

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > b9ba69a436161613d8fb030c8c726a8e > files > 534


[/ QuickDoc Document version 0.5 ]
[doc Spirit QuickDoc v.05]
[/ Sept 24, 2002 ]

[def :-)            [$theme/smiley.gif]]
[def Spirit         [@ Spirit]]

[page Introduction]

[:[*['"Why program by hand in five days what you can spend five years of
your life automating?"]][br][br]-- Terrence Parr, author ANTLR/PCCTS]

Well, QuickDoc was done over the weekend, thanks to Spirit, which is just
over a year old... What is it? What you are viewing now, this
documentation, is autogenerated by QuickDoc. These files were generated
from one master:

[:[@quickdoc.txt quickdoc.txt]]

QuickDoc is a WikiWiki style documentation tool geared towards C++
documentation using simple rules and markup for simple formatting tasks.
QuickDoc extends the Wiki concept. Like the Wiki, QuickDoc documents are
simple text files. A single QuickDoc document can generate a fully linked
set of nice HTML documents complete with images and syntax-colorized C++

[page Syntax Summary]

A QuickDoc document is composed of one or more blocks. An example of a
block is the paragraph or a C++ code snippet. Some blocks have special
mark-ups. Blocks, except code snippets which have its own grammar, are
composed of one or more phrases. A phrase can be a simple contiguous run of
characters. Phrases can have special mark-ups. Marked up phrases can
recursively contain other phrases, but cannot contain blocks. A terminal is
a self contained block-level or phrase-level element that does not nest

[h2 Comments]

Can be placed anywhere.

    '''[/ comment (no html generated) ]'''

[h2 Phrase Level Elements]

[h4 Font Styles]


Will generate:


Like all non-terminal phrase level elements, this can of course be nested:


Will generate:


[h4 line-break]


[h4 Anchors]


[h4 Links]

    '''[@http"// this is [*boost's] website....]'''

Will generate:

[@http"// this is [*boost's] website....]

[h4 Escape]

The escape mark-up is used when we don't want to do any processing.

"'    '''
    escape (no processing/formatting)

In rare occasions (such as when writing this document :-)) when the triple-
quote [^"''''"'] is needed, a double-quote followed by a single-quote
[^'''"''''] may be used as the escape delimiter.

[h4 Images (terminal)]


[h2 Block Level Elements]

[h4 Document]

    '''[doc Document Title]'''

Should be at the very top

[h4 Page]

    '''[page:level Page Title]'''

"Page Title" will be the html's title, a corresponding filename will be
created with the same name appended with ".html", valid characters are
a..Z, A..Z, 0..9 and _. All non-valid characters are converted to
underscore and all upper-case are converted to lower case. Thus:

A quickdoc document is basically a flat list of pages. However, the
generated table of contents may be formatted to reflect a certain
hierarchy. Example:

        pizza flavors
        pizza toppings

Here, intro, basics and crust are at level 0 while pizza flavors, pizza
toppings, size and ingredients are level 1. level is optional (defaults to
zero) and will be page's hierarchical level from the top. Up to 5 levels
(0..5) are currently supported.

[h4 Paragraphs]

Paragraphs start left-flushed and are terminated by two or more newlines.
No markup is needed for paragraphs. QuickDoc automatically detects
paragraphs from the context.

[h4 Bulleted lists]

    * First
    * Second
    * Third

Will generate:

* First
* Second
* Third

[h4 Ordered lists]

    # First
    # Second
    # Third

Will generate:

# First
# Second
# Third

[h4 Code]

    #include <iostream>

    int main()
        std::cout << "Hello World\n";

Preformatted code starts with a space or a tab. The code will be syntax

[h4 Preformatted]

Sometimes, you don't want some preformatted code to be parsed as C++. In
such cases, use the '''[pre ... ]''' markup block.

    This should not be taken in as C++

[h4 Horizontal rule (terminal)]

    '''----------------- 4 or more dashes (text after the dashes are ignored)'''

The above will generate this:

----------------- 4 or more dashes (text after the dashes are ignored)

[h4 blockquote]


Applies to one paragraph only.

[h4 Headings]

    [h1 Heading 1]
    [h2 Heading 2]
    [h4 Heading 3]
    [h4 Heading 4]
    [h5 Heading 5]
    [h6 Heading 6]

[h1 Heading 1]
[h2 Heading 2]
[h4 Heading 3]
[h4 Heading 4]
[h5 Heading 5]
[h6 Heading 6]

All headings will have anchors with the same name, valid characters are
a..z, A..Z, 0..9 and _. All non-valid characters are converted to
underscore and all upper-case are converted to lower case. Example:

[h4 Macros]

    '''[def macro_identifier some text]'''

When a macro is defined, the identifier replaces the text anywhere in the
file, in paragraphs, in markups, etc. macro_identifier is a string of non-
white space characters except '''']'''' while the replacement text can be any phrase
(even marked up). Example:

    '''[def sf_logo [$]]'''

Now everytime sf_logo is seen, the picture will be inlined.

[def sf_logo [$]]

Some more examples:

'''    [def :-)            [$theme/smiley.gif]]
    [def Spirit         [@ Spirit]]'''

(See [@syntax_summary.html#images__terminal_ Images] and [@syntax_summary.html#links Links])

Invoking these macros:

    '''Hi Spirit :-)'''

Will generate this:

Hi Spirit :-)

[h4 Blurbs]

    [blurb :-) [*An eye catching advertisement ornote...]

    Spirit is an object-oriented recursive-descent parser generator
    framework implemented using template meta-programming techniques.
    Expression templates allow us to approximate the syntax of Extended
    Backus-Normal Form (EBNF) completely in C++.] ''' ]

Will generate this:

[blurb :-) [*An eye catching advertisement or note...]

Spirit is an object- oriented recursive-descent parser generator framework
implemented using template meta-programming techniques. Expression
templates allow us to approximate the syntax of Extended Backus- Normal
Form (EBNF) completely in C++.]

[h4 Tables]

'''    [table Title

        [R0-C0]     [R0-C1]     [R0-C2]
        [R1-C0]     [R1-C1]     [R1-C2]
        [R2-C0]     [R2-C1]     [R2-C2]

Will generate:

[table Title
    [R0-C0]     [R0-C1]     [R0-C2]
    [R2-C0]     [R2-C1]     [R2-C2]
    [R3-C0]     [R3-C1]     [R3-C2]

[page Grammar]

    document =
        doc_info >> blocks >> space

    blocks =
       +(   block_markup
        |   code
        |   unordered_list
        |   ordered_list
        |   hr
        |   comment >> *eol_p
        |   paragraph
        |   eol_p

    space =
        *(blank_p | comment)

    comment =
        "[/" >> *(anychar_p - ']') >> ']'

    doc_info =
            *(space_p | comment)
        >> "[doc" >> space
        >> (*(anychar_p - ']'))
        >> ']' >> +eol_p

    hr =
        >> *(anychar_p - eol_p)
        >> +eol_p;

    block_markup =
        >>  (   page
            |   headings
            |   blurb
            |   blockquote
            |   preformatted
            |   def_macro
            |   table
        >>  ']'
        >> +eol_p

    page =
        >>  !(':' >> uint_p)
        >>  space
        >>  (*(anychar_p - ']'))

    headings =
        h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6

    h1 = "h1" >> space >> phrase;
    h2 = "h2" >> space >> phrase;
    h3 = "h3" >> space >> phrase;
    h4 = "h4" >> space >> phrase;
    h5 = "h5" >> space >> phrase;
    h6 = "h6" >> space >> phrase;

    blurb =
        "blurb" >> space
        >> phrase

    blockquote =
        ':' >> space >>

    preformatted =
        "pre" >> space >>

    def_macro =
        "def" >> space >> identifier
         >> space >> phrase

    table =
        "table" >> space
        >>  (*(anychar_p - eol_p))
        >>  +eol_p
        >> *(   table_row
                >> +eol_p
        >>  eps_p

    table_row =
       *(       space
            >>  ch_p('[')
            >>  phrase
            >>  ch_p(']')
            >>  space

    identifier =
        *(anychar_p - (space_p | ']'))

    code =
        code_line >> *(*eol_p >> code_line)

    code_line =
        ((ch_p(' ') | '\t'))
        >> *(anychar_p - eol_p) >> eol_p

    unordered_list =
        +('*' >> space >> line)

    ordered_list =
        +('#' >> space >> line)

    common =
        |   phrase_markup
        |   escape
        |   comment

    line =
       *(   common
        |   (anychar_p - eol_p)
        >> +eol_p

    paragraph =
       *(   common
        |   (   anychar_p
                - (eol_p >> eol_p)
        >> +eol_p

    phrase =
       *(   common
        |   comment
        |   (anychar_p - ']')

    phrase_markup =
        >>  (   image
            |   link
            |   bold
            |   italic
            |   underline
            |   teletype
            |   str_p("br")
            |   unexpected
        >>  ']'

    escape =
            >>  *(anychar_p - "'''")
            >>  "'''"
        |   (
            >>  *(anychar_p - "\"'")
            >>  "\"'"

    image =
            '$' >> space
        >> (*(anychar_p - ']'))

    link =
        >>  (*(anychar_p - space))
        >>  space >> phrase

    bold =
        >>  space >> phrase

    italic =
        >>  space >> phrase

    underline =
        >>  space >> phrase

    teletype =
        >>  space >> phrase

    unexpected =
        (*(anychar_p - ']'))