

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 1999a7b047259f6bbf9513bce6e6be29 > files > 9


This file contains the current set of items that will be implemented in 
future versions of TWIG.

Note that while some items have planned version numbers associated with them
that those are estimates only and depending on development constrains some
items may be pushed back to later releases.

Status	Type	Description
------- ------- -------------------------------------------------------------

[-]		Not yet implemented, no definitive time line available
[2.1.0]		Planned for version in brackets
[Imp]		Implemented in current release
[Beta]		Implemented in current beta
[3rd-P]		Available as a third party add on (Post 2.0.0 release)
[Trash]		Item not planned to be implemented
[More]		More information needed before being implemented
	[Req]	User request feature
	[Other]	Probably came from the development team

[2.8.0]	[Req]	Better content type handling of attachments
[-] 	[Req]	Message filters

[Imp]	[Other]	Many features can be viewed in Main
[Imp]	[Other]	Ability to select which features are viewed
[Imp]	[Other]	Ability to select the order in which features appear

[2.8.0] [Other]	Multi-select support for main list
[Imp]	[Req]	Schedule recurring events
[Trash] [Other]	Multi-page support for main list
[-] 	[Req]	Deal with different locations and adjust the schedule
[-] 	[Req]	The ability to view Todo-items needed on a certain day
[-] 	[Req]	E-mail reminder addition 

[Imp]	[Req]	Due date reminders in Main feature
[2.8.0] [Req]	Be able to assign item to some user in specified group

[Imp]	[Other] Modify features/shared/ to support personal profile
[-] 	[Req]	Attaching notes to a contacts
[-] 	[Req]	Connecting contacts to appointments
[-] 	[Req]	Search mails via contacts
[-] 	[Other] Separate global/user address book support including 
		support	for multiple providers
		-- LDAP backend provider


[2.8.0]	[Req]	Full group security implementation
[2.8.0] [Req]	Groups should be able to have other groups as members

[Imp]	[Other] Move out of beta =)
[Imp]   [Other]	Post invitations in main feature
[Imp]   [Other]	Reminders in main feature
[Imp]   [Other]	Select invitees
[Imp]   [Other] Modify ListItem....Form to be more generic
[Imp]   [Other] Personal Profile (Contact information for TWIG users)
[-]     [Other]	Integration with Schedule feature
[-]     [Other]	Integration with Reservations feature (if implemented)
		-- Tie in with Locations to create a solid
		   facilities scheduling system
[More]  [Other]	Send invitations by email
[More]  [Other] Locations (this may become something like Groups)
[Trash] [Other]	Who else showed up?
[Trash] [Other]	Integration with ToDo feature
[Trash] [Other]	Multi-select support for main list

[-] 	[Other]	Ability to add attachments

[Imp]   [Other] Debug search module for each feature
[2.7.x] [Other] Prev/next pages for large result sets
[2.8.0] [Other] Move out of beta
[2.8.0] [Req]   "Quick Search" within each feature
[2.8.x] [Other] Context intelligence in feature view/edit screens

[-] 	[Req]	Security audit
[-] 	[Req]	PalmPilot Conduit
[-] 	[Req]	Notepad / Document sharing mechanism
[-] 	[Req]	Documentation 
[Imp]	[Req]	Search functionality in features

[-]	[Req]	See what users are "currently logged in"
[-]	[Req]	Configuration file generator
[-]	[Req]	Logging of user access and activity
[-]	[Req]	Optional full data logging