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<title>Portable.NET on embedded systems</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<h1>Portable.NET on embedded systems</h1>

Rhys Weatherley, <a href=""></a>.<br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2002/06/12 01:52:31 $<p>

Copyright &copy; 2002 Southern Storm Software, Pty Ltd.<br>
Permission to distribute unmodified copies of this work is hereby granted.<p>

<h2>1. Introduction</h2>

This document describes how to port the Portable.NET runtime engine,
<code>ilrun</code>, to embedded operating environments.<p>

For the purposes of this document, an embedded operating environment is
any system with a limited amount of RAM, little or no secondary storage,
and a restricted set of I/O devices or user purpose.<p>

Note: this document describes how to reduce the size of the engine so
that it can operate in an embedded environment.  It does not describe
how to reduce the size of the runtime C# class library, <code>pnetlib</code>.
Reducing the class library is a separate problem.<p>

<h2>2. Basic requirements</h2>

The Portable.NET code assumes that the embedded operating environment
has the following facilities:

	<li>Flat 32-bit memory model.</li>
	<li>Memory blocks that are fixed in position.</li>
	<li>The ability to create large contiguous blocks of memory.</li>
	<li>Pre-emptive servicing of devices and other tasks.</li>

If the operating environment does not have all of the above,
it will be necessary to rewrite the Portable.NET engine from
scratch.  We have no plans to support such environments.<p>

Primarily, if the engine allocates a block of memory, it is assumed
that the block is fixed in place until it is freed.<p>

Operating environments that attempt to reclaim memory by shifting
previously allocated blocks will not work, unless the environment
has some kind of virtual memory capability for remapping memory pages
while retaining the original virtual addresses.<p>

The Portable.NET engine does not have any hooks that would allow it
to "return back" to a co-operative multi-tasking system at regular
intervals.  Any other tasks or devices in the system will need to
be serviced via a pre-emptive kernel.<p>

It is recommended that the system have at least 1 Mb of RAM.  It may
be possible to use the engine with smaller configurations, but the
list of features will need to be heavily trimmed.<p>

We assume that the compilation environment is GNU-compatible, with at
least gcc, GNU make, autoconf, and automake available.  Using other
compile environments will require a lot of work.<p>

We also assume that the operating environment's C library provides ANSI-like
features such as stdio, string, and stdlib.  So, you will need an embedded
version of libc.  The following are some suggestions:

	<li>uClibc - <a href=""></a></li>
	<li>dietlibc - <a href=""></a></li>
	<li>newlib - <a href=""></a></li>

This is by no means a complete list of embedded C libraries, and we make
no guarantees that they will work with Portable.NET.  Your mileage may vary.

<h2>3. Platform support</h2>

The "<code>support</code>" directory contains the bulk of the platform
specific code (with the exception of some math routines in the engine).<p>

This directory is the first place to start when porting the engine to
a new environment.  You may need to replace memory management, locale
handling, file operations, socket operations, threading, and floating-point
routines, depending upon the operating environment.<p>

Usually the "<code>configure</code>" script is smart enough to detect
most platform-specific features, so you should only replace code in
"<code>support</code>" if the environment is too strange for
"<code>configure</code>" to detect automatically.<p>

Some of the files in "<code>support</code>" are generic ANSI C
(e.g. <code>mempool.c</code>, <code>hashtab.c</code>, <code>utf8.c</code>),
and usually won't need to be replaced.  However, your environment
may already have similar routines (especially for UTF-8 handling),
which you may want to use to reduce duplication.<p>

<h2>4. Profiles</h2>

The primary means to reduce memory consumption is through profiles.
These define which features are enabled or disabled when the system
is built.<p>

Each profile is defined by a file in the "<code>profiles</code>" directory.
At compile time, the profile is converted into the header file
"<code>include/il_profile.h</code>".  Definitions in this header file
are used to control which features are compiled into the final engine.<p>

The profile is selected at build time using a "<code>configure</code>"

<blockquote><code>./configure --with-profile=kernel</code></blockquote>

The default profile is "<code>full</code>", which enables all features.<p>

You may need to define a new profile that describes the capabilities of
your embedded environment.  Add a new file to the "<code>profiles</code>"
directory and rebuild the system.<p>

The following table summarises the available profile options:

	<dd>Take steps to reduce the size of the final code.  This may
		disable certain debug modes that increase the size of the
		system to support debugging, rather than to support critical

	<dd>Take steps to reduce the amount of data that is used by the
		engine.  This may adjust some data structures to use a more
		compact representation.</dd>

	<dd>If set, use the direct threaded version of the CVM interpreter
		if possible.  The direct threaded interpreter uses much more
		memory than the alternative: token threading.  Normally you will
		want token threading in an embedded environment.</dd>

	<dd>If set, use the unrolled version of the CVM interpreter if
		possible.  This option is ignored if direct threading is
		disabled.  Unrolled interpretation uses even more memory
		than direct threading, but is substantially faster.</dd>

	<dd>Support Java class files if set.  Not recommended for
		embedded environments (use an embedded JVM instead).</dd>

	<dd>Force the use of the Latin1 encoding if set.  If this option
		is not set, the engine will attempt to use the underlying
		environment's notion of a locale, and a full set of Unicode
		character handling rules.  Setting this option will
		dramatically reduce engine size because it can use smaller
		tables for Unicode character handling.</dd>

	<dd>Size of a method cache page.  The method cache contains
		the result of translating IL into CVM bytecode or native
		machine code.  Memory is allocated from the system in
		blocks of this size, which must be big enough to hold the
		largest translated method that may be encountered in an

	<dd>Size of a thread value stack, in stack words.  This size is
		fixed once the thread has been created.</dd>

	<dd>Number of frames in the call stack.  The call stack may grow
		in size if <code>IL_CONFIG_GROW_FRAMES</code> is set.</dd>

	<dd>Maximum size for the garbage-collected heap.  If this value
		is zero, then the heap is essentially unlimited (the garbage
		collector itself may have a hard-wired maximum limit).</dd>

	<dd>Allow PInvoke methods if set.  Note: if libffi is not available,
		then PInvoke will not be possible even if this option is set.</dd>

	<dd>Provide support for "<code>System.Reflection</code>" classes
		if set.</dd>

	<dd>Provide socket-based networking support for the
		"<code>System.Net</code>" classes if set.</dd>

	<dd>If not set, disable floating-point instructions within the
		engine.  Any attempt to use a floating-point instruction will
		throw "<code>System.NotSupportedException</code>".</dd>

	<dd>Provide support for the "<code>System.Math</code>",
		"<code>System.Single</code>", "<code>System.Double</code>",
		and "<code>System.Decimal</code>" classes if set.  This
		option will be ignored if <code>IL_CONFIG_FP_SUPPORTED</code>
		is not set.</dd>

	<dd>Provide support for multi-dimensional arrays and arrays with
		non-zero lower bounds if set.</dd>

	<dd>Allow the creation of new application domains if set.</dd>

	<dd>Provide support for remoting if set.</dd>

	<dd>Provide support for variable-argument methods if set.
		Variable arguments are not required for C# applications.</dd>

	<dd>Allow the call frame stack to grow beyond its initial size
		if set.</dd>

	<dd>Provide support for filtered exceptions if set.  Filtered
		exceptions are not required for C# applications.</dd>

	<dd>Provide support debug line information within the engine.
		This is normally not much use unless reflection is also

<h2>5. Configuration options</h2>

In addition to the profiles, there are some <code>configure</code>
options that can be supplied to alter the memory requirements
and feature lists:

	<dd>Disable thread support, reducing the system to a
		single-threaded environment.  Threading primitives
		(such as mutexes and monitors) are available to
		applications, but they behave as though there is
		only one thread in the system.</dd>

	<dd>Compile without libffi.  This may actually the increase
		memory requirements because of the large number of marshalling
		stubs that are needed when libffi is unavailable.  However,
		on systems where libffi cannot be used, this option may
		be unavoidable.</dd>

	<dd>Compile without libgc.  The engine will use a default
	    implementation, suitable for low-memory embedded systems.
		However, see the section entitled "Garbage collection"
		below for caveats.</dd>

These options do not have profile equivalents due to the configuration
requirements for the third-party libffi and libgc libraries.<p>

<h2>6. Garbage collection</h2>

Arguably, the hardest part of supporting embedded systems is the
garbage collector.  The libgc library is very powerful, but it is
also very heavy-weight.<p>

If you configure the system with the "<code>--without-libgc</code>"
option, you will get a default garbage collector implementation

The default implementation allocates a fixed-sized block of memory
and begins allocating from the lowest address.  It keeps allocating
until the block is full.  At that time, out of memory is reported
and the system stops.  "Real" garbage collection is not performed.<p>

This implementation may be suitable for use on low-memory devices
where the application has been specially written to control its
memory usage.  It is unlikely to be suitable for executing
arbitrary applications.<p>

When porting the engine, you can replace "<code>def_gc.c</code>"
with your own garbage collector, tuned to the particulars of
your embedded environment.<p>

The replacement algorithm must be a conservative collector, able to
locate all stack-based and register-based roots on its own.  Other
roots are specified by the engine when it allocates "persistent"
GC memory blocks.  Objects are identified by pointer, not handle.<p>

The GC should not move objects when it performs garbage collection,
and it must be capable of detecting "interior" pointers, which point
to the interior of an object rather than its beginning.<p>

The collector also must be able to suspend all threads cleanly to
perform mark and sweep collection.  This may require some work in
the thread support code to synchronise GC suspension with normal
thread suspension (<code>ILThreadSuspend</code>).<p>

There is no support in the Portable.NET engine for handle-based
or compacting garbage collectors.  A complete rewrite of the
engine would be required, and we have no plans to support such

<h2>7. Embedding the engine</h2>

Normally the engine is launched using the "<code>ilrun</code>" program.
This may not be possible in an embedded operating environment.<p>

The "<code>engine/ilrun.c</code>" file demonstrates how to initialize
and launch applications within the engine.  Similar code will be required
when embedding into other environments.  The minimum steps required

	<li>Initialize the engine with "<code>ILExecInit</code>".</li>
	<li>Create a "process" object with "<code>ILExecProcessCreate</code>".</li>
	<li>Load the application into the "process" with
	    "<code>ILExecProcessLoadFile</code>" or something similar.</li>
	<li>Find the application's entry point with
	<li>Find the "main" thread within the "process" with
	<li>Call the entry point within the context of the "main" thread
	    with "<code>ILExecThreadCall</code>".</li>
	<li>Clean up the engine data structures with
	    "<code>ILExecProcessDestroy</code>" (may not be necessary
		if the application is "infinite").</li>


Copyright &copy; 2002 Southern Storm Software, Pty Ltd.<br>
Permission to distribute unmodified copies of this work is hereby granted.
