

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 23d6d6a5dee1b3891a423795f4b554c6 > files > 96


# stats-extract - parse the archetypes-file and output the
# player's stats in a structured format.

# July 96 - this was modified slightly for the player's handbook.
# -b.t.

# Variables passed when invoked:
#   living_c - filename where the array attacks is defined.

	# These stats will be added to the "magik" string according
	# to the pattern. "%s" should be "%+d", but that isn't 
	# portable.
	magic["luck"] = "luck %s";
	magic["exp"] = "speed %s";
	magic["sp"] = "spell-point regeneration %s";
	magic["hp"] = "hit-point regeneration %s";
	magic["dam"] = "Dam %s";
	magic["wc"] = "Wc %s";
	magic["ac"] = "Ac %s";
	magic["armour"] = "armour %s";

	magic["reflect_spell"] = "reflect spells";
	magic["xrays"] = "X-ray vision";
	magic["stealth"] = "stealth";
	magic["flying"] = "flying";

	# Read the attack-types (and immune/protection)
	while ((getline buff < living_c) == 1) {
		if (buff ~ /attacks\[/) {
			att = 0;
			while (1) {
				getline buff < living_c;
				if (buff ~ "^}")
				gsub("[ \t]*\"", "", buff);
				nr = split(buff, arr, ",");
				for (i = 1; i <= nr && arr[i]; i++)
					attack[++att] = arr[i];

/^Object/ {
	slay = magik = "";
	name = obj = $2;
	type = weight = last_sp = 0;
	att = prot = immune = 0;
	stat["Str"] = stat["Dex"] = stat["Con"] = 0;
	stat["Int"] = stat["Wis"] = stat["Pow"] = stat["Cha"] = 0;

/^Str|^Dex|^Con|^Int|^Wis|^Pow|^Cha/	{ stat[$1] = $2; next }

$1 in magic	{ add_magik(magic[$1], $2) }

/^type/		{ type = $2 }
/^last_sp/	{ last_sp = $2 }
/^weight/	{ weight = $2 }
/^attacktype/	{ att = $2 }
/^protected/	{ prot = $2 }
/^immune/	{ immune = $2 }
/^slaying/	{ slay = $2; }
/^name/		{ name = substr($0, 6) }

/^end/ {
	if (type == 1) {	# Players
		if (att % 2) --att;	# Skip physical attack
		magik = magik attacktype(att , "Attacks:");
		magik = magik attacktype(prot, "Protected:");
		magik = magik attacktype(immune, "Immune:");
		if (slay)
			magik = magik "\\newline " capitalize(slay=="wall" ? "excavation" : slay "-slaying");

		sub("^\\\\newline ", "", magik);
		magik = capitalize(magik);
		name = capitalize(name);
		sub("_", " ", name);
		printf("%s &~~%s~~ &%d &%d &%d &%d &%d &%d &%d &%s\\\\\n",
		       name, obj,
		       20+stat["Str"], 20+stat["Dex"], 20+stat["Con"], 
		       20+stat["Int"], 20+stat["Wis"], 20+stat["Pow"],
		       20+stat["Cha"], magik);


# Given a bitmask, give a string enumerating the meaning of the bits.
function attacktype(at, type,   i, str) {
	for (i = 1; i in attack; i++) {
		if (at % 2)
			str = (str ? str ", " : "") attack[i];
		at = int(at/2);
	return str ? "\\newline " type " " str : "";

function add_magik(str, val) {
	str = sprintf(str, val < 0 ? val : val);	
	if (str)
		magik = magik ? magik ", " str : str;

function capitalize(str) {
	return toupper(substr(str, 1, 1)) substr(str, 2);