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<center><b><font size=+1>INSIDE&nbsp;TSID</font></b></center>

<p>TSID&nbsp;is a library that allow a sid player to collect your listening
<br>It comes with (actually) 3 classes:


<b>TSID class:</b><b></b>
<p>The class TSID is the base class: it offers the methods for storing
the listening information using the class SIDT.
<br>Essentially, for storing information, you must use the <i>addTime </i>method.
<br><i>addTime </i>needs to have the relative (or absolute) file path from
HVSC, the listening time, and the sub song of the file you are listening.
<p>To understand how the information are stored and lately used, some thing
are to be known. TSID was thought for use with HVSC. HVSC&nbsp;are structured
with directory named with composer names. This allows easy search for a
given composer tune. So, TSID&nbsp;use the passed name as a HVSC directory
name, and builds a hidden directory (.tsid_hvsc) that reflect the HVSC
structure. In Windows the directory is tsid_hvsc and is placed inside windows home.
<p>TSID&nbsp;use buffered technique to avoid player slow down operations,
while registering the collected information. It uses SIDT class for this
<p><b>SIDT class:</b><b></b>
<p>The class&nbsp; SIDT manage a .sidt file. When we listen for /Gray_Matt/Tusker.sid,
TSID&nbsp;use SIDT for creating the file /Gray_Matt/Tusker.sidt in the
hidden directory. SIDT has the <i>add</i> method for adding listening information
about that tune. Note that for speed up operation, SIDT update an already
existent file in the hidden directory, only when the <i>write</i> method
is called.
<p>A .sidt file contains these information:
each line reflect one sub tune of the corresponding sid file</li>

the line start with <b>#number</b> -> the sub tune number</li>

than there's the cumulative listened seconds</li>

and finally the cumulative number of listen</li>

the sub tune are ordered from low to high number</li>
SIDT has two other useful methods: <i>InitForGet</i>, and <i>getNext</i>
that are to be used for queering the sidt file.
<p>The class TSIDExaminer is the class that query the hidden directory
and can produce lists of ordered classifies about the listened tunes. It
manages single sub tunes, tunes (as a HVSC file) and authors (as HVSC directory).
<p><b>Error System</b></p>
From TSID 0.6 there is a new error system. Each classes have the <code>getCodeError()</code>
and <code>getError()</code> that are to be used to see what was the last error.<br>
Else, if you test the class by the defined boolean operator, you can know if class
can go away or it has some error.