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Documentation about cross language profiling for Kaffe's JIT
By the University of Utah Flux Group <>,
Mar 22, 2000


The cross language profiling facilities in Kaffe allow it to generate
profiling data which covers the native C VM code and the JIT'ed code.
Basically, it works just like regular C/UNIX profiling except we have
to generate the function symbols for JIT'ed code at runtime so that
gprof can tell where things are.  The system also provides some additional

  - Profiling can be turned on and off from java and C easily

  - Profiled code doesn't have to be contiguous, the system can
    monitor scattered code and generate separate gmon files for
    segments that are not "close" to each other.

  - Profiling can be done in stages to separate different modes in
    program execution.  For example, the profiling data accumulated
    during the intialization of kaffe and the java program can be
    separated out from the real work done by the program.

The system doesn't replace the previous profiling work, rather we
feel it is complementary since it is nowhere near as accurate as the
instruction counter timing.


The xprofiler is a configure time option that is turned on by the
--enable-xprofiling flag.  The --with-staticvm and --with-staticlib
flags also needs to be used, otherwise the C code in the shared
library won't be monitored.  (On FreeBSD, for example, all the dynamic
library code will show up as "<hicore>" in the profile.)  Also, the
--with-profiling flag needs to be specified in order to get call graph
data for the C VM code.  Currently, it has only been tested with jit3
on FreeBSD and Linux on x86 machines, hopefully, more platforms can be
tested/supported in the future.


To turn profiling on at runtime simply add the `-Xxprof' flag to the
command line.  Once the program has finished it will generate two
files, by default, kaffe-jit-symbols.s and xgmon.out.  The first file,
kaffe-jit-symbols.s, is an assembler file which defines the symbols
for any of the JIT generated code.  The second file, xgmon.out, is a
GNU gprof file with time samples covering the Kaffe and JIT code.
Call graph data is also generated for the JIT code, but call graph
data for the C code in Kaffe is only included if the
`--with-profiling' flag was passed to configure.  Unfortunately, you
can't pass these files directly to gprof for analysis, first you need
to process the assembler file and link it to the Kaffe executable to
get a symbol table that gprof can examine.  In order to make this a
little easier there is a kaffexprof script which will take care of
these steps automatically.  Unfortunately, the current gprof versions
don't support java name mangling so resulting output is sometimes C++,
otherwise its just the mangled name.

Profiling command line args:

  -Xxprof: Turns on xprofiling with the default filenames.  (Note: We
     also turn off class GC since we can't have jit memory moving
     around or changing since gprof will attribute time and calls
     incorrectly if new code is put in the same place.)

  -Xxprof_syms <file>: Specify a different file name for the generated
     assembler file that contains the profiler symbols.  (Default:

  -Xxprof_gmon <file>: Specify a different base name for the generated
     gmon files.  Its actually possible for more than one gmon file to
     be produced, either by the java program using multiple profile
     stages or there were files produced for code chunks that were
     very far apart.  If there were multiple stages then the name of
     the gmon file is <file> with the name of the stage appended to
     it.  If extra files are from distant discontiguous regions than
     the first file is named <file> and covers the first chunk of
     memory, the rest of the files include the starting address for
     the sample space appended to the name. (Default: "xgmon.out")

Example usage (first without kaffexprof):

  java -Xxprof HelloWorld
  as kaffe-jit-symbols.s -o kaffe-jit-symbols.o
  ld /usr/local/libexec/Kaffe kaffe-jit-symbols.o -o kaffe-jit-symbols
  gprof kaffe-jit-symbols xgmon.out


  java -Xxprof HelloWorld
  kaffexprof kaffe-jit-symbols xgmon.out

NOTE: GNU gprof is required.  BSD gprofs will give an error like:
	gprof: no room for 2147483642 sample pc's 

Java Interface:

  A simple java interface to the profiler is provided by the class.  This class provides three
  functions for turning profiling accounting on and off, and starting
  a new profiling stage:

  on() - Turn on profile accounting, basically, just record any data
	 from the monitors.  (This is the default)
  off() - Turn off profile accounting.  Any functions that are JIT'ed
	 after this call will have monitors attached, its just that
	 nothing is recorded during this time.
  stage(String name) - Start a new stage, the given name is used to
	 name the previous stage.  This causes the current profiling
	 data to be output to a gmon file with `.name' appened to the
	 base gmon file name.  Once the data has been written out
	 the internal counters are reset to zero and profiling for
	 the new stage continues.


Added Files:

  xprof/xprofiler.*: The primary interface to the profiler.  Kaffe
    code should use these functions which then get routed to the
    actual implementations below.

  xprof/gmonFile.*: Support code for writing gmon files

  xprof/mangle.*: Support code for mangling the method name into a gnu
    style format.

  xprof/callGraph.*: Support code for tracking call arcs.  Its
    works similarly to mcount and other gmon code.

  xprof/memorySamples.*: Support code for tracking how often
    the PC is at an address during the sampling period.  It works
    by building a tree that covers all "observed" areas of memory.
    The tree is structured so that it can be walked by splitting the
    sampled address into chunks and then indexing each branch in the
    tree by the chunk value and then repeating for the next
    chunk/level in the tree.  Its not as fast as a flat array, but
    its more flexible and doesn't eat a lot of memory.

  xprof/debugFile.*: Support code for generating assembler files
    with symbol information.  Unfortunately, the symbols are mangled
    since the assembler doesn't like the funky java method names and

  xprof/gmon_out.h: This was lifted from gprof, we just need it for
    the structures that define the file format.

  scripts/ Shell script that takes the base name for the
    generated assembler file and the gmon file and then builds a
    usable executable with all the symbols and runs gprof.

  scripts/nm2as.awk: This is used by kaffexprof to produce an
    assembler file with symbols corresponding to the ones in the
    object file that is specified.  We use this to get around problems
    when trying to link Kaffe with the generated JIT symbol files,
    basically LD would move some symbols around and screw up the
    output.  With this hack we get all the symbols in the right place.

Modified Files:

  config/i386/jit3-i386.def: Modified prologue to call mcount like
    function in xprofiler.

  config/i386/*/md.h: Added defines for signal handler prototypes and
    macro to get the PC out of the sigcontext.

  kaffevm/systems/unix-jthreads/jthread.c: Added code to Turn off the
    profile timer initially set up and just use the time slicing timer
    used for threads.  Added code to the interrupt handler to report
    the PC seen in the interrupt.

  kaffevm/jit3/machine.c: Added calls to xprofiler to inform it of new
    JIT'ed code and symbols.

  kaffe/main.c: Added new command line args and their handlers.

  kaffevm/classMethod.c: Added test to stop the free'ing of JIT'ed
    class initializer code so that the generated symbols would
    still be valid.

Control Flow:

  The profiler is started immediately after the JVM is initialized,
  unfortunately, we have to wait this long since the code allocates
  memory using the GC.  However, if `--with-profiling' flag is
  specified in configure, we can copy out the profiling data collected
  during initialization into our own sample counters, so we don't lose
  the information.  Depending on the threading system used, a PC
  sampler needs to be installed which samples the PC at 10ms
  intervals.  The samples are recorded using the memorySamples code
  and any JIT'ed code is added to the set of "observed" memory
  regions, which is initially just the kaffe code and libraries.
  Any PCs that fall out of the "observed" region are recorded as
  misses and attributed to the "_unaccounted_" symbol (Unobserved
  regions can most likely be attributed to dynamically loaded
  libraries).  Call graph data is accumulated by placing a call to the
  profileArcHit function in the prologue of every JIT'ed function.
  All of this data is then written out by an atexit() function or when
  theres a transition to a new stage.

System dependencies:

  A call to profileArcHit needs to be added to the prologue of JIT'ed

  For unix-jthreads:
    - SIGNAL_ARGS(sig, sc) needs to be defined to specify the
      arguments of the prototype for a signal handler.

    - SIGNAL_CONTEXT_POINTER(sc) needs to be defined to something that
      can be used in a parameter list or declaration to define a
      pointer to a signal context pointer (struct sigcontext,
      siginfo_t, whatever)

    - GET_SIGNAL_CONTEXT_POINTER(sc) needs to be defined to return a
      pointer to the signal context

    - SIGNAL_PC(sc) needs to be defined to return the PC value from the
      given signal context

    - _KAFFE_OVERRIDE_MCOUNT_DEF needs to be defined in order to override
      the libc `mcount'.  This doesn't need to be defined, its only useful
      if `--with-profiling' is specified and you care about getting call
      data about native functions.  The standard `mcount' won't work properly
      with native interfaces since the return caller address will be in the
      heap and not in the text section as it expects, so the calls are

    - _KAFFE_OVERRIDE_MCOUNT needs to be defined if MCOUNT_DEF is a static
      inline and this function is used to call it.

  An appropriate PC sampler needs to be installed.  Initially, the
  ITIMER_PROF timer was installed and always running, but this was
  caused problems with unix-jthreads.  It turned out that the
  time-slicing interrupt would occur at almost the same time as the PC
  sampler, resulting in the majority of the samples being in the
  time-slicing code, instead of the more interesting java code.  The
  solution was simply to incorporate sampling the PC into the time
  slicing code.  Of course, systems that don't use unix-jthreads or
  have unforseen quirks will need to find their own way to take samples.

  The debugFile code generates an assembler file with a number of
  directives in it, if a non GNU assembler is being used then these
  will probably need to be changed.  However, the file doesn't contain
  any assembly instructions so it should be somewhat independent of
  the architecture.

  None of this has been tested on a 64 bit system...


  Possibly add support for profiling the interpreter, unfortunately,
  it isn't clear how to do this effectively...

  Profile shared libraries, the current system can support this, the
  only problem is that its hard to determine the upper and lower bound
  of the libraries text segment in order to do monitoring.

  Support for more platforms.