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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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      WebMake: Documentation: HTML::WebMake::Content
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                         <h1>HTML::WebMake::Content</h1><a name="__index__"></a><!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
                            <a href="#name">NAME</a>
                            <a href="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a>
                            <a href="#description">DESCRIPTION</a>
                            <a href="#methods">METHODS</a>
<!-- INDEX END -->
                                                <hr />
                         <h1><a name="name">NAME</a></h1><p>
                          Content - a content item.
                        <hr />
                         <h1><a name="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></h1><pre>
    $cont = get_content_object (&quot;foo.txt&quot;);
    [... etc.]</pre><pre>
  }&gt;</pre><hr />
                         <h1><a name="description">DESCRIPTION</a></h1><p>
                          This object allows manipulation of WebMake content items directly.
                        <hr />
                         <h1><a name="methods">METHODS</a></h1><dl>
                            <strong><a name="item_get_name">$text = $cont-&gt;get_name();</a></strong><br />
                            Return the content item's name.
                            <strong><a name="item_as_string">$text = $cont-&gt;as_string();</a></strong><br />
                            A textual description of the object for debugging purposes; currently it's
                            <strong><a name="item_get_filename">$fname = $cont-&gt;get_filename();</a></strong><br />
                            Get the filename or datasource location that this content was loaded from.
                            Datasource locations look like this:
                            <code>proto</code>:<code>protocol-specific-location-data</code>, e.g. <code>file:blah/foo.txt</code> or
                            <strong><a name="item_get_deps">@filenames = $cont-&gt;get_deps();</a></strong><br />
                            Return an array of filenames and locations that this content depends on, i.e.
                            the filenames or locations that it contains variable references to.
                            <strong><a name="item_is_generated_content">$flag = $cont-&gt;is_generated_content();</a></strong><br />
                            Whether or not a content item was generated from Perl code, or is metadata.
                            Generated content items cannot themselves hold metadata.
                            <strong><a name="item_expand">$val = $cont-&gt;<code>expand()</code></a></strong><br />
                            Expand a content item, as if in a curly-bracket content reference. If the
                            content item has not been expanded before, the current output file will be
                            noted as the content item's ''main'' URL.
                            <strong><a name="item_expand_no_ref">$val = $cont-&gt;<code>expand_no_ref()</code></a></strong><br />
                            Expand a content item, as if in a curly-bracket content reference. The current
                            output file will not be used as the content item's ''main'' URL.
                            <strong><a name="item_get_metadata">$val = $cont-&gt;get_metadata($metaname);</a></strong><br />
                            Get an item of this object's metadata, e.g.
        $score = $cont-&gt;get_metadata(&quot;score&quot;);</pre><p>
                              The metadatum is converted to its native type, e.g. <code>score</code> is return as an
                              integer, <code>title</code> as a string, etc. If the metadatum is not provided, the
                              default value for that item, defined in HTML::WebMake::Metadata, is used.
                              Note that this method should only be called from a deferred reference, as
                              metadata often isn't available until all the normal content references in the
                              current page have been expanded.
                            <strong><a name="item_get_score">$score = $cont-&gt;get_score();</a></strong><br />
                            Return a content item's score.
                            <strong><a name="item_get_title">$title = $cont-&gt;get_title();</a></strong><br />
                            Return a content item's title.
                            <strong><a name="item_get_modtime">$modtime = $cont-&gt;get_modtime();</a></strong><br />
                            Return a content item's modification date, in UNIX time_t format,
                            ie. seconds since Jan 1 1970.
                            <strong><a name="item_get_edit_href">$url = $cont-&gt;get_edit_href();</a></strong><br />
                            Return the URL used to edit a content item, using the WebMake CGI
                            edit script.
                            <strong><a name="item_get_declared">$order = $cont-&gt;get_declared();</a></strong><br />
                            Returns the content item's declaration order. This is a number representing
                            when the content item was first encountered in the WebMake file; earlier
                            content items have a lower declaration order. Useful for sorting.
                            <strong><a name="item_get_kids">@kidobjs = $cont-&gt;get_kids ($sortstring);</a></strong><br />
                            Get the child content items for this item. The ''child'' content items
                            are items that use this content as their <code>up</code> metadatum.
                              Returns a list of content objects in unsorted order.
                            <strong><a name="item_get_sorted_kids">@kidobjs = $cont-&gt;get_sorted_kids ($sortstring);</a></strong><br />
                            Get the child content items for this item. The ''child'' content items
                            are items that use this content as their <code>up</code> metadatum.
                              Returns a list of content objects sorted by the provided sort string.
                            <strong><a name="item_get_url">$text = $cont-&gt;get_url();</a></strong><br />
                            Get a content item's URL. The URL is defined as the first page listed in the
                            WebMake file's out tags which refers to that item of content.
                              Note that, in some cases, the content item may not have been referred to yet by
                              the time it's <a href="#item_get_url"><code>get_url()</code></a> method is called. In this case, WebMake will insert a
                              symbolic tag, hold the file in memory, and defer writing the file in question
                              until all other output files have been processed and the URL has been found.
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