

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > b9ba69a436161613d8fb030c8c726a8e > files > 556


    Spirit V1.5.0
    Copyright (c) 2002 Joel de Guzman

    Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
    is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
    This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
    warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
#include "quickdoc.hpp"

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;
using namespace quickdoc;
using namespace spirit;

void navigator(ostream& out, char const* prev, char const* next)
    out << "<table border=\"0\">\n"
        << "  <tr>\n"
        << "    <td width=\"30\"><a href=\"../index.html\"><img src=\"theme/u_arr.gif\" border=\"0\"></a></td>\n"

    if (prev)
        out << "    <td width=\"30\"><a href=\"" << prev << "\"><img src=\"theme/l_arr.gif\" border=\"0\"></a></td>\n";
        out << "    <td width=\"30\"><img src=\"theme/l_arr_disabled.gif\" border=\"0\"></td>\n";

    if (next)
        out << "    <td width=\"20\"><a href=\"" << next << "\"><img src=\"theme/r_arr.gif\" border=\"0\"></a></td>\n";
        out << "    <td width=\"20\"><img src=\"theme/r_arr_disabled.gif\" border=\"0\"></td>\n";

    out << "   </tr>\n"
        << "</table>\n"

void title_bar(ostream& out, char const* title, char const* prev, char const* next, bool is_index = false)
    out << "<html>\n" << "<head>\n"
        << "<!-- Generated by the Spirit ( QuickDoc -->\n"
        << "<title>" << title << "</title>\n"
        << "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" << (is_index ? "doc/" : "")
        << "theme/style.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n"

    if (prev)
        out << "<link rel=\"prev\" href=\"" << prev << "\">\n";
    if (next)
        out << "<link rel=\"next\" href=\"" << next << "\">\n";

    out << "</head>\n"
        << "<body>\n"
        << "<table width=\"100%\" height=\"48\" border=\"0\" background=\"" << (is_index ? "doc/" : "")
        << "theme/bkd2.gif\" cellspacing=\"2\">\n"
        << "  <tr>\n"
        << "    <td width=\"10\">\n"
        << "    </td>\n"
        << "    <td width=\"85%\">\n"
        << "      <font size=\"6\" face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"><b>" << title << "</b></font>\n"
        << "    </td>\n"
        << "    <td width=\"112\"><a href=\"\">"
        << "<img src=\"" << (is_index ? "doc/" : "") << "theme/spirit.gif\""
        << " align=\"right\" border=\"0\"></a></td>\n"
        << "  </tr>\n"
        << "</table>\n"
        << "<br>\n"

void basic_footer(ostream& out)
    out << "<br>\n"
        << "<hr size=\"1\">"
        << "<p class=\"copyright\">Copyright &copy; 2001-2002 Joel de Guzman<br><br>\n"
        << "<font size=\"2\">Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this document\n"
        << " is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. This document\n"
        << " is provided &quot;as is&quot; without express or implied warranty, and with\n"
        << " no claim as to its suitability for any purpose. </font> </p>\n"
        << "</body>\n"
        << "</html>\n"

void start_page(ostream& out, char const* title, char const* prev, char const* next)
    title_bar(out, title, prev, next);
    navigator(out, prev, next);

void end_page(ostream& out, char const* prev, char const* next)
    navigator(out, prev, next);

    template <typename CharT>
    void print_char(CharT ch, ostream& out)
        switch (ch)
            case '<': out << "&lt;";    break;
            case '>': out << "&gt;";    break;
            case '&': out << "&amp;";   break;
            case '"': out << "&quot;";  break;
            default:  out << ch;        break;

    struct filter_identifier_char
        template <typename CharT>
        CharT operator()(CharT ch) const
            if (!isalnum(ch))
                ch = '_';
            return tolower(ch);

    template <typename IteratorT>
    string make_identifier(IteratorT const& first, IteratorT const& last)
        string out_name;
	|| defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ == 2)
        filter_identifier_char filter;
        for (IteratorT i = first; i != last; ++i)
            out_name += filter(*i);
        transform(first, last,
            back_insert_iterator<string>(out_name), filter_identifier_char());
        return out_name;

    template <typename IteratorT>
    string make_filename(IteratorT const& first, IteratorT const& last, char const* ext)
        return make_identifier(first, last) + ext;

struct wrap_action
        ostream&        out_,
        stringstream&   phrase_,
        string const&   pre_,
        string const&   post_,
        bool            anchor_ = false)
    : out(out_), phrase(phrase_), pre(pre_), post(post_), anchor(anchor_) {}

    template <typename IteratorT>
    void operator()(IteratorT const& /*first*/, IteratorT const& /*last*/) const
        if (out)
            string  str = phrase.str();
            if (anchor)
                out << "<a name=\"" << make_identifier(str.begin(), str.end()) << "\"></a>";
            out << pre << str << post;

    ostream&        out;
    stringstream&   phrase;
    string          pre;
    string          post;
    bool            anchor;

struct process
    process(char const* name_, ostream& out_)
    : name(name_), out(out_) {}

    template <typename IteratorT>
    void operator()(IteratorT first, IteratorT last) const
        if (out)
            out << "<span class=" << name << ">";
            while (first != last)
                print_char(*first++, out);
            out << "</span>";

    char const* name;
    ostream&    out;

struct unexpected_char
    unexpected_char(ostream& out_)
    : out(out_) {}

    template <typename CharT>
    void operator()(CharT) const
        if (out)
            out << '#'; // print out an unexpected character

    ostream& out;

struct code_action
    code_action(ostream& out_)
    : out(out_), code_p(out_) {}

    template <typename IteratorT>
    void operator()(IteratorT first, IteratorT last) const
        if (out)
            out << "<code><pre>\n";
            while (first != last && isspace(*first))    //  print leading spaces
                print_char(*first++, out);
            parse(first, last, code_p, space_p);
            out << "</pre></code>\n";

    ostream& out;
    code_to_html<process, unexpected_char, ostream> code_p;

struct actions; // forward

struct page_action
    page_action(actions& actor_)
    : actor(actor_) {}


    template <typename IteratorT>
    void operator()(IteratorT const& first, IteratorT const& last) const;
    void build_page(char const* next = 0) const;

    actions& actor;

    const char* paragraph_pre   = "<p>\n";
    const char* paragraph_post  = "</p>\n";
    const char* h1_pre          = "<h1>";
    const char* h1_post         = "</h1>";
    const char* h2_pre          = "<h2>";
    const char* h2_post         = "</h2>";
    const char* h3_pre          = "<h3>";
    const char* h3_post         = "</h3>";
    const char* h4_pre          = "<h4>";
    const char* h4_post         = "</h4>";
    const char* h5_pre          = "<h5>";
    const char* h5_post         = "</h5>";
    const char* h6_pre          = "<h6>";
    const char* h6_post         = "</h6>";
    const char* hr_             = "<hr>";

    const char* blurb_pre =
        "<table width=\"80%\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\">\n"
        "  <tr>\n"
        "    <td class=\"note_box\">\n"

    const char* blurb_post =
        "    </td>\n"
        "  </tr>\n"

    const char* blockquote_pre      = "<blockquote><p>";
    const char* blockquote_post     = "</p></blockquote>";
    const char* preformatted_pre    = "<code><pre>";
    const char* preformatted_post   = "</pre></code>";
    const char* list_item_pre       = "<li>";
    const char* list_item_post      = "</li>";
    const char* unordered_list_pre  = "<ul>";
    const char* unordered_list_post = "</ul>";
    const char* ordered_list_pre    = "<ol>";
    const char* ordered_list_post   = "</ol>";
    const char* bold_pre_           = "<b>";
    const char* bold_post_          = "</b>";
    const char* italic_pre_         = "<i>";
    const char* italic_post_        = "</i>";
    const char* underline_pre_      = "<u>";
    const char* underline_post_     = "</u>";
    const char* teletype_pre_       = "<tt>";
    const char* teletype_post_      = "</tt>";
    const char* break_mark          = "<br>";
    const char* link_post_          = "</a>";
    const char* start_row_          = "<tr>";
    const char* end_row_            = "</tr>";
    const char* start_cell_         = "<td class=\"table_cells\">";
    const char* end_cell_           = "</td>";

struct plain_char_action
    plain_char_action(stringstream& phrase_)
    : phrase(phrase_) {}

    template <typename IteratorT>
    void operator()(IteratorT const& first, IteratorT const& /*last*/) const
        print_char(*first, phrase);

    stringstream& phrase;

struct image_action
    image_action(stringstream& phrase_)
    : phrase(phrase_) {}

    template <typename IteratorT>
    void operator()(IteratorT first, IteratorT last) const
        phrase << "<img src=\"";
        while (first != last)
            print_char(*first++, phrase);
        phrase << "\"></img>";

    stringstream& phrase;

struct markup_action
    markup_action(stringstream& phrase_, string const& str_)
    : phrase(phrase_), str(str_) {}

    template <typename T>
    void operator()(T const&) const
    { phrase << str; }

    template <typename T>
    void operator()(T const&, T const&) const
    { phrase << str; }

    stringstream& phrase;
    string str;

struct page_level_action
    page_level_action(unsigned& page_level_)
    : page_level(page_level_) {}

    void operator()(unsigned page_level_) const
    { page_level = page_level_; }

    unsigned& page_level;

template <typename T>
class assign_action

    assign_action(T& ref_)
    : ref(ref_) {}

    template <typename T2>
    void operator()(T2 const& val) const
    { ref = val; }

    template <typename IteratorT>
    void operator()(IteratorT const& first, IteratorT const& last) const
#ifdef __BORLANDC__ //  Should have used spirit::assign_actor but
                    //  Borland has a linker error BC it couldn't find
                    //  the string::replace code when IteratorT is a
                    //  file_iterator
        copy(first, last, back_insert_iterator<T>(ref));
        ref.assign(first, last);


    T& ref;

    char const*
    rightmost_slash(char const* first, char const* last)
        //  This is a hack, should use boost::file_system perhaps
        if (first != last)
            while ((first != last) && (*last != '\\') && (*last != '/'))
        return last;

    char const*
    actual_filename(char const* filename)
        return rightmost_slash(filename, filename + strlen(filename));

struct indentifier_action
    indentifier_action(actions& actor_)
    : actor(actor_) {}

    template <typename IteratorT>
    void operator()(IteratorT const& first, IteratorT const& last) const;

    actions& actor;

struct macro_def_action
    macro_def_action(actions& actor_)
    : actor(actor_) {}

    template <typename IteratorT>
    void operator()(IteratorT const&, IteratorT const&) const;

    actions& actor;

struct do_macro_action
    do_macro_action(stringstream& phrase_)
    : phrase(phrase_) {}

    void operator()(string const& str) const
        phrase << str;

    stringstream& phrase;

struct link_action
    link_action(stringstream& phrase_)
    : phrase(phrase_) {}

    template <typename IteratorT>
    void operator()(IteratorT first, IteratorT last) const
        phrase << "<a href=\"";
        while (first != last)
            print_char(*first++, phrase);
        phrase << "\">\n";

    stringstream& phrase;

struct table_action
    table_action(actions& actor_)
    : actor(actor_) {}

    template <typename IteratorT>
    void operator()(IteratorT, IteratorT) const;

    actions& actor;

struct start_col_action
    start_col_action(stringstream& phrase_, unsigned& span_)
    : phrase(phrase_), span(span_) {}

    template <typename T>
    void operator()(T const&) const
    { phrase << start_cell_; ++span; }

    stringstream& phrase;
    unsigned& span;

struct unexpected_action
    template <typename IteratorT>
    void operator()(IteratorT first, IteratorT last) const
        cerr << "Unexpected markup: [";
        while (first != last)
            cerr << *first++;
        cerr << "]\n";

struct actions
    actions(char const* filename_)
    : filename(filename_)
    , page_level_n(0)
    , table_span(0)
    , page(*this)
    , page_level(page_level_n)
    , code(buffer)
    , paragraph(buffer, phrase, paragraph_pre, paragraph_post)
    , h1(buffer, phrase, h1_pre, h1_post, true)
    , h2(buffer, phrase, h2_pre, h2_post, true)
    , h3(buffer, phrase, h3_pre, h3_post, true)
    , h4(buffer, phrase, h4_pre, h4_post, true)
    , h5(buffer, phrase, h5_pre, h5_post, true)
    , h6(buffer, phrase, h6_pre, h6_post, true)
    , hr(buffer, hr_)
    , blurb(buffer, phrase, blurb_pre, blurb_post)
    , blockquote(buffer, phrase, blockquote_pre, blockquote_post)
    , preformatted(buffer, phrase, preformatted_pre, preformatted_post)
    , plain_char(phrase)
    , image(phrase)
    , list_item(list_buffer, phrase, list_item_pre, list_item_post)
    , unordered_list(buffer, list_buffer, unordered_list_pre, unordered_list_post)
    , ordered_list(buffer, list_buffer, ordered_list_pre, ordered_list_post)
    , bold_pre(phrase, bold_pre_)
    , bold_post(phrase, bold_post_)
    , italic_pre(phrase, italic_pre_)
    , italic_post(phrase, italic_post_)
    , underline_pre(phrase, underline_pre_)
    , underline_post(phrase, underline_post_)
    , teletype_pre(phrase, teletype_pre_)
    , teletype_post(phrase, teletype_post_)
    , break_(phrase, break_mark)
    , doc_title(doc_title_str)
    , identifier(*this)
    , macro_def(*this)
    , do_macro(phrase)
    , link_pre(phrase)
    , link_post(phrase, link_post_)
    , table_title(table_title_str)
    , table(*this)
    , start_row(phrase, start_row_)
    , end_row(phrase, end_row_)
    , start_cell(phrase, table_span)
    , end_cell(phrase, end_cell_)
        //  This is a hack, should use boost::file_system perhaps
        char const* last = actual_filename(filename);
        directory = string(filename, last);
        cout << "Output directory: " << directory << endl;

    char const*             filename;
    string                  directory;
    string                  macro_id;
    string                  phrase_save;
    string                  table_title_str;
    vector<string>          files;
    vector<string>          titles;
    vector<unsigned>        page_levels;
    stringstream            buffer;
    ofstream                out;
    string                  doc_title_str;
    string                  title;
    string                  previous;
    stringstream            phrase;
    stringstream            list_buffer;
    unsigned                page_level_n;
    unsigned                table_span;

    page_action             page;
    page_level_action       page_level;
    code_action             code;
    wrap_action             paragraph, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6;
    markup_action           hr;
    wrap_action             blurb, blockquote, preformatted;
    plain_char_action       plain_char;
    image_action            image;
    wrap_action             list_item;
    wrap_action             unordered_list;
    wrap_action             ordered_list;
    markup_action           bold_pre;
    markup_action           bold_post;
    markup_action           italic_pre;
    markup_action           italic_post;
    markup_action           underline_pre;
    markup_action           underline_post;
    markup_action           teletype_pre;
    markup_action           teletype_post;
    markup_action           break_;
    assign_action<string>   doc_title;
    symbols<string>         macro;
    indentifier_action      identifier;
    macro_def_action        macro_def;
    do_macro_action         do_macro;
    link_action             link_pre;
    markup_action           link_post;
    assign_action<string>   table_title;
    table_action            table;
    markup_action           start_row;
    markup_action           end_row;
    start_col_action        start_cell;
    markup_action           end_cell;
    unexpected_action       unexpected;

template <typename IteratorT>
void table_action::operator()(IteratorT, IteratorT) const
    if (actor.buffer)
        actor.buffer << "<table width=\"90%\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\">";
        actor.buffer << "  <tr>\n";
        actor.buffer << "  <td class=\"table_title\" colspan=\"";
        actor.buffer << actor.table_span << "\">\n";

        string::iterator first = actor.table_title_str.begin();
        string::iterator last = actor.table_title_str.end();
        while (first != last)
            print_char(*first++, actor.buffer);

        actor.buffer << "  </td>\n";
        actor.buffer << "  </tr>\n";

        string  str = actor.phrase.str();
        actor.buffer << str;

        actor.buffer << "</table>\n";
        actor.table_span = 0;

template <typename IteratorT>
void macro_def_action::operator()(IteratorT const&, IteratorT const&) const
    actor.macro.add(actor.macro_id.begin(), actor.macro_id.end(), actor.phrase.str());

template <typename IteratorT>
void indentifier_action::operator()(IteratorT const& first, IteratorT const& last) const
#ifdef __BORLANDC__ //  Should have used spirit::assign_actor but
                //  Borland has a linker error BC it couldn't find
                //  the string::replace code when IteratorT is a
                //  file_iterator
    copy(first, last, back_insert_iterator<string>(actor.macro_id));
    actor.macro_id.assign(first, last);

    actor.phrase_save = actor.phrase.str();

template <typename IteratorT>
void page_action::operator()(IteratorT const& first, IteratorT const& last) const
    actor.page_level_n = 0;

    string out_name = make_filename(first, last, ".html");
    cout << "Building " << out_name << endl;
    out_name = + out_name;;

    if (!actor.out)
        cerr << "Could not open output file: " << out_name << endl;
        if (!actor.title.empty())
            actor.previous = make_filename(actor.title.begin(), actor.title.end(), ".html");
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
        copy(first, last, back_insert_iterator<string>(actor.title));
        actor.title.assign(first, last);

void page_action::build_page(char const* next) const
    string buffer = actor.buffer.str();

    if (actor.out.is_open())
            actor.out, actor.title.c_str(),
            actor.previous.empty() ? 0 : actor.previous.c_str(),

        actor.out << buffer;

            actor.previous.empty() ? 0 : actor.previous.c_str(),


    else if (!buffer.empty() && next)
        cerr    << "Some contents are lost before file \"" << next
                << "\". Missing page directive." << endl;

//  Parse a file
void toc_start(ostream& out)
    out << "<table width=\"80%\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\">\n"
        << "  <tr>\n"
        << "    <td class=\"toc_title\">Table of contents</td>\n"
        << "  </tr>\n"

void toc_end(ostream& out)
    out << "</table>\n";

struct build_toc_entries
    build_toc_entries(ostream& out_, unsigned const* levels_)
    : out(out_), levels(levels_) {}

    void operator()(string const& str) const
        string filename =
            make_filename(str.begin(), str.end(), ".html");

        out << "  <tr>\n"
            << "    <td class=\"toc_cells_L" << *levels << "\">\n"
            << "        <a href=\"doc/" << filename << "\">" << str << "</a>\n"
            << "    </td>\n"
            << "  </tr>\n"

    ostream& out;
    mutable unsigned const* levels;

static int
parse(char const* filename)
    ifstream in(filename);

    if (!in)
        cerr << "Could not open input file: " << filename << endl;
        return 1;

    in.unsetf(ios::skipws); //  Turn of white space skipping on the stream

    vector<char> vec;

    vector<char>::const_iterator first = vec.begin();
    vector<char>::const_iterator last = vec.end();

    actions actor(filename);
    quickdoc_grammar<actions> g(actor);

    parse_info<vector<char>::const_iterator> info = parse(first, last, g);
    if (info.full)
        if (! && !actor.titles.empty())
            //  Build the index
            char const* dir_begin = &*;
            char const* dir_end = &*(;
            string name(dir_begin, rightmost_slash(dir_begin, dir_end));
            name += "index.html";
            ofstream index(name.c_str());
            if (index)
                cout << "Building Index " << "../index.html" << endl;
                string filename =
                        actor.titles[0].end(), ".html");
                title_bar(index, actor.doc_title_str.c_str(), 0, filename.c_str(), true);
                for_each(actor.titles.begin(), actor.titles.end(),
                    build_toc_entries(index, &*actor.page_levels.begin()));
        cerr << "Parse failed!\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < 255; ++i)
            if (info.stop == last)
                cerr << *info.stop++;
        return -1;

    return 0;

//  Main program
main(int argc, char* argv[])
    if (argc > 1)
        return parse(argv[1]);
        cerr << "---NO FILENAME GIVEN---" << endl;

    return 0;