

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 0a042b67323b771a18c90de4b5dacee0 > files > 17


                     little cms Engine 1.09

                         API Definition

                          by Marti Maria



        1 - Profile & Transform functions
        2 - Information functions
        3 - On-the-fly profile creation functions
		4 - Build-In profiles
		5 - White point
		6 - Gamma handling
        7 - Error handling
        8 - Conversion functions
		9 - CIECAM97s
		10 - Profile creation functions
		11 - LUT manipultation

1 - Profile & Transform functions

 These are the basic functions on making transformations. For
 simpler operation, you must open two profiles using
 cmsOpenProfileFromFile(), then create a transform with these
 opened profiles with cmsCreateTransform(). Using this transform
 you can color correct your bitmaps by cmsDoTransform(). When you
 are done you must free the transform AND the profiles by
 cmsDeleteTransform() and cmsCloseProfile().


 cmsHPROFILE cmsOpenProfileFromFile(const char *ICCProfile, const char *sAccess);

 Opens a profile returning a handle to it. The profile must be
 contained in a file on disk.


        ICCProfile:   File name w/ full path.
        sAccess:      "r" for normal operation, "w" for profile creation


          NULL on error, a profile handle on success.


                void GetProductNameOf(const char *ICMProfileFile)
                cmsHPROFILE hProfile

                        hProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ICMProfileFile, "r");
                        if (hProfile == NULL) printf("Error!");
                        else {
                        printf("%s\n", cmsGetProductName(hProfile));


cmsHPROFILE cmsOpenProfileFromMem(LPVOID MemPtr, DWORD dwSize);

  Same as anterior, but profile is contained in memory. Usefull
  for embedded profiles. MemPtr must point to a buffer of at
  least dwSize bytes. This buffer must hold a full profile image.
  Memory must be contiguous.


       MemPtr: Points to a block of contiguous memory containing the profile
       dwSize: Profile's size measured in bytes.


       NULL on error, a profile handle on success.


BOOL  cmsCloseProfile(cmsHPROFILE hProfile);

  Closes a profile handle and frees associated memory. Note that
  cmsDeleteTransform() does NOT close the involved profiles. You
  must close any opened profile handle on cleanup.

                hProfile: Handle to an open profile

                FALSE on error, TRUE on success


  Can return error when creating profile if the profile is not
  properly flushed to disk.


  cmsHTRANSFORM cmsCreateTransform(cmsHPROFILE Input,
                                       DWORD InputFormat,
                                       cmsHPROFILE Output,
                                       DWORD OutputFormat,
                                       int Intent,
                                       DWORD dwFlags);                             .

Creates a transform for translating bitmaps.


   Input, Output:    Input, Output profile handles

 Input, Output format: This value describes how values are to be
                       coded. It is formed by a combination of
                       channels, bitdepths andextra samples. See

        for example:

                     TYPE_BGR_8  : 3 channels of 8 bits, using Windows convention
                     TYPE_RGB_8  : 3 channels of 8 bits per component
                     TYPE_RGB_16 : 3 channels of 16 bits per component
                     TYPE_RGBA_8 : 4 channels, 3 containing RGB of 8 bpc, and one channel of 8 bits holding alpha

  Note than even some Lab and XYZ are defined, these specifiers
  has nothing to do with colorspaces, but only how data is
  encoded. The CMM will only check for same colorspace as profile.

  Intent: The ICC intent to apply. If an appropiate tag for this
          intent is not found, no error is raised and the intent
          is reverted to perceptual. See the tutorial for a 
		  explanation of intents.

              INTENT_PERCEPTUAL                                 0
              INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC                      1
              INTENT_SATURATION                                 2
              INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC                      3

   dwFlags: This value commands on how to handle the whole
            process. Some or none of this values can be joined
            via the or | operator.

        cmsFLAGS_MATRIXINPUT: CLUT ignored on input profile,
                              matrix-shaper used instead (for
                              speed, and debugging purposes)

        cmsFLAGS_MATRIXOUTPUT: Same as anterior, but for output
                               profile only.

        cmsFLAGS_MATRIXONLY: Both input and output are forced to

        cmsFLAGS_NOTPRECALC: By default, lcms smelt luts into a
                             device-link CLUT. This speedup whole
                             transform greatly. If you don't
                             wanna this, and wish every value to
                             be translated to PCS and back to
                             output space, include this flag.

        cmsFLAGS_NULLTRANFORM: Don't transform anyway, only apply
                             pack/unpack routines (usefull to
                             deactivate color correction but keep
                             formatting capabilities)

		cmsFLAGS_HIGHRESPRECALC: Use 48 points instead of 33 for 
							 device-link CLUT precalculation. Not needed
							 but for the most extreme cases of mismatch 
							 of "impedance" between profiles.


       NULL on error, a transform handle on success.


 This function tries to build a device link profile using the
 Input and Output profiles. This small time-consuming penalty (3
 sec. on a Pentium-100) does accelerate the bitmap transform
 process greately. You can override this behaviour if you wish,
 or if you plan to transform only a couple of pixels by using
 cmsFLAGS_NOTPRECALC on dwFlags parameter. But normally it will
 be better leave this flag alone.

 Also, in this function is where you must specify the format of
 the input and output bitmaps. The InputFormat and OutputFormat
 parameters are formed by combining several bits:

// Format of pixel is defined by one integer, using bits as follows
//            TTTTT - Y F P X S EEE CCCC BBB
//            T: Pixeltype
//            F: Flavor  0=MinIsBlack(Chocolate) 1=MinIsWhite(Vanilla)
//            P: Planar? 0=Chunky, 1=Planar
//            X: swap 16 bps endianess?
//            S: Do swap? ie, BGR, KYMC
//            E: Extra samples
//            C: Channels (Samples per pixel)
//            B: Bytes per sample
//            Y: Swap first - changes ABGR to BGRA and KCMY to CMYK
//            -: Unused (reserved)

lcms.h does include several predefined specifiers, as examples:

 TYPE_RGB_8     8 bits per sample RGB
 TYPE_BGR_8     8 bits per sample BGR (Windows Bitmaps are often
                  coded in this way)
 TYPE_RGB_16    16 bits per sample RGB
 TYPE_RGBA_8    8 bits per sample RGB plus alpha channel. Alpha is
                  ignored by lcms.
 TYPE_RGBA_16   16 bits per sample RGB plus alpha.
 TYPE_XYZ_16    16 bits fixed 15.16 XYZ (used in PCS)
 TYPE_Lab_8     8 bits per sample Lab
 TYPE_Lab_16    16 bits per sample Lab
 TYPE_CMY_8     8 bits per sample CMY
 TYPE_CMY_16    16 bits per sample CMY
 TYPE_CMYK_8    8 bits per sample CMYK
 TYPE_CMYK_16   16 bits per sample CMY

You can build your own specifiers if you wish by combining the following macros with the bitwise OR operator |

 DOSWAP_SH(e)           1 or 0 depending on swap even channels
 EXTRA_SH(e)            up to 7 extra channels
 CHANNELS_SH(c)         up to 4 handled channels
 BYTES_SH(b)            1 if 16 bits per sample, 0 if 8 bits per sample
 ENDIAN16_SH(e)         1 if 16 bits samples comes swapped.
 SWAPFIRST_SH(s)        1 changes ABGR to BGRA and KCMY to CMYK
 FLAVOR_SH(s)           0 = BlackIsZero (Chocolate) 1=WhiteIsZero (Vanilla, Negative)
 PLANAR_SH(p)           0 = Chunky, 1=Planar

    Available Colorspaces

	PT_ANY       Don't check colorspace
				 1 & 2 are reserved

See the lcms.h for more information on how to build format specifiers.


cmsHTRANSFORM cdecl cmsCreateProofingTransform(cmsHPROFILE Input,
                        DWORD InputFormat,
                        cmsHPROFILE Output,
                        DWORD OutputFormat,
                        cmsHPROFILE Proofing,
                        int Intent,
                        int ProofingIntent,
                        DWORD dwFlags);

  Same as cmsCreateTransform(), but including soft-proofing. The
  obtained transform emulates the device described by the
  "Proofing" profile. Useful to preview final result whithout
  rendering to physical medium.

  Parameters and returns same as anterior, but with the addition of

        Proofing: a handle to proofing profile.

        ProofingIntent: Is the intent for translating emulated
                        colors. Default is



		cmsFLAGS_GAMUTCHECK: Color out of gamut are flagged to a
                             fixed color defined by the function
                             cmsSetAlarmCodes(int r, int g, int b);
	    cmsFLAGS_SOFTPROOFING: (Does need preview tag to work) does
							 emulate the Proofing device.

  You need to add a combination of these flags to enable any proof!



cmsHTRANSFORM cmsCreateMultiprofileTransform(cmsHPROFILE hProfiles[],
                                                     int nProfiles,
                                                   DWORD InputFormat,
                                                   DWORD OutputFormat,
                                                     int Intent,
                                                   DWORD dwFlags);

  User passes in an array of handles to open profiles. The returned handle 
  does "smelt" all profiles in only one devicelink. Following rules should
  be followed:

	- Colorspaces must be paired with the exception of
	  Lab/XYZ, that can be interchanged.  

	- Profile must be Matrix-shaper, or hold the 
	  apropiate tag, device-to-pcs or pcs-to-device on depending
	  on profile location.

	- All colorspaces up to 4 (significant) channels can be used 
	  anywhere on the chain, Hexachrome separation or more can only 
	  appair at last step. This limitation is intended to be solved in 
	  future releases.

 Let's take as example, how to apply a abstract profile into a SRGB image.
 The chain would be sRGB -> Abstract -> sRGB. So, we would open sRGB and the 
 abstract profile, and fill the array

		Profiles[0] = hsRGB;
		Profiles[1] = hAbstract;
		Profiles[2] = hsRGB;

	cmsCreateMultiprofileTransform(Profiles, 3, TYPE_RGB_8, TYPE_RGB_8, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0);

 WARNING: he dE rises with the number of profiles.

 This can be used, for example, with abstract profiles. For example, abstract
 profiles can be applied into a typical profile-to-profile color flow to model
 viewing conditions.

 Once created, the transform will behave just like any other. 


void cmsDeleteTransform(cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform);

Closes a transform handle and frees associated memory.

                hTransform: The transform handle to be deleted.

  Comments: This function does NOT free any profiles associated
  with the transform. Is programmer's responsability to free


void cmsDoTransform(cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform,
                                  LPVOID InputBuffer,
                                  LPVOID OutputBuffer, unsigned int Size);

  This function translates bitmaps according of transform. Format
  of buffers is described by InputFormat and OutputFormat
  parameters in function cmsCreateTransform() or

                hTransform: A handle to a transform describing the translation.
                InputBuffer: A pointer to a input bitmap
                OutputBuffer: A pointer to a output bitmap.
                Size: the number of PIXELS to be transformed.


  Windows, stores the bitmaps in a particular way... for speed
  purposes, does align the scanlines to doubleword boundaries, so
  a bitmap has in windows always a size multiple of 4. This is
  ok, since no matter if you waste a couple of bytes, but if you
  call cmsDoTransform() and passes it WHOLE image, lcms doesn't
  know nothing about this extra padding bytes. So, it assumes
  that you are passing a block of BGR triplets with no alignment
  at all. This result in a strange looking "lines" in obtained

  The solution most evident is to convert scanline by scanline
  instead of whole image. This is as easy as to add a for() loop,
  and the time penalty is so low that is impossible to detect.

2 - Information functions

  These functions are intended for identify profiles. Its main use 
  if bor building user interfaces.


const char* cmsTakeProductName(cmsHPROFILE hProfile);

  Returns a pointer to a string containing the product name. The
  string is holded in a static buffer that is overwritten in
  every call to this function.

            hProfile: Handle to an open profile


const char* cmsTakeProductInfo(cmsHPROFILE hProfile);

  Returns a pointer to a string containing additional info about
  hProfile. The string is holded in a static buffer overwritten
  in each call to this function.

            hProfile: Handle to an open profile


icColorSpaceSignature cmsGetPCS(cmsHPROFILE hProfile)

  This function returns the PCS used by the hProfile, using the
  ICC convention.

                hProfile: Handle to an open profile

                The PCS  of the profile


icColorSpaceSignature cmsGetColorSpace(cmsHPROFILE hProfile)

  This function returns the Color space used by the hProfile,
  using the ICC convention.

                hProfile: Handle to an open profile

                The color space of the profile


icProfileClassSignature cmsGetDeviceClass(cmsHPROFILE hProfile)

  This function returns the Device class of hProfile, using the
  ICC convention.

                hProfile: Handle to an open profile

                The device class of the profile


BOOL cmsTakeMediaWhitePoint(LPcmsCIEXYZ Dest, cmsHPROFILE hProfile);

  This function takes the white point of hProfile.


        Dest:     a pointer to an cmsCIEXYZ struct that will hold the
                  media white point
        hProfile: Handle to an open profile

                FALSE on error, TRUE on success


BOOL cmsTakeMediaBlackPoint(LPcmsCIEXYZ Dest, cmsHPROFILE hProfile);

This function takes the black point of hProfile if present.

                Dest: a pointer to an cmsCIEXYZ struct that will
                        hold the media black point.

                hProfile: Handle to an open profile

                FALSE on error, TRUE on success


BOOL cmsTakeIluminant(LPcmsCIEXYZ Dest, cmsHPROFILE hProfile);

This function takes the value of PCS illuminant of hProfile.

                hProfile: Handle to an open profile
                Dest: a pointer to an cmsCIEXYZ struct that will
                      hold the illuminant white point

                FALSE on error, TRUE on success

 Notes: ICC states that profile illuminants MUST be D50. However,
 in real world, each manufacturer uses an illuminant value that
 differs slightly of D50. lcms takes this variation in account
 and does the necessary scaling.


BOOL cmsTakeColorants(LPcmsCIEXYZTRIPLE Dest, cmsHPROFILE hProfile);

 This function takes the value of colorant matrix of hProfile if

 Notes: A lot of manufacturers includes colorants even if a CLUT
 is present. Often this colorants are private values, true
 primaries or negative values. Interpretation of these
 undocumented values is out of scope of lcms.


BOOL  cmsIsTag(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icTagSignature sig);

 Tests if a particular tag is present in hProfile.

                hProfile: Handle to an open profile
                sig: a tag signature

                FALSE if not present, TRUE if tag is found


int  cmsTakeRenderingIntent(cmsHPROFILE hProfile);

Returns the rendering intent (absolute/relative) of a profile.

                hProfile: Handle to an open profile

Returns:        one of the following values:

              INTENT_PERCEPTUAL                                 0
              INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC                      1
              INTENT_SATURATION                                 2
              INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC                      3


BOOL cmsIsIntentSupported(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, int Intent, int UsedDirection);

  This one helps on inquiring if a determinate intent is
  supported by an opened profile. You must give a handle to
  profile, the intent and a third parameter specifying how the
  profile would be used. The function does return TRUE if intent
  is supported or FALSE if not. If the intent is not supported,
  lcms will use default intent (usually perceptual).


		hProfile: Handle to an open profile

		Intent: one of the following values:

			  INTENT_PERCEPTUAL                                 0
			  INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC                      1
              INTENT_SATURATION                                 2
              INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC                      3


			  LCMS_USED_AS_INPUT      0
              LCMS_USED_AS_OUTPUT     1
			  LCMS_USED_AS_PROOF      2


		TRUE if intent is supported or FALSE if not. 
		If the intent is not supported, lcms will use default 
		intent (usually perceptual).


void  cmsSetAlarmCodes(int r, int g, int b)

  Used to establish the out-of-gamut alarm color. This color will
  replace all out-of-gamut colors if sFLAGS_GAMUTCHEK is used in
  dwFlags parameter. See cmsCreateTransform()


3 - On-the-fly profile creation functions

  These function gives the ability of create virtual profiles.
  These profiles are often used in modelling monitors, but can
  also be used as any input or output device. Once created, you
  can use the profile handle like another file-based profile.


cmsHPROFILE  cmsCreateRGBProfile(LPcmsCIExyY WhitePoint,
                                        LPcmsCIExyYTRIPLE Primaries,
                                        LPGAMMATABLE TransferFunction[3])

  Creates a virtual profile based in primaries, white point and
  transfer tables.


        White point: You can specify chromacity of white point,
                     or use cmsWhitePointFromTemp() to generate
                     the white point from temperature.

        Primaries:   The primaries (the TRUE primaries, not the
                     colorants) of the device.

     Gamma tables: You can directly specify tables or use the
                   gamma handling functions for obtaining these


4 - Built-In profiles

 These are standard profiles optimized for speed. 


cmsHPROFILE  cmsCreateLabProfile(LPcmsCIExyY WhitePoint);

  Creates a virtual profile of CIE Lab. If WhitePoint is NULL, 
  then D50 is assumed.


cmsHPROFILE  cmsCreateXYZProfile(void);

  Creates a virtual XYZ profile (Assumes D50)


cmsHPROFILE  cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(void);

  Creates a virtual profile of sRGB standard colorspace.


5 - White point


BOOL cmsWhitePointFromTemp(int TempK, LPcmsCIExyY WhitePoint);

  Obtains the chromacity of white point based on temperature §K


                TempK: Temperature in §K

                FALSE on error, TRUE on success


LCMSAPI BOOL          LCMSEXPORT cmsAdaptToIlluminant(LPcmsCIEXYZ Result,
                                                        LPcmsCIEXYZ SourceWhitePt,
                                                        LPcmsCIEXYZ Illuminant,
                                                        LPcmsCIEXYZ Value);

   Provides a model-dependent chromatic adaptation between two illuminants,
   actually it uses a Von-Kries approximation of Bradford, using the Lam-Rigg
   cone responses. It Is under consideration to be replaced for a more
   proper model like CIECAM97s in futures versions.

              Result:              Points to resulting XYZ color
              SourceWhitePoint:    original white point
              Illuminant:          adapting illuminant
              Value:               the original color


                FALSE on error, TRUE on success


6 - Gamma handling functions

  This is the struct of a gamma table (or transfer function)

  typedef struct {
              int  nEntries;
              WORD GammaTable[1];


  That is, first it comes a 32 integer for entry count, followed of
  a variable number of words describing the table. The easiest way to
  generate a gamma table is to use the following function


LPGAMMATABLE cmsBuildGamma(int nEntries, double Gamma);

  Allocates an fill a table describing generic gamma.

  You must specify the number of entries your table will consist of,
  and the float value for gamma.


LPGAMMATABLE  cmsBuildParametricGamma(int nEntries, int Type, double Params[]);

	Does build a parametric curve based on parametrers:


LPGAMMATABLE cmsAllocGamma(int nEntries);

  Allocates space for a gamma table, memory is unitialized.


void cmsFreeGamma(LPGAMMATABLE Gamma);

  Frees a gamma table


LPGAMMATABLE cmsReverseGamma(int nResultSamples, LPGAMMATABLE InGamma);

  Reverses a gamma table resampling it in a new table.

  This function reverses the gamma table if it can be done. lcms does not
  detect whatever a non-monotonic function is given, so wrong input can
  result in ugly results: not to be a problem since "normal" gamma curves
  are not collapsing inputs at same output value. The new curve will be
  resampled to nResultSamples entries.



 Obtains a table joining two tables, one as input and other as
 output. Output table is reversed and then composited with input gamma.

 This will let you to "refine" the generic gamma for monitors (2.1 or 2.2
 are usual values) to match viewing conditions of more or less background
 light. Note that this function uses TABULATED functions, so very exotic
 curves can be obtained by combining transfer functions with reversed
 gamma curves. Normally there is no need of worry about such gamma
 manipulations, but the functionality is here if you wish to use.


BOOL cmsSmoothGamma(LPGAMMATABLE Tab, double lambda);

 Does smooth the curve contained into Tab. Smooth  curves does work better
 and more pleasant to eye.

	Tab: Table to be smoothed
	lambda: The smoothing factor. 0..500 is the working range.


	TRUE on success. FALSE on error


7 - Error handling


void cmsErrorAction(int nAction)

  Tells lcms how to react if an error is raised.


        nAction: can be one of these:

                LCMS_ERROR_ABORT        Aborts whole application
                LCMS_ERROR_SHOW         Displays a message, but does not abort application
                LCMS_ERROR_IGNORE       Does not show any message, however, operation is aborted.


void cmsSignalError(int ErrorCode, const char *ErrorText, ...)

  This is the default error handler. If you are using lcms as a
  static library, you can replace it by one of your own.


        ErrorCode: a number for coding error (with not meaning by now)
        ErrorText: a format specifier describing the error
        ...       : additional parameters needed by ErrorText, in a printf like fashion.


8 - Conversion functions

These functions can be used to convert from several colorimetric spaces
and  to/from fixed encoding in spaces XYZ and Lab used by profiles.


LCMSAPI void          LCMSEXPORT cmsXYZ2xyY(LPcmsCIExyY Dest,
                                                 CONST LPcmsCIEXYZ Source);
LCMSAPI void          LCMSEXPORT cmsxyY2XYZ(LPcmsCIEXYZ Dest,
                                                 CONST LPcmsCIExyY Source);

Does convert form/to XYZ Color Space to xyY color space


              Dest, Source: points to vectors to convert


void cmsXYZ2Lab(LPcmsCIEXYZ WhitePoint, LPcmsCIELab Lab, const LPcmsCIEXYZ xyz);
void cmsLab2XYZ(LPcmsCIEXYZ WhitePoint, LPcmsCIEXYZ xyz, const LPcmsCIELab Lab);
  Does convert from/to XYZ Color Space to CIE L a* b* Color Space

		xyz, Lab : Pointers to values
		WhitePoint: Pointer to media white. If NULL, the D50 is assumed.


void cmsLabEncoded2Float(LPcmsCIELab Lab, const WORD wLab[3]);
void cmsFloat2LabEncoded(WORD wLab[3], const LPcmsCIELab Lab);

  Does convert form/to the encoded notation of Lab pcs to floating point.
		 wLab, Lab : Pointers to values


void cmsXYZEncoded2Float(LPcmsCIEXYZ fxyz, const WORD XYZ[3]);
void cmsFloat2XYZEncoded(WORD XYZ[3], const LPcmsCIEXYZ fXYZ);
  Does convert form/to the encoded notation of XYZ pcs to floating point.

		 fxyz, XYZ : Pointers to values


void cmsLab2LCh(LPcmsCIELCh LCh, const LPcmsCIELab Lab);
void cmsLCh2Lab(LPcmsCIELab Lab, const LPcmsCIELCh LCh);

	Does convert between polar/rectangulat form of CIE L*a*b*

	L = L
	C = sqrt(a*a+b*b)
	h = atan(b/a)

	Where C=colorfulness and h=hue.

		 Lab, LCh : Pointers to values


double cmsDeltaE(LPcmsCIELab Lab1, LPcmsCIELab Lab2);

    Computes the dE between two Lab values. The formula is

			dE = sqrt (dL^2 + da^2 + db^2)
		Lab1, Lab2: Points to the Lab values.


		The dE. If any Lab is negative, or with L>100 it returns 65535.


double  cmsCIE94DeltaE(LPcmsCIELab Lab1, LPcmsCIELab Lab2);
double	cmsBFDdeltaE(LPcmsCIELab Lab1, LPcmsCIELab Lab2);
double	cmsCMCdeltaE(LPcmsCIELab Lab1, LPcmsCIELab Lab2);

	Several additional error measurement systems.


void cmsClampLab(LPcmsCIELab Lab, double amax, double amin, double bmax, double bmin);

	Clamps carefully a Lab value, keeping hue constant.

	L is unchanged and not used. The gamut boundaries are given
	by the rectangle (amin, bmin) - (amax, bmax)

	if Lab value is inside gamut, this function don't touch anything, if outside,
	converts to LCh, and keeping h constant, reduce C until inside gamut. 


9 - CIECAM97s

  The model input data are the adapting field luminance in cd/m2
  (normally taken to be 20% of the luminance of white in the adapting field),
  La , the relative tristimulus values of the stimulus, XYZ, the relative
  tristimulus values of white in the same viewing conditions, "whitePoint",
  and the relative luminance of the background, Yb . Relative tristimulus
  values should be expressed on a scale from Y = 0 for a perfect black
  to Y = 100 for a perfect reflecting diffuser. 

  All CIE tristimulus values are obtained using the CIE 1931 Standard 
  Colorimetric Observer (2°).

	typedef struct {

              cmsCIEXYZ whitePoint; // The media white in XYZ

              double    Yb;			
              double    La;
              int       surround;
              double    D_value;

              } cmsViewingConditions, FAR* LPcmsViewingConditions;

	surround can be one of these

		#define AVG_SURROUND_4     0
		#define AVG_SURROUND       1
		#define DIM_SURROUND       2
		#define DARK_SURROUND      3

	D_value (adaptation degree) is any value between 0 and 1, and additionally:

			#define D_CALCULATE				(-1)	// Calculate D
			#define D_CALCULATE_DISCOUNT	(-2)	// Calculate w/ partial discounting



HANDLE cmsCIECAM97sInit(LPcmsViewingConditions pVC)

	Does init the CIECAM97s model. It returns a handle for further reference


	pVC: points to a cmsViewingConditions struct holding viewing condition


	A handle to a model instance, or NULL if error.


void cmsCIECAM97sDone(HANDLE hModel)

   Terminates a CIECAM97s model


   hModel: 	A handle to the model instance to terminate.


void cmsCIECAM97sForward(HANDLE hModel, LPcmsCIEXYZ pIn, LPcmsJCh pOut)

   Model forward. Transforms from XYZ to JCh.


   hModel: 	   A handle to the model instance
   pIn, POut:  Pointers to values


void cmsCIECAM97sReverse(HANDLE hModel, LPcmsJCh pIn, LPcmsCIEXYZ pOut);

   Model reverse. Transforms from JCh to XYZ. 


   hModel: 	   A handle to the model instance
   pIn, POut:  Pointers to values


10 - Profile creation functions


void cmsSetDeviceClass(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icProfileClassSignature sig);

	Does set device class signature in profile header


void cmsSetColorSpace(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icColorSpaceSignature sig);

	Does set colorspace signaure in profile header


void cmsSetPCS(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icColorSpaceSignature pcs);

	Does set PCS signature in profile header


BOOL cmsAddTag(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icTagSignature sig, void* data);


11 - LUT manipulation


LPLUT  cmsAllocLUT(void);

	Does allocate an empty LUT. Input is passed transparently to output by default


	A handle to a new LUT, or NULL if error.


LPLUT  cmsAllocLinearTable(LPLUT NewLUT, LPGAMMATABLE Tables[], int nTable);

	Does include a prelinearization tables set into a LUT


		NewLUT: The target LUT
		Tables[]: A set of tables to be set
		nTable: Identificates the position of tables in pipeline

				1 - Prelinearization
				2 - Postlinearization

		Values 3 and 4 are reserved for futures ampliations


LPLUT  cmsAlloc3DGrid(LPLUT Lut, int clutPoints, int inputChan, int outputChan);

	Allocates an empty 3D CLUT table.


		Lut: The target LUT
		clutPoints: The points number of a side of the (hyper)cube
		inputChan, outputChan: The channels count


	A handle to the LUT, or NULL if error.

void   cmsFreeLUT(LPLUT Lut);

  Free any used memory. After this call the LUT is not longer valid


		Lut: The target LUT


void   cmsEvalLUT(LPLUT Lut, WORD In[], WORD Out[]);

  Evaluates a LUT, giving In[] values. Returns Out[] values.


		Lut: The target LUT
		In: Input Values
		Out: Output Values


LPLUT  cmsReadICCLut(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, icTagSignature sig);

	Does retrive a LUT from a profile handle.


		hProfile: a handle to a open profile
		sig: The tag signature

		A pointer to newly created LUT on success
		NULL on error



int cmsSample3DGrid(LPLUT Lut, 
					_cmsSAMPLER Sampler, 
					LPVOID Cargo, DWORD dwFlags);

  Builds the CLUT table by calling repeatly a supplied callback function

typedef int (* _cmsSAMPLER)(register WORD In[],
							register WORD Out[],
							register LPVOID Cargo);

   The programmer has to write a callback function. This function
   should calculate Out values given a In[] set. For example, if we 
   want a LUT to invert channels, a sampler could be:

   int InvertSampler(register WORD In[],
							register WORD Out[],
							register LPVOID Cargo)
		for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
				Out[i] = ~ In[i];

	return 0;

	cmsSample3DGrid does call this function to build the CLUT. 
	Pre/post linearization tables may be taken into account across
	flags parameter

		Flags					Meaning
	================		=======================================
	LUT_HASTL1				Do reverse linear interpolation on 
							prelinearization table before calling 
							the callback.

	LUT_HASTL2				Do reverse linear interpolation on
							postlinearization table after calling 
							the callback.

	Flags are intended as an aid for building non-uniformly spaced 
	CLUTs. Using flags results in "undoing" any linearization tables
	could apply. In such way, the programmer is expected to have in
	In[] always the original colorspace, and must return Out[] values
	always in original (non-postlinearized) space as well.

	The callback must return 0 if all is ok, or any other value
	to indicate error. If error condition is raised, whole CLUT
	construction is aborted.


	Lut: a pointer to LUT structure
	Sampler: The callback function
	Cargo: A 32-bit value. Could be used as pointer to pass 
		  parameters to callback. 

	dwFlags: any combination of LUT_HASTL1 or LUT_HASTL2 
			 joined by bitwise-or operator '|'