

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 1596aa0c95b4ccf7adfa8febc56cc15c > files > 80


<wmmeta name="Title" value="The &lt;breadcrumbs&gt; Tag" />
<wmmeta name="Section" value="02-tags_attrs" />
<wmmeta name="Score" value="100" />
<wmmeta name="Abstract">
generate a ''breadcrumb trail'' navigational aid

Another common site navigation strategy is to provide what Jakob Nielsen has
called a ''breadcrumb trail''.  The &lt;breadcrumbs&gt; tag supports this.

WTF Is A Breadcrumb Trail?

The ''breadcrumb trail'' is a piece of navigation text, displaying a list of
the parent pages, from the top-level page right down to the current page.
You've probably seen them before; take a look at this <a
category</a> for an example.

To illustrate, here's an example.  Let's say you're browsing the __Man Bites
Dog__ story in an issue of __Dogbiting Monthly__, which in turn is part of the
__Bizarre Periodicals__ site.  Here's a hypothetical breadcrumb trail for that

      __Bizarre Periodicals__ : __Dogbiting Monthly__ : __Issue 24__ : __Man
      Bites Dog__

Typically those would be links, of course, so the user can jump right back to
the contents page for Issue 24 with one click.

If you have a site that contains pages that are more than 2 levels deep from
the front page, you should consider using this to aid navigation.

How To Use It With WebMake

To use a breadcrumb trail, first define a "sitemap". This tells WebMake how to
order the page hierarchy, and which pages to include.

Next, define a template to be used for each entry in the trail. This
should contain references to **&wmdollar;{url}** (note: __not__
**&wmdollar;(url)**), which will be replaced with the URL for the page in
question; and **&wmdollar;{name}**, which will be expanded to the name of the
''main'' content item on that page, allowing you to retrieve metadata for that
content like so: **&wmdollar;&etsqi;&wmdollar;{name}.title&etsqo;** .

	__Note:__ the ''main'' content item is defined as the first content
	item on the page which is not metadata, not perl-generated code, and
	has the __map__ attribute set to __''true''__, ie. not a template.

You can also define two more templates to be used at the __top__ of the
breadcrumb trail, ie. the root page, and at the __tail__ of it, ie. the
current page being viewed.  These are optional though, and if not specified,
the generic template detailed above will be used as a default.

Then add a **&lt;breadcrumbs&gt;** tag to the WebMake file as follows.

	&lt;breadcrumbs name=__mycrumbs__ map=__sitemapname__
		level=__leveltemplatename__ /&gt;

The __top__ and __tail__ attributes are optional, as explained above.
The __level__ attribute, which names the ''generic'' breadcrumb template
item to use for intermediate levels, is mandatory.

You can then add references to **&wmdollar;&etsqi;__mycrumbs__&etsqo;** in
other content items, and the breadcrumb-trail text will be inserted.  __Note!__
be sure to use a deferred reference, or the links may not appear!

Attribute Reference

These are the attributes accepted by the **&lt;breadcrumbs&gt;** tag.

	__name__:	the name of the breadcrumb-trail content item.

	__map__:	the name of the sitemap used to determine page
	hierarchy. Required.

	__level__:	the name of the template used to draw links at the
	intermediate levels of the trail.  Required.

	__top__:	the name of the template used to draw the link to
	the top-most, or root, page. Optional -- __level__ will be used as a

	__tail__:	the name of the template used to draw the link to
	the bottom-most, currently-viewed page. Optional -- __level__ will be
	used as a fallback.


This will generate an extremely simple set of &lt;a href&gt; links, no frills.
The sitemap it uses isn't specified here; see the "sitemap tag documentation"
[sitemap] for details on how to generate a site map.

  &lt;template name=btop&gt;
  	[ &lt;a href=&wmdollar;{url}&gt;&wmdollar;[&wmdollar;{name}.title]&lt;/a&gt; /
  &lt;template name=blevel&gt;
  	&lt;a href=&wmdollar;{url}&gt;&wmdollar;[&wmdollar;{name}.title]&lt;/a&gt; /
  &lt;template name=btail&gt;
  	&lt;a href=&wmdollar;{url}&gt;&wmdollar;[&wmdollar;{name}.title]&lt;/a&gt; ]
  &lt;breadcrumbs map=__sitemapname__ name=crumbs
  	top=btop tail=btail level=blevel /&gt;

	[sitemap]: $(sitemap)