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<title>acua modRec</title>
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<h1>acua modRec [-s]</h1>
<b>&lt;login> &lt;expire> &lt;timeLimit> [sessionLimit] [priority] {classLimit}</b><br>
<b>&lt;login> &lt;+|->&lt;SMARTTIME>|&lt;SSMARTTIME>|&lt;TCSMARTTIME>| &lt;SMARTBOOT>|&lt;SSMARTBOOT>|&lt;TCSMARTBOOT>| &lt;ISMARTBOOT>|&lt;WARNBOOT>|&lt;EXPLAINBOOT>|&lt;NOUNSUB>|&lt;0-15></b><br>
<b>&lt;login> &lt;maxLogins>|&lt;maxDeduct> &lt;+=|-=|=> &lt;n></b><br>
<b>&lt;login> &lt;idleLimit>|&lt;PPPidleBytes>|&lt;PPPidleMIn> &lt;+=|-=|=> &lt;n></b><br>
<b>&lt;login> &lt;tLeft>|&lt;tLimit>|&lt;credit>|&lt;sLeft>|&lt;sLimit> &lt;+=|-=|=> &lt;minutes></b><br>
<b>&lt;login> &lt;cLeft>|&lt;cLimit> &lt;class> &lt;+=|-=|=> &lt;minutes></b><br>
<b>&lt;login> &lt;bTx>|&lt;bRx>|&lt;bTxLimit>|&lt;bRxLimit>|&lt;bLimit>| &lt;bStxLimit>|&lt;bSrxLimit>|&lt;bSlimit> &lt;+=|-=|=> &lt;bytes></b><br>
<b>&lt;login> priority = &lt;priority></b><br>
<b>&lt;login> ph_no = &lt;ph_no></b><br>
<b>&lt;login> expire &lt;+=|-=|=> &lt;expire></b><br>
<b>acua modRec</b> modifies an <b>ACUA</b> user record.<br>
The <b>-s</b> switch can be used to strictly enforce setting of "time left" fields within their corresponding limits.  For example, if you set <b>tLeft</b> > <b>tLimit</b>, <b>acua modRec</b> will set <b>tLeft</b> = <b>tLimit</b>.  This switch is mostly intended to support "time bank" functionality (see the <a href="howto.html">HOWTO</a> for more information).<br>
In the first usage, directly change the expiry date and time limits of a user.  See <a href="acua_addRec.html">acua addRec</a> for a description of the arguments.<br>
In the second usage, flags are modified.  Flags are asserted with <b>+</b> and de-asserted with <b>-</b>, as you might expect.  The flags 0-15 are user-defined flags (meaning that <b><i>you</i></b> define their meaning/purpose).  Currently, <a href="acua_forEach.html">acua forEach</a> and <a href="acua_renew.html">acua renew</a> are capable of basing their actions on the value of user-defined flags.<br>
The system-defined flags are:<br>
<li><b>SMARTTIME</b> - Don't deduct time unless the system is busy.</li>
<li><b>SSMARTTIME</b> - Don't deduct session time unless the system is busy.</li>
<li><b>TCSMARTTIME</b> - Don't deduct time in the current time class unless the system is busy.</li>
<li><b>SMARTBOOT</b> - If overall time runs out, the user may still be allowed to stay on the system provided it is not busy.</li>
<li><b>SSMARTBOOT</b> - If session time runs out, the user may still be allowed to stay on the system provided it is not busy.</li>
<li><b>TCSMARTBOOT</b> - If the user runs out of time in the current time class, they may still be allowed to stay on the system provided it is not busy.</li>
<li><b>ISMARTBOOT</b> - If there is an idle time limit in effect for the user which has been exceeded, they may still be allowed to stay on the system provided it is not busy.</li>
<li><b>WARNBOOT</b> - The user may be warned of imminent disconnection.</li>
<li><b>EXPLAINBOOT</b> - The user may be sent e-mail explaining the reason for disconnection.</li>
<li><b>NOUNSUB</b> - When the user is due to be unsubscribed, a script (usually /usr/sbin/acua_nounsub) will be executed instead.  See the example script for more info.</li>
<b>NOTE:</b> See the <b><i>BusyTreshold</i></b> section in <b>acua.config</b> for a description of when the system is considered to be <b><i>busy</i></b>.<br>
In the remaining usages, specific fields are modified.  Fields may be incremented (<b>+=</b>), decremented (<b>-=</b>), or directly changed (<b>=</b>).  The fields are:<br>
<b>priority</b> - Priority<br>
<b>maxLogins</b> - Maximum allowed number of simultaneous logins<br>
<b>maxDeduct</b> - Maximum number of minutes to deduct each minute (&lt;= <b>maxLogins</b>)<br>
<b>PPPidleBytes, PPPidleMin</b> - A PPP user is considered idle if they have transferred less than <b>PPPidleBytes</b> bytes in the last <b>PPPidleMin</b> minutes<br>
<b>tLeft</b> - Time left<br>
<b>tLimit</b> - Time limit<br>
<b>credit</b> - Time credit<br>
<b>sLeft</b> - Session left<br>
<b>sLimit</b> - Session limit<br>
<b>cLeft</b> - Class time left<br>
<b>cLimit</b> - Class time limit<br>
<b>bTx</b> - Bytes uploaded<br>
<b>bRx</b> - Bytes downloaded<br>
<b>bTxLimit</b> - Limit on bytes uploaded<br>
<b>bRxLimit</b> - Limit on bytes downloaded<br>
<b>bLimit</b> - Limit on bytes transferred<br>
<b>bStxLimit</b> - Session limit on bytes uploaded<br>
<b>bSrxLimit</b> - Session limit on bytes downloaded<br>
<b>bSlimit</b> - Session limit on bytes transferred<br>
<b>NOTE:</b> If a user has a subscription, any changes to their record made with <b>acua modRec</b> will be undone when the subscription expires.<br>
<hr size=5>
<address><a href="">Robert Davidson</a></address>