

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 23d6d6a5dee1b3891a423795f4b554c6 > files > 24


Since many of the subdirectories in here have some things in common, I
figured it would be a good idea to merge them.  Quick not on what some things

playbook:  This is a good guide on how to play crossfire.  This is in latex/
	postscript format.
playbook-html:  This is an html version of the playbook.
spoiler:  This is a generation of 'spoilers' for the game.  It is in latex/
	postscript format.  Some stuff really shouldn't be considered 
	spoilers (character stat bonuses).  Other stuff (monster stats,
	what type of items spells appear in) is.  It could be more thorough.
spoiler-html:  An html version of the spoiler.

Postscript versions of the spoiler and playbook should be distributed
with the game.  However, a lot of the information in this guides is machine
generated, and you may wish to rebuilt it.  Here are some requirements for
all the the above:

   -  a real awk, like the free AT&T awk, mawk or gawk
   -  xpmtoppm from NETPBM, with _undefined_ PGM_BIGGRAYS in pbmplus.h
   -  pnmtops, pnmscale, pgmtoppm. If you install NetPbm, you should also
      have these
   -  a crossfire binary compiled with DUMP_SWITCHES defined in 
   -  the arch.tar file extracted in the Crossfire lib dir.

If you are generating any of the latex guides, you also need the following:
   -  LaTeX with psfig (web-6.1)
   -  dvips (5.58)
   -  longtable.sty,babel.*,psfig.* files, available at any TeX ftp site

The latest version of latex/tex should generate the spoiler find.  The format
of latex changed in some version or another, so old version will not be
able to compile the spoiler.  Prior to 0.92.5 or so, the spoiler was set
for the old version of latex, now it is set for the new version.

If you are generating any of the html guide, you may want to use giftrans.
This produces transparent gifs, which look a lot nicer in the guides.  You
can change a flag near the top of makeps in these directories to use/not
to use giftrans (by default, it is used.)

By default, the postscript images generated from the latex source uses
greyscale images.  This is largely due to space considerations (a color
version is much larger), and the fact that most printers aren't color.  If
you are just going to view it with ghostscript, you are probably better
off looking at the html versions instead.

 By default, a top level make will not descend into these directories and
recreate them when thing change.  Instead, you need to cd into the directory
and manually run make.  In some cases, you may need to rename/remove the
finished product for this to still work.

specific notes:


 If you don't want the icons, edit input image in the handbook.tex file.

HTML notes (both spoiler and playbook):

Most of these documents use server side includes (files that end in .shtml
mean this).  Unfortunately, if you are just loading them up in a web browser,
it won't take these includes.  I have written a simple perl script 
( that will take the .shtml file and write and a .html file
with the files included.


There are several referances in the playbook to the spoiler.  I have these
set up as ../spoiler/spoiler.html.  Depending on where you store the
spoiler, you may need to change these links for it to work properly.


The playbook and spoiler could probably be stored in the same directory, and
this would increase recreation time (since they share the same version.)
This goes for the latex versions (store together) and the html version (store
together).  However, I think keeping them seperate at least helps out on
maintaining them.  But if you are putting them on a web page, storing them
together is probably a good thing.

Most of the original docs were done by:

			Lars Olafsen <>
			Kjetil T. Homme <>

The html spoiler was done by:
			Lars Olafsen <>

The playbook was done by:
			Brian Thomas (

The playbook was converted to html by:
			Mark Wedel (