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<title>Application Binary Interface for C within CLI</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<h1>Application Binary Interface for C within CLI</h1>

Rhys Weatherley, <a href=""></a>.<br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2002/08/23 00:06:39 $<p>

Copyright &copy; 2002 Southern Storm Software, Pty Ltd.<br>
Permission to distribute copies of this work under the terms of the
GNU Free Documentation License is hereby granted.<p>

<h2>1. Introduction</h2>

This document describes an Application Binary Interface (ABI) for the
C language within Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) environments
that meets the following goals:<p>

	<li><b>Uniform behaviour</b>: As much as possible, portable C code should
		behave identically on all CLI platforms<sup>1</sup>.</li>
	<li><b>Pure CIL compilation</b>: The compiled format of all object files
		will be CIL bytecode.</li>
	<li><b>Zero tolerance for native code</b>: The ABI should not rely upon
		external native code libraries to implement language features.
		External dependencies should always be in the form of C# classes
		that use standard C# library features<sup>2</sup>.</li>
	<li><b>Minimal name mangling</b>: The names of <code>struct</code>,
	    <code>union</code>, and other special C types must be mangled to
		conform with CLI conventions, but such mangling should still be
		readable to a human debugging the compiler.</li>
	<li><b>Vendor-neutral naming conventions</b>: The names of support
		classes and libraries that are used to implement the ABI must not
		suggest any particular vendor's product or trademark<sup>3</sup>.</li>

<font size="-1">Note 1. Given the nature of C, it is always possible for a
programmer to write code that depends upon platform-specific word sizes,
endianness, and operating system facilities.  Our goal is that C code
written to commonly used C coding standards should not be aware of such
platform differences.<br>
Note 2. This doesn't preclude the application programmer from using
native code facilities such as PInvoke.  But the compiler itself will
not use such features to implement the ABI.<br>
Note 3. If the ABI avoids vendor-specific naming, it is more likely
to be adopted by other vendors.<br>

Some things are deliberately outside the scope of this ABI definition.
We do not describe the facilities that are provided by the "libc"
implementation, or the contents of standard header files, for example.<p>

In the sections below, we suggest extended syntax for the C language to
enable access to CLI-specific features.  This syntax is only a suggestion.
Two compilers that use different syntax for the same feature can still
interoperate if they translate their syntax into the same ABI conventions.<p>

All extension keywords begin and end in "<code>__</code>", following
standard C practice.  We recommend that compiler vendors seriously consider
adopting the proposed keywords to make it easier to port source code from
one compiler to another.<p>

<b>Note: Some of the features described in this document haven't been
fully implemented by Portable.NET's C compiler yet.  This document
is therefore subject to change.</b>

<h2>2. Memory models</h2>

This ABI defines two primary memory models for the CLI, which we will
refer to as "Model 64" and "Model 32":  They may be briefly summarised
as follows:

	<li><b>Model 64</b>: <code>int</code>'s are 32 bits in size,
		<code>long</code>'s and pointers are 64 bits in size.</li>
	<li><b>Model 32</b>: <code>int</code>'s, <code>long</code>'s, and
		pointers are all 32 bits in size.</li>

We recommend that "Model 64" be the default for all compilers that adhere
to this ABI specification.  Programs that use "Model 64" will work on
all implementations of the CLI, be they 32-bit or 64-bit.  "Model 32"
programs will be more memory-efficient on 32-bit platforms, but will
not run at all on 64-bit implementations of the CLI.<p>

<font size="-1">Note: A "Model 64" program will fail to work on a
128-bit CLI implementation, for the same reason that "Model 32" programs
fail on 64-bit CLI implementations.  When and if 128-bit CLI
implementations become common-place, it will be easy to extend
this ABI to include a "Model 128".</font>

When the compiler builds an object file, application, or library, it
MUST tag the corresponding module with the memory model.  For example,
the following module is tagged as "Model 64":<p>

<blockquote><pre>.module test.exe
.custom instance void [OpenSystem.C]OpenSystem.C.MemoryModelAttribute::.ctor
       (int32) = (01 00 40 00 00 00 00 00)</pre></blockquote>

Linkers can use the presence of this attribute to detect that a C
application is being linked, rather than a C# application, and then
modify their behaviour accordingly.  For example, by adding additional
libraries to the link that aren't normally required by C# applications.<p>

The two primary memory models are designed to mirror existing 64-bit and
32-bit CPU architectures.  But sometimes the programmer will want to
exactly match the memory model to the underlying operating system,
to improve interoperability with native code.  In the process, portability
is sacrificed, so this must only be used when absolutely necessary.<p>

To match an underlying operating system, the compiler chooses either
"Model 64" or "Model 32", based on the size of the system's
"<code>void *</code>" type.  The compiler then applies a number of
"model modifiers" to alter type alignment values to match the
system.  These modifiers are as follows:<p>

	<dd>16-bit <code>short</code> values are aligned on 1-byte boundaries,
		rather than 2-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd>32-bit <code>int</code> values are aligned on 1-byte boundaries,
		rather than 4-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd>32-bit <code>int</code> values are aligned on 2-byte boundaries,
		rather than 4-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd>64-bit <code>long long</code> values are aligned on 1-byte boundaries,
		rather than 8-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd>64-bit <code>long long</code> values are aligned on 2-byte boundaries,
		rather than 8-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd>64-bit <code>long long</code> values are aligned on 4-byte boundaries,
		rather than 8-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd>32-bit <code>float</code> values are aligned on 1-byte boundaries,
		rather than 4-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd>32-bit <code>float</code> values are aligned on 2-byte boundaries,
		rather than 4-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd>64-bit <code>double</code> values are aligned on 1-byte boundaries,
		rather than 8-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd>64-bit <code>double</code> values are aligned on 2-byte boundaries,
		rather than 8-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd>64-bit <code>double</code> values are aligned on 4-byte boundaries,
		rather than 8-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd><code>long double</code> values are aligned on 1-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd><code>long double</code> values are aligned on 2-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd><code>long double</code> values are aligned on 4-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd><code>long double</code> values are aligned on 8-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd><code>long double</code> values are aligned on 16-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd>Pointer values are aligned on 1-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd>Pointer values are aligned on 2-byte boundaries.</dd>
	<dd>Pointer values are aligned on 4-byte boundaries and the primary
		memory model is "Model 64".  This modifier should not be set if the
		primary memory model is "Model 32".</dd>
	<dd>Bit fields are allocated in big-endian order rather than the
		default of little-endian.</dd>

These modifiers describe how the actual memory model differs from either
"Model 32" or "Model 64".  Programs that are compiled with non-zero
modifier values are unlikely to work on runtime engines that use a
different combination of flags.  Programs with zero modifier values should
work on all runtime engines that support the memory model.<p>

When the object file is generated, the modifier flags are written into
the "<code>MemoryModel</code>" attribute declaration, as an optional

<blockquote><pre>.module test.exe
.custom instance void [OpenSystem.C]OpenSystem.C.MemoryModelAttribute::.ctor
       (int32, int32) = (01 00 20 00 00 00 20 04 00 00 00 00)</pre></blockquote>

This indicates "Model 32 with 4-byte alignment of 64-bit integers
and doubles".  If the second parameter is not present, the default
modifier flag value is zero.<p>

<h2>3. ABI support library</h2>

The "<code>MemoryModelAttribute</code>" example in the previous section
demonstrated the use of the "<code>OpenSystem.C</code>" assembly, which
provides a number of classes for tagging C applications, and for implementing
ABI support facilities.  The following summarises the important classes
in the "<code>OpenSystem.C</code>" namespace:<p>

	<dd>A modifier class for marking a type as "<code>const</code>".</dd>
	<dd>A modifier class for marking a type as a function pointer, rather
	    than as a function signature.</dd>
	<dd>An attribute that describes the position and size of a bit
		field within a larger integer field.</dd>
	<dd>An attribute that marks a method as defining a weak alias.</dd>
	<dd>An attribute that marks a field or method as defining a
		strong alias.</dd>
	<dd>An attribute that marks special methods that provide static
		initialization logic to be executed at program startup.
		These methods are different from CLI static constructors
		(<code>.cctor</code> methods), in that initializers are
		guaranteed to be executed before <code>main</code>.</dd>
	<dd>An attribute that defines the ordering of an initializer relative
		to all others.  Initializers with a lower order value are called
		before those with higher order values.  The default order value
		is zero.</dd>
	<dd>An attribute that marks special methods that provide static
		finalization logic to be executed at program shutdown.
		These methods are not the same as the "<code>Finalize</code>"
		methods in garbage-collected objects.  The order of garbage-collected
		object finalization is indeterminate with respect to C finalizers.</dd>
	<dd>An attribute that defines the ordering of a finalizer relative
		to all others.  Finalizers with a lower order value are called
		after those with higher order values.  The default order value
		is zero.  Normally an initializer and its corresponding
		finalizer will have identical order values.</dd>
	<dd>An attribute that specifies the memory model for a C module.</dd>
	<dd>An attribute that specifies the original name of a symbol that
		had to be renamed to resolve link-time naming conflicts.</dd>
	<dd>An exception class that assists the ABI in implementing
		<code>setjmp</code>/<code>longjmp</code> operations.</dd>
	<dd>A class that provides utility methods to manage the startup and
		shutdown of C applications.</dd>
	<dd>A value type class that wraps up the runtime engine's
		"<code>native float</code>" type.  The standard C# base
		class library lacks a suitable class.  This class has
		a constructor that takes a single "<code>native float</code>"
		argument, and an "<code>Unpack</code>" method that returns
		a "<code>native float</code>" when applied to an instance.</dd>
<dt><code>FloatComplex</code>, <code>DoubleComplex</code>,
	<dd>Value types that correspond to the ISO C complex number types.</dd>
<dt><code>FloatImaginary</code>, <code>DoubleImaginary</code>,
	<dd>Value types that correspond to the ISO C imaginary number types.</dd>
	<dd>An attribute that specifies the C name of a value type defined
	    in C# code.  e.g. "<code>FloatComplex</code>" is marked as
		"<code>float _Complex</code>".</dd>

The meaning of these classes will become clearer in later sections.
Other classes may be provided to support "libc" implementations,
but they are beyond the scope of this specification.<p>

To simplify discussion, we will use an abbreviated syntax to describe
attributes in CIL assembly code examples.  For example, the memory
model designation in the previous section can also be written as:

<blockquote><pre>.module test.exe
.custom [OpenSystem.C.MemoryModel(64)]</pre></blockquote>

This abbreviation is for exposition purposes only.  It isn't intended
to suggest an alternative syntax for CIL assemblers.<p>

<h2>4. Type representation</h2>

<h3>4.1. Primitive types</h3>

The size and alignment of the primitive types in "Model 64" and
"Model 32" are defined as follows:<p>

<table border="1">
<tr><td>Type</td><td>Model 64<br>Size/Align<sup>1</sup></td>
	<td>Model 32<br>Size/Align<sup>1</sup></code><td>Description</td></tr>
	<td>1/1 <sup>2</sup></td>
	<td>Void type</td></tr>
	<td>8-bit boolean value (C# "<code>bool</code>")</td></tr>
	<td>Signed 8-bit integer</td></tr>
<tr><td><code>unsigned char</code></td>
	<td>Unsigned 8-bit integer</td></tr>
	<td>Signed 16-bit integer</td></tr>
<tr><td><code>unsigned short</code></td>
	<td>Unsigned 16-bit</td></tr>
	<td>16-bit wide character value (C# "<code>char</code>")</td></tr>
	<td>Signed 32-bit integer</td></tr>
<tr><td><code>unsigned int</code></td>
	<td>Unsigned 32-bit integer</td></tr>
	<td>Signed 64-bit or 32-bit integer</td></tr>
<tr><td><code>unsigned long</code></td>
	<td>Unsigned 64-bit or 32-bit integer</td></tr>
<tr><td><code>long long</code></td>
	<td>Signed 64-bit integer</td></tr>
<tr><td><code>unsigned long long</code></td>
	<td>Unsigned 64-bit integer</td></tr>
	<td>32-bit IEEE 754 floating-point</td></tr>
	<td>64-bit IEEE 754 floating-point</td></tr>
<tr><td><code>type *</code></td>
	<td>Pointer to "<code>type</code>"</td></tr>
<tr><td><code>float _Complex</code></td>
	<td>Complex number type based on <code>float</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>double _Complex</code></td>
	<td>Complex number type based on <code>double</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>float _Imaginary</code></td>
	<td>Imaginary number type based on <code>float</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>double _Imaginary</code></td>
	<td>Imaginary number type based on <code>double</code></td></tr>

<font size="-1">Note 1. These size and alignment values refer to the
primary memory model.  The values may be different if there are non-zero
model modifier flags in effect.<br>
Note 2. The size of "<code>void</code>" is 1, to be
consistent with gcc.</font><p>

In "Model 64", pointers are allocated 8 bytes of memory, and aligned
on an 8-byte boundary, even on platforms that only support 32-bit pointers.
The expression "<code>sizeof(void *)</code>" will always return 8.
This behaviour is necessary to provide a consistent "<code>struct</code>"
layout on all CLI implementations, as we will see in the following sections.<p>

<h3>4.2. Type qualifiers</h3>

The "<code>const</code>" and "<code>volatile</code>" qualifiers are
represented using the "<code>OpenSystem.C.IsConst</code>" and
"<code>System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsVolatile</code>" modifiers.
The following table provides some examples:<p>

<table border="1">
<tr><td><code>const int x;</code></td>
    <td><code>int32 modopt(OpenSystem.C.IsConst) x</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>void * volatile y;</code></td>
    <td><code>void * modreq(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsVolatile) y</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>const char *s;</code></td>
    <td><code>int8 modopt(OpenSystem.C.IsConst) * s</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>char * const s;</code></td>
    <td><code>int8 * modopt(OpenSystem.C.IsConst) s</code></td></tr>

The placement of the type modifier is important.  A qualifier at the
outer-most level of a type applies to the field or variable.  A qualifier
at an inner level applies to a referenced type.  In the last example
above, the variable "<code>s</code>" cannot be modified, but it points
at a string that can be modified.  In the second last example, the
variable can be modified, but not the string.<p>

The "<code>IsVolatile</code>" modifier is required, to be consistent
with other CLI-compatible languages.  The "<code>IsConst</code>" modifier
is optional, because other CLI-compatible languages can safely ignore it
(the programmer on the other hand probably shouldn't ignore it).<p>

<h3>4.3. Type layout</h3>

Types in the ABI may have three kinds of layout: "fixed", "dynamic",
or "unknown".<p>

Fixed types have a constant size and alignment.  The expression
"<code>sizeof(T)</code>" can be evaluated to a constant at compile time.<p>

Dynamic types have a constant size and alignment, but these values
are not known until runtime.  Native types (described in a later
section) are an example, as are C# value types.<p>

Unknown types have no known size.  An example is "<code>char[]</code>",
which cannot be used as the type of a structure field, as its storage
size cannot be determined.<p>

Traditional C compilers only have "fixed" and "unknown" types.  One of
the goals of this ABI is to minimize the occurence of "dynamic" types
so that "<code>struct</code>" layout can be computed efficiently.<p>

<h3>4.4. Struct representation</h3>

Structure types (e.g. "<code>struct A</code>") are converted into a value
type called "<code>struct A</code>", with no namespace qualifier.  This
value type is marked as having explicit layout, with pre-computed class
packing and size values.  Each field within the structure has a
pre-computed offset.  For example, on a "Model 64" system:

<blockquote><pre>struct A
    int       item;
    struct A *next;

.class public explicit sealed ansi 'struct A' extends System.ValueType
    .pack 8
    .size 16
    .field [0] public int32 item
    .field [8] public 'struct A' * next

On a "Model 32" system, the structure would be encoded as:<p>

<blockquote><pre>.class public explicit sealed ansi 'struct A' extends System.ValueType
    .pack 4
    .size 8
    .field [0] public int32 item
    .field [4] public 'struct A' * next

Structures may only contain fields with "fixed" layout.  Native structures
(described later) can contain fields with both "fixed" and "dynamic"
layout, but their usage is restricted.<p>

If a structure contains sub-structures, they are converted into companion
structure types:<p>

<blockquote><pre>struct A
    int x;
        int y;
    } z;
    struct B
        int w;
    } v;

.class public explicit sealed ansi 'struct A' extends System.ValueType
    .pack 4
    .size 12
    .field [0] public int32 x
    .class public explicit sealed ansi 'struct (1)'
                extends System.ValueType
        .pack 4
        .size 4
        .field [0] public int32 y
    .field [4] public valuetype 'struct A'/'struct (1)' z
    .field [8] public valuetype 'struct B' v
.class public explicit sealed ansi 'struct B' extends System.ValueType
    .pack 4
    .size 4
    .field [0] public int32 w

As can be seen, anonymous structures are assigned a unique numeric code,
and are encoded as nested types.  The code is unique to the surrounding
structure, so that the same code will be generated each time the program
is compiled.<p>

<blockquote><font size="-1">Note: It would be desirable to allow the
runtime engine to perform structure layout dynamically, rather than
fix types to specific sizes and fields to specific offsets.  Readers
who think it may be possible to do so may like to ponder how to
efficiently compile the following code so that it will work
regardless of the runtime size of "<code>void *</code>" and the
runtime alignment of "<code>y</code>":<p>

<blockquote><pre>struct item
    char x[sizeof(void *)];
    long long y;

long long get_y(struct item *i)
    return i->y;

<h3>4.5. Union representation</h3>

Unions (e.g. "<code>union A</code>") are represented as value types with
the name "<code>union A</code>", and all fields explicitly laid out to
start at offset 0.

union A
    int    x;
    double y;

.class public explicit sealed ansi 'union A' extends System.ValueType
    .pack 8
    .size 8
    .field [0] public int32 x
    .field [0] public float64 y

Unions may only contain fields with "fixed" layout.<p>

<h3>4.6. Representation of bit fields</h3>

Bit fields are represented as regular fields, with an attribute to
indicate the field's position and size.  Bits are allocated from the
least significant bit, unless the big-endian modifier was specified
in the memory model (see section 2 for further details).<p>

<blockquote><pre>struct A
    int x : 8;
    int y : 1;
    unsigned int z : 16;
    int w;

.class public explicit sealed ansi 'struct A' extends System.ValueType
    .custom [OpenSystem.C.BitField("x", ".bitfield-1", 0, 8)]
    .custom [OpenSystem.C.BitField("y", ".bitfield-1", 8, 1)]
    .custom [OpenSystem.C.BitField("z", ".bitfield-2", 0, 16)]
    .pack 4
    .size 12
    .field [0] public int32 '.bitfield-1'
    .field [4] public unsigned int32 '.bitfield-2'
    .field [8] public int32 w

<h3>4.7. Array types</h3>

Array types of the form "<code>A[]</code>" are mapped to a value
type called "<code>array A[]</code>".  For example, "<code>int[]</code>"
is encoded as follows:

<blockquote><pre>.class public explicit sealed ansi 'array int[]'
            extends System.ValueType
    .pack 4
    .size 0
    .field private static specialname int32 elem__

The value type must have a field called "<code>elem__</code>", which
defines the element type, and it must have the attributes
"<code>private static specialname</code>".<p>

<blockquote><font size="-1">Note.  It will be rare to find a type of
the form "<code>A[]</code>" in a generated object file, because such
types normally decay to pointer types when used as function arguments.
The encoding is specified here because the compiler does need to
distinguish "<code>A[]</code>" from "<code>A *</code>" in certain

If the array type includes a non-zero size value, then it is encoded
as a value type with an explicit size defining the total size of the
array.  For example, "<code>int[100]</code> is encoded as follows:

<blockquote><pre>.class public explicit sealed ansi 'array int[100]'
            extends System.ValueType
    .pack 4
    .size 400
    .field [0] public specialname int32 elem__

The size of the array is determined by dividing "<code>.size</code>"
by the size of the element type.  The "<code>elem__</code>" field in
this case must be "<code>public specialname</code>".  Arrays with
a zero size are encoded as follows:<p>

<blockquote><pre>.class public explicit sealed ansi 'array int[0]'
            extends System.ValueType
    .pack 4
    .size 0
    .field [0] public static specialname int32 elem__

Here, the "<code>elem__</code>" field is "<code>static</code>".  This
type can be distinguished from the encoding for "<code>int[]</code>"
because the "<code>elem__</code>" field is "<code>public</code>"
instead of "<code>private</code>".<p>

Array element types must have "fixed" layout.  The programmer can
allocate arrays of "dynamic" types using "<code>malloc</code>"
or "<code>alloca</code>".<p>

The following is an example of encoding the two-dimensional array type
"<code>int [300][400]</code>":

<blockquote><pre>.class public explicit sealed ansi 'array int[300][400]'
            extends System.ValueType
    .pack 4
    .size 480000  // == 300 * 400 * 4
    .field [0] public specialname valuetype 'array int[400]' elem__

.class public explicit sealed ansi 'array int[400]'
            extends System.ValueType
    .pack 4
    .size 1600  // == 400 * 4
    .field [0] public specialname int32 elem__

<h3>4.8. Native types</h3>

Sometimes it is necessary to access the native type representation of
the underlying runtime engine, particularly when importing external
library functions using PInvoke, or when accessing code written in other
CLI-compliant languages.<p>

All of the types that are described in this section have "dynamic"
layout.  They cannot be used as array element types, or as the members
of non-native structures and unions.<p>

The use of these native types is highly discouraged, except where it is
absolutely essential to interoperate with other system components:<p>

<table border="1">
<tr><td><code>__native__ int</code></td>
	<td>Signed native integer (C# "<code>IntPtr</code>")</td></tr>
<tr><td><code>unsigned __native__ int</code></td>
	<td>Unsigned native integer (C# "<code>UIntPtr</code>")</td></tr>
<tr><td><code>long double</code></td>
	<td>Native floating-point</td></tr>
<tr><td><code>long double _Complex</code></td>
	<td>Complex number type based on <code>long double</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>long double _Imaginary</code></td>
	<td>Imaginary number type based on <code>long double</code></td></tr>

The native integer types are "<code>__native__ int</code>" and
"<code>unsigned __native__ int</code>".  They may be either 4 or 8 bytes in
size, depending upon the underlying platform.  The expressions
"<code>sizeof(__native__ int)</code>" and
"<code>sizeof(unsigned __native__ int)</code>" are evaluated at run time.<p>

The native floating point type is "<code>long double</code>", and
is guaranteed to have precision greater than or equal to "<code>double</code>".
The expression "<code>sizeof(long double)</code>" is computed at runtime.<p>

Structures can be specified to have native layout at declaration time:<p>

<blockquote><pre>struct __native__ A
    int item;
    struct A *next;

This is represented by a sequential type definition in the program's

<blockquote><pre>.class public sequential sealed ansi 'struct A' extends System.ValueType
    .field public int32 item
    .field public 'struct A' * next

The runtime engine will lay this out using platform-specific type sizes
and alignment.  The expression "<code>sizeof(struct A)</code>" will be
evaluated at runtime.<p>

Unions can also be specified to have native layout at declaration time:<p>

union __native__ A
    int   x;
    void *y;

.class public explicit sealed ansi 'union A' extends System.ValueType
    .field [0] public int32 x
    .field [0] public void * y

The type is declared explicit, so that all fields can be defined with
an offset of zero, but the type does not have an overall size.<p>

Types with "fixed" and "dynamic" layout may be used as the members
of native structures and unions.<p>

It is recommended that the compiler issue a warning when bit fields are
used in native structures and unions, and the memory model does not have
an appropriate memory model modifier set.  The compiler's bit order may not
match the native platform's bit order, leading to problems with PInvoke'd

<h3>4.9. Function pointer types</h3>

CLI metadata uses the same representation for method signatures and
pointers to methods.  C requires that signatures and pointers be
distinct type categories.  We therefore mark function pointers with
the "<code>OpenSystem.C.IsFunctionPointer</code>" modifier:

<blockquote><pre>void (*func)(int);

.field public static method void * (int32) modopt(IsFunctionPointer) func

<h3>4.10. Argument types</h3>

When arguments are passed to a function, it is sometimes necessary
to alter the type to conform with C conventions or to work around
overly-strict CLI requirements.<p>

An array argument to a function will be converted into its "decayed"
pointer form.  For example:<p>

<blockquote><pre>int main(int argc, char *argv[])

.method public static int32 main
        (int32 argc, int8 * * argv) cil managed

Functions that take a variable number of arguments must be declared
with "<code>vararg</code>" calling conventions:<p>

<blockquote><pre>int printf(const char *format, ...)

.method public static vararg int32 printf
        (int8 modopt(IsConst) * format) cil managed

When arguments are passed to a variable-argument function, they must be
converted into their "natural passing type" first:<p>

<table border="1">
<tr><td>Type</td><td>Natural Passing Type</td></tr>
<tr><td><code>unsigned char</code></td>
<tr><td><code>unsigned short</code></td>
<tr><td><code>unsigned int</code></td>
<tr><td><code>__native__ int</code></td>
<tr><td><code>unsigned __native__ int</code></td>
<tr><td><code>unsigned long</code></td>
<tr><td><code>long long</code></td>
	<td><code>long long</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>unsigned long long</code></td>
	<td><code>long long</code></td></tr>
<tr><td><code>long double</code></td>
<tr><td><code>type *</code></td>
<tr><td><code>struct</code> and <code>union</code></td>
	<td>Same as input type</td></tr>

Natural passing types help to properly implement cases where a value is
passed as unsigned, but unpacked as signed, or is passed using a smaller
type than the unpacking type.<p>

The compiler must convert all variable arguments to their natural passing
types at the point of the call.  The "<code>va_arg</code>" operator is then
responsible for casting the natural passing type back to the programmer's
requested type.<p>

The "<code>va_list</code>" type is implemented by the C#
"<code>System.ArgIterator</code>" class, and has "dynamic" layout.
The runtime engine will throw an exception if an attempt is made to
unpack an argument using the wrong natural passing type.<p>

<h2>5. Defining global fields and methods</h2>

The Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) has support for global
fields and methods in the specially-defined "<code>&lt;Module&gt;</code>"
type.  However, there are some "undefined" issues that we now
deal with.<p>

<h3>5.1. Interoperability considerations</h3>

Microsoft's CLR does not allow references to the "<code>&lt;Module&gt;</code>"
type within a foreign assembly.  This appears to be a hard-wired constraint.
Other CLR's (e.g. Portable.NET) make no distinction between the module type
and all other types.<p>

To achieve interoperability with Microsoft's CLR, library assemblies must
use the "<code>$Module$</code>" type for their global field and method
definitions instead of "<code>&lt;Module&gt;</code>".  The
"<code>$Module$</code>" type must have the "<code>public</code>" and
"<code>sealed</code>" flags.<p>

Executables still use the "<code>&lt;Module&gt;</code>" type, as it appears
to work in all CLR's that have been tested so far.  The
"<code>&lt;Module&gt;</code>" type should have the "<code>public</code>"
and "<code>abstract</code>" flags.<p>

<h3>5.2. Dangling references</h3>

When a C source file is compiled to an object file, there will normally
be "dangling" references to fields and methods in other object files
and libraries.  We need to handle this in the assembler and linker.<p>

When the assembler sees a dangling reference to something in the
"<code>&lt;Module&gt;</code>" class, it will convert it into a member
reference on the "<code>&lt;ModuleExtern&gt;</code>" class.  For example:<p>

<blockquote><pre>.method public static void hello() cil managed
    call void hello2()

If <code>hello2</code> remains undefined at the end of the assembly
process, then the resulting object file will look like this:<p>

<blockquote><pre>.method public static void hello() cil managed 
    call void '&lt;ModuleExtern&gt;'::hello2()

When the linker loads this object file, it will resolve references to
"<code>&lt;ModuleExtern&gt;</code>" by looking for a matching definition
and changing the type reference appropriately.  The new reference
may be to the linked executable's "<code>&lt;Module&gt;</code>" type,
or to a foreign library's "<code>$Module$</code>" type.<p>

The "<code>&lt;ModuleExtern&gt;</code>" type will itself be dangling.
The exact means by which this is accomplished is compiler-dependent, as the
ECMA specification does not define an object file format for the CLI.<p>

<font size="-1">Portable.NET's assembler encodes dangling types as a
TypeRef, scoped to the current module, but with no corresponding TypeDef.
The object file format is based on the native PE/COFF object file format,
with CIL metadata stored in the "<code>.text$il</code>" section.
Portable.NET's linker fixes up dangling TypeRef's at link time.</font>

<h3>5.3. Access permissions</h3>

Variables or functions that are declared "<code>static</code>" are converted
into "<code>private</code>" fields or methods within the
"<code>&lt;Module&gt;</code>" object file's class.  All other variables
or functions are converted into "<code>public</code>" definitions.<p>

If the "<code>&lt;Module&gt;</code>" class has any "<code>public</code>"
members, then the class will also be declared "<code>public</code>".
This ensures that a library will export its definitions correctly to
applications that link against the library.<p>

<h3>5.4. Renaming conflicting definitions</h3>

When two object files are linked together, it is possible that they
both may have a "<code>private</code>" definition for the same function
or variable.  Alternatively, one may be "<code>private</code>" and
the other "<code>public</code>".<p>

We resolve this situation by renaming one of the "<code>private</code>"
definitions to something else, and then redirecting all references to
the original to the renamed version.  From an external user's point of
view, the "<code>public</code>" definition (if any) will become the
visible definition.  For example:<p>

<blockquote>File 1: <pre>.field public static int32 x</pre>
File 2: <pre>.field private static float64 x
.method public static float64 getx() cil managed
    ldsfld float64 x
Result: <pre>.field public static int32 x
.field private static float64 'x-1'
.method public static float64 getx() cil managed
    ldsfld float64 'x-1'

If two or more object files have conflicting "<code>public</code>"
definitions for a function or variable, then a linker error will occur.<p>

Structure, union, and array types may also conflict when two
object files are linked together.  In most cases, the two definitions
will be the same, because the same type is being used in both object
files (e.g. "<code>struct _IO_FILE</code>" in glibc's stdio implementation).<p>

When two types have identical definitions, the linker will copy one
into the output file and ignore the other.  When the two types have
different definitions, the linker chooses one to become the primary
copy, and the other is renamed.<p>

If one of the types has the same definition as a type from a library,
the linker should favour the library's definition, as it is the most
likely candidate.  If neither definition duplicates a library definition,
the linker can choose either one, and probably should also report
a warning to the programmer.<p>

When program items are renamed, the resultant binary will not be in
sync with the source code.  This can make source-level debugging
difficult.  To alleviate this problem, the linker can add
"<code>OriginalName</code>" attribute values to all renamed items:<p>

<blockquote><pre>.field public static int32 x
.field private static float64 'x-1'
.custom [OpenSystem.C.OriginalName("x")]
.method public static float64 getx() cil managed
    ldsfld float64 'x-1'

Normally this is only required if an object file contained debug
symbol information prior to renaming.<p>

<h3>5.5. Weak and strong aliases</h3>

C libraries such as "glibc" make heavy use of weak aliases to allow
programs to replace certain functions with their own implementation.
For example, the following is used in "glibc" for the definition
of the "<code>getuid</code>" function (paraphrased a little):

<blockquote><pre>int __getuid(void)

weak_alias(__getuid, getuid)</pre></blockquote>

This will be compiled as follows:

.method public static int32 __getuid() cil managed

.field public specialname static .method int32 * () 'getuid-alias'

.method public static int32 getuid() cil managed
    .custom [OpenSystem.C.WeakAliasFor("__getuid")]
    .maxstack 1
    ldsfld .method int32 * () 'getuid-alias'
    calli int32 ()

.method private specialname static void '.init-1'() cil managed
    .custom [OpenSystem.C.Initializer]
    .maxstack 1
    ldftn void __getuid()
    stsfld .method int32 * () 'getuid-alias'

When a program is linked against this definition, the
"<code>WeakAliasFor</code>" attribute is used to redirect the
reference to the actual definition if the system does not contain
any other definitions for the function.<p>

When a library that does not supply its own "<code>getuid</code>"
is linked against this definition, the "<code>getuid</code>"
method is called directly, which will then redirect control to
the actual "<code>getuid</code>".<p>

A program or library that defines its own "<code>getuid</code>"
is compiled as normal:

<blockquote><pre>.method public static int32 getuid() cil managed

At link time, the linker will insert an initializer which updates the
"<code>getuid-alias</code>" field with the new value:

.method private specialname static void '.init-1'() cil managed
    .custom [OpenSystem.C.Initializer]
    .maxstack 1
    ldftn void getuid()
    stsfld .method int32 * () [library]'$Module$'::'getuid-alias'

where "<code>library</code>" is the name of the library that defines
the "<code>getuid-alias</code>" variable.<p>

Strong aliases for functions are defined in a similar manner:<p>

.method public static vararg int32 _IO_printf
        (int8 modopt(OpenSystem.C.IsConst) *format) cil managed

.method public static vararg int32 printf
        (int8 modopt(OpenSystem.C.IsConst) *format) cil managed
    .custom [OpenSystem.C.StrongAliasFor("_IO_printf")]

In this case, whenever the linker sees a reference to "<code>printf</code>",
it will redirect the caller to "<code>_IO_printf</code>".  The body of
the alias function is empty, because it will never be called at runtime.<p>

Global variables may also have strong aliases associated with them:<p>

<blockquote><pre>char **__environ;
strong_alias(__environ, environ);

.field public static int8 * * __environ

.field public static int8 * * environ
.custom [OpenSystem.C.StrongAliasFor("__environ")]</pre></blockquote>

When the linker sees a reference to "<code>environ</code>", it will
substitute "<code>__environ</code>".<p>

Weak aliases are not supported for global variables.  Weak aliases
exist in libc libraries primarily for legacy reasons.  There are
existing C programs that depend upon variables like "<code>environ</code>",
"<code>timezone</code>", etc, being weak aliases, but they are rarer
than programs that depend upon functions being weak aliases.<p>

It is recommended that if the compiler sees a weak alias definition
for a variable that it output a strong alias instead.<p>

<h3>5.6. Initializers and finalizers</h3>

Initializers are compiled into static methods that have the
"<code>specialname</code>" flag, have no parameters or return
values, and are marked with the "<code>Initializer</code>"

Finalizers are compiled into static methods that have the
"<code>specialname</code>" flag, have no parameters or return
values, and are marked with the "<code>Finalizer</code>" attribute.<p>

The linker collects up all initializers and finalizers in a program
or library and does the following:

    <li>It creates two "<code>public</code> methods in the
	    "<code>&lt;Module&gt;</code>" class: "<code>.init</code>"
		and "<code>.fini</code>".</li>
    <li>The "<code>.init</code>" method calls the "<code>.init</code>"
		methods of all libraries that the program or library itself
		depends upon.</li>
    <li>The "<code>.init</code>" method then calls all of the
		locally-defined initializers.</li>
    <li>The "<code>.fini</code>" method calls all of the locally-defined
    <li>The "<code>.fini</code>" method then calls the "<code>.fini</code>"
		methods of all libraries that the program or library itself
		depends upon, in reverse order.</li>

The order in which "<code>.init</code>" methods are called is usually
indeterminable.  The compiler can alter the ordering using the
"<code>InitializerOrder</code>" attribute:<p>

.method private specialname static void '.init-1'() cil managed
    .custom [OpenSystem.C.Initializer]
    .custom [OpenSystem.C.InitializerOrder(-1)]

This initializer will be executed before all "normal" initializers, which
have a default order value of zero.<p>

The "<code>FinalizerOrder</code>" attribute can used to alter the
ordering of finalizers.  A finalizer  with an order value of -1 will
be executed after the normal finalizers.<p>

When the linker generates the "<code>.init</code>" and "<code>.fini</code>"
methods, it must also insert some reference counting code.  The body
of the "<code>.init</code>" method will only be executed upon the first
call, and the body of the "<code>.fini</code>" method will only be
executed upon the last call.  Appendix A contains some sample code
that demonstrates this.<p>

Usually, locally-defined initializers and finalizers are declared
"<code>private</code>".  The renaming logic described in a previous
section will take care of resolving ambiguities in naming.<p>

<h2>6. The crt0 code</h2>

When a module containing a "<code>main</code>" function is compiled,
a small amount of CIL code is added to define the application entry point.
This code calls facilities in the "<code>OpenSystem.C.Crt0</code>" class
to initialize the application, to invoke "<code>main</code>", and to
handle shutdown tasks when "<code>main</code>" exits.  Using C# syntax,
the startup code looks like this:

<pre>public static void .start(String[] args)
        int argc;
        IntPtr argv;
        IntPtr envp;
        argv = Crt0.GetArgV(args, sizeof(void *), out argc);
        envp = Crt0.GetEnvironment();
        Crt0.Shutdown(main(argc, argv, envp));
    catch(Object e)
        throw Crt0.ShutdownWithException(e);

where "<code>libcNN</code>" is the name of the "libc" implementation
that the program was compiled against.  This will normally be
"<code>libc64</code>" for "Model 64" and "<code>libc32</code>" for
"Model 32".  The compiler will only pass those parameters to
"<code>main</code>" that the programmer specified in their source code.<p>

The startup code in the application is kept deliberately simple,
with most of the real work being done in the "<code>OpenSystem.C.Crt0</code>"
class.  This allows the crt0 code to be modified to accomodate new "libc"
requirements in the future, without needing all existing applications
to be recompiled.<p>

<h2>Appendix A.  Sample initialization and finalization code</h2>

.class private sealed '.init-count' extends System.Object
    .field private static int32 count

.method public specialname static void '.init'() cil managed
    .maxstack 2
    .locals (class System.Type)

    // Lock down '.init-count' to synchronize access.
    ldtoken '.init-count'
    call class System.Type System.Type::GetTypeFromHandle
                 (valuetype System.RuntimeTypeHandle)
    stloc 0
    call void System.Threading.Monitor::Enter(class System.Object)
        // Increase the reference count, and check for the first call.
        ldsfld '.init-count'::count
        stsfld '.init-count'::count
        brtrue L1 
        leave runinit
        leave exit
        ldloc 0
        call void System.Threading.Monitor::Exit(class System.Object)

    // Run the initializers for the libraries.
    call void [libc64]'&lt;Module&gt;'::'.init'()

    // Run the local initializers.
    call void '&lt;Module&gt;'::'.init-1'()
    call void '&lt;Module&gt;'::'.init-2'()
    call void '&lt;Module&gt;'::'.init-N'()

    // Initialization has finished.

.method public specialname static void '.fini'() cil managed
    .maxstack 2
    .locals (class System.Type)

    // Lock down '.init-count' to synchronize access.
    ldtoken '.init-count'
    call class System.Type System.Type::GetTypeFromHandle
                 (valuetype System.RuntimeTypeHandle)
    stloc 0
    call void System.Threading.Monitor::Enter(class System.Object)
        // Decrease the reference count, and check for the last call.
        ldsfld '.init-count'::count
        stsfld '.init-count'::count
        brtrue L1 
        leave runfini
        leave exit
        ldloc 0
        call void System.Threading.Monitor::Exit(class System.Object)

    // Run the local finalizers.
    call void '&lt;Module&gt;'::'.fini-1'()
    call void '&lt;Module&gt;'::'.fini-2'()
    call void '&lt;Module&gt;'::'.fini-N'()

    // Run the finalizers for the libraries.
    call void [libc64]'&lt;Module&gt;'::'.fini'()

    // Finalization has finished.
