

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 23d6d6a5dee1b3891a423795f4b554c6 > files > 116



	- Summary -

	0. Introduction 

	1. Sketch of system
	   a. Initialization - how skills and experience are linked 

	2. How to adjust skill parameters/links with experience objects
	   a. legal values for experience category
	   b. legal values for associated stats 

	3. How to add new skills
	   a. creation of new skill: outline of needed steps
           b. important skills archetype values
        4. How to reconfigure the experience categories 

	5. Appendices
	   a. glossary of terminology
	   b. road map of likely routine calls in exp/skills code
	   c. Known Bugs/Todo list

	0. Introduction

	When crossfire is compiled with the ALLOW_SKILLS flag defined 
	the new skills/experience system is enabled. This system is coded 
	with flexibility in mind so that the user may reconfigure the 
	skills/exp code as they desire in a fairly easy way.  In this 
	document, a discussion of issues of interest to developers is 

	Corrections or comments on how to improve this document are 
				-b.t. ( 

	1. Sketch of system

	In the skills/experience code, players gain experience for the 
	activities which they perform in the game ("You are what you do"). 
	The activities a player may engage in are controlled by the skills 
	they possess. All players start with a basic set of skills which 
	they may expand through adventuring. While monsters do not gain
	experience from the use of skills, they may use any skills 
	which exist in their inventory if they have the can_use_skill 
	flag set.

	In the code, both experience and skills are objects which exist 
	in the player/monster inventory. Both NPC/monsters and players
	use the same skill archetypes. Not all skills are however enabled
	for monster use. Check the Skills_players.doc for available 
	NPC skills. 

	   a. Initialization - how skills and experience are linked 

	During initialization, the code binds skills and experience 
	objects according to their shared stats (see link_skills_to_exp() 
	in skill_util.c). The skills[] array (in skillist.h) is used by 
	the code to initialize the default parameters of the skills 
	objects. After initialization, the code realigns the bindings and 
	skill parameters according to any entries in the skill_params file 
	(see below, and read_skill_param() in skill_util.c). If no skill 
	is entered in the skill_params file, the default binding is used. 

	2. How to adjust skill parameters/links with experience objects

	Alteration of the skill_params file (in the lib directory) will 
	change the default skills parameters (without recompiling the 
	game). Each entry has the following format (for example):

	<skill name>
	int int  int float  int int int

	An example entry:

	set traps
	2 5   3 2.0   5 1 99

	Skill name is *not* changeable by the skill_params file, in fact
	it appears in the file only to identify the skill for which 
	the skill_params file will alter the parameters.  In order, the 
	parameters which are changeable are the numerical values below
	the skill name:

	-associated experience category, see below for value (int)  
	-time to use the skill, in ticks (int)
	-base experience to award for successful use (int) 
	-level experience modifier (see calc_skill_exp()) (float)	
	-primary stat of skill, see below (int) 
	-secondary stat of skill, see below (int) 
	-tertiary stat of skill, see below (int) 

	   a. legal values for experience category 

	Numerical values of the experience categories is shown by using 
	the 'crossfire -m5' command. Release code has "7" experience 
	objects. A dump of the release code shows:

  exper_catgry 	 str 	 dex 	 con 	 wis 	 cha 	 int 	 pow 
  0-agility 	 0 	 1 	 0 	 0 	 0 	 0 	 0 
  1-personality  0 	 0 	 0 	 0 	 1 	 0 	 0 
  2-mental 	 0 	 0 	 0 	 0 	 0 	 1 	 0 
  3-physique 	 1 	 0 	 1 	 0 	 0 	 0 	 0 
  4-magic 	 0 	 0 	 0 	 0 	 0 	 0 	 1 
  5-wisdom 	 0 	 0 	 0 	 1 	 0 	 0 	 0 

	For example, the value for the "agility" experience object is 
	'0'. The seventh experience category (not listed) is the "none" 
	category.  It always has the value of the last listed experience 
	category plus one (in the above case, the "none" experience 
	category is value '6'). In the skill_params file, setting the 
	experience category to the value for the "none" experience object 
	will make that skill a miscellaneous skill. 

	   b. legal values for associated stats 

	The associated stats of a skill may be altered by inputing the
	value of the new stat (as given in living.h) : 

	 #define STR 0
	 #define DEX 1
	 #define CON 2
	 #define WIS 3
	 #define CHA 4
	 #define INT 5
	 #define POW 6
	 #define NO_STAT 99    

	In the above example (set traps), the associated skills are set

	-primary stat => Intelligence
	-secondary stat => Dexterity 
	-tertiary stat => no stat

	3. How to add new skills

	Adding a new skill to CF is not overly difficult, it is little 
	more difficult than adding new archetypes and a spell to the game. 

           a. creation of new skill: outline of needed steps

	A number of steps are required to create a new skill. Below I 
	outline the steps need to add a learned skill to the game. Note 
	that in order to add a new skill you will need to acquire the 
	appropriate CF archetype tarfile (crossfire-0.??.?.arch.tar.gz).  

	1) Edit a new skills archetype. See below for appropriate para-
	   meters.  If you desire the skill to be a skill tool, edit a 
	   "face" for the new skill. If you want to have the skill to be 
	   learned via a skill scroll, edit a skillscroll for the skill. 
	   Place the new archetype(s) in the lib/arch/skills directory. 
	   Remember to name your new skill appropriately (ie skill_<new 
	   skill name>). 

	2) Edit include files. Add a table entry for the skill in 
	   skillist.h. Add an index entry for the skill to skills.h. Bump 
	   up the value of NROFSKILLS in define.h by one.

	3) Edit skill_util.c. Add an entry for the skill in do_skill() (so 
	   that it may be used as a "long-range attack"). If the new skill 
	   is a hth attack take a look at the attack_hth_skills[] table in 
	   do_skill_attack() -- where does the hth attack rank? The most 
	   useful attacks should occur earlier in the table. 

	4) Create the skill code. If you created a hth attack, you probably 
	   can get away with just using attack_hth. For other skills, put
	   the skill code in skills.c. If your new skill is to be an 
	   "associated" skill, then make sure that it returns the value of 

	5) Edit treasures/artifacts file as needed (esp. if your skill will
	   become one of the starting skills, or will show up in shops.) 

           b. important skills archetype values

        Several parameters must be present/set correctly in the skill 
	archetypes or the new skill will not function properly. 

	All skills must have: 
	  - "type" set to the value of SKILL in define.h  
	  - value of "sp" must equal table entry in skills.h

	Learned skills must have:
	  - "invisible" and "no_drop" set to "1"

	Skill tools must have:
	  - "face" set to archetype that displays the face. 
	  - "weight" and "value" set to reasonable values.
	Skill scrolls must have:
	  - "type" set to value of SKILLSCROLL in define.h
	  - "identified", "material", "nrof" set to "1" 
	  - "weight" and "value" set to reasonable values.
 	  - "slaying" value set to the *archetype* name of the skill that 
		will be learned from reading the scroll.
	Skills that will do damage (ie hth attacks) require:
	  - value of "dam" and "last_sp" set reasonably.

	There are in addition a number of other parameters that may be set
	in skills (and have effect in the game). Take a look at 
	fix_player() in common/living.c and skill archs for more info.


        4. How to reconfigure the experience categories 

	The experience system is fairly flexible in the number of allowed
	kinds of experience. As each type of experience requires at least
	1 unique stat, the maximum number of experience objects is 8 (incl.
	the "none" category). Because the code in fix_player() currently 
	requires that the "cleric experience object" (used for advancing
	grace) and the "wizard experience object" (use of advancing the 
	amount of mana) are required to be different, the minimum number of 
	experience objects is 3 (incl. the "none" experience object).
	Release skill/exp code has 7 experience objects enabled: physique
	(STR,CON), mental (INT), magic (POW), agility (DEX), wisdom (WIS),
	personality (CHA), and none (NULL). 

	To reconfigure the experience system, all that is needed is to edit
	the stat values of the experience archetypes in lib/arch/skills. 

	There are a couple of things that should be watched out for when 

		1- you will need to set once each of the stats in the 
		experience objects. (ex Cha 1 must occur in one of the exp 

		2- No 2 experience archs may both have the same stat set. 
		(ex. "Str 1" set in two or more exp. archs is bad news)

		3- "Pow 1" and "Wis 1" must occur in different experience 
		archetypes. (Remember the requirement that wiz and cleric
		experience objects have to be different).

	Compile the new archs, and install the new fonts. Take a look at your
	new alignment by using the 'crossfire -m5' command. Make sure all
	associated skills have an experience category.(!)

	5. Appendices

	   a. glossary of terminology

		associated skill  -- This is the term for a skill which can 
				     generate experience when used. 
				     Associated skills are linked (or 
				     'associated') with one kind of 
				     experience category.

		associated stat	  -- this is one of the stats associated with
				     a particular skill (see skills[] array). 
				     The code uses these during initialization 
			      	     to determine the default bindings of 
				     skills to experience categories, and 
				     during play to know which player stats 
				     will alter the experience gained by using 
				     a particular skill.

		experience category  This is one type of experience that it is 
				     possible for players to accumulate in the

		experience object -- This is an invisible object. Each 
				     experience object represents a different 
				     "experience category".  Experience of a 
				     player in a particular experience 
				     category is recorded in a unique 
				     experience object which the player has 
				     in their inventory.
		learned skill	  -- This is a skill which is represented by 
				     an invisible skill object in the player 

		miscellaneous skill  This skill does not generate experience 
				     when it is used. Skill objects which 
				     represent miscellaneous skills are un-
				     linked (not 'associated') to any
				     experience category. 
		skill object	  -- This may be either an invisible or 
				     visible object carried in the player or
				     monster inventory. If the skill object is 
				     visible is is called a "tool" or "skill 
				     tool". If the skill object is invisible 
				     it is called a "learned skill". Players 
				     may pickup/drop skill tools. Each skill 
				     object represents a unique skill.  Each 
				     skill object in the player inventory 
				     which represents an "associated skill" 
				     is linked to a unique experience object 
				     in the player inventory. Skill objects 
				     which represent "miscellaneous" skills 
				     remain unlinked to any experience 

		skill tool	  -- This is a skill which is represented by 
				     a visible object in the player 
				     inventory. This object may be picked up
				     or dropped by the player.	

	   b. road map of likely routine calls in exp/skills code

	In "road maps", horizontal branches are called first, then vertical.
	Note that not all routines may always be called (nor are all 
	functions shown).

	Player using a readied skill 
	fire() -> check_skill_to_fire() -> change_skill() -> chan_abil() 
 	do_skill() -> "skill fctn" -> calc_skill_exp() -> stat_mod_exp() 
	Player changing skill via "use_skill" command 
	change_skill() -> chan_abil() 

	Player using a magic item (rod, wand, horn)
	fire() -> check_skill_to_fire() -> change_skill()
	Player running into a creature (and makes attack)

	skill_attack() -> do_skill_attack() -> hth_damage() 
			    attack_ob() -> add_exp() 

	Player applies a skill tool

	apply() -> change_skill() -> chan_abil()

	Player readies an item that requires a skill to use (melee weapon,
	missile weapon, wand, rod, horn)

	apply() or apply_special() -> check_skill_to_apply()
	   change_skill() -> chan_abil()

	   c. Known Bugs/Todo list (some of which concerned w/ 2 magic

	A minor unusual bugs I know about:

	- kills made by summoned pet monsters send experience to the 
	player's correct experience object (and modified correctly
	because set_owner() is now working right). BUT-If a summoned monster
	should ever pickup a skill tool, and apply it, then exp from 
	that monster will no longer go to the player. I suppose I could
	fix this by preventing all "owned" creatures from using skill

	- if a skill name is misspelled in skill_params file the program 
	will fail to load (heh, crash that is :). This should have been 
	taken care of in lookup_skill_by_name() but it apparently isnt. 

	Several things might make the exp/skills code better.

	== add a spell patch for the cause wounds spells (right now its

	== creation of a "throwing skill" - allow players and NPC's to use

	== creation of a "set traps skill" - this would allow players to 
	   "create" traps anywhere as long as they have the skill and traps
	   components (new archs) which should be able to acquire from 
	   disarming traps and find in "specialty" shops for sale.
	== more priest spells (that kill stuff, gain priest exp).

	== creation of a invisible "skills container" for player skills.
	   currently the code just whips through the entire non-container
	   inventory of the player to search for skills (cf change_skill()
	   routine in skill_util.c). This seems to be kinda inefficient when
	   a player is carrying around massive amounts of crap.

	== Add exotic weapons attacks in attack_melee_weapon(). For example,
	   a 'disarming' attack for player using Sai.