

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 1596aa0c95b4ccf7adfa8febc56cc15c > files > 165


<wmmeta name="Title" value="The &lt;navlinks&gt; Tag" />
<wmmeta name="Section" value="02-tags_attrs" />
<wmmeta name="Score" value="95" />
<wmmeta name="Abstract">
generate back and forward navigation links

A common site structure strategy is to provide __Back__, __Forward__ and
__Up__ links between pages.  This is especially frequent in papers or
manuals, and (as you can see above) is used in this documentation.
WebMake supports this using the &lt;navlinks&gt; tag.

To use this, first define a "sitemap". This tells WebMake how to order the page
hierarchy, and which pages to include.

Next, define 3 templates, one for __previous__, one for __next__ and one
for __up__ links. These should contain references to **&wmdollar;{url}**
(note: __not__ **&wmdollar;(url)**), which will be replaced with the URL for
the next, previous, or parent content item, whichever is applicable for the
direction in question.

Also, references to **&wmdollar;{name}** will be expanded to the name of the
content item in that direction, allowing you to retrieve metadata for that
content like so: **&wmdollar;&etsqi;&wmdollar;{name}.title&etsqo;** .

You can also add templates to be used when there is no __previous__,
__next__ or __up__ content item; for example, the ''top'' page of a site has
no __up__ content item.  These are strictly optional though.

Then add a **&lt;navlinks&gt;** tag to the WebMake file as follows.

	&lt;navlinks name=__mynavlinks__ map=__sitemapname__
	__content text__

The content text acts just like a normal content item, but references to
**&wmdollar;{nexttext}**, **&wmdollar;{prevtext}** or **&wmdollar;{uptext}**
will be replaced with the appropriate template; e.g. **&wmdollar;{uptext}**
will be replaced by either **&wmdollar;{__uptemplatename__}** or
**&wmdollar;{__nouptemplatename__}** depending on if this is the top page or

You can then add references to **&wmdollar;&etsqi;__mynavlinks__&etsqo;** in
other content items, and the navigation links will be inserted.

	__Note:__ navlinks content items __must__ be included as a deferred

Attribute Reference

These are the attributes accepted by the **&lt;navlinks&gt;** tag.

	__name__:	the name of the navigation-links content item.

	__map__:	the name of the sitemap used to determine page
	ordering. Required.

	__up__:	the name of the template used to draw __Up__
	links. Required.

	__next__:	the name of the template used to draw __Next__
	links. Required.

	__prev__:	the name of the template used to draw __Prev__
	links. Required.

	__noup__:	the name of the template used when there is
	no __Up__ link, ie. for the page at the top level of the
	site. Optional -- the default is an empty string.

	__nonext__:	the name of the template used when there is
	no __Next__ link, ie. the last page in the site.
	Optional -- the default is an empty string.

	__noprev__:	the name of the template used when there is
	no __Prev__ link, ie. for the first page in the site.
	Optional -- the default is an empty string.


This will generate an extremely simple set of &lt;a href&gt; links, no frills.
The sitemap it uses isn't detailed here; see the "sitemap documentation"
[sitemap] for details on how to make a site map.

	&lt;template name=up&gt;&lt;a href=&wmdollar;{url}&gt;Up&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/template&gt;

	&lt;template name=next&gt;&lt;a href=&wmdollar;{url}&gt;Next&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/template&gt;

	&lt;template name=prev&gt;&lt;a href=&wmdollar;{url}&gt;Prev&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/template&gt;

	&lt;navlinks name=__name__ map=__sitemapname__ up=up next=next prev=prev&gt;
	  &wmdollar;{prevtext} | &wmdollar;{uptext} | &wmdollar;{nexttext}

	[sitemap]: $(sitemap)