The bottom line: graphics chip/card makers cry out loud that
their thing can run at xxx MHz, and shut up about text modes. With a good
reason: they're not running at that same speed as graphics modes. They
didn't spend money on getting text mode performance up to speed, making the
chip a cent more expensive than the other brand.

The result is that all common SVGA cards are never used at clocks above 45
MHz in text modes, since that's all that VGA card makers put in their video
BIOS'ses. So why design them to be able to run at 90 MHz? Nobody will

If you would be able to browse the data sheets on some cards, you'd see the
difference. Most data sheets ONLY mention the maximum GRAPHICS pixel clock,
and never even mention text mode maximum clock. S3 and Cirrus Logic are
examples of this (don't shoot me if I overlooked it). The only positive
exception is the ET4000W32i/p data book. And it says the maximum graphics
clock is 86 MHz, and the max. text mode clock is (just) 56 MHz (as with many
"maximum safe limits" in data books, this is highly underestimated in most

And this immediately shows my point: don't expect text mode clocks to work
as high as graphics clocks! They're almost NEVER designed to do that.

But also keep in mind you might get lucky. The ET4000W32i/p for example, being
the only one I know of explicitly stating a maximum text mode clock, can be
used WAY beyond that maximum: although the data book says 56 is the maximum,
it runs well upto even 90 MHz.

The opposite example is the Trident 8900 series: although its pixel clocks
can be over 90 MHz, most cards go bananas at any speed over 45 MHz in text

  7.2. How can you see the text mode clock is too high?  

Depending on how out-of-spec your text mode clock is, you'll get the
following phenomena (this is a bit tough to describe. If anyone comes up
with a better description, I'd like to hear about it):

- when just a tidbit too high, some characters will be "unstable". They will
"crawl" on the spot. It's like they're morphing between two different
characters. It's like there are two letters on the same place, switching
between the one and the other at about Mach-2 :-) It has also been described
as a sort of local interlacing effect on some characters.

In most cases, this happens on certain places only. On some cards, it's just
near the left or right edge. On other cards it's only every 4 characters. On
others it's only in places where LOTS of characters are closely together
(like in a hexdump, or a dense text file). On my card (S3 805), this starts
at about 70 MHz.

- When things get worse (clock a bit more above MAX), more and more
characters will start showing that effect. Some letters will be stable, but
simply the wrong letter, making it hard to read the text (it's like it's
been scrambled). Sometimes it's the correct character, but shifted one pixel
line down. I get this at 85-90 MHz. Not very useful.

- A bit further down the line of bad text is when text starts to show a
"duplication" effect: some parts of the text are duplicated on the same line
of text, more to the right. You could also witness random characters all
over the screen, where none should be.

- And when things get really out of hand, it's like the monitor won't sync,
the screen is a complete mess, You can not distinguish ANY characters,...
Your screen looks more like an intro for a cheap science-fiction show.

The worst card of all (Trident), works perfectly up to 45 MHz, and at 50 MHz
it's already in "phase 3" (the science fiction intro). That should give you
an idea of what to expect.

  7.3. The new era is coming: Synchronous video memories!
With the advent of all sorts of cards with synchronous (=clocked) video
memories (WRAM, SGRAM, MDRAM, SDRAM, RDRAM, ...), many more cards
with surprisingly low textmode clocks will appear. The Matrox boards are one
such example. In Graphics mode, the Millenium can do up to 250 MHz pixel
clocks, but already starts to show problems at a mere 60 MHz in text mode.

The reason is quite simple: textmodes require lots of "random" memory
accesses, because each character on each pixel line requires the VGA
controller to fetch at least three bytes from three entirely different
places in memory (character, attribute and font data). Synchronous RAM is
very fast and performant when it is allowed to BURST data from/to
consecutive places in memory, but sucks pyramid dust when it needs to jump
around in memory too much (large latencies compared to standard DRAM/VRAM).

Cards that are known to use synchronous RAM are: ET6000 (MDRAM), Matrox
Millenium (WRAM) and Mystique (SGRAM), S3 Virge/SX (SDRAM) and GX (SGRAM),
Cirrus Logic Laguna (RDRAM), ... Judging from the general trends, most new
cards will employ some kind of synchronous RAM. We're heading towards
textmode's days of doom.

  7.4. Character bandwidth
All the stuff above suggests there is a maximum allowable text-mode pixel
clock that can be defined for each card (in most cases through
experimentation, since manufacturers tend to neglect mentionning them).

That is true... to a certain extent.

The REAL speed-limiting factor in text mode is the "character bandwidth" of
the VGA card, which is the speed at which the VGA card can fetch characters
(and font data) from the card RAM (DRAM or VRAM). 

And that is NOT necessarily the same! As an example, compare the (peak)
speed at which characters are sent out to the screen for two different text
modes using the SAME pixel clock, but a DIFFERENT character width:

"v132x48"  75  1056 1096 1248 1336  768 783 784 800  font 8x16
"v116x48"  75   928  976 1112 1192  768 783 784 800  font 9x16

On my S3 card, the first mode (132x48) works, but it's just a little too
fast: some characters are wrong, some are shifted one pixel down, some are
morphing rapidly between two or three different ones, some are missing, etc.
In short: the first mode is just not good. I can't use it for real work.

The SECOND mode (116x48) uses the SAME pixel clock, and is PERFECT! Both
modes use the SAME pixel clock, although the first is rubbish, and the
second is OK.

The reason: the second mode is "slower" than the first. The first needs to send

    (75000000 / 8) = 9.375 MILLION   characters per second to the screen
For each character the VGA card needs to read 2 bytes of character data (1
byte for the character, one for the attribute byte) PLUS one byte of font
data. For each new line of the same row of characters (16 of them for a
16-pixel high font), it re-reads the character bytes, but uses a different
line from the font memory (which is also in the same VGA card memory, but in
a different place).

The VGA chip reads those characters 16 times (in this case) because it
doesn't "remember" (or "cache") them so it won't have to re-fetch them for
the next line of the same character row.

The second mode line only transfers (75000000 / 9) = 8.333 M chars per second.

So my VGA card can transfer a maximum of somewhere in between 8 and 9
million characters per second to the screen, without errors.

NOTE: to avoid comments from some nitty-pitty hardware guru's: I know the
      CHARACTER rate is actually 1/16th of that in this case, since
      characters are 16 pixels high. But the VGA chip needs to READ those
      characters at the rate mentionned above.

The point of all this meaningless babbling is the following: The actual
maximum clock speed of the text modes is not only determined by the actual
pixel clock, but also by the number of pixels a character occupies: in 8-bit
wide mode, you have to access a new character every 8 clock beats, while in
9-pixel wide mode, the VGA card is given one extra clock period to fetch the
next character.

SO if you have a mode with 8-pixel wide chars at 75 MHz that doesn't work
completely, chances are that switching to a 9-bit wide mode might do the
trick (you get a little less characters per line in that case, of course).

OR: if 65 MHz is your card's maximum speed with 8-bit chars, then (65 * 9/8
= 73) 73 MHz is the maximum speed with 9-bit chars.

Confusing, isn't it?

  7.5. What to do when the textmode clock is too high

The easiest thing to do is to pick a mode with a lower clock, but I guess
that's obvious.

Buying an ET4000W32i or W32p card with 2MB of DRAM is probably the cheapest
solution to endless textmode pleasure. They're "simply the best", enabling
modes at up to 90 MHz dotclock. This does NOT include the ET6000, which
peaks at only 60 MHz (see the remark about synchronous video memories
above). The W32p cards (with 2MB DRAM), being quite old already, are still
very good performers when it comes to graphics as well.

Other than that, there isn't much you _can_ do. 

* Some cards support changing the memory clock from inside SVGATextMode
  using the "MClk" statement in the TextConfig file. The higher the memory
  clock, the higher the maximum textmode clock will become. This does _not_
  automatically raise the built-in maximum clock limit, so you'll have to
  manually change that using "DacSpeed" as well.
  WARNING: changing the memory clock is DANGEROUS. Setting it WAY to high
  may even destroy your video card. Setting it too low may crash your
  machine. As a rule of thumb, never change the memory clock by over 15% in
  both directions if you want to stay out of serious trouble.

* For S3, the option "S3_HSText" will seriously increase the maximum
  textmode clock. But read the TextConfig manual first, because there is a

* On some S3 Trio cards (and maybe others), are sensitive to the hsync
  position in the modeline. You may be able to get a higher (or lower)
  max/min textmode clock by changing the HSYNC position or the HSYNC width.
  As an example, Massimiliano Ghilardi reported:

     P.S. My S3 Trio64V+ does not like low res modes very much.
     For example, this mode works perfectly
     "40x25"   14.16   320 344 384 400   400 412 414 449   -Hsync +Vsync  font 9x16
     While this
     "40x25"   14.16   320 360 384 400   400 412 414 449   -Hsync +Vsync  font 9x16
     gives a lot of noise: some chars rapidly flicker between two different contents
     some other ones are moved one pixel down...

  8. SVGATextMode produces a Completely Blank Screen!

There are 738 possible reasons for this. I'll just cover a few of them ...

- First of all, when the screen goes blank, although you think all settings
are correct, and it SHOULD work, it's time for some debugging! Use grabmode
to see if all parameters are correctly set. Do that either blindly, or
create a script that contains several pairs of SVGATextMode / grabmode, and
redirect all the output to a file:

    # This script sets some SVGATextMode modes automatically, and performs a
    # grabmode immediately after that. This is used to check the correct
    # workings of SVGATextMode, even when the screen is blank or unreadable
    # The ouput is put the the file "STM_test_output" in the currect
    # directory. Once the script is done (listen to the beep!), restore the
    # screen (using "textmode" or an SVGATextMode mode that works), and
    # check the output file!
    SVGATextMode -r -f 80x25x9 >>STM_test_output 2>&1
    grabmode >>STM_test_output

    SVGATextMode -r -f 132x43x8 >>STM_test_output 2>&1
    grabmode >>STM_test_output

    SVGATextMode -r -f 100x37_VGA >>STM_test_output 2>&1
    grabmode >>STM_test_output

    SVGATextMode -r -f 100x37 >>STM_test_output 2>&1
    grabmode >>STM_test_output

    SVGATextMode -r -f 50x15_VGA >>STM_test_output 2>&1
    grabmode >>STM_test_output

    SVGATextMode -r -f v132x70 >>STM_test_output 2>&1
    grabmode >>STM_test_output

    SVGATextMode -r -f 160x60x9 >>STM_test_output 2>&1
    grabmode >>STM_test_output

    SVGATextMode -r -f 132x43_16 >>STM_test_output 2>&1
    grabmode >>STM_test_output

    SVGATextMode -r -f 80x25x8 >>STM_test_output 2>&1
    grabmode >>STM_test_output
    echo -e '\a'

Check the output of this script, and if all the modes that were possible
(some will be rejected because of your monitor's limits, some will be
rejected because the correct clock could not be found) compare favourably,
then probably SVGATextMode did a good job (probably!).

- If some perfectly valid modes don't show a useful screen (blank, shifted
too much to the left/right/top/bottom, "folded over" on either left or right
side, ...), the it's time to use vgaset and move the screen around a bit to
see if your monitor likes it better.

- also don't forget to try another monitor (as described in the "general
advice" section), before blaming SVGATextMode or your video card. Monitors
are often "overlooked" when it comes to video problems (especially when
trying a new program)

  9. The screen seems to sync up, but is completely unreadable

The most common cause is a textmode clock limittaion. Read the question
about text mode clock limits.

On the other hand, it could happen that, after running SVGATextMode, your
screen looks like it syncs up (it's stable, it's not scrolling like crazy,
grabmode reports the mode is OK, you have been able to use the very same
mode before...), but you cannot read a thing. It's like all characters are
blocks, the font is completely messed up.

I don't know the reason for this (yet), but some cards seem to get their
font messed up sporadically when switching modes (I have seen this on Cirrus
cards). I suspect this is either something I didn't do that I should do when
switching modes, or a VGA card problem. 

The simplest solution in that case is to enable automatic font loading. When
switching modes, and the font gets messed up, the font loader will of course
load a new font, effectively solving the problem (if this was the problem to
begin with).

 10. When rebooting to DOS, the screen is black or not syncing.

This is most often caused by the VGA BIOS not correctly resetting all VGA
registers when a warm boot is performed (some don't even do it right upon a
cold boot...)

In most cases, this can be overcome by changing to a 80x25x9 textmode before
rebooting the machine. On most Linux systems, adding an appropriate
statement to the shutdown script (/etc/rc.d/rc.0 for example) will do the

	SVGATextMode -r 80x25x9 

 11. stm: ERROR: Could not get Millennium PCI info

This is a bug in the STM PCI code. It can be fixed on some systems by
running "scanpci" from the XFree86 tools, or just "cat /proc/pci" first.
After that, STM suddenly sees your card.

 12. segfault when running SVGATextMode on newly compiled kernel

An optimisation bug in GCC 2.8.x causes a small part of the kernel to be
wrong. That in turn causes SVGATextMode to crash with a segmantation fault
(SIGSEGV) when it is running. The same happens to XFree86, by the way.

The solution: use linux kernel 2.1.79 or higher, don't compile your kernel
with GCC 2.8.x (use the 2.7.x series instead), or use a


file from a newer (>=2.1.79) kernel in your older kernels. That works even
in 2.0.xx kernels. If you need to use GCC 2.8.x, then you can also compile
everything else with 2.8.x, but just the ioport.c file with an older version
(although replacing the file with the newer one is easier).

 13. problems with 2.1.xx kernels (VT_RESIZEZ failing)

Some people have reported problems when using SVGATextMode on the newer
development kernels. There have been very little such reports, so it could
have been a temporary glitch. If you have this problem, please report this
(And please mention what kernel version it was).

The easy solution of course is to stick with 2.0.xx kernels :-( The
servies has undergone impressive changes in the console handling department
(e.g. the framebuffer device console, which obsoletes SVGATextMode
completely), and some of those changes make SVGATextMode's life pretty hard
to impossible.

 14. How do I configure SVGATextMode for a laptop?

Most laptops work very well when you specify them as "standard VGA" in the
TextConfig file, and call STM with the "-cv" option so that it doesn't
attempt to reprogram the clock or evaluate clock and sync limits.

Instead of the "-v" option (and a little safer), you may also override the
"DacSpeed" setting to any value that allows your mode to work (the clock
isn't programmed anyway when using "-c", so there's no harm in specifying an
out-of-bounds clock limit).

This mode may work fine on a 1024x768 laptop:

"112x48" 70  896 912 1040 1112  768 768 769 800 +Hsync +Vsync font 9x16 # 55.587kHz/69.48Hz

the trick is to try and make sure the H and V active sizes match your LCD
display size (and keep the 9/8 factor in mind when using a 9-pixel font). 

In this case, the mode uses 896 * 9/8 = 1008 pixels horizontally and 768
vertically. Since that fits in the LCD's 1024x768, it works nicely.

As always, "grabmode" may be able to help you.

Another option: the XF86_SVGA docs say that the first 4 clocks on C&T65520,
65525 and 65530 are

	Clocks  25.175 28.322 31.000 36.000

So you may also want to use those clocks instead of the default ones for the
standard VGA chip.