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<title>XChat 2.0 Plugin Interface</title>
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<h1>XChat 2.0 Plugin Interface</h1>

<font size="-12">plugin20.html revision 0.93</font>
<br>Latest version of this document is available at: <a href=""></a></small>

<a href="#intro">Introduction</a>
<br><a href="#sample">Sample plugin</a>
<br><a href="#word">What is word and word_eol?</a>
<br><a href="#lists">Lists and fields</a>
<br><a href="#win32">Plugins on Windows/Win32</a>

<a href="#xchat_hook_command">xchat_hook_command</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_hook_fd">xchat_hook_fd</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_hook_print">xchat_hook_print</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_hook_server">xchat_hook_server</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_hook_timer">xchat_hook_timer</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_unhook">xchat_unhook</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_command">xchat_command</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_commandf">xchat_commandf</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_print">xchat_print</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_printf">xchat_printf</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_emit_print">xchat_emit_print</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_find_context">xchat_find_context</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_get_context">xchat_get_context</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_get_info">xchat_get_info</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_get_prefs">xchat_get_prefs</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_set_context">xchat_set_context</a>
<br><a href="#xchat_nickcmp">xchat_nickcmp</a>
<br><a href="#lists">xchat_list_get</a>
<br><a href="#lists">xchat_list_free</a>
<br><a href="#lists">xchat_list_fields</a>
<br><a href="#lists">xchat_list_next</a>
<br><a href="#lists">xchat_list_str</a>
<br><a href="#lists">xchat_list_int</a>

<h3><a name="intro">Introduction</a></h3>
Plugins for XChat are written in C. The interface aims to keep 100%
binary compatability. This means that if you upgrade XChat, you will
not need to recompile your plugins, they'll continue to work. The
interface doesn't depend on any structures and offsets, so compiler
versions shouldn't have an impact either. The only real requirement of
an XChat plugin, is that it define a "xchat_plugin_init" symbol. This
is your entry point function, see the example below. You should make
all your global variables and functions <i>static</i>, so that a symbol
is not exported. There is probably no harm in exporting these symbols,
but they are not necessary. Plugins are compiled as shared objects
(.so files), for example:
	gcc -Wall -O1 -shared myplugin.c -o


<h3><a name="sample">Sample plugin</a></h3>
This simple plugin autoOps anyone who joins a channel you're in. It also
adds a new command /AUTOOPTOGGLE, which can be used to turn the feature ON
or OFF. Every XChat plugin must define an xchat_plugin_init function, this
is the normal entry point. xchat_plugin_deinit is optional.
<font color="#a020f0">#include </font><font color="#f800f8">&quot;xchat-plugin.h&quot;</font>

<font color="#288850"><b>static</b></font> xchat_plugin *ph;   <font color="#0000f8">/*</font><font color="#0000f8"> plugin handle */</font>
<font color="#288850"><b>static</b></font> <font color="#288850"><b>int</b></font> enable = <font color="#f800f8">1</font>;

<font color="#288850"><b>static</b></font> <font color="#288850"><b>int</b></font> join_cb(<font color="#288850"><b>char</b></font> *word[], <font color="#288850"><b>void</b></font> *userdata)
   <font color="#a02828"><b>if</b></font> (enable)
      <font color="#0000f8">/*</font><font color="#0000f8"> Op ANYONE who joins */</font>
      xchat_commandf(ph, <font color="#f800f8">&quot;OP </font><font color="#6858c8">%s</font><font color="#f800f8">&quot;</font>, word[<font color="#f800f8">1</font>]);
   <font color="#0000f8">/*</font><font color="#0000f8"> word[1] is the nickname, as in the Settings-&gt;Lists-&gt;EventTexts window in xchat */</font>

   <font color="#a02828"><b>return</b></font> XCHAT_EAT_NONE;  <font color="#0000f8">/*</font><font color="#0000f8"> don't eat this event, xchat needs to see it! */</font>

<font color="#288850"><b>static</b></font> <font color="#288850"><b>int</b></font> autooptoggle_cb(<font color="#288850"><b>char</b></font> *word[], <font color="#288850"><b>char</b></font> *word_eol[], <font color="#288850"><b>void</b></font> *userdata)
   <font color="#a02828"><b>if</b></font> (!enable)
      enable = <font color="#f800f8">1</font>;
      xchat_print(ph, <font color="#f800f8">&quot;AutoOping now enabled!</font><font color="#6858c8">\n</font><font color="#f800f8">&quot;</font>);
   } <font color="#a02828"><b>else</b></font>
      enable = <font color="#f800f8">0</font>;
      xchat_print(ph, <font color="#f800f8">&quot;AutoOping now disabled!</font><font color="#6858c8">\n</font><font color="#f800f8">&quot;</font>);

   <font color="#a02828"><b>return</b></font> XCHAT_EAT_ALL;   <font color="#0000f8">/*</font><font color="#0000f8"> eat this command so xchat and other plugins can't process it */</font>

<font color="#288850"><b>int</b></font> xchat_plugin_init(xchat_plugin *plugin_handle,
                      <font color="#288850"><b>char</b></font> **plugin_name,
                      <font color="#288850"><b>char</b></font> **plugin_desc,
                      <font color="#288850"><b>char</b></font> **plugin_version,
                      <font color="#288850"><b>char</b></font> *arg)
   <font color="#0000f8">/*</font><font color="#0000f8"> we need to save this for use with any xchat_* functions */</font>
   ph = plugin_handle;

   *plugin_name = <font color="#f800f8">&quot;AutoOp&quot;</font>;
   *plugin_desc = <font color="#f800f8">&quot;Auto Ops anyone that joins&quot;</font>;
   *plugin_version = <font color="#f800f8">&quot;0.1&quot;</font>;

   xchat_hook_command(ph, <font color="#f800f8">&quot;AutoOpToggle&quot;</font>, XCHAT_PRI_NORM, autooptoggle_cb,
                      <font color="#f800f8">&quot;Usage: AUTOOPTOGGLE, Turns OFF/ON Auto Oping&quot;</font>, <font color="#f800f8">0</font>);
   xchat_hook_print(ph, <font color="#f800f8">&quot;Join&quot;</font>, XCHAT_PRI_NORM, join_cb, <font color="#f800f8">0</font>);

   xchat_print(ph, <font color="#f800f8">&quot;AutoOpPlugin loaded successfully!</font><font color="#6858c8">\n</font><font color="#f800f8">&quot;</font>);

   <font color="#a02828"><b>return</b></font> <font color="#f800f8">1</font>;       <font color="#0000f8">/*</font><font color="#0000f8"> return 1 for success */</font>

<h3><a name="word">What's word and word_eol?</a></h3>

They are arrays of strings. They contain the parameters the user entered
for the particular command. For example, if you executed:

/command NICK hi there

word[1] is command
word[2] is NICK
word[3] is hi
word[4] is there

word_eol[1] is command NICK hi there
word_eol[2] is NICK hi there
word_eol[3] is hi there
word_eol[4] is there
These arrays are simply provided for your convenience. You are NOT allowed
to alter them. Both arrays are limited to 32 elements (index 31). word[0] and
word_eol[0] are reserved and should not be read.
<h3><a name="lists">Lists and Fields</a></h3>
Lists of information (DCCs, Channels, Userlist etc) can be retreived
with xchat_list_get. All fields are READ ONLY and must be copied if
needed for a long time after calling xchat_list_str. The types of lists and fields available are:

"channels" - list of channels, querys and their servers.
<blockquote> <table border=1>
<tr bgcolor="#dddddd"><td>Name</td><td>Description</td><td>Type</td></tr>
<tr><td>channel</td><td>Channel or query name</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>context</td><td>(xchat_context *) pointer. Can be used with xchat_set_context</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>server</td><td>Server name to which this channel belongs</td><td>string</td></tr>

"dcc" - list of DCC file transfers. Fields:
<blockquote> <table border=1>
<tr bgcolor="#dddddd"><td>Name</td><td>Description</td><td>Type</td></tr>
<tr><td>address32</td><td>Address of the remote user (ipv4 address)</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>cps</td><td>Bytes per second (speed)</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>destfile</td><td>Destination full pathname</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>file</td><td>File name</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>nick</td><td>Nickname of person who the file is from/to</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>port</td><td>TCP port number</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>pos</td><td>Bytes sent/received</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>resume</td><td>Point at which this file was resumed (or zero if it was not resumed)</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>size</td><td>File size in bytes</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>status</td><td>DCC Status: 0-Queued 1-Active 2-Failed 3-Done 4-Connecting 5-Aborted</td><td>int</td></tr>
<tr><td>type</td><td>DCC Type: 0-Send 1-Receive 2-ChatRecv 3-ChatSend</td><td>int</td></tr>

"ignore" - current ignore list.
<blockquote> <table border=1>
<tr bgcolor="#dddddd"><td>Name</td><td>Description</td><td>Type</td></tr>
<tr><td>mask</td><td>Ignore mask. .e.g: *!*@*</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>flags</td><td>Bit field of flags. 0=Private 1=Notice 2=Channel 3=Ctcp<br>
4=Invite 5=UnIgnore 6=NoSave</td><td>int</td></tr>

"users" - list of users in the current channel.
<blockquote> <table border=1>
<tr bgcolor="#dddddd"><td>Name</td><td>Description</td><td>Type</td></tr>
<tr><td>nick</td><td>Nick name</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>host</td><td>Host name in the form: user@host (or NULL if not known).</td><td>string</td></tr>
<tr><td>prefix</td><td>Prefix character, .e.g: @ or +. Points to a single char.</td><td>string</td></tr>


   list = xchat_list_get(ph, <font color="#f800f8">&quot;dcc&quot;</font>);
   <font color="#a02828"><b>if</b></font>(list)
      xchat_print(ph, <font color="#f800f8">&quot;--- DCC LIST ------------------</font><font color="#6858c8">\n</font><font color="#f800f8">&quot;</font>
                      <font color="#f800f8">&quot;File  To/From   KB/s   Position</font><font color="#6858c8">\n</font><font color="#f800f8">&quot;</font>);

      <font color="#a02828"><b>while</b></font>(xchat_list_next(ph, list))
         xchat_printf(ph, <font color="#f800f8">&quot;</font><font color="#6858c8">%6s</font><font color="#f800f8"> </font><font color="#6858c8">%10s</font><font color="#f800f8"> </font><font color="#6858c8">%.2f</font><font color="#f800f8">  </font><font color="#6858c8">%d</font><font color="#6858c8">\n</font><font color="#f800f8">&quot;</font>,
             xchat_list_str(ph, list, <font color="#f800f8">&quot;file&quot;</font>),
             xchat_list_str(ph, list, <font color="#f800f8">&quot;nick&quot;</font>),
             xchat_list_int(ph, list, <font color="#f800f8">&quot;cps&quot;</font>) / <font color="#f800f8">1024</font>,
             xchat_list_int(ph, list, <font color="#f800f8">&quot;pos&quot;</font>));

      xchat_list_free(ph, list);


<h3><a name="win32">Plugins on Windows/Win32</a></h3>
Yes, it can be done. All you need is either MSVC or <a href="">MINGW</a>. Simply compile your plugin as a DLL. You should have the
following files:

<li><a href="">xchat-plugin.h</a> - Main Plugin header</li>
<li>plugin.c - Your plugin, you need to write this one :)</li>
<li>plugin.def - A simple text file containing the following:</li>
<table bgcolor="#fefeb0">
<tr><td>&nbsp; xchat_plugin_init</td></tr>
<tr><td>&nbsp; xchat_plugin_deinit</td></tr>

<br>To compile:
	cl -O1 -MD -G5 -DWIN32 -c plugin.c
	link /DLL /out:plugin.dll /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS plugin.obj /def:plugin.def
<font color=red>Caveat:</font> Plugins compiled on Win32 MUST have a
global variable called <b>ph</b>, which is the plugin_handle, much like
in the <a href="#sample">sample plugin</a> above.



<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_hook_command">&nbsp;xchat_hook_command()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> xchat_hook *xchat_hook_command(xchat_plugin *ph, char *name, int pri, xchat_cmd_cb *callb, char *help_text, void *userdata);
<br><b>Description:</b> Adds a new /command.
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<br><b>name:</b> Name of the command (without the forward slash).
<br><b>pri:</b> Priority of this command. Use XCHAT_PRI_NORM.
<br><b>callb:</b> Callback function. This will be called when the user executes the given command name.
<br><b>help_text:</b> String of text to display when the user executes /help for this command. May be NULL if you're lazy.
<br><b>userdata:</b> Pointer passed to the callback function.</blockquote>
<b>Returns:</b> Pointer to the hook. Can be passed to xchat_unhook.
static int onotice_cb(char *word[], char *word_eol[], void *userdata)
	if(word_eol[2][0] == 0)
		xchat_printf(ph, "Second arg must be the message!\n");
		return XCHAT_EAT_ALL;

	xchat_commandf(ph, "NOTICE @%s :%s", xchat_get_info(ph, "channel"), word_eol[2]);
	return XCHAT_EAT_ALL;

xchat_hook_command(ph, "ONOTICE", XCHAT_PRI_NORM, onotice_cb,
                   "Usage: ONOTICE &lt;message> Sends a notice to all ops", NULL);

<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_hook_fd">&nbsp;xchat_hook_fd()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> xchat_hook *xchat_hook_fd(xchat_plugin *ph, int fd, int flags, xchat_fd_cb *callb, void *userdata);
<br><b>Description:</b> Hooks a socket or file descriptor.
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<br><b>fd:</b> The file descriptor or socket.
<br><b>flags:</b> One or more of XCHAT_FD_READ, XCHAT_FD_WRITE, XCHAT_FD_EXCEPTION. Use bitwise OR to combine them.
<br><b>callb:</b> Callback function. This will be called when the socket is available for reading/writing or exception (depending on your chosen <b>flags</b>)
<br><b>userdata:</b> Pointer passed to the callback function.</blockquote>
<b>Returns:</b> Pointer to the hook. Can be passed to xchat_unhook.

<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_hook_print">&nbsp;xchat_hook_print()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> <font color="#f8a400"><b>xchat_hook</b></font> *xchat_hook_print(<font color="#f8a400"><b>xchat_plugin</b></font> *ph, <font color="#f8a400"><b>char</b></font> *name, <font color="#f8a400"><b>int</b></font> pri, <font color="#f8a400"><b>xchat_print_cb</b></font> *callb, <font color="#f8a400"><b>void</b></font> *userdata);
<br><b>Description:</b> Registers a function to trap any print events.
The event names may be any available in the "Edit Event Texts" window.
There are also some extra "special" events you may hook using this function.
Currently they are:<blockquote>
"Open Context" - Called when a new xchat_context is created.
<br>"Close Context" - Called when a xchat_context pointer is closed.
<br>"Focus Tab" - Called when a tab is brought to front.
<br>"Focus Window" - Called a toplevel window is focused, or the main
tab-window is focused by the window manager.
<br>"DCC Chat Text" - Called when some text from a DCC Chat arrives. It provides these elements in the word[] array:<blockquote>word[1] Address
<br>word[2] Port
<br>word[3] Nick
<br>word[4] The Message
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<br><b>name:</b> Name of the print event (as in Edit Event Texts Window).
<br><b>pri:</b> Priority of this command. Use XCHAT_PRI_NORM.
<br><b>callb:</b> Callback function. This will be called when this event name is printed.
<br><b>userdata:</b> Pointer passed to the callback function.</blockquote>
<b>Returns:</b> Pointer to the hook. Can be passed to xchat_unhook.
static int youpart_cb(char *word[], void *userdata)
	xchat_printf(ph, "You have left channel %s\n", word[3]);
	return XCHAT_EAT_XCHAT;	/* dont let xchat do its normal printing */

xchat_hook_print(ph, "You Part", XCHAT_PRI_NORM, youpart_cb, NULL);

<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_hook_server">&nbsp;xchat_hook_server()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> xchat_hook *xchat_hook_server(xchat_plugin *ph, char *name, int pri, xchat_serv_cb *callb, void *userdata);
<br><b>Description:</b> Registers a function to be called when a certain server event occurs. You can
use this to trap PRIVMSG, NOTICE, PART, a server numeric etc... If you want to
hook every line that comes from the IRC server, you may use the special name of "RAW LINE".
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<br><b>name:</b> Name of the server event.
<br><b>pri:</b> Priority of this command. Use XCHAT_PRI_NORM.
<br><b>callb:</b> Callback function. This will be called when this event is received from the server.
<br><b>userdata:</b> Pointer passed to the callback function.</blockquote>
<b>Returns:</b> Pointer to the hook. Can be passed to xchat_unhook.
static int kick_cb(char *word[], char *word_eol[], void *userdata)
	xchat_printf(ph, "%s was kicked from %s (reason=%s)\n", word[4], word[3], word_eol[5]);
	return XCHAT_EAT_NONE;	/* don't eat this event, let other plugins and xchat see it too */

xchat_hook_server(ph, "KICK", XCHAT_PRI_NORM, kick_cb, NULL);

<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_hook_timer">&nbsp;xchat_hook_timer()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> xchat_hook *xchat_hook_timer(xchat_plugin *ph, int timeout, xchat_timer_cb *callb, void *userdata);
<br><b>Description:</b> Registers a function to be called every "timeout" milliseconds.
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<br><b>timeout:</b> Timeout in milliseconds (1000 is 1 second).
<br><b>callb:</b> Callback function. This will be called every "timeout" milliseconds.
<br><b>userdata:</b> Pointer passed to the callback function.</blockquote>
<b>Returns:</b> Pointer to the hook. Can be passed to xchat_unhook.
static xchat_hook *myhook;

static int stop_cb(char *word[], char *word_eol[], void *userdata)
	if(myhook != NULL)
		xchat_unhook(ph, myhook);
		myhook = NULL;
		xchat_print(ph, "Timeout removed!\n");

	return XCHAT_EAT_ALL;

static int timeout_cb(void *userdata)
	xchat_print(ph, "Annoying message every 5 seconds! Type /STOP to stop it.\n");
	return 1;	/* return 1 to keep the timeout going */

myhook = xchat_hook_timer(ph, 5000, timeout_cb, NULL);
xchat_hook_command(ph, "STOP", XCHAT_PRI_NORM, stop_cb, NULL, NULL);

<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_unhook">&nbsp;xchat_unhook()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> void *xchat_unhook(xchat_plugin *ph, xchat_hook *hook);
<br><b>Description:</b> Unhooks any hook registered with xchat_hook_print/server/timer/command.
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<br><b>hook:</b> Pointer to the hook, as returned by xchat_hook_*.
<b>Returns:</b> The userdata you originally gave to xchat_hook_*.

<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_command">&nbsp;xchat_command()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> void xchat_command(xchat_plugin *ph, char *command);
<br><b>Description:</b> Executes a command as if it were typed in xchat's input box.
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<br><b>command:</b> Command to execute, without the forward slash "/".

<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_commandf">&nbsp;xchat_commandf()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> void xchat_commandf(xchat_plugin *ph, char *format, ...);
<br><b>Description:</b> Executes a command as if it were typed in xchat's input box and provides string formating like printf.
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<br><b>format:</b> The format string.

<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_print">&nbsp;xchat_print()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> void xchat_print(xchat_plugin *ph, char *text);
<br><b>Description:</b> Prints some text to the current tab/window.
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<br><b>text:</b> Text to print. May contain mIRC color codes.

<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_printf">&nbsp;xchat_printf()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> void xchat_printf(xchat_plugin *ph, char *format, ...);
<br><b>Description:</b> Prints some text to the current tab/window and provides formating like printf.
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<br><b>format:</b> The format string.

<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_emit_print">&nbsp;xchat_emit_print()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> void xchat_emit_print(xchat_plugin *ph, char *event_name, ...);
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<br><b>event_name:</b> Text event to print.

<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_find_context">&nbsp;xchat_find_context()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> xchat_context *xchat_find_context(xchat_plugin *ph, char *servname, char *channel);
<br><b>Description:</b> Finds a context based on a channel and servername. If servname is NULL, it finds any channel (or query) by the given name. If channel is NULL, it finds the front-most tab/window of the given servname. If NULL is given for both arguments, the currently focused tab/window will be returned.
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<br><b>servname:</b> Servername or NULL.
<br><b>channel:</b> Channelname or NULL.
<b>Returns:</b> Context pointer (for use with xchat_set_context) or NULL.

<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_get_context">&nbsp;xchat_get_context()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> xchat_context *xchat_get_context(xchat_plugin *ph);
<br><b>Description:</b> Returns the current context for your plugin. You can use this later with xchat_set_context.
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<b>Returns:</b> Context pointer (for use with xchat_set_context).

<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_get_info">&nbsp;xchat_get_info()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> const char *xchat_get_info(xchat_plugin *ph, char *id);
<br><b>Description:</b> Returns information based on your current context.
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<br><b>id:</b> ID of the information you want. Currently supported IDs are (case sensitive):
	<table border=0>
	<tr><td width="18%">away</td><td>away reason or NULL if you are not away.</td></tr>
	<tr><td>channel</td><td>current channel name.</td></tr>
	<tr><td>host</td><td>real hostname of the server you connected to.</td></tr>
	<tr><td>network</td><td>current network name or NULL.</td></tr>
	<tr><td>nick</td><td>your current nick name.</td></tr>
	<tr><td>server</td><td>current server name (what the server claims to be). NULL if you are not connected.</td></tr>
	<tr><td>topic</td><td>current channel topic.</td></tr>
	<tr><td>version</td><td>xchat version number.</td></tr>
	<tr><td>xchatdir</td><td>xchat config directory, e.g.: /home/user/.xchat.</td></tr>
<b>Returns:</b> A string of the requested information, or NULL. This string must
not be freed and must be copied if needed after the call to xchat_get_info.

<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_get_prefs">&nbsp;xchat_get_prefs()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> int xchat_get_prefs(xchat_plugin *ph, const char *name, const char **string, int *integer);
<br><b>Description:</b> Provides xchat's setting information (that which is available through the /set command).
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<br><b>name:</b> Setting name required.
<br><b>string:</b> Pointer-pointer which to set.
<br><b>integer:</b> Pointer to an integer to set, if setting is a Boolean or Integer type.
<b>Returns:</b> 0-Failed 1-Returned a string 2-Returned an Integer 3-Returned a Boolean.
	int i;
	char *str;

	if (xchat_get_prefs (ph, "irc_nick1", &str, &i) == 1)
		xchat_printf (ph, "Current nickname setting: %s\n", str);

<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_set_context">&nbsp;xchat_set_context()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> int xchat_set_context(xchat_plugin *ph, xchat_context *ctx);
<br><b>Description:</b> Changes your current context to the one given.
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<br><b>ctx:</b> Context to change to (obtained with xchat_get_context or xchat_find_context).
<b>Returns:</b> 1 for success, 0 for failure.

<h3><a class="cmd" name="xchat_nickcmp">&nbsp;xchat_nickcmp()&nbsp;</a></h3>
<b>Prototype:</b> int xchat_nickcmp(xchat_plugin *ph, char *s1, char *s2);
<br><b>Description:</b> Performs a RFC1459 compliant string compare. Use this to compare channels and nicknames. The function works the same way as strcasecmp.
<blockquote><b>ph:</b> Plugin handle (as given to xchat_plugin_init).
<br><b>s1:</b> String to compare.
<br><b>s2:</b> String to compare s1 to.
<b>Quote from RFC1459:</b>
  Because of IRC's scandanavian origin, the characters {}| are
   considered to be the lower case equivalents of the characters []\,
   respectively. This is a critical issue when determining the
   equivalence of two nicknames.
       An integer
       less than, equal to, or greater than zero if s1 is found,
       respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than s2.
