

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 27f5044a47617f09ecc8d1fa1e8438e8 > files > 29


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<book lang="&language;">
<title>The Muehle Handbook</title>


<holder>Josef Spillner</holder>



<para>Muehle is simply a KDE game which lets you play the board game <command>Muehle</command>
against another player (either local or networked), or against the AI.</para>


<chapter id="introduction">

Everyone knows the game <command>Muehle</command>, however there aren't much
digital variants available. This is why the KDE game Muehle had been written:
To combine the features of a typical KDE game, like network connections or
themeability, with the gameplay of a well-known board game.


<chapter id="rules">
<title>Game rules</title>

Two players are needed to play Muehle. One of them gets 9 white stones, the
other one 9 black ones.


<chapter id="credits-and-licenses">
<title>Credits and Licenses</title>

<sect1 id="developers">

<para><literal><ulink url="">Josef Spillner</ulink></literal></para>

<sect1 id="authors">
<para><literal><ulink url="">Josef Spillner</ulink></literal></para>




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