

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 1596aa0c95b4ccf7adfa8febc56cc15c > files > 108


<wmmeta name="Title" value="Setting up CVS and ssh for webmake.cgi HOWTO" />
<wmmeta name="Section" value="075-cgi" />
<wmmeta name="Score" value="30" />
<wmmeta name="Abstract">
A step-by-step guide to setting up version-control for your WebMake site

This document covers setting up Webmake with CVS and SSH.  It's quite
complicated, but the end result is worth it, providing version control and
replication of your site.


You will require a CVS server machine (one with a permanent internet connection
if possible).  This is where the CVS repository will live.  The repository is
the central store for all CVS-controlled documents.

Then you will need at least one client machine (it could be the same computer,
of course).  Each client machine will have a copy of the website, checked out
from the CVS repository.  Initially, you'll use one of the clients to import
the website into CVS.

The client machines need to be able to connect to the server machine over the
network; and if you're planning to use webmake.cgi, they need to be able to do
this without passwords.  To do this securely, you'll need to set up an SSH
server and clients, and generate public/private key pairs.  I'll cover some of
this where possible, but you need to be familiar with SSH in general.

(You don't strictly need to use SSH, but it allows multiple copies of the same
site across the net, and allows changes made on any of the sites to be
automatically replicated to all the others.  This is obviously quite handy!
However, if you don't want to use SSH, you'll still get the benefits of keeping
the site under version control.)

WARNING: as part of this procedure, you will need to allow CGI scripts on the
client machine to run cvs commands on the server machine.  If an attacker
subverted the client machine, they may be able to use this to gain shell
access to your account on the server machine.  If this is a problem, it would
probably be better not to set up webmake.cgi.

When illustrating the commands needed to run this, I'll use my username and my
hostnames.  Wherever you see **jm**, replace with your username, wherever you
see **localhost**, replace with your server's hostname, and wherever you see
**/cvsroot**, replace with the path to your CVS repository on the server.


First of all, create the repository on the CVS server machine.

	mkdir /cvsroot;
	cvs -d /cvsroot init


On a client machine, install the SSH client (''ssh''), and install the SSH server
(''sshd'') on the server machine.  Set them up (as described in the ssh

Next, if you haven't done this before, generate an ssh key pair for yourself
on all machines:

	ssh-keygen -P "" -N ""

When it asks for the filenames to save the keys in, hit Enter to accept the

Any machines you plan to run webmake.cgi on, you will also need to generate a
key-pair for, so that the user the web server runs CGI scripts as will be able
to communicate without passwords. Here's how (run these as root):

	mkdir ~apache/.ssh
	chmod 700 ~apache/.ssh
	chown apache ~apache/.ssh
	su apache -s/bin/sh -c 'ssh-keygen -P "" -N ""'

This will generate a public/private key-pair for the web server user. Note
that the user the web server runs as on your UNIX may be different (**httpd**,
**www**, or **nobody** are common usernames for it); in that case replace
**apache** with the correct username.

Don't worry; the keys you've set up will not compromise your server's
security, as the SSH daemon will not allow anyone to log in as the web server
user, since they have a no-login shell.


This is optional for editing the site by hand using CVS, but if you're using
webmake.cgi, it will require that this works.

Here's how to set it up for webmake.cgi.  Get the public key you just
generated for the web user (run this as root):

  	cat ~apache/.ssh/

you should get a long stream of gibberish starting with ''1024'' and ending
with a hostname; that's the public key. Here's mine:

	1024 35

On the server, create a file called ##authorized_keys## in your ##~/.ssh##

	vi ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

and add this line to to it:

  	command="cvs server",no-port-forwarding,no-pty __...yourpublickey...__

This will allow CGI scripts on the client machine to access cvs on the server
machine. Add similar lines for any other machines which need access to the
CVS repository.

Make sure it's read-write only by you, and unreadable to anyone

	chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Setting up no-password logins for manual editing is similar -- but instead of
reading the public key from ##~apache/, read it from
##~/.ssh/, and leave out the __command=''command''__ part when
adding it to ##~/.ssh/authorized_keys## on the server-side.

Next, try it out.  This is required to initialise the client account with a
host key for the server, and if you omit this step, the CGI script will not be
able to update or check in code.

	echo test | su apache -s/bin/sh -c 'ssh jm@localhost cvs server'

It will ask you if you wish to accept the host key for server **localhost**.
Type ''yes'' and hit Enter.  If all goes well, you should see:

error  unrecognized request `test'

Important: you should **not** be prompted for a password.  If you are prompted
for one, check that the correct key has been entered in the
**authorized_keys** file.


On a client machine, do this:

	export CVS_RSH=ssh

If possible, add this to your startup scripts (.bashrc or .cshrc), so
you can't forget to set it.  All further CVS commands in this document
assume this environment variable is set.

Create a WebMake XML configuration file for the site, if one is not already
present.  webmake.cgi will __require__ that a site has a .wmk file.

Now, run the ''webmake_cvs_import'' script. This script is a wrapper around
the ''cvs import'' command which ensures that binary files (such as images
etc.) are imported into CVS correctly.

You need to provide a name for the CVS module.  I'm using **** in
this example.  You should pick a name that makes sense; I typically use the
host name of the site I'm importing.

	webmake_cvs_import jm@localhost:/cvsroot

Assuming this works, move on to **CHECKING OUT THE SITE**, below.  (Keep a
copy of the original site tree around just in case!)


On the clients, create a directory for webmake.cgi to work in, in the web
server's HTML tree, then check out the CVS tree:

	mkdir /var/www/html/
	cd /var/www/html/
	cvs -d :ext:jm@localhost:/cvsroot checkout

__Note:__ cvs checkout has a few idiosyncrasies; notably, the directory you're
checking out must not exist in your filesystem, otherwise it will not populate
it with the CVS data files it requires to do check-ins and updates later.

Also, this directory must have the same name it has in the CVS repository
(**** in the example above).  We don't want that, so move them

	mv* . ; rmdir

then, as root,

	chown -R apache /var/www/html/

so that webmake.cgi can read and write the files.  (You could also chgrp them
to **www** or whatever the web server user uses as its gid, and **chmod -R
g+w** them.)

Next, copy the ''webmake.cgi'' script to your web server's cgi-bin directory:

	cp webmake.cgi /cgi-bin/editsite.cgi

and edit the top of the script.  You need to set these variables:

	$FILE_BASE = '/var/www/html/';

Note that if you've adopted the same convention as I use for the module name,
you can use **_<!-- -->_HOST_<!-- -->_** as a shortcut in this line to mean the
hostname of the site being edited.  This is handy, as it allows you to use the
same CGI script to edit multiple sites, in different virtual servers.

Load up **http://localhost/cgi-bin/editsite.cgi** in a web browser, and it
should have worked; you should see a list of ''sites'' (ie. .wmk files) to
choose from.

Try clicking on a site, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on
the ''&etsqi;Update From CVS&etsqo;'' link. You should see a page of cvs
messages, indicating that the site has been updated from the latest CVS
checked-in version.

If this works without errors, you're now set up.  Set up as many more clients
as you like!

More info on CVS can be found here [cvs], and a good reference to using CVS
with web sites is available here [cvswebsites].
