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INTERNET-DRAFT           DNS Label Intelligence and Management System
UPDATES RFC 1034                                        February 2001
                                                  Expires August 2001

Domain Name System (DNS) DNS Label Intelligence and Management System

Michael L. Macgowan Jr.

Status of This Document

This draft is intended to become a Proposed Standard RFC. Distribution 
of this document is unlimited. Comments should be sent to the Domain 
Name Server Extensions working group mailing 
list<> or to the author.

This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with all 
provisions of Section 10 of RFC 2026.  Internet-Drafts are working 
documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and 
its working groups.  Note that other groups may also distribute working 
documents as Internet-Drafts.

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months 
and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any 
time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts as reference 
material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at


A multidimensional array of domain label analysis and extensions are 
offered to overcome a number of issues with the DNS and its use to 
locate resources on the Internet. These goals are accomplished by 
proposing a naming convention to add labels to domain strings. The 
result will be a rational relationship to the content that will provide 
a method for meeting the ever-increasing need to expand the namespace, 
while providing an efficient search system to access content in a user-
friendly manner.

A fundamental problem exists in the design of DNS. A user must know the 
domain name including the Top Level Domain, TLD, and type the Uniform 
Resource Locator, URL, accurately to connect to resources on the 
Internet. The current lookup organization of the DNS uses domain labels 
separated by periods to provide hierarchical levels for a resolver to 
seek in finding a path to an authority. A new masking technique within 
labels is proposed to accommodate lookups based on the request. 
Multiple processing trees are proposed to redistribute the requests 
based on the known pieces of the domain name. Rather than knowing the 
fully qualified domain name, FQDN, the user can search for content 
based upon known pieces of the string like group (business), country, 
area code, phone number, type of organization, street address, zip code 
and/or GPS location, etc.. Intelligence is added for determining the 
fastest route to resolution based on user weighting, number of 
requests, and traffic within the system.

A result of the masking technique is an opportunity to provide a 
completely hidden label(s) for maintenance of the system. A TTL (Time 
to Live), version, and type of request could be keyed into a label to 
provide information, which remains with the client but is normally lost 
after a request is processed. This system could be implemented to 
create automatically updated records and content. Or hidden labels 
could be used to distinguish between version 4 and version 6 requests 
in the TCP/IP, Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol, 

Implementation of the new name system is facilitated by the addition of 
a client interface for building requests. Longer domain names are 
enhanced by smart AutoCompletes and group edit boxes.

Table of Contents

      Status of This Document                                    1
      Abstract                                                   1

      Table of Contents                                          3

      1. Introduction                                            4
      2. Inputting Request for Resolution                        4
      3. Resolution Processing                                   7
      4. Processing Forest                                      13
      5. Extended Label Uses                                    14
      6. IANA Considerations                                    16
      6. Security Considerations                                16

      References                                                16

      Authors Address                                           16
      Expiration and File Name                                  17

1. Introduction

The Domain Name System (DNS) [RFC 1034, 1035] is the global 
hierarchical replicated distributed database system for Internet 
addressing, mail proxy, and other information.  The DNS has been 
extended to phone numbers as described in [RFC 2535]. It is designed to 
accommodate a user-friendly name as an abstraction level over an IP 
address, which provides a path to the physical connection to resources 
and/or content on the Internet. This abstraction allows for changing 
the physical location of the content without an update by the client. 
The design, however, lacks a user-friendly method for assigning TLDs 
and determining which TLD a content provider will be registered under.

According to COMPUTERGRAM INTERNATIONAL: January 08, 2001, over 100 
million hosts are connected to the Internet with over 350 million 
users.  ICANN has submitted plans to increase the number of TLDs to 
accommodate the lack of namespace, but the problem of organization and 
extensibility continues to exist. As the number of TLDs grows, it 
becomes harder for a user to input a user friendly domain name. In 
essence, the user must know what derivations and which TLDs were 
available to a provider at the time the organization chose a domain 
name. The method of one response, in an all or nothing request, forces 
precision on the part of the user that is a distraction to the original 
goal of a user-friendly name. Consider a user that wants to find a new 
theoretical health related company called Healthy Foods. Will the 
company be called Or will it have an extension like,, or Maybe it will 
be forced to be a derivation like,, etc. There 
is no user-friendly method to determine what the associated domain name 
might be. This is a central problem of focus and organization. The 
number of iterations a user must try increases with each new TLD that 
is added. If a user forms multiple guesses for the TLD, excess traffic 
is generated and the search is slowed by the inefficient nature of 
human typing. Further, if a system were proposed under the current root 
structure to allow for a search of all possible TLDs, the number of 
requests would grow exponentially with the addition of each new TLD.

2. Inputting Request for Resolution

The key to making a New Name System, NNS, is to provide a user 
interface, which will accommodate a friendly method of building name 
requests. AutoComplete and multiple-selection drop-down, group list 
boxes (some editable, some not) will make more complicated names easier 
to input. Consider the previous example of Healthy Foods. Additional 
extensions could be added as labels to make the namespace exponentially 
larger. The web content might be reached at In this example, www is the 
Device label or content desired by the user. Health is the domain or 
Subgroup/Group name label. Food is the item under the Type label.  
US2081234567 is the item country/area code/number for the Global label. 
Sfairview101 is the street/address of the Local label.

Derivations of this example provide a limitless expansion of the 
namespace within the physical limits of the protocol. A competitor down 
the block might have the same FQDN, except for the street number and 
phone number e.g. A second 
type of business could also be run from the same location by changing 
the type e.g. www.healthy.entertainment.US2081234567.SFairview101. A 
parody of the site might be offered at 

A method of using less descriptive labels could also be used to 
generalize the content. For example, the site for the regional office 
might use only the country and area code designation e.g. .US208. A 
corporate address might be located at 
This way the Global and Local labels are not tied to physical 
locations. Or there may be an 800 or 888 number that could be used for 
multiple sites that are tied to multiple registrations at different 
street addresses in the Local label.

The task of building these longer names with labels can be accomplished 
by updating list items from the NNS and by designing a better 
interface. Instead of waiting for ICANN to vote on the relative merits 
of a proposal for a new TLD, items could be automatically updated and 
added to the system by a list of requirements. This would force a 
relationship between labels but provide a nonbiased method without 
prejudice. For example, a .Bus(iness) item for the Type label would 
require a copy of a business license to be granted by the governing 
authorities for the area specified in the Global label or the address 
specified in the Local label. A “TM” item could separate the 
Intellectual Property of Trademarks and Copyrights from other 
registered listings issued from the government specified by the country 
code in the Global label. Additionally, the Academy of Motion Pictures 
might request an Oscar item, which would restrict membership to 
nominees or recipients of the coveted award. 

Just as the resolver gets an updated list of root servers upon first 
connection, the resolver could also receive an updated list of items in 
the Type label and return them to the client. The list could be updated 
by a TTL trigger and should not be editable from the user’s standpoint. 
The user interface should allow for multiple selections, which could be 
used to form separate requests for resolution. Finally, the 
implementation should begin with at least a list that is equal to a 
subject list found in the yellow pages of the phone book. This will 
provide a well-known classification that will greatly reduce 
competition for names of organizations, which are similar but provide 
for very different products/services. Delta.airline is readily 
distinguished from Delta.homeimprovement.

The device label would remain largely unaffected. A list of previously 
connected items such as www, toasters, lock, refrigerator, etc. would 
facilitate input. The list would be editable. As the number of devices 
connected to the Internet grows, this method will be invaluable. 
Consider mail and faxes being sent directly to A user that 
needs to send a fax to a satellite office might also be able to try 
searching for mybusiness at its other street address or telephone 
number eg.,*.sPensylvaiaave2345. 
Wildcards and searching are discussed in the next section. 

The items under the Groups/Subgroups labels would also be a list of 
previously connected to domains (less the TLD) such as 
or kitchen.home. The list would contain a history of previous 
connections and be editable.

The Global label would have two characters to represent the country 
code followed optionally by all or part of a representative telephone 
number or mask for identifying the voice number(s) associated as items 
in the domain. An international code would require a rational 
relationship with world organizations. The interface would contain the 
country codes and/or area codes, but the numbers would have to be 

The Local label would require a single character to represent the type 
of information presented, followed by the information in a standardized 
form. The following codes are proposed for the Local label, “P” for 
Postal code, “G” for Global Satellite Positioning and “S” for street 
address. For example, P83706 would represent the author’s postal code, 
GP0445004N1162498 (since the “+” key is not valid, “p” and “n” 
represent positive and negative) would represent the GPS position of 
the author with padding to standardize degrees/min/sec or SOrchard15541 
would represent the Street address (house number at the end). Note each 
of these would require a separate name registration. The editable list 
box could be a fly out list box with one of the designators specified, 
while the remainder would be user input.

|Street            |
|	   Fairview101  |
	   State101     |
|Postal            |
|GPS               |

The added labels would exponentially expand the name space. This may 
cause an undesired relation to a Global or Local designation. This 
could hamper changes to an organization or business in the future.  
Hence a business might want to use a CNAME entry to reference users to 
a non-distinct item in a label. For instance, a corporation might want 
to register mybusiness.bus.In(ternational).corporate so that the 
corporate office could be used for email addresses and bookmarking. 
Content might be located at each where 
the company does business. This way a corporation does not have to be 
penalized for moving to a new physical location. The goal of the DNS 
was to remove a physical relationship to the network, but the need of 
the users is for some content to have a physical relationship to the 
content; which is why, in part, the NNS is proposed. The concept of an 
update is also discussed in section 5.

The system would need to distinguish between the need for a request for 
a connection to single IP address versus multiple requests. In an 
application like a browser, traditional requests for IP resolution are 
all or none. Either an IP address is connected to or not. If wildcards 
are added to the request, multiple entries could be returned as a “hit” 
list. An option on the browser could determine the number of requests 
specified by the user. The “hits” should also be weighted. For 
instance, if a user wanted to find all the movie theatres in the local 
area he/she might submit a request for www.*.movies.US8370*.*. She/he 
would be more inclined to desire additional theatres at different 
nearby area codes than derivations of different domain names or Local 
label derivations for a single theatre. A simple listing of each label 
with an associated numerical value in an advanced option field could 
determine how the responses are weighted against one another. The NNS 
could also take into account the number of requests on the system and 
further limit the number of responses based upon traffic.

For registration, the content provider might want to register a more 
global entry to be displayed on a restrictive search e.g. loans.US*.*. 
A business content provider might want to register* 
so that requests for* and* both resolve to mybusiness. A process would 
have to be in place to copy an entry with wildcards to each of the 
associated branches of the processing trees as discussed in section 4. 
Similarly wildcard registrations should meet the rational requirements 
required for the known item with the generalized scope. In the previous 
example the provider would have to be licensed as a financial 
institution in each of the states of the United States.

3. Resolution Processing

The key to expanding the DNS is to provide for a name space, which can 
be accessed quickly and efficiently. Organization is key to this 
process. The current DNS has one root organized by TLDs of the Type 
label combined with Country TLDs. If a user does not know the extension 
for the name, requests must be created for each one until a match is 
found. The NNS creates separate roots for each label that can be used 
for a search (see graphic on next page, description of TLDs is in 
section 5). Instead of one tree, a forest is created, connected by a 
common list of authorities for devices in the zones requested. Requests 
can be organized by the known piece(s) of information. For instance, if 
a user is trying to find Hewlett Packard and does not know that content 
is provided at HP, a search of www.H*.*.US*.* should be returned 
alphabetically from the Group label, not the Type label. However, if 
the type item is known to be “computer”, a search of the Type tree 
would be fastest. If a user wants to find a local voice number for 
Microsoft he/she could submit a request generalized request within the 
local area code for*.*. The authority 
would best be located by the Global processor, which might list and If the request for*.* were sent to the Local processor, every 
TLD would have to be queried. The result might be one phone number with 
separate Local label listings for the street address, GPS, and postal 
code. This would create unwanted traffic on the system.

Root “.” Group                                            Root “.”Type
      |                                                         |
      |                                                         |
     “H”  TLD                                          TLD  “Computer”
      |                                                         |
      |                                                         |
      --- Authority
      |                                                         |
      |                                                         |
   “US208”  TLD                                         TLD  “SChi”
      |                                                         |
      |                                                         |
Root “.” Global                                           Root “.”Local

In addition to determining which label(s) to process the request, the 
system would also have to take into account the weighting by the user 
and the traffic on the system as discussed in the previous section. 
When the FQDN is specified, the resolver would query the processor with 
the fastest expected response time. A FQDN can be resolved from any of 
the search processor trees. In the example 
oven.macgowan.private.US2081234567.SOrchard15541, it does not matter 
whether the request is sent to the Group, Type, Global, or Local 
processing tree. Each leads to the authority, 

If wildcards or null characters exist in the request, the system should 
take into account the number of requests that might be generated. 
Currently the DNS does not account for the “?” and reserves the “” for 
the root. The “*” could replace the singe character wildcard “?” and 
the word “null” could be used in lieu of “”. The following table could 
be used to determine which processing tree should be the most desirable 
under such conditions:

any =	any combination of characters displayed in request
reject=	no preferred processor
*=	match any combination of characters for response
?=	match any single character for response
null=	no character specified

Device	Sub	Group	T	G	L	Result
*	*	*	*	*	*	reject
*	any	any	any	any	any	reject
*	*	any	any	any	any	reject
*	*	*	any	any	any	submit to T, G, or L 
*	*	*	*	any	any	submit to G, or L 
*	*	*	*	*	any	submit to L 
any	*	*	*	*	*	reject
any	any	*	*	*	*	reject
any	any	any	*	*	*	submit to group 
any	any	any	any	*	*	submit to group, or T 
any	any	any	any	any	*	submit to group, T, or G 
any	any	any	any	any	any	submit to any 
any	*	any	any	any	any	submit to any 
any	*	*	any	any	any	submit to T, G, or L 
any	*	*	*	any	any	submit to any G, or L 
any	*	*	*	*	any	submit to any L 
any	any	*	any	any	any	submit to any T, G, or L 
any	any	*	*	any	any	submit to any G, or L 
any	any	*	*	*	any	submit to any L 
any	any	any	*	any	any	submit to any group, G, or L 
any	any	any	*	*	any	submit to any group, or L 
any	any	any	any	*	any	submit to any group, T, or L 
any	any	any	any	*	*	submit to any group, or T 
*	*	*	*	*	*	reject
*	any*any	any*any	any*any	any*any	any*any	reject
*	*	any*any	any*any	any*any	any*any	reject
*	*	*	any*any	any*any	any*any	submit to T, G, or L 
*	*	*	*	any*any	any*any	submit to G, or L 
*	*	*	*	*	any*any	submit to L 
any*any	*	*	*	*	*	reject
any*any	any*any	*	*	*	*	reject
any*any	any*any	any*any	*	*	*	submit to group 
any*any	any*any	any*any	any*any	*	*	submit to group, or T 
any*any	any*any	any*any	any*any	any*any	*	submit to group, T, or G 
any*any	any*any	any*any	any*any	any*any	any*any	reject
any*any	*	any*any	any*any	any*any	any*any	reject
any*any	*	*	any*any	any*any	any*any	submit to T, G, or L 
any*any	*	*	*	any*any	any*any	submit to any G, or L 
any*any	*	*	*	*	any*any	submit to any L 
any*any	any*any	*	any*any	any*any	any*any	reject
any*any	any*any	*	*	any*any	any*any	submit to any G, or L 
any*any	any*any	*	*	*	any*any	submit to any L 
any*any	any*any	any*any	*	any*any	any*any	reject
any*any	any*any	any*any	*	*	any*any	submit to any group, or L 
any*any	any*any	any*any	any*any	*	any*any	submit to any group, T, or L 
any*any	any*any	any*any	any*any	*	*	submit to any group, or T 
*	*	*	*	*	*	reject
*	any*	any*	any*	any*	any*	reject
*	*	any*	any*	any*	any*	reject
*	*	*	any*	any*	any*	reject
*	*	*	*	any*	any*	submit to G, or L 
*	*	*	*	*	any*	submit to L 
any*	*	*	*	*	*	reject
any*	any*	*	*	*	*	reject
any*	any*	any*	*	*	*	reject
any*	any*	any*	any*	*	*	reject
any*	any*	any*	any*	any*	*	reject
any*	any*	any*	any*	any*	any*	reject
any*	*	any*	any*	any*	any*	reject
any*	*	*	any*	any*	any*	submit to T, G, or L 
any*	*	*	*	any*	any*	submit to any G, or L 
any*	*	*	*	*	any*	submit to any L 
any*	any*	*	any*	any*	any*	reject
any*	any*	*	*	any*	any*	submit to any G, or L 
any*	any*	*	*	*	any*	submit to any L 
any*	any*	any*	*	any*	any*	reject
any*	any*	any*	*	*	any*	submit to any group, or L 
any*	any*	any*	any*	*	any*	reject
any*	any*	any*	any*	*	*	submit to any group, or T 
?any	?any	?any	?any	?any	?any	reject
?any	any	any	any	any	any	reject
?any	?any	any	any	any	any	reject
?any	?any	?any	any	any	any	submit to T, G, or L 
?any	?any	?any	?any	any	any	submit to G, or L 
?any	?any	?any	?any	?any	any	submit to L 
any	?any	?any	?any	?any	?any	reject
any	any	?any	?any	?any	?any	reject
any	any	any	?any	?any	?any	submit to group 
any	any	any	any	?any	?any	submit to group, or T 
any	any	any	any	any	?any	submit to group, T, or G 
any	any	any	any	any	any	submit to any 
any	?any	any	any	any	any	submit to any 
any	?any	?any	any	any	any	submit to T, G, or L 
any	?any	?any	?any	any	any	submit to any G, or L 
any	?any	?any	?any	?any	any	submit to any L 
any	any	?any	any	any	any	submit to any T, G, or L 
any	any	?any	?any	any	any	submit to any G, or L 
any	any	?any	?any	?any	any	submit to any L 
any	any	any	?any	any	any	submit to any group, G, or L 
any	any	any	?any	?any	any	submit to any group, or L 
any	any	any	any	?any	any	submit to any group, T, or L 
any	any	any	any	?any	?any	submit to any group, or T 
any?any	any?any	any?any	any?any	any?any	any?any	reject
any?any	any	any	any	any	any	submit to any 
any?any	any?any	any	any	any	any	submit to any 
any?any	any?any	any?any	any	any	any	submit to any 
any?any	any?any	any?any	any?any	any	any	submit to G, or L 
any?any	any?any	any?any	any?any	any?any	any	submit to L 
any	any?any	any?any	any?any	any?any	any?any	reject
any	any	any?any	any?any	any?any	any?any	reject
any	any	any	any?any	any?any	any?any	submit to group 
any	any	any	any	any?any	any?any	submit to group, or T 
any	any	any	any	any	any?any	submit to any 
any	any	any	any	any	any	submit to any 
any	any?any	any	any	any	any	submit to any 
any	any?any	any?any	any	any	any	submit to any 
any	any?any	any?any	any?any	any	any	submit to any G, or L 
any	any?any	any?any	any?any	any?any	any	submit to any L 
any	any	any?any	any	any	any	submit to any 
any	any	any?any	any?any	any	any	submit to any G, or L 
any	any	any?any	any?any	any?any	any	submit to any L 
any	any	any	any?any	any	any	submit to any 
any	any	any	any?any	any?any	any	submit to any group, or L 
any	any	any	any	any?any	any	submit to any 
any	any	any	any	any?any	any?any	submit to any group, or T 
any?	any?	any?	any?	any?	any?	reject
any?	any	any	any	any	any	submit to any 
any?	any?	any	any	any	any	submit to any 
any?	any?	any?	any	any	any	submit to any 
any?	any?	any?	any?	any	any	submit to any 
any?	any?	any?	any?	any?	any	submit to any 
any	any?	any?	any?	any?	any?	submit to any 
any	any	any?	any?	any?	any?	submit to any 
any	any	any	any?	any?	any?	submit to any 
any	any	any	any	any?	any?	submit to any 
any	any	any	any	any	any?	submit to any 
any	any	any	any	any	any	submit to any 
any	any?	any	any	any	any	submit to any 
any	any?	any?	any	any	any	submit to any 
any	any?	any?	any?	any	any	submit to any 
any	any?	any?	any?	any?	any	submit to any 
any	any	any?	any	any	any	submit to any 
any	any	any?	any?	any	any	submit to any 
any	any	any?	any?	any?	any	submit to any 
any	any	any	any?	any	any	submit to any 
any	any	any	any?	any?	any	submit to any 
any	any	any	any	any?	any	submit to any 
any	any	any	any	any?	any?	submit to any 
Null	any	any	any	any	any	not valid
any	Null	any	any	any	any	submit to any 
any	any	Null	any	any	any	reject
any	any	any	Null	any	any	submit to group, G, L 
any	any	any	any	Null	any	submit to group, T, L 
any	any	any	any	any	Null	submit to group, T, G 
Null	Null	any	any	any	any	not valid
any	Null	Null	any	any	any	reject
any	any	Null	Null	any	any	submit to G, L 
any	any	any	Null	Null	any	submit to group, L 
any	any	any	any	Null	Null	submit to group, T 
Null	Null	Null	any	any	any	not valid
any	Null	Null	Null	any	any	submit to G, L 
any	any	Null	Null	Null	any	submit to L 
any	any	any	Null	Null	Null	submit to group 
Null	Null	Null	Null	any	any	not valid
any	Null	Null	Null	Null	any	submit to L 
any	any	Null	Null	Null	Null	not valid
Null	Null	Null	Null	Null	any	not valid
any	Null	Null	Null	Null	Null	not valid
Null	Null	Null	Null	Null	Null	not valid

4. Processing Forest

                               |--Group Root---|
                               |               |
                               |---Type Root---|
                               |               |
client->------Resolver ->------|               |----Authority->---
                               |               |
                               |--Global Root--|
                               |               |
                               |--Local Root---|

Once the resolver has determined which root to send the resolution 
request to, each tree should be organized according to an exhaustive 
replication of each name string on the route to an authority. For 
instance, the Group tree would be organized alphabetically with TLDs 
“A” through “Z” initially. Since there are a lot of organizations with 
business name derivations using the word “micron”, there might be a 
need to reorganize the “M” TLD to accommodate a “Mic” and a “Mid” TLD. 
Although it would be more efficient to break down each letter according 
to the demands of the system, it would be easier to specify one mask 
for the entire tree. The number of TLDs becomes a function of the 
permutations of the number of masked characters in the available set of 
usable characters rather than a select few that are added over time. 
The resolver can cache the TLDs and know when to use them based upon 
the mask for the tree. If a larger mask is needed to further distribute 
the load, the resolvers would have to be updated.

To replicate the current DNS entries under the additional labels 
specified in this proposal a number of applications and uses would have 
to be accounted for. The ARPA listings would remain unchanged or they 
could be replicated under each root by recombining telephone numbers in 
a single label under the e164 or padding IP addresses under the inverse 
lookup tables without the periods separating the octets.

Since the NNS uses a forest of processing trees and the current system 
uses only one tree, a conversion process would have to be developed to 
distinguish between DNS requests and NNS requests. This could be 
handled using a number of different methods.

A version flag in the request could accomplish this. This way the 
resolver would be able to determine which searchable labels were used 
and the order of presentation by standardization. The resolver 
intelligence would know which labels to use for lookup or in the 
preferred embodiment. The resolver could also reorganize the labels to 
be presented under the correct processor so that the Global label is 
presented at the right of the name string for processing through the 
Global tree. Legacy requests without a version would be sent to the 
Type tree. 

Another method could accomplish the goal by combining the labels the 
request for the processing tree. In the previous example, the request 
oven.macgowan.private.US2081234567.SOrchard15541 could be recombined by 
the submitting processor as 
oven.macgowanUS2081234567SOrchard15541.private to be searched under the 
Type tree. Similarly it could be recombined as 
oven.macgowanprivateUS2081234567.SOrchard15541 to be searched under the 
Local tree. If a legacy DNS based system submitted a request for, it might be appended as The first “.” 
after com is to end the Type label. The second “.” Represents the null 
character at the end of the Global label. The third “.” is for the 
Local label. The fourth “.” is for the root. The last “.” is for the 
end of the sentence. If applications are affected by the reservation of 
the “.” for the root, the request could be recreated as

A final method is to create a hidden label. Hidden labels are discussed 
further in extended label uses.

Once the authority for a label is found within the label, the system 
must also determine if there are Subgroups. Subgroups can be used for a 
number of internal functions and/or divisions within the authority for 
an organization. At this point the system would continue to resolve 
using subgroup labels as levels as it does under the current system 
toward the device at the left of the name string.

The remaining searchable labels would be serviced using a similar 
method. The Type tree would be organized as it is in the DNS with TLDs 
representing each item in the list. Since the items in the list are 
limited by the system, the mask could be set to none. The Global label 
should be organized by a mask, which would accommodate at least the 
country and area codes. The Local label would mask the PGS items until 
enough TLDs are derived to equal processing traffic under the other 
trees. Provisions should be made for the non-distinct items like 
“corporate” that may use characters not reserved for physical 
locations. In addition, a null TLD could be used to organize the 
remainder of name strings that have omitted labels. The null “” 
character or the word “null” could be used to represent legacy DNS 
strings under the new labels until the name strings are updated with 
the longer requirements.

The NNS allows a FQDN to be resolved from each searchable label. Please 
refer to the previous example, 
oven.macgowan.private.US2081234567.SOrchard15541. The authority, 
“Macgowan.private.US2081234567.SOrchard15541” is found using the 
traditional method of the DNS using a Type item of “private” (mask of 
zero). The authority, “Macgowan.private.US2081234567.SOrchard15541” is 
found through the Group processor under the “Mac” branch using a mask 
of three characters. The “Macgowan.private.US2081234567.SOrchard15541” 
authority is found under “US208” using a mask of four characters within 
the Global processing tree. The 
“Macgowan.private.US2081234567.SOrchard15541” authority is also found 
under “SOr” of the branch masked under the Local tree.

5. Extended Label Uses

The NNS is a simple design which can accommodate the future of Internet 
name strings by incorporating additional processing trees and a large 
name space organized by labels with a user friendly interface. A search 
engine is automatically derived from the organization within labels as 
opposed to across labels. In other words, you send the known pieces of 
the request to the processing tree that will yield the quickest results 
with the least amount of traffic. Once names are bookmarked or selected 
from a list of AutoCompletes, requests can be sent to any processing 
tree to balance the load on the system.

The present proposal also provides an extensible path for future labels 
that may or may not have associated processors.  A “Contact” label 
might always be masked during the request for resolution, but provide 
additional value to the user with a description about the connection or 
a webmaster’s email address. This has extreme value in the event a name 
can be resolved, but not reached by connection to the IP address. In 
addition to adding new labels, a group or association might request a 
new item under the Type label or a new area code might be added under 
the Group label.  Therefore, one result of this system is a combination 
of devices and labels which expands exponentially to meet the demand 
for namespace with an inherent capability to adjust to future needs.

An additional hidden label (mask of all) adjacent to the root could be 
hidden and give information for maintenance of the system and/or the 
listing. The most important consideration is keying the order and 
number of labels in the string. Or using this method, a hidden security 
label could help create a firewall between valid requests from users in 
the domain versus outsiders or tie to a public key for the destination. 
The hidden label could also be used to pass a request for content 
delivered in a specific language. With the addition of the Local and 
Global labels it might also be necessary to add a TTL label which could 
serve as a timer for the registration or the life of a bookmark or 
connection. The client could use this value in a history of valid 
connections to make a request for an updated TTL, a new IP address, 
and/or a trigger for replacing the name with a new string. This would 
allow for a change in address, phone number, new area code, etc. on the 
part of the provider. Just as the domain name was an abstraction layer 
over the IP address, the current domain string is an abstraction for a 
future domain string. A routine could prompt a user to change an entry 
in a contact/bookmark list. Services such as WWW could also 
automatically update links in the content or reflect changes to related 
destinations within the content. In use, the client could compare its 
value to the value at the authority. If the authority has a value of 
zero, the client would update its name and IP address to the new 
pointer returned by the resolver. An electronically updating NNS with 
updating links in content is a product of this system.

An example of using this procedure could be applied to finding the best 
cell phone plan. A user buys a cell plan. The user emails contact links 
to friends and associates. The recipients use their link to dial the 
user. The user determines a new provider would be more advantageous and 
purchases a new plan with a new number. The user sets their old TTL to 
zero in the NNS and creates a new FQDN with the new cell number. Now 
when the recipients use the old string, they are pointed to the new 
string. The string with the new number is updated in the recipient’s 
contact list. The user is not tied to their telephone number and the 
recipients do not need to manually adjust their entries.

Hidden labels and masking would also have to be present at the client. 
A business might have a lot of phone numbers or locations listed on the 
name servers but use a shorter version of the string for making local 
connections. This way all the devices under a group could be combined 
as a single domain name. The future direction of label intelligence and 
the ideas expressed here suggest that there may be numerous ways to 
provide abstraction levels within the label string. Even the IP address 
might be used as an identifier to search for the rest of the domain 
string or an item like the telephone number.

6. IANA Considerations

The focus of the IANA will change considerably. The need to regulate 
name hoarders, TM infringement considerations, and the decision to 
implement new TLDs will be greatly reduced. The IANA might be used to 
determine the relationships between labels as new items are added under 
the requirements that provide for fair and equal addition to the Type 

7. Security Consideration

Name resolution is an inherent problem for spoofing content, but is 
beyond the scope of this proposal. The suggested ability to update name 
strings at the client also increases the need to provide secure 
communications between the system and the client.


   [RFC 1034] - "Domain names - concepts and facilities", P.

   Mockapetris, 11/01/1987.

   [RFC 1035] - "Domain names - implementation and specification", P.

   Mockapetris, 11/01/1987.

              [RFC 2535] – “E.164 number and DNS” , P.

              P. Faltstrom,  9/1/2000.

Authors Address

   Michael L. Macgowan Jr.
   15541 Orchard Ave.
   Caldwell, ID 83607 USA

   Telephone:   +1 208.454.1177 (h)
   FAX:         +1 208.455.0439

Expiration and File Name

   This draft expires in August 2001

   Its file name is labelmanage.txt

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (February 2001). All Rights 

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others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or 
assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and 
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provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are 
included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this 
document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the 
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The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be 
revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns. This 
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Michael L. Macgowan Jr.	February  2001	[Page 17]

Internet Draft		DNS Label Intelligence and Management System