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      WebMake: Documentation: The &lt;breadcrumbs&gt; Tag
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                         <h1>The &lt;breadcrumbs&gt; Tag</h1><p>
                          Another common site navigation strategy is to provide what Jakob Nielsen has
                          called a "breadcrumb trail". The &lt;breadcrumbs&gt; tag supports this.
                        <a name="WTF_Is_A_Breadcrumb_Trail" id="WTF_Is_A_Breadcrumb_Trail"><h1>WTF Is A Breadcrumb Trail?</h1></a><p>
                          The "breadcrumb trail" is a piece of navigation text, displaying a list of
                          the parent pages, from the top-level page right down to the current page.
                          You've probably seen them before; take a look at this <a href="">Yahoo
                          category</a> for an example.
                          To illustrate, here's an example. Let's say you're browsing the <em>Man Bites
                          Dog</em> story in an issue of <em>Dogbiting Monthly</em>, which in turn is part of the
                          <em>Bizarre Periodicals</em> site. Here's a hypothetical breadcrumb trail for that
                          <em>Bizarre Periodicals</em> : <em>Dogbiting Monthly</em> : <em>Issue 24</em> : <em>Man
                          Bites Dog</em>
                          Typically those would be links, of course, so the user can jump right back to
                          the contents page for Issue 24 with one click.
                          If you have a site that contains pages that are more than 2 levels deep from
                          the front page, you should consider using this to aid navigation.
                        <a name="How_To_Use_It_With_WebMake" id="How_To_Use_It_With_WebMake"><h1>How To Use It With WebMake</h1></a><p>
                          To use a breadcrumb trail, first define a <a href="sitemap.html">sitemap</a>. This tells WebMake how to
                          order the page hierarchy, and which pages to include.
                          Next, define a template to be used for each entry in the trail. This
                          should contain references to <strong>${url}</strong> (note: <em>not</em> <strong>$(url)</strong>), which will be replaced with the URL for the page in
                          question; and <strong>${name}</strong>, which will be expanded to the name of the
                          "main" content item on that page, allowing you to retrieve metadata for that
                          content like so: <strong>$[${name}.title]</strong> .
                          <em>Note:</em> the "main" content item is defined as the first content
                          item on the page which is not metadata, not perl-generated code, and
                          has the <em>map</em> attribute set to <em>"true"</em>, ie. not a template.
                          You can also define two more templates to be used at the <em>top</em> of the
                          breadcrumb trail, ie. the root page, and at the <em>tail</em> of it, ie. the
                          current page being viewed. These are optional though, and if not specified,
                          the generic template detailed above will be used as a default.
                          Then add a <strong>&lt;breadcrumbs&gt;</strong> tag to the WebMake file as follows.
	&lt;breadcrumbs name=<em>mycrumbs</em> map=<em>sitemapname</em>
		level=<em>leveltemplatename</em> /&gt;
                          The <em>top</em> and <em>tail</em> attributes are optional, as explained above.
                          The <em>level</em> attribute, which names the "generic" breadcrumb template
                          item to use for intermediate levels, is mandatory.
                          You can then add references to <strong>$[<em>mycrumbs</em>]</strong> in
                          other content items, and the breadcrumb-trail text will be inserted. <em>Note!</em>
                          be sure to use a deferred reference, or the links may not appear!
                        <a name="Attribute_Reference" id="Attribute_Reference"><h1>Attribute Reference</h1></a><p>
                          These are the attributes accepted by the <strong>&lt;breadcrumbs&gt;</strong> tag.
                            the name of the breadcrumb-trail content item.
                            the name of the sitemap used to determine page
                            hierarchy. Required.
                            the name of the template used to draw links at the
                            intermediate levels of the trail. Required.
                            the name of the template used to draw the link to
                            the top-most, or root, page. Optional -- <em>level</em> will be used as a
                              the name of the template used to draw the link to
                              the bottom-most, currently-viewed page. Optional -- <em>level</em> will be
                              used as a fallback.
                        <a name="Example" id="Example"><h2>Example</h2></a><p>
                          This will generate an extremely simple set of &lt;a href&gt; links, no frills.
                          The sitemap it uses isn't specified here; see the <a href="sitemap.html">sitemap tag documentation</a> for details on how to generate a site map.
  &lt;template name=btop&gt;
  	[ &lt;a href=${url}&gt;$[${name}.title]&lt;/a&gt; /
  &lt;template name=blevel&gt;
  	&lt;a href=${url}&gt;$[${name}.title]&lt;/a&gt; /
  &lt;template name=btail&gt;
  	&lt;a href=${url}&gt;$[${name}.title]&lt;/a&gt; ]
  &lt;breadcrumbs map=<em>sitemapname</em> name=crumbs
  	top=btop tail=btail level=blevel /&gt;
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